Background: The completeness of patient information can help improve the patient service process.... more Background: The completeness of patient information can help improve the patient service process. However, the application of the hospital management information systems (HMIS) is experiencing obstacles that affect user satisfaction. The end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) method was developed for improvement of HMIS in accordance with the needs of user in the field of medical records.Purpose: To analyze the correlation satisfaction of HMIS and EUCS in hospital setting.Methods: Quantitative descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach was conducted among 105 healthcare providers at Graha Sehat Medika Hospital from June to July 2022. The EUCS questionnaires related to aspects of content, accuracy, format, timeliness, and ease of use were used to measure user satisfaction of HMIS. A Pearson Product Moment was used to analyze the correlation between HMIS and EUCS user satisfaction.Results: There was significant correlation between satisfaction of HMIS and components of EUCS (p...
Background: Social and Demographic can affect health status. Social institutional factors such as... more Background: Social and Demographic can affect health status. Social institutional factors such as cultural factors, traditions, and habits that exist in society can lead to the emergence of nutritional problems experienced by toddlers. This can have an impact on the growth and development of infants. Objectives: The study aims to analyze the relationship between social institutions and the incidence of stunting in communities in tobacco plantations in Jember Regency. Methods: This research is an observational analytic study, using Cross Sectional Design. The population of this study is families who have children under five with nutritional problems (nutrient-prone) in the district area which is a tobacco-producing center in Jember Regency. The sample in this study amounted to 233 respondents. Data were collected by interview using a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed descriptively. The statistical test used in this study to test the hypothesis is Chi-Square. Results: Th...
EFFORTS TO Ä°NCREASE FAMÄ°LY IMMUNÄ°TY Ä°N THE MÄ°CRO PPKM PERÄ°OD THROUGH BALANCED NUTRÄ°TÄ°ON CONSUMPTÄ°... more EFFORTS TO Ä°NCREASE FAMÄ°LY IMMUNÄ°TY Ä°N THE MÄ°CRO PPKM PERÄ°OD THROUGH BALANCED NUTRÄ°TÄ°ON CONSUMPTÄ°ON. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previously identified in humans. After the emergence of COVID-19, the government began to implement policies in prevention and control of COVID-19, such as the establishment of a Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, promoting the implementation of health protocols, Large Scale Social Restrictions, and Policy to Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions Micro, and COVID-19 Vaccination. To prevent COVID-19, it can be done by increasing immunity through the consumption of balanced nutrition. Based on results of the analysis conducted, the majority of people in Juglangan Village have not implemented a balanced nutritional consumption pattern, so counseling is needed to give information to participants and then apply a balanced nutritional pattern. Extension activities are carried out us...
Glagahwero Village, Kalisat District, Jember is an area that still an area that is still the locu... more Glagahwero Village, Kalisat District, Jember is an area that still an area that is still the locus of stunting in Jember Therefore, there is a need for SING PENTING BERAKZI program (Sinergisitas Upaya Pencegahan Stunting melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Intervensi Gizi di Desa Glagahwero) which includes reproductive system education and preventing early marriage. The first thing to do in conducting this program is to the situation analysis using an indeepth interview method in the form of a digital questionnaire, Google Form, filled out by mothers who marry early, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, mothers who have children under five, and cadres. From the results of that, it was found that there were still teenagers who got married before the minimum age limit that had been determined. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of education to recognize the reproductive system and prevent early marriage which is one of the factors causing stunting. The results of this stud...
In late 2019 and early 2020 the world was shocked by the emergence of a disease caused by a virus... more In late 2019 and early 2020 the world was shocked by the emergence of a disease caused by a virus. Virus is widely reported to have emerged from a Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan City, the Capital of Hubei Province, Central China. After COVID-19 has been designated as a pandemic outbreak in the World, the country is present as a guarantor of community needs in handling COVID-19 cases. Thus, this paper specifically discusses the financing of suspect patient care and positive confirmed patients for COVID-19 in Indonesia which is financed by the state through the state through Ministry of Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of writing this journal is to find out the policies and sources of funding for handling COVID-19 in Indonesia by the Central Government and the flow of services and referral for COVID-19 patients. The method used in this paper is literature review. The literature review is done by reading and analyzing and analyzing various literatures, both in the form of d...
