Based on constructivism and cognitivism we believe that learning physics in schools can be faced ... more Based on constructivism and cognitivism we believe that learning physics in schools can be faced as a process of reshaping students’ mental models about Nature’s behavior. These can correlate with existing physics misconceptions. Aware of the negative consequences of basic cognitive misunderstandings and believing that their correction, implying active and motivated students, should start from first contacts with physics knowledge in lower secondary schools, we asked three schoolteachers to participate on a pilot study with 7th, 8th and 9th graders. This study is specifically designed to promote and coach teachers’ attitudinal changes towards stronger student centered teaching behaviors. We report results obtained during academic year 2017/2018, some qualitative (from teachers diaries and recorded interviews) and a quantitative quasi-experimental study (with pre- and post-tests and control groups) with 9th graders, searching for misconceptions evolution on basic mechanics. The resul...
... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1... more ... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1939; Brussels I991, 111.45 Tiles of the Pombaline period may ... of the chemistry laboratory re-veals a marked English influence, while the large windows are generally typical of Portuguese architecture. ...
História da ciência na Universidade de Coimbra: 1772-1933, 2000
Descrevemos a evolução histórica do ensino das ciências médicas em Coimbra ao longo do século XIX... more Descrevemos a evolução histórica do ensino das ciências médicas em Coimbra ao longo do século XIX, enfatizando a relação entre a Faculdade de Medicina e a Faculdade de Filosofia. A Reforma Pombalina da Universidade de Coimbra criou, em 1772, as Faculdades de Filosofia e Matemática, que sempre se caracterizaram por uma estreita relação com a Faculdade de Medicina. Em meados do século XIX assistiuse naquelas Faculdades a um esforço de desenvolvimento do ensino em consequência das relações internacionais estabelecidas com prestigiadas instituições científicas e de ensino europeias. Na transição do século XIX para o XX ocorreram importantes descobertas na Física que tiveram repercussões rápidas em Coimbra, nomeadamente a rápida replicação da experiência de descoberta dos raios X e das suas aplicações no diagnóstico clínico.
... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1... more ... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1939; Brussels I991, 111.45 Tiles of the Pombaline period may ... of the chemistry laboratory re-veals a marked English influence, while the large windows are generally typical of Portuguese architecture. ...
Nas páginas da revista O Instituto encontram-se numerosos artigos relevantes para a história da c... more Nas páginas da revista O Instituto encontram-se numerosos artigos relevantes para a história da ciência em Portugal. Neste periódico publicado pelo Instituto de Coimbra, uma academia científica que, a partir de 1852, reuniu alguns dos maiores vultos académicos portugueses, surgem relatados vários episódios relevantes da evolução científica e tecnológica portuguesa. Pretendemos aqui divulgar um desses casos, que diz respeito à análise química forense ou toxicologia. O trabalho pioneiro de António da Costa Simões estabeleceu, em Coimbra, a ciência forense aplicada na detecção de substâncias tóxicas em suspeitos envenenamentos. Num conjunto de artigos que publicou n' O Instituto em 1855, este médico e professor da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra descreveu em pormenor os métodos utilizados em análises de amostras de casos reais, revelando um rigor científico pouco habitual na época. As primeiras análises foram efectuadas no Laboratório Chimico da Faculdade de Filosofia, mas, graças à acção de um outro médico e professor, Macedo Pinto, este tipo de trabalhos passaram a ser realizados num gabinete químico, devidamente equipado, da Faculdade de Medicina. Em 1860 este professor publicou um manual de toxicologia que foi seguido no curso de medicina nas décadas seguintes. Os docentes que realizaram esses trabalhos de análise química sempre mostraram preocupação por se manterem actualizados, aplicando os métodos mais recentes, nomeadamente na detecção de venenos alcalóides que exigiam técnicas mais apuradas.
