The Hérin copper and iron sulphides mineralization (chalcopyrite and pyrite), in the municipality... more The Hérin copper and iron sulphides mineralization (chalcopyrite and pyrite), in the municipality of Champdepraz (Valle d'Aosta), is hosted in lenticular massive bodies and thin layers intercalated within glaucophanites belonging to to the lower eclogitic unit (Zermatt-Saas unit) of Piemonte ophiolitic nappe. The mine, known since 1699, but active since at least the 16th century as shown by 14 C datings on samples of charcoal present in the slag, was for a long time exploited only for the copper contained in the chalcopyrite; starting from the end of the 19th century, the main mineral object of cultivation became pyrite, used for the production of sulfuric acid. The mining works ended in 1957. This article describes, on the basis of bibliographic and archival research and various site inspections, the characteristics of the Hérin deposit, the historical events related to its exploitation and the various mining works carried out, as well as the other mining searches for chalcopyrite and pyrite carried out in the Champdepraz valley.
The ultramafic body of Monte Avic (Aosta Valley, Western Alps, Italy) consists of antigorite serp... more The ultramafic body of Monte Avic (Aosta Valley, Western Alps, Italy) consists of antigorite serpentinite and Ti-clinohumite metadunite. They host late metamorphic veins, up to a couple of centimeters thick, compact, and homogeneous, with a "porcelain" appearance. Vein colors range from yellowish to light greenish, light yellowish fading to white, or rare orange. The veins consist of 15-sector PS-15 polygonal serpentine, with chemical composition Mg 2.85 Fe 0.08 Si 2.05 O 7.05 [OH] 3.95. Recognition of this unusual phase is supported by diagnostic satellite reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (e.g., at d obs of 2.502, 2.336, 2.151, and 1.966 Å) TEM images (showing 15-sector polygonal fibers, mostly 200 nm in diameter and a few µm in length, forming a randomly oriented felt) and a µ-Raman wavenumber, matching previous data. This different evidence affords the successful distinction of PS-15 and PS-30, alternatively using TEM images, X-ray powder diffraction, or the low-and high-wavenumber µ-Raman spectra. At Monte Avic, the vein emplacement was accompanied by significant fluid pressure, as suggested by deformation and dismembering of the host rock, with PS-15 grown within isotropic stress microenvironments characterized by fluid-filled voids. Random growth of the mass-fiber polygonal serpentine was favored by low-strain conditions. PS-15 veins formed at the end of the long polyphase Alpine orogenic evolution, with hydrous fluids possibly deriving from serpentinite dehydration in the depth.
In the valley of the Chalamy stream, in the municipality of Champdepraz (Valle d'Aosta), there ar... more In the valley of the Chalamy stream, in the municipality of Champdepraz (Valle d'Aosta), there are some iron (magnetite) ore deposits hosted in serpentines within the ultra-basic Mont-Avic massif (Piemonte ophiolitic nappe) and subject of mining research. The Lac Gelé mine, located at about 2,600 m above sea level and known at least since 1693, has been the subject of significant mining works. This article describes, on the basis of bibliographic and archival research and various inspections and surveys, the magnetite mines and ore deposits and the related metallurgical plants, the main of which is the La Servaz foundry built in 1694 and used until early 19th century.
Les carrières de meules en chloritoschiste grenatifère à chloritoide de la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie... more Les carrières de meules en chloritoschiste grenatifère à chloritoide de la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie)
Garnet-chloriteschist with chloritoid millstones quarries of Aosta Valley (Italy)
Miniera di pirite e calcopirite Saint-Marcel (Valle d'Aosta)
Mine de pyrite et chalcopyrite Saint... more Miniera di pirite e calcopirite Saint-Marcel (Valle d'Aosta) Mine de pyrite et chalcopyrite Saint-Marcel (Vallée d'Aoste - Italie) Pyrite and chalcopyrite mine of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley - Italy)
In