Papers by Eugenio Pomarici
Wine Economics and Policy, Dec 30, 2023
and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrest... more and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Unobserved heterogeneity in the wine market: an analysis on Sardinian wine... more Unobserved heterogeneity in the wine market: an analysis on Sardinian wine via Mixed Logit
The study analyses the theme of production potential regulation and of the planned abolishment of... more The study analyses the theme of production potential regulation and of the planned abolishment of the planting rights regime considering the constraints defined by the CAP evolution, the current situation of the market, the role in the market of different regions and the structural complexity of the European wine industry. The study, starting from the analysis of the implementation of the planting rights regime across the EU and through an investigation of what could be the effects of the abolishment of the planting rights regime, defines which should be the policies to: a) counterbalance the effects of the liberalization of plantation; b) improve the functioning of the planting rights regime by implementing a new mechanism of functioning.
L\u2019Atlante cerca di fornire uno strumento agile e comprensibile per conoscere la realt\ue0 vi... more L\u2019Atlante cerca di fornire uno strumento agile e comprensibile per conoscere la realt\ue0 vitivinicola italiana e per far ci\uf2 abbiamo deciso di adottare una scala di analisi realizzando una proposta territoriale pi\uf9 ampia. Per fare ci\uf2 abbiamo scelto come criterio guida i pi\uf9 significativi elementi alla base di un terroir, realizzando una nuova unit\ue0 di lettura del territorio vitivinicolo italiano: le macroaree. Pi\uf9 comprenderemo quanto sia unico il nostro Paese, tanto pi\uf9 crescer\ue0 la consapevolezza dell\u2019unicit\ue0 dei nostri vini nel mondo

Agricultural Economics Review, 2014
In the past, international wine trade experienced a significant increase mainly due to the growth... more In the past, international wine trade experienced a significant increase mainly due to the growth in demand in northern Europe and the USA. Since the beginning of the new millennium, new import markets are developing, where market access is hampered by tariff and non-tariff barriers. As a result of this change, the problem of trade barriers and their phasing out takes on a new centrality. The objective of this paper is to analyse trade barriers and to discuss the new path of trade liberalization process. The paper first provides an overview of main trends in wine international trade and of tariff and non-tariff barriers. Subsequently, it offers an analysis of the main initiatives designed to lower trade barriers, depicting the results achieved by the World Wine Trade Group (WWTG) and preferential trade agreements (PTAs) signed by the main wine exporters. Thirdly, it presents a reclassification of exports allowing a quantitative assessment of the flows more at risk of being hindered ...
Papers by Eugenio Pomarici