Pandemi COVID-19 dapat menjadi penyebab stres pada seseorang karena harus melaksanakan segala akt... more Pandemi COVID-19 dapat menjadi penyebab stres pada seseorang karena harus melaksanakan segala aktivitas sehari-hari di rumah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keterkaitan karakteristik responden dengan tingkat stres dan keterkaitan tingkat stres dengan strategi coping stress. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan adalah 529 dosen perempuan dan sampel sebanyak 85 dosen perempuan yang diambil dengan consecutive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah DASS-42 dan The Way of Coping Scale. Data dianalisis menggunakan cross tabulation. Hasil penelitian ini adalah responden yang paling banyak mengalami stres adalah usia dewasa akhir dengan tingkat stres sedang (21,2%). Responden paling banyak memiliki tingkat pendidikan magister dengan tingkat stres sedang (36,5%). Responden paling banyak memiliki 2 anak dengan tingkat stres sedang (22,4%). Responden paling banyak memiliki anak usia balita dengan tingkat stres sedan...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Mar 16, 2022
The aims of study were to analyze the factors that affect the performance of the employees of the... more The aims of study were to analyze the factors that affect the performance of the employees of the RSGM Jember University. This study uses a quantitative approach, the type of analytic observational research with a cross sectional research design. The number of samples was 97. The data were analyzed using the Spearman correlation test and ordinal logistic regression. The variables in this study include the characteristics of the respondents (gender, age, education level and years of service), leadership style, work discipline and training. This research has conducted an ethical test with the number 1403/UN25.8/KEPK/DL/2021. The results showed that there was an influence between gender, age, years of service, work discipline and training on the performance of the employees of RSGM Universitas Jember. The results showed that there was no influence between the level of education and leadership style on the performance of the employees of RSGM Jember University. The most influential factor on the performance of the employees of the University of Jember is work discipline.
Jurnal MID-Z (Midwivery Zigot) Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan, Aug 18, 2021
Pengajuan klaim pembiayaan pelayanan kesehatan oleh fasilitas kesehatan kepada BPJS Kesehatan dib... more Pengajuan klaim pembiayaan pelayanan kesehatan oleh fasilitas kesehatan kepada BPJS Kesehatan diberikan jangka waktu paling lambat 6 bulan sejak pelayanan kesehatan selesai diberikan dan terdapat pengecualian pada beberapa hal. Mengingat pentingnya peran koder dalam melakukan ketepatan pengisian koding penyakit pada eklaim, maka peneliti bermaksud melakukan penelitian untuk menelusuri determinan perilaku ketepatan pengisian kode penyakit yang dihasilkan koder rawat inap serta melihat faktor predisposing yang mempengaruhinya.Penelitian menggunkan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan Observasi, dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 5 informan. Informan utama pada penelitian ini adalah Koder berjumlah 2 orang dan verifikator Internal yang berjumlah 3 orang. Hasil analisis Faktor Predisposing berdasarkan segi pengetahuan, dalam hal ini koder memahami tentang klaim pending dan tidak hanya sekedar tahu terhadap klaim pending, koder dapat menyebutkan penyebab terjadinya klaim pending secara detail. Berdasarkan segi sikap, lebih ke kurang setuju dalam hal menerima klaim pending karena petugas harus meluangkan waktunya untuk mengerjakan berkas pending tersebut kembali namun petugas tetap bertanggung jawab (responsible). Dalam mengisian kode pada apliksi e-klaim tentu perlu diperhatikannya tanda pada kode penyakit. Vedika merupakan sistem yang dikembangkan oleh BPJS Kesehatan untuk mempercepat proses verifikasi klaim. Koder memahami tentang baik dalam hal klaim pending, pemberian kode icd 10 sehingga mempermudah dalam diagnosa. Adanya kode kombinasi juga akan mempengaruhi entry tata letak diagnosa utama dan sekunder pada e-klaim.
