II Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XVII Jornadas de Investigación Sexto Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR, 2010
A ruminant's early experience with low-quality food (LQF) is expected to increase its acceptance ... more A ruminant's early experience with low-quality food (LQF) is expected to increase its acceptance and preference in adulthood. Contrarily, we found that experienced sheep (ES) exposed to mature oat hay early in life ate less of this LQF than inexperienced sheep (IS). A possibility is that ES might have devaluated the LQF through continuous comparisons against high-quality food (HQF) supplements (sunflower meal and ground corn) that were simultaneously available during early experience. In this study, we tested the devaluation hypothesis with a successive negative contrast (SNC) procedure. In a consummatory SNC procedure, 'shift' subjects are unexpectedly changed from HQF to LQF, and their consumption is then compared against the consumption of 'unshift' subjects that receive LQF all throughout the SNC procedure. The magnitude of the difference in consumption between preshift and postshift is regarded as a measure of the degree to which both foods (HQF and LQF) are perceived to differ hedonically. When sheep from our previous study were 300 days old, both ES and IS were randomly assigned to either shift (ES-S and IS-S) or unshift conditions (ES-U and IS-U; n 5 6 in each group). Groups ES-S and IS-S were fed HQF (alfalfa hay) during the preshift phase, and then suddenly changed to LQF (oat hay) in the postshift phase. Groups ES-U and IS-U (controls) were fed only LQF throughout the SNC procedure. Subjects in ES-S showed a significantly lower intake of LQF than those in ES-U in the first postshift session (i.e. they showed an SNC effect), which was not observed in IS. These results agree with ES subjects having devalued LQF during early experience. We discuss the possibility that high levels of nutrient supplementation can result in devaluation of LQF (i.e. decrease in preference and acceptance), whereas restricted levels of supplementation may promote a positive experience with LQF.
VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XXI Jornadas de Investigación Décimo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR, 2014
Empatía y agresividad física y verbal en la infancia tardía. Cuello, Marina Ines. Cita: Cuello, M... more Empatía y agresividad física y verbal en la infancia tardía. Cuello, Marina Ines. Cita: Cuello, Marina Ines (2014). Empatía y agresividad física y verbal en la infancia tardía.
The present research focuses on the measurement of a positive emotion of great relevance for the ... more The present research focuses on the measurement of a positive emotion of great relevance for the field of mental health and education. The main purpose was to develop and validate two independent scales to assess serenity in children: a self-report instrument and an external observer report. In Study 1, we evaluated the psychometric properties of a self-report instrument. The participants of this study were 613 children aged between 9 and 12 years old (44.70 % boys and 55.30 % girls), that attended public schools in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The scale consists of 11 items with three response options on a Likert scale ( Yes , Sometimes , and No ), and presents a comprehensible language for school-age children. It includes both general statements ( e. g. , “I am relaxed most of the time”, “Most days I feel at peace”), as well as statements that refer to the search for serenity in threatening or stressful situations ( e. g. , “When someone bothers me I try to stay calm”, “Wh...
La frustracion es un estado emocional negativo provocado por la omision sorpresiva en la cantidad... more La frustracion es un estado emocional negativo provocado por la omision sorpresiva en la cantidad y/o calidad de un reforzador (OSR) apetitivo. Para que se presente este fenomeno, el animal debe comparar el reforzador presente con su recuerdo de los reforzadores previos. En otra linea de investigacion, se encontro que ratas criadas en ambiente enriquecido presentan una mejor respuesta ante situaciones de estres y tambien mejor desempeno en tareas que implican funciones cognitivas (i.e., memoria espacial), respecto a ratas criadas en un ambiente comun. El siguiente experimento tuvo el objetivo de estudiar el efecto del enriquecimiento ambiental sobre los aspectos cognitivos y emocionales implicados en la frustracion de ratas sometidas a un Contraste Sucesivo Negativo (CSN). Se encontro que: 1) Aplicando un intervalo de retencion de 7 dias entre la fase pre-cambio y pos-cambio del CSN, tanto el grupo criado en ambiente comun como el grupo criado en ambiente enriquecido mostraron un ef...