In 1925 the first scientific unit devoted to astrophysics was created in Portugal as a section of... more In 1925 the first scientific unit devoted to astrophysics was created in Portugal as a section of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra. A spectroheliograph, the state-of-the-art instrument for solar physics was installed at the Observatory. This achievement was due to the efforts of Francisco Costa Lobo, Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Sciences and astronomer at the Observatory. As President of the Institute of Coimbra (IC), an academy associated with the University which had been founded in 1852, he managed to get Government support and to establish some international scientific contacts which were essential to his goals. Several articles published in O Instituto, the journal of the Institute, reveal the chain of events leading up to the beginning of solar studies in Coimbra and the outcome of the first investigations at the new section of the Observatory. Coimbra benefited from the cooperation of the French astronomers Henri Deslandres and Lucien d'Azambuja, both of whom were at the Meudon Observatory in Paris. D'Azambuja visited Coimbra to help install the spectroheliograph. Costa Lobo's son, Gumersindo Costa Lobo, also played a pivotal role in this endeavor. Together they gave birth to the cooperation between Meudon and Coimbra, which persists today and is one of the oldest scientific exchanges between the two countries.
In the early nineteenth century, regular meteorological observations started at the Faculty of Na... more In the early nineteenth century, regular meteorological observations started at the Faculty of Natural Philosophy of the University of Coimbra (FPUC). From 1854 to 1856 these observations were published in O Instituto, a journal of an academic society of the same name, founded in Coimbra in 1852. This new area of science aroused great interest, offering itself as unexplored territory waiting for scientific investigation. In reaction to the pioneering work at the Polytechnic School of Lisbon of Guilherme Pegado, who founded the first meteorological observatory in Portugal in 1854, the FPUC established a Meteorological and Magnetic Observatory in Coimbra. The main actor was, from 1863, the physicist Jacinto António de Sousa. In the twentieth century, the increasing need for weather forecasting, especially at sea, led to the creation of the Meteorological Services of the Navy in which Carvalho Brandão played a pivotal role. It was the beginning of an international cooperation that brou...
Interest in mapping not merely the heavens but also the lands, a special concern of modern civili... more Interest in mapping not merely the heavens but also the lands, a special concern of modern civilizations, increased mainly at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries. Although knowledge about geomagnetism was old, only in the nineteenth century was it possible to improve precision measurements of magnetic intensity. After Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) established an international Magnetic Union (Magnetische Verein) based in Göttingen in 1836, a network of magnetic observatories promoted a worldwide collaboration in order to get a deeper understanding of Earth's magnetism. While the participation of England, Russia, and the United States in this network is better known, Portugal also participated in this Union. This article aims to show how Portuguese institutions were influenced by the development of this branch of science and to detail their participation in the international geomagnetic network in the nineteenth century.
Analisamos os avanços da telegrafia eléctrica e da telegrafia sem fios no mundo e, em particular,... more Analisamos os avanços da telegrafia eléctrica e da telegrafia sem fios no mundo e, em particular, em Portugal, com base em artigos da revista O Instituto, publicada pelo Instituto de Coimbra, uma sociedade científica, fundada em 1852, que reuniu um vasto leque de personalidades das ciências e artes nacionais. Passamos em revista os principais artigos sobre a telegrafia: o artigo de José Maria de Abreu de 1855, publicado menos de um mês depois da adjudicação das primeiras linhas telegráficas em Portugal; o parecer da Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade de Coimbra sobre as deliberações do Congresso e Conferências de Paris para determinação das unidades eléctricas, onde esteve Santos Viegas, Presidente do Instituto; e o artigo deÁlvaro Silva Basto de 1903 sobre a telegrafia sem fios. Uma menção especialé feita ao artigo de Adriano Paiva Brandão de 1878 sobre telescopia.
Institute of Coimbra (IC), an academic society founded in this city in 1852, contains many articl... more Institute of Coimbra (IC), an academic society founded in this city in 1852, contains many articles on hydrology and chemical analysis of water for human consumption, written by well-known Portuguese chemists and physicians. Based on these papers, we analyse the evolution of hydrology in Portugal throughout the second half of the 19th century, with emphasis on the chemical studies of mineral waters by the physicians Augusto da Costa Simões, Francisco Alves and José Epifânio Marques, and by the chemists Joaquim dos Santos e Silva, António Ferreira da Silva and Charles Lepierre, all of them members of the IC.