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi, 2022
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by lack of nutrition for a long time. Sumberwrin... more Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by lack of nutrition for a long time. Sumberwringin Village is one of the villages in Bondowoso Regency with a fairly high number of cases of stunting under five and is one of the fostered villages of the University of Jember that requires assistance in resolving public health problems, especially regarding the handling of nutrition and stunting problems. Food and nutrition insights from community program actors, such as nutrition cadres, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers play an important role in efforts to prevent and improve stunting problems in Indonesia.The aim of the implementation of this community service activity is to increase the competence (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) of posyandu cadres in providing education to the community about stunting prevention based on community participation through changes in personal hygiene and sanitation, and preventing pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers gave birth to ...
The MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) is a minority group in heterosexual society. It is because th... more The MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) is a minority group in heterosexual society. It is because they may not be accepted in family and society. It makes social pressure in the form of stigma and discrimination, which makes sexual lifestyle of MSM, has high risk in transmission of HIV and AIDS. It makes an impact on their lack of information and knowledge about safe sex. Moreover the youth MSM community had highly vulnerable HIV and AIDS through their sexual behavior. This research aimed to analyze how the sexual lifestyle of youth MSM in Jember Regency. This research used qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through in depth interviews to the youth MSM aged 1725 years in Jember Regency. The result of the research showed that the average of the youth MSM aged 17-23 years, have regular sexual partner whose single status at 19-27 years, most of them were from high education, and average of them having parents from low education and work as farmer, busi...
Background: Indonesia is one of developing country that has a high cigarette consumption and prod... more Background: Indonesia is one of developing country that has a high cigarette consumption and production level. Although a lot of researches show that smoking has a damaging health effect, yet the number smoker is increasing every year especially in the girl adolescent smoker. Smoking becomes the symbols of modem, sexy, glamour, mature and independence in women. These girls are the potential target of tobacco industry. Objective: This study aims to analyze if the smoking behavior has a crucial contribution towards the alcohol and drugs consumption at girl adolescent. Methods: using a qualitative exploration involve respondents aged 17-23 at girl adolescent, active smoker who smokes at least six months in Jember city. Data is collected by in-depth interview and analyzed by thematic content analysis. Results: The result of this study show that all respondents are active smoker and regular alcohol consumer. The averages of them are drugs user who uses both injection and oral. They ackno...
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2015
Community food security means fulfilment of energy and nutrients of every community member from d... more Community food security means fulfilment of energy and nutrients of every community member from daily food consumption intake. Non-fulfilment of these requirements led to the incidence of malnutrition in the community, which marked by the emergence of nutritional problems among the nutrition vulnerable groups, such as low body weight of under five years olds children, malnourished including stunting children. Food and nutritional insights of the community program actors, such as posyandu and nutrition cadres, and midwives plays an important role in efforts to prevent and repair the problem of malnutrition in young children, especially from the lower to middle income groups. Therefore, empowerment posyandu cadres, nutrition cadres, and midwives through briefing mastery of knowledge (cognitive competence) food, nutrition, and nutritional status, is the critical point of community food security. The purpose of this descriptive pre-post design study is evaluate the effect of the short nutrition class program on the increase of food, nutrition, and health knowledge of posyandu cadres, nutrition cadres, and midwives who play an important roles in handling the vulnerable malnourished families with infant and under fives children whose body weight below the red line standard (BGM) or stunting. The cadre and midwives subject was selected from the high stunting problem villages in the Sumbersari district in Jember. By 75 percent of active posyandu cadre and all midwife in the high prevalence malnourished regencies were selected as subject. After following the action program of nutrition class about nutritious food for the family, most of participants (80 %) increased their food nutritional insights. Similarly, after participated in pregnancy nutrition class program, the insight knowledge of the majority (95%) of the midwives on pregnancy nutrition increased, proper and correct. After attending the balanced nutrition class by 75 percent of subject increased insight of balanced diet for family.
This study aims to analyze the role of sexual behavior in the transmission of HIV/AIDS in adolesc... more This study aims to analyze the role of sexual behavior in the transmission of HIV/AIDS in adolescents in coastal areas. This study is quantitative research with observational methods using crossectional approach. The study population was adolescents in high school aged 15-18 years. The sample of the research was chosen by random sampling at 200 students. Data collected is analized by quantitative methodes with univariat analysis and narative explanation. Results showed that the adolescents knowledge related to HIV / AIDS in the coastal areas is high and the attitudes of HIV / AIDS is in the category adequate, it was not guarantee that they have save behaviour, which 15% of students had sexual intercourse, 6% of them using condom, only 7% of students had sexual intercourse with a girlfriend/boyfriend, 2% of students had sexual intercourse with prostitutes, and there are 5% of students had sexual intercourse with more than one person, there are 47% of students had masturbation, and 5% of students had STIs symptoms.