Acceptance of and preference for a particular food depends not only on its intrinsic (e.g. nutrit... more Acceptance of and preference for a particular food depends not only on its intrinsic (e.g. nutritional) properties but also on expected or recent food experiences. An instance of this type of phenomenon has been calledinduction effect, which consists of an increased intake of a type of food when it precedes a hedonically preferred food in a sequence familiar to the animal, relative to controls that have access only to the less-preferred food. The purpose of our study was to assess intake induction of a low-nutritious food when followed by different high-nutritious supplements in sheep (Ovis aries). In this experiment, we ran a supplemented phase where animals fed oat hay (a low-nutritious food) in the first part of the daily feeding sessions followed by a supplement with either a high (soya bean meal; group GS) or a low (ground corn; group GC) protein–energy ratio in the second part ate more oat hay than controls that were fed oat hay in both parts of sessions (group GH). In additio...
El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue contar con un instrumento confiable de auto-inform... more El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue contar con un instrumento confiable de auto-informe que permitiera medir agresividad directa y relacional en niños. Para esto, se adaptó al español la Escala de Agresión construida por Little, Jones, Henrich y Hawley (2003) y se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de 613 niños argentinos de entre 9 y 13 años de edad. La escala alcanzó una excelente consistencia interna (a = .913). Los 22 ítemes de la versión final demostraron tener un buen poder discriminativo, y se agruparon en dos factores: Agresividad relacional y agresividad directa física y verbal, los cuales explicaron el 49.10 % de la variancia total. Se exploró la validez convergente de la prueba examinando su relación con la escala de Agresividad Física y Verbal (AFV) de Caprara y Pastorelli (1993) obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios. Los varones encuestados obtuvieron mayores puntajes en agresividad física y verbal, en comparación a las niñas. Sin embarg...
espanolEl presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo elaborar y estudiar el funcionamiento psicometrico d... more espanolEl presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo elaborar y estudiar el funcionamiento psicometrico de un cuestionario de gratitud para ninos y adolescentes. La muestra estuvo conformada por 593 sujetos escolarizados de entre 9 y 13 anos de edad, de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. La mitad de esta muestra fue re-seleccionada al azar para ser utilizada con propositos de validacion exploratoria, mientras que la mitad restante fue utilizada con fines confirmatorios. Se estudio el poder discriminativo de los items y se calculo el coeficiente alpha de Cronbach para evaluar la confiabilidad del instrumento en relacion a su consistencia interna. El cuestionario quedo compuesto por 15 items discriminativos (α = .76) que se agrupan en dos factores: Gratitud (α = .75) e Ingratitud (α = .66). Analisis adicionales mostraron que las mujeres obtuvieron puntajes mas elevados de gratitud que los varones. EnglishConstruction of a scale measuring gratitude in children and adolescents. The present s...
Serenity has been defined as a positive emotion that reflects feelings of inner peace and confide... more Serenity has been defined as a positive emotion that reflects feelings of inner peace and confidence. The development of serenity constitutes a valuable resource that enables children to cope with life stressors and to establish positive relationships with others. The present study examined serenity and possible gender group differences in Argentinean children. The second goal was to investigate the relation between serenity and prosocial and aggressive behaviors. Participants were 615 children aged 9 to 13 years (276 boys, 339 girls), from 11 public primary schools in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gender analyses showed no differences between boys and girls in serenity scores. As expected, serenity proved to be positively related to prosocial behaviors and negatively related to physical and verbal aggression. These results indicate that children who describe themselves as more serene are also prone to give help and comfort to others. Moreover, serene children appear to be less aggressive towards classmates. Evidence suggests that peer relations can be enhanced by the utilization of serenity skills in the school context.
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica
Adaptación de una escala de agresividad física, verbal y relacional para niños argentinos de 9 a ... more Adaptación de una escala de agresividad física, verbal y relacional para niños argentinos de 9 a 13 años Spanish adaptation of a physical, verbal and relational aggression scale for Argentinean children aged 9 to 13 Cuello, Marina i. 1 y oros laura 2 RESUMEN El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue contar con un instrumento con-fiable de auto-informe que permitiera medir agresividad directa y relacional en niños. Para esto, se adaptó al español la Escala de Agresión construida por Little, Jones, Henrich y Hawley (2003) y se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de 613 niños argentinos de entre 9 y 13 años de edad. La escala alcan-zó una excelente consistencia interna (a = .913). Los 22 ítemes de la versión final demostraron tener un buen poder discriminativo, y se agruparon en dos factores: Agresividad relacional y agresividad directa física y verbal, los cuales explicaron el 49.10 % de la variancia total. Se exploró la validez convergente de la prueba examin...
II Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XVII Jornadas de Investigación Sexto Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR, 2010
A ruminant's early experience with low-quality food (LQF) is expected to increase its acceptance ... more A ruminant's early experience with low-quality food (LQF) is expected to increase its acceptance and preference in adulthood. Contrarily, we found that experienced sheep (ES) exposed to mature oat hay early in life ate less of this LQF than inexperienced sheep (IS). A possibility is that ES might have devaluated the LQF through continuous comparisons against high-quality food (HQF) supplements (sunflower meal and ground corn) that were simultaneously available during early experience. In this study, we tested the devaluation hypothesis with a successive negative contrast (SNC) procedure. In a consummatory SNC procedure, 'shift' subjects are unexpectedly changed from HQF to LQF, and their consumption is then compared against the consumption of 'unshift' subjects that receive LQF all throughout the SNC procedure. The magnitude of the difference in consumption between preshift and postshift is regarded as a measure of the degree to which both foods (HQF and LQF) are perceived to differ hedonically. When sheep from our previous study were 300 days old, both ES and IS were randomly assigned to either shift (ES-S and IS-S) or unshift conditions (ES-U and IS-U; n 5 6 in each group). Groups ES-S and IS-S were fed HQF (alfalfa hay) during the preshift phase, and then suddenly changed to LQF (oat hay) in the postshift phase. Groups ES-U and IS-U (controls) were fed only LQF throughout the SNC procedure. Subjects in ES-S showed a significantly lower intake of LQF than those in ES-U in the first postshift session (i.e. they showed an SNC effect), which was not observed in IS. These results agree with ES subjects having devalued LQF during early experience. We discuss the possibility that high levels of nutrient supplementation can result in devaluation of LQF (i.e. decrease in preference and acceptance), whereas restricted levels of supplementation may promote a positive experience with LQF.
VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XXI Jornadas de Investigación Décimo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR, 2014
Empatía y agresividad física y verbal en la infancia tardía. Cuello, Marina Ines. Cita: Cuello, M... more Empatía y agresividad física y verbal en la infancia tardía. Cuello, Marina Ines. Cita: Cuello, Marina Ines (2014). Empatía y agresividad física y verbal en la infancia tardía.
The present research focuses on the measurement of a positive emotion of great relevance for the ... more The present research focuses on the measurement of a positive emotion of great relevance for the field of mental health and education. The main purpose was to develop and validate two independent scales to assess serenity in children: a self-report instrument and an external observer report. In Study 1, we evaluated the psychometric properties of a self-report instrument. The participants of this study were 613 children aged between 9 and 12 years old (44.70 % boys and 55.30 % girls), that attended public schools in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The scale consists of 11 items with three response options on a Likert scale ( Yes , Sometimes , and No ), and presents a comprehensible language for school-age children. It includes both general statements ( e. g. , “I am relaxed most of the time”, “Most days I feel at peace”), as well as statements that refer to the search for serenity in threatening or stressful situations ( e. g. , “When someone bothers me I try to stay calm”, “Wh...
La frustracion es un estado emocional negativo provocado por la omision sorpresiva en la cantidad... more La frustracion es un estado emocional negativo provocado por la omision sorpresiva en la cantidad y/o calidad de un reforzador (OSR) apetitivo. Para que se presente este fenomeno, el animal debe comparar el reforzador presente con su recuerdo de los reforzadores previos. En otra linea de investigacion, se encontro que ratas criadas en ambiente enriquecido presentan una mejor respuesta ante situaciones de estres y tambien mejor desempeno en tareas que implican funciones cognitivas (i.e., memoria espacial), respecto a ratas criadas en un ambiente comun. El siguiente experimento tuvo el objetivo de estudiar el efecto del enriquecimiento ambiental sobre los aspectos cognitivos y emocionales implicados en la frustracion de ratas sometidas a un Contraste Sucesivo Negativo (CSN). Se encontro que: 1) Aplicando un intervalo de retencion de 7 dias entre la fase pre-cambio y pos-cambio del CSN, tanto el grupo criado en ambiente comun como el grupo criado en ambiente enriquecido mostraron un ef...