Based on constructivism and cognitivism we believe that learning physics in schools can be faced ... more Based on constructivism and cognitivism we believe that learning physics in schools can be faced as a process of reshaping students’ mental models about Nature’s behavior. These can correlate with existing physics misconceptions. Aware of the negative consequences of basic cognitive misunderstandings and believing that their correction, implying active and motivated students, should start from first contacts with physics knowledge in lower secondary schools, we asked three schoolteachers to participate on a pilot study with 7th, 8th and 9th graders. This study is specifically designed to promote and coach teachers’ attitudinal changes towards stronger student centered teaching behaviors. We report results obtained during academic year 2017/2018, some qualitative (from teachers diaries and recorded interviews) and a quantitative quasi-experimental study (with pre- and post-tests and control groups) with 9th graders, searching for misconceptions evolution on basic mechanics. The resul...
... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1... more ... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1939; Brussels I991, 111.45 Tiles of the Pombaline period may ... of the chemistry laboratory re-veals a marked English influence, while the large windows are generally typical of Portuguese architecture. ...
História da ciência na Universidade de Coimbra: 1772-1933, 2000
Descrevemos a evolução histórica do ensino das ciências médicas em Coimbra ao longo do século XIX... more Descrevemos a evolução histórica do ensino das ciências médicas em Coimbra ao longo do século XIX, enfatizando a relação entre a Faculdade de Medicina e a Faculdade de Filosofia. A Reforma Pombalina da Universidade de Coimbra criou, em 1772, as Faculdades de Filosofia e Matemática, que sempre se caracterizaram por uma estreita relação com a Faculdade de Medicina. Em meados do século XIX assistiuse naquelas Faculdades a um esforço de desenvolvimento do ensino em consequência das relações internacionais estabelecidas com prestigiadas instituições científicas e de ensino europeias. Na transição do século XIX para o XX ocorreram importantes descobertas na Física que tiveram repercussões rápidas em Coimbra, nomeadamente a rápida replicação da experiência de descoberta dos raios X e das suas aplicações no diagnóstico clínico.
... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1... more ... Old /I rchhz'sho_;D's Palace Rornulo cle Carvalho I978; Snares I983; Meco 1939; Brussels I991, 111.45 Tiles of the Pombaline period may ... of the chemistry laboratory re-veals a marked English influence, while the large windows are generally typical of Portuguese architecture. ...
Nas páginas da revista O Instituto encontram-se numerosos artigos relevantes para a história da c... more Nas páginas da revista O Instituto encontram-se numerosos artigos relevantes para a história da ciência em Portugal. Neste periódico publicado pelo Instituto de Coimbra, uma academia científica que, a partir de 1852, reuniu alguns dos maiores vultos académicos portugueses, surgem relatados vários episódios relevantes da evolução científica e tecnológica portuguesa. Pretendemos aqui divulgar um desses casos, que diz respeito à análise química forense ou toxicologia. O trabalho pioneiro de António da Costa Simões estabeleceu, em Coimbra, a ciência forense aplicada na detecção de substâncias tóxicas em suspeitos envenenamentos. Num conjunto de artigos que publicou n' O Instituto em 1855, este médico e professor da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra descreveu em pormenor os métodos utilizados em análises de amostras de casos reais, revelando um rigor científico pouco habitual na época. As primeiras análises foram efectuadas no Laboratório Chimico da Faculdade de Filosofia, mas, graças à acção de um outro médico e professor, Macedo Pinto, este tipo de trabalhos passaram a ser realizados num gabinete químico, devidamente equipado, da Faculdade de Medicina. Em 1860 este professor publicou um manual de toxicologia que foi seguido no curso de medicina nas décadas seguintes. Os docentes que realizaram esses trabalhos de análise química sempre mostraram preocupação por se manterem actualizados, aplicando os métodos mais recentes, nomeadamente na detecção de venenos alcalóides que exigiam técnicas mais apuradas.