Diapers are devices in highly absorbent disposable diapers made of plastic and a mixture of chemi... more Diapers are devices in highly absorbent disposable diapers made of plastic and a mixture of chemicals to accommodate metabolic waste such as urine and feces. Diapers are included in hazardous and toxic waste materials called B3 waste. B3 waste is the residue of a business or activity containing B3. The use of adult diapers in the elderly and people with mental disorders who are unconscious and experiencing physical impairment is widely used as an alternative to urinary control. As many as 42.3% of people hospitalized with decreased mobility, physical ability, and distress use adult diapers as an alternative to urinary control in the treatment process. This was a quantitative study aimed to analyze the role of social shelter (UPTD. LIPOSOS) officer in managing diapers for mental disorders clients at the social shelter, Jember. There were 5 respondents. The result showed that diapers were managed by hoarding, burial, and burning. The selection of diapers is inappropriate in terms of t...
Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environm... more Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology ISBN: 978-602-60569-5-5
HCLB Program for the households is an attempt to provide knowledge for the family members to prac... more HCLB Program for the households is an attempt to provide knowledge for the family members to practice clean, health living behavior and to participate in the health of community environment. HCLB purpose is the health of the family members. The health level of individuals, family, community and environment is related HCLB. In the household level, there are 10 HCLB indicators to be practiced by the family members. HCLB should be started from the household since its health, considered as the asset of development, should be taken care of. This research aims to analyze the effect of HCLB program on pneumonia symptom in toddlers in Mojopanggung Community Health Centre (citiy), Tapanrejo Community Health Centre (village), Kedungrejo Community Health Centre (coastal area) of Banyuwangi. This research applies analytic descriptive using case control approach and ordinal regression data analysis with the population of 8,883 respondents. The sample includes simple random sampling of 104 respon...
Background: The completeness of patient information can help improve the patient service process.... more Background: The completeness of patient information can help improve the patient service process. However, the application of the hospital management information systems (HMIS) is experiencing obstacles that affect user satisfaction. The end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) method was developed for improvement of HMIS in accordance with the needs of user in the field of medical records.Purpose: To analyze the correlation satisfaction of HMIS and EUCS in hospital setting.Methods: Quantitative descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach was conducted among 105 healthcare providers at Graha Sehat Medika Hospital from June to July 2022. The EUCS questionnaires related to aspects of content, accuracy, format, timeliness, and ease of use were used to measure user satisfaction of HMIS. A Pearson Product Moment was used to analyze the correlation between HMIS and EUCS user satisfaction.Results: There was significant correlation between satisfaction of HMIS and components of EUCS (p...
Background: Social and Demographic can affect health status. Social institutional factors such as... more Background: Social and Demographic can affect health status. Social institutional factors such as cultural factors, traditions, and habits that exist in society can lead to the emergence of nutritional problems experienced by toddlers. This can have an impact on the growth and development of infants. Objectives: The study aims to analyze the relationship between social institutions and the incidence of stunting in communities in tobacco plantations in Jember Regency. Methods: This research is an observational analytic study, using Cross Sectional Design. The population of this study is families who have children under five with nutritional problems (nutrient-prone) in the district area which is a tobacco-producing center in Jember Regency. The sample in this study amounted to 233 respondents. Data were collected by interview using a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed descriptively. The statistical test used in this study to test the hypothesis is Chi-Square. Results: Th...
EFFORTS TO Ä°NCREASE FAMÄ°LY IMMUNÄ°TY Ä°N THE MÄ°CRO PPKM PERÄ°OD THROUGH BALANCED NUTRÄ°TÄ°ON CONSUMPTÄ°... more EFFORTS TO Ä°NCREASE FAMÄ°LY IMMUNÄ°TY Ä°N THE MÄ°CRO PPKM PERÄ°OD THROUGH BALANCED NUTRÄ°TÄ°ON CONSUMPTÄ°ON. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previously identified in humans. After the emergence of COVID-19, the government began to implement policies in prevention and control of COVID-19, such as the establishment of a Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, promoting the implementation of health protocols, Large Scale Social Restrictions, and Policy to Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions Micro, and COVID-19 Vaccination. To prevent COVID-19, it can be done by increasing immunity through the consumption of balanced nutrition. Based on results of the analysis conducted, the majority of people in Juglangan Village have not implemented a balanced nutritional consumption pattern, so counseling is needed to give information to participants and then apply a balanced nutritional pattern. Extension activities are carried out us...
Glagahwero Village, Kalisat District, Jember is an area that still an area that is still the locu... more Glagahwero Village, Kalisat District, Jember is an area that still an area that is still the locus of stunting in Jember Therefore, there is a need for SING PENTING BERAKZI program (Sinergisitas Upaya Pencegahan Stunting melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Intervensi Gizi di Desa Glagahwero) which includes reproductive system education and preventing early marriage. The first thing to do in conducting this program is to the situation analysis using an indeepth interview method in the form of a digital questionnaire, Google Form, filled out by mothers who marry early, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, mothers who have children under five, and cadres. From the results of that, it was found that there were still teenagers who got married before the minimum age limit that had been determined. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of education to recognize the reproductive system and prevent early marriage which is one of the factors causing stunting. The results of this stud...
In late 2019 and early 2020 the world was shocked by the emergence of a disease caused by a virus... more In late 2019 and early 2020 the world was shocked by the emergence of a disease caused by a virus. Virus is widely reported to have emerged from a Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan City, the Capital of Hubei Province, Central China. After COVID-19 has been designated as a pandemic outbreak in the World, the country is present as a guarantor of community needs in handling COVID-19 cases. Thus, this paper specifically discusses the financing of suspect patient care and positive confirmed patients for COVID-19 in Indonesia which is financed by the state through the state through Ministry of Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of writing this journal is to find out the policies and sources of funding for handling COVID-19 in Indonesia by the Central Government and the flow of services and referral for COVID-19 patients. The method used in this paper is literature review. The literature review is done by reading and analyzing and analyzing various literatures, both in the form of d...
Pandemi COVID-19 dapat menjadi penyebab stres pada seseorang karena harus melaksanakan segala akt... more Pandemi COVID-19 dapat menjadi penyebab stres pada seseorang karena harus melaksanakan segala aktivitas sehari-hari di rumah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keterkaitan karakteristik responden dengan tingkat stres dan keterkaitan tingkat stres dengan strategi coping stress. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan adalah 529 dosen perempuan dan sampel sebanyak 85 dosen perempuan yang diambil dengan consecutive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah DASS-42 dan The Way of Coping Scale. Data dianalisis menggunakan cross tabulation. Hasil penelitian ini adalah responden yang paling banyak mengalami stres adalah usia dewasa akhir dengan tingkat stres sedang (21,2%). Responden paling banyak memiliki tingkat pendidikan magister dengan tingkat stres sedang (36,5%). Responden paling banyak memiliki 2 anak dengan tingkat stres sedang (22,4%). Responden paling banyak memiliki anak usia balita dengan tingkat stres sedan...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Mar 16, 2022
The aims of study were to analyze the factors that affect the performance of the employees of the... more The aims of study were to analyze the factors that affect the performance of the employees of the RSGM Jember University. This study uses a quantitative approach, the type of analytic observational research with a cross sectional research design. The number of samples was 97. The data were analyzed using the Spearman correlation test and ordinal logistic regression. The variables in this study include the characteristics of the respondents (gender, age, education level and years of service), leadership style, work discipline and training. This research has conducted an ethical test with the number 1403/UN25.8/KEPK/DL/2021. The results showed that there was an influence between gender, age, years of service, work discipline and training on the performance of the employees of RSGM Universitas Jember. The results showed that there was no influence between the level of education and leadership style on the performance of the employees of RSGM Jember University. The most influential factor on the performance of the employees of the University of Jember is work discipline.
