Papers by Citra Setyo Dwi Andhini, S.Kep., Ners., M.Kep.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Formosa
Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah untuk mencegah kejadian stunting melalu... more Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah untuk mencegah kejadian stunting melalui peningkatan pengetahuan Ibu yang memiliki anak dibawah 2 tahun. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan melalui penyuluhan yang dilakukan selama 1 hari (6 jam). Sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dilakukan, peserta diberikan kuesioner terkait dengan pengetahuan stunting. Berdasarkan kuesioner tersebut terdapat perbedaan pada hasil pengetahuan peserta. Pengetahuan sebelum penyuluhan 30,8% sangat baik, sedangkan setelah pemberian materi melalui penyuluhan pengetahuan meningkat menjadi 55,9% sangat baik. Pengetahuan terhadap stunting yang baik dapat mencegah kejadian stunting di masa depan.
Jurnal Kesehatan Mahardika
Kontrol diri adalah kemampuan seseorang dalam menahan atau mendorong keinginan yang akan merugika... more Kontrol diri adalah kemampuan seseorang dalam menahan atau mendorong keinginan yang akan merugikan diri sendiri atau orang lain. Ketergantungan dengan smartphone memiliki dampak buruk pada remaja salah satunya dalam mengatur dan mengontrol diri. Individu yang memiliki ketergantungan dengan smartphone disebut dengan nomophobia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kontrol diri dengan kecenderungan nomophobia selama masa pandemi COVID-19 pada siswa di SMPN 1 Kota Cirebon. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional.Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling berjumlah 92 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji spearman rank. Tempat penelitian dilakukan secara daring selama bulan Mei 2021.. Hasil uji spearman rank P Value = 0,000 < α = 0,05 dan r = -0.546 < 1 maka H0 = ditolak artinya terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan negatif antara kontrol diri dengan kecenderungan ...
Nuha Medika, 2010
viii, 102 hlm.;ilus.;21 c
Jurnal Keperawatan BSI, Sep 28, 2021
Patients with chronic kidney failure globally more than 500 million people. Every year it has inc... more Patients with chronic kidney failure globally more than 500 million people. Every year it has increased. To overcome this kidney failure hemodialysis therapy is needed. However, patients undergoing hemodialysis will experience patient lifestyle problems, such as disruption of daily activities due to unstable body conditions and having to undergo routine processes. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship of hemodialysis therapy with the fulfillment of Activity Daily Living (ADL) in Waled District Hospital Cirebon. This type of research is descriptive correlational with a retrospective approach. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique totaling 99 respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis using the Spearman rank test. The research site was in the Waled District Hospital in Cirebon Regency during June 2019. The results showed that the duration of hemodialysis therapy carried out in the hemodialysis room at the Waled District Hospital in Cirebon District was in the chronic category of 71 respondents (71.7%) and the fulfillment of Activity Daily Living (ADL) in the category of severe functional impairment was 68 respondents (68.7%). Spearman rank test results (Pvalue ꞊ 0.027; {≤ 0.05; r꞊ 0.222). The direction of the correlation is positive, the longer the hemodialysis therapy is done, the severe functional disorder occurs. Nurses are expected to provide counseling to patients and families in identifying the ability of patients and families to meet the daily living activity (ADL).
Jurnal Kesehatan Mahardika, 2018
Background:Neonates are newborn babies, aged 0-28 days.Low birth weight (LBW) is one of the main ... more Background:Neonates are newborn babies, aged 0-28 days.Low birth weight (LBW) is one of the main factors in increasing mortality, neonatal morbidity and disability. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal factors and the weight of babies bornin the work area of the Karangampel Community Health Center, Indramayu Regency. Method:This research method uses descriptive analytic, using a quantitative approach and cross sectional design.The population is all mothers who have given birth in the work area of the Karangampel Community Health Center, Indramayu Regency,the data was obtained from the book records of patients at the Poned UPTD Karangampel Public Health Center, Indramayu Regencyas many as 175 respondents and sampling using Randon Sampling technique obtained 64 respondents.The instrument used in the form of observation sheets, as well as data analysis using the chi square test. Result:The results of the study using chi square statistical test sho...
Jurnal Kesehatan Mahardika, 2019
Breast cancer is a malignancy in cells found in breast tissue that can originate from the glandul... more Breast cancer is a malignancy in cells found in breast tissue that can originate from the glandular components (epithelial tracts or lobules) as well as components other than such as fat tissue, blood vessels, and nerve tissue.In Indonesia, there are two types of cancer most commonly suffered by Indonesia people, namely breast cancer and cervical cancer. There is breast cancer rate of 42,1 by 100.000 population and cervical cancer of 23,4 by 100.000 population with an average death of 13,9 by 100.000 population. In Waled Regional Public Hospital Cirebon District, from 2018, 32 breast cancer patients were obtained. This study was conducted to determine complaints in cancer patients based on the stage and duration of chemotherapy at Waled Waled Regional Public Hospital Cirebon District. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study using a retrospective. The sampling technique used is the total sample of 32 respondents. Statistical tests were performed by univriat analysi...
Interprofessional education is Interprofessional education (IPE) entails learning with, from, and... more Interprofessional education is Interprofessional education (IPE) entails learning with, from, and about each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. Negative perception, professional egoism, bad knowledge about it will hamper collaboration. Reducing negative perception and creating readiness is a prime target for IPE training. COVID-19 restrictions necessitated wholesale scale conversion of curricula to online learning environments globally. The research is aimed at getting students' perceptions of collaboration through interprofessional education online. This was a descriptive study. The study took place at Mahardika Health College. The respondents consisted of 155 students in nursing, public health, midwifery, and medical record students. Students were grouped into interprofessional teams for two days and participated in IPE training consisting of lectures and small group discussions. The training is done online using the zoom meeting app. At the b...
Jurnal Kesehatan Mahardika, 2019
Patients with chronic kidney failure each year experience an increase of 3.8 percent. To overcome... more Patients with chronic kidney failure each year experience an increase of 3.8 percent. To overcome kidney failure, hemodialysis therapy is needed. But patients undergoing hemodialysis will experience problems such as discomfort, increase stress and affect quality of life. To reduce these problems, intervention is needed to give self efficacy to patients, based on this it will also affect the stress adaptation of patients undergoing hemodialysis.Purpose of this research was to knew correlation of self efficacy with stress adaptation on chronic kidney failure patients that have hemodialysis in the Waled Hospital of Cirebon.Design of this research was descriptived correlating with cross sectional approach. Sample of this research using purvosive sampling amounted 99 respondens. Instruments used in the form of questionnaire. Data analysis using Spearman- rank test. The place of research at waled hospital in the Cirebon.The results showed that the majority of self-efficacy carried out in ...
Jurnal Kesehatan Mahardika, 2021
Family support is a process of relationship between the family and its social environment that i... more Family support is a process of relationship between the family and its social environment that is accessible to families that can be supportive and provide help to family members Anxiety (Ansiety) is a feeling of fear that is not clear and is not supported by the situation. Pregnancy is an event that occurs in a woman from the process of fertilization (conception) to the birth of a baby. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support with anxiety in third trimester pregnant women in the Kalijaga Health Center, Cirebon City. This research method uses quantitative descriptive correlational research, with cross sectional method carried out on 30 respondents at Kalijaga Health Center in Cirebon City with independent variables of family support and anxiety dependent variables in trimester III pregnant women by using questionnaire sheet measurement tools. Data analysis used the Spearman rank test. The research place was at the Kalijaga Public Health Center,...
Papers by Citra Setyo Dwi Andhini, S.Kep., Ners., M.Kep.