In 1925 the first scientific unit devoted to astrophysics was created in Portugal as a section of... more In 1925 the first scientific unit devoted to astrophysics was created in Portugal as a section of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra. A spectroheliograph, the state-of-the-art instrument for solar physics was installed at the Observatory. This achievement was due to the efforts of Francisco Costa Lobo, Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Sciences and astronomer at the Observatory. As President of the Institute of Coimbra (IC), an academy associated with the University which had been founded in 1852, he managed to get Government support and to establish some international scientific contacts which were essential to his goals. Several articles published in O Instituto, the journal of the Institute, reveal the chain of events leading up to the beginning of solar studies in Coimbra and the outcome of the first investigations at the new section of the Observatory. Coimbra benefited from the cooperation of the French astronomers Henri Deslandres and Lucien d'Azambuja, both of whom were at the Meudon Observatory in Paris. D'Azambuja visited Coimbra to help install the spectroheliograph. Costa Lobo's son, Gumersindo Costa Lobo, also played a pivotal role in this endeavor. Together they gave birth to the cooperation between Meudon and Coimbra, which persists today and is one of the oldest scientific exchanges between the two countries.
In the early nineteenth century, regular meteorological observations started at the Faculty of Na... more In the early nineteenth century, regular meteorological observations started at the Faculty of Natural Philosophy of the University of Coimbra (FPUC). From 1854 to 1856 these observations were published in O Instituto, a journal of an academic society of the same name, founded in Coimbra in 1852. This new area of science aroused great interest, offering itself as unexplored territory waiting for scientific investigation. In reaction to the pioneering work at the Polytechnic School of Lisbon of Guilherme Pegado, who founded the first meteorological observatory in Portugal in 1854, the FPUC established a Meteorological and Magnetic Observatory in Coimbra. The main actor was, from 1863, the physicist Jacinto António de Sousa. In the twentieth century, the increasing need for weather forecasting, especially at sea, led to the creation of the Meteorological Services of the Navy in which Carvalho Brandão played a pivotal role. It was the beginning of an international cooperation that brou...
Interest in mapping not merely the heavens but also the lands, a special concern of modern civili... more Interest in mapping not merely the heavens but also the lands, a special concern of modern civilizations, increased mainly at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries. Although knowledge about geomagnetism was old, only in the nineteenth century was it possible to improve precision measurements of magnetic intensity. After Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) established an international Magnetic Union (Magnetische Verein) based in Göttingen in 1836, a network of magnetic observatories promoted a worldwide collaboration in order to get a deeper understanding of Earth's magnetism. While the participation of England, Russia, and the United States in this network is better known, Portugal also participated in this Union. This article aims to show how Portuguese institutions were influenced by the development of this branch of science and to detail their participation in the international geomagnetic network in the nineteenth century.
Analisamos os avanços da telegrafia eléctrica e da telegrafia sem fios no mundo e, em particular,... more Analisamos os avanços da telegrafia eléctrica e da telegrafia sem fios no mundo e, em particular, em Portugal, com base em artigos da revista O Instituto, publicada pelo Instituto de Coimbra, uma sociedade científica, fundada em 1852, que reuniu um vasto leque de personalidades das ciências e artes nacionais. Passamos em revista os principais artigos sobre a telegrafia: o artigo de José Maria de Abreu de 1855, publicado menos de um mês depois da adjudicação das primeiras linhas telegráficas em Portugal; o parecer da Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade de Coimbra sobre as deliberações do Congresso e Conferências de Paris para determinação das unidades eléctricas, onde esteve Santos Viegas, Presidente do Instituto; e o artigo deÁlvaro Silva Basto de 1903 sobre a telegrafia sem fios. Uma menção especialé feita ao artigo de Adriano Paiva Brandão de 1878 sobre telescopia.
Institute of Coimbra (IC), an academic society founded in this city in 1852, contains many articl... more Institute of Coimbra (IC), an academic society founded in this city in 1852, contains many articles on hydrology and chemical analysis of water for human consumption, written by well-known Portuguese chemists and physicians. Based on these papers, we analyse the evolution of hydrology in Portugal throughout the second half of the 19th century, with emphasis on the chemical studies of mineral waters by the physicians Augusto da Costa Simões, Francisco Alves and José Epifânio Marques, and by the chemists Joaquim dos Santos e Silva, António Ferreira da Silva and Charles Lepierre, all of them members of the IC.
Livro de Actas do Congresso Luso-brasileiro de História das Ciências , 2011
Livro de Actas do Congresso Luso-brasileiro de História das Ciências que decorreu na Universidade... more Livro de Actas do Congresso Luso-brasileiro de História das Ciências que decorreu na Universidade de Coimbra de 26 a 29 de Outubro de 2011