Jurnal MID-Z (Midwivery Zigot) Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan, Aug 18, 2021
Pengajuan klaim pembiayaan pelayanan kesehatan oleh fasilitas kesehatan kepada BPJS Kesehatan dib... more Pengajuan klaim pembiayaan pelayanan kesehatan oleh fasilitas kesehatan kepada BPJS Kesehatan diberikan jangka waktu paling lambat 6 bulan sejak pelayanan kesehatan selesai diberikan dan terdapat pengecualian pada beberapa hal. Mengingat pentingnya peran koder dalam melakukan ketepatan pengisian koding penyakit pada eklaim, maka peneliti bermaksud melakukan penelitian untuk menelusuri determinan perilaku ketepatan pengisian kode penyakit yang dihasilkan koder rawat inap serta melihat faktor predisposing yang mempengaruhinya.Penelitian menggunkan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan Observasi, dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 5 informan. Informan utama pada penelitian ini adalah Koder berjumlah 2 orang dan verifikator Internal yang berjumlah 3 orang. Hasil analisis Faktor Predisposing berdasarkan segi pengetahuan, dalam hal ini koder memahami tentang klaim pending dan tidak hanya sekedar tahu terhadap klaim pending, koder dapat menyebutkan penyebab terjadinya klaim pending secara detail. Berdasarkan segi sikap, lebih ke kurang setuju dalam hal menerima klaim pending karena petugas harus meluangkan waktunya untuk mengerjakan berkas pending tersebut kembali namun petugas tetap bertanggung jawab (responsible). Dalam mengisian kode pada apliksi e-klaim tentu perlu diperhatikannya tanda pada kode penyakit. Vedika merupakan sistem yang dikembangkan oleh BPJS Kesehatan untuk mempercepat proses verifikasi klaim. Koder memahami tentang baik dalam hal klaim pending, pemberian kode icd 10 sehingga mempermudah dalam diagnosa. Adanya kode kombinasi juga akan mempengaruhi entry tata letak diagnosa utama dan sekunder pada e-klaim.
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi, 2022
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by lack of nutrition for a long time. Sumberwrin... more Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by lack of nutrition for a long time. Sumberwringin Village is one of the villages in Bondowoso Regency with a fairly high number of cases of stunting under five and is one of the fostered villages of the University of Jember that requires assistance in resolving public health problems, especially regarding the handling of nutrition and stunting problems. Food and nutrition insights from community program actors, such as nutrition cadres, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers play an important role in efforts to prevent and improve stunting problems in Indonesia.The aim of the implementation of this community service activity is to increase the competence (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) of posyandu cadres in providing education to the community about stunting prevention based on community participation through changes in personal hygiene and sanitation, and preventing pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers gave birth to ...
The MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) is a minority group in heterosexual society. It is because th... more The MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) is a minority group in heterosexual society. It is because they may not be accepted in family and society. It makes social pressure in the form of stigma and discrimination, which makes sexual lifestyle of MSM, has high risk in transmission of HIV and AIDS. It makes an impact on their lack of information and knowledge about safe sex. Moreover the youth MSM community had highly vulnerable HIV and AIDS through their sexual behavior. This research aimed to analyze how the sexual lifestyle of youth MSM in Jember Regency. This research used qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through in depth interviews to the youth MSM aged 1725 years in Jember Regency. The result of the research showed that the average of the youth MSM aged 17-23 years, have regular sexual partner whose single status at 19-27 years, most of them were from high education, and average of them having parents from low education and work as farmer, busi...
Background: Indonesia is one of developing country that has a high cigarette consumption and prod... more Background: Indonesia is one of developing country that has a high cigarette consumption and production level. Although a lot of researches show that smoking has a damaging health effect, yet the number smoker is increasing every year especially in the girl adolescent smoker. Smoking becomes the symbols of modem, sexy, glamour, mature and independence in women. These girls are the potential target of tobacco industry. Objective: This study aims to analyze if the smoking behavior has a crucial contribution towards the alcohol and drugs consumption at girl adolescent. Methods: using a qualitative exploration involve respondents aged 17-23 at girl adolescent, active smoker who smokes at least six months in Jember city. Data is collected by in-depth interview and analyzed by thematic content analysis. Results: The result of this study show that all respondents are active smoker and regular alcohol consumer. The averages of them are drugs user who uses both injection and oral. They ackno...
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2015
Community food security means fulfilment of energy and nutrients of every community member from d... more Community food security means fulfilment of energy and nutrients of every community member from daily food consumption intake. Non-fulfilment of these requirements led to the incidence of malnutrition in the community, which marked by the emergence of nutritional problems among the nutrition vulnerable groups, such as low body weight of under five years olds children, malnourished including stunting children. Food and nutritional insights of the community program actors, such as posyandu and nutrition cadres, and midwives plays an important role in efforts to prevent and repair the problem of malnutrition in young children, especially from the lower to middle income groups. Therefore, empowerment posyandu cadres, nutrition cadres, and midwives through briefing mastery of knowledge (cognitive competence) food, nutrition, and nutritional status, is the critical point of community food security. The purpose of this descriptive pre-post design study is evaluate the effect of the short nutrition class program on the increase of food, nutrition, and health knowledge of posyandu cadres, nutrition cadres, and midwives who play an important roles in handling the vulnerable malnourished families with infant and under fives children whose body weight below the red line standard (BGM) or stunting. The cadre and midwives subject was selected from the high stunting problem villages in the Sumbersari district in Jember. By 75 percent of active posyandu cadre and all midwife in the high prevalence malnourished regencies were selected as subject. After following the action program of nutrition class about nutritious food for the family, most of participants (80 %) increased their food nutritional insights. Similarly, after participated in pregnancy nutrition class program, the insight knowledge of the majority (95%) of the midwives on pregnancy nutrition increased, proper and correct. After attending the balanced nutrition class by 75 percent of subject increased insight of balanced diet for family.
This study aims to analyze the role of sexual behavior in the transmission of HIV/AIDS in adolesc... more This study aims to analyze the role of sexual behavior in the transmission of HIV/AIDS in adolescents in coastal areas. This study is quantitative research with observational methods using crossectional approach. The study population was adolescents in high school aged 15-18 years. The sample of the research was chosen by random sampling at 200 students. Data collected is analized by quantitative methodes with univariat analysis and narative explanation. Results showed that the adolescents knowledge related to HIV / AIDS in the coastal areas is high and the attitudes of HIV / AIDS is in the category adequate, it was not guarantee that they have save behaviour, which 15% of students had sexual intercourse, 6% of them using condom, only 7% of students had sexual intercourse with a girlfriend/boyfriend, 2% of students had sexual intercourse with prostitutes, and there are 5% of students had sexual intercourse with more than one person, there are 47% of students had masturbation, and 5% of students had STIs symptoms.
Diapers are devices in highly absorbent disposable diapers made of plastic and a mixture of chemi... more Diapers are devices in highly absorbent disposable diapers made of plastic and a mixture of chemicals to accommodate metabolic waste such as urine and feces. Diapers are included in hazardous and toxic waste materials called B3 waste. B3 waste is the residue of a business or activity containing B3. The use of adult diapers in the elderly and people with mental disorders who are unconscious and experiencing physical impairment is widely used as an alternative to urinary control. As many as 42.3% of people hospitalized with decreased mobility, physical ability, and distress use adult diapers as an alternative to urinary control in the treatment process. This was a quantitative study aimed to analyze the role of social shelter (UPTD. LIPOSOS) officer in managing diapers for mental disorders clients at the social shelter, Jember. There were 5 respondents. The result showed that diapers were managed by hoarding, burial, and burning. The selection of diapers is inappropriate in terms of t...
Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environm... more Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology ISBN: 978-602-60569-5-5
HCLB Program for the households is an attempt to provide knowledge for the family members to prac... more HCLB Program for the households is an attempt to provide knowledge for the family members to practice clean, health living behavior and to participate in the health of community environment. HCLB purpose is the health of the family members. The health level of individuals, family, community and environment is related HCLB. In the household level, there are 10 HCLB indicators to be practiced by the family members. HCLB should be started from the household since its health, considered as the asset of development, should be taken care of. This research aims to analyze the effect of HCLB program on pneumonia symptom in toddlers in Mojopanggung Community Health Centre (citiy), Tapanrejo Community Health Centre (village), Kedungrejo Community Health Centre (coastal area) of Banyuwangi. This research applies analytic descriptive using case control approach and ordinal regression data analysis with the population of 8,883 respondents. The sample includes simple random sampling of 104 respon...
Papers by Dewi Rokhmah