Acceptance of and preference for a particular food depends not only on its intrinsic (e.g. nutrit... more Acceptance of and preference for a particular food depends not only on its intrinsic (e.g. nutritional) properties but also on expected or recent food experiences. An instance of this type of phenomenon has been calledinduction effect, which consists of an increased intake of a type of food when it precedes a hedonically preferred food in a sequence familiar to the animal, relative to controls that have access only to the less-preferred food. The purpose of our study was to assess intake induction of a low-nutritious food when followed by different high-nutritious supplements in sheep (Ovis aries). In this experiment, we ran a supplemented phase where animals fed oat hay (a low-nutritious food) in the first part of the daily feeding sessions followed by a supplement with either a high (soya bean meal; group GS) or a low (ground corn; group GC) protein–energy ratio in the second part ate more oat hay than controls that were fed oat hay in both parts of sessions (group GH). In additio...
El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue contar con un instrumento confiable de auto-inform... more El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue contar con un instrumento confiable de auto-informe que permitiera medir agresividad directa y relacional en niños. Para esto, se adaptó al español la Escala de Agresión construida por Little, Jones, Henrich y Hawley (2003) y se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de 613 niños argentinos de entre 9 y 13 años de edad. La escala alcanzó una excelente consistencia interna (a = .913). Los 22 ítemes de la versión final demostraron tener un buen poder discriminativo, y se agruparon en dos factores: Agresividad relacional y agresividad directa física y verbal, los cuales explicaron el 49.10 % de la variancia total. Se exploró la validez convergente de la prueba examinando su relación con la escala de Agresividad Física y Verbal (AFV) de Caprara y Pastorelli (1993) obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios. Los varones encuestados obtuvieron mayores puntajes en agresividad física y verbal, en comparación a las niñas. Sin embarg...
espanolEl presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo elaborar y estudiar el funcionamiento psicometrico d... more espanolEl presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo elaborar y estudiar el funcionamiento psicometrico de un cuestionario de gratitud para ninos y adolescentes. La muestra estuvo conformada por 593 sujetos escolarizados de entre 9 y 13 anos de edad, de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. La mitad de esta muestra fue re-seleccionada al azar para ser utilizada con propositos de validacion exploratoria, mientras que la mitad restante fue utilizada con fines confirmatorios. Se estudio el poder discriminativo de los items y se calculo el coeficiente alpha de Cronbach para evaluar la confiabilidad del instrumento en relacion a su consistencia interna. El cuestionario quedo compuesto por 15 items discriminativos (α = .76) que se agrupan en dos factores: Gratitud (α = .75) e Ingratitud (α = .66). Analisis adicionales mostraron que las mujeres obtuvieron puntajes mas elevados de gratitud que los varones. EnglishConstruction of a scale measuring gratitude in children and adolescents. The present s...
Serenity has been defined as a positive emotion that reflects feelings of inner peace and confide... more Serenity has been defined as a positive emotion that reflects feelings of inner peace and confidence. The development of serenity constitutes a valuable resource that enables children to cope with life stressors and to establish positive relationships with others. The present study examined serenity and possible gender group differences in Argentinean children. The second goal was to investigate the relation between serenity and prosocial and aggressive behaviors. Participants were 615 children aged 9 to 13 years (276 boys, 339 girls), from 11 public primary schools in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gender analyses showed no differences between boys and girls in serenity scores. As expected, serenity proved to be positively related to prosocial behaviors and negatively related to physical and verbal aggression. These results indicate that children who describe themselves as more serene are also prone to give help and comfort to others. Moreover, serene children appear to be less aggressive towards classmates. Evidence suggests that peer relations can be enhanced by the utilization of serenity skills in the school context.
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica
Adaptación de una escala de agresividad física, verbal y relacional para niños argentinos de 9 a ... more Adaptación de una escala de agresividad física, verbal y relacional para niños argentinos de 9 a 13 años Spanish adaptation of a physical, verbal and relational aggression scale for Argentinean children aged 9 to 13 Cuello, Marina i. 1 y oros laura 2 RESUMEN El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue contar con un instrumento con-fiable de auto-informe que permitiera medir agresividad directa y relacional en niños. Para esto, se adaptó al español la Escala de Agresión construida por Little, Jones, Henrich y Hawley (2003) y se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de 613 niños argentinos de entre 9 y 13 años de edad. La escala alcan-zó una excelente consistencia interna (a = .913). Los 22 ítemes de la versión final demostraron tener un buen poder discriminativo, y se agruparon en dos factores: Agresividad relacional y agresividad directa física y verbal, los cuales explicaron el 49.10 % de la variancia total. Se exploró la validez convergente de la prueba examin...
Papers by Marina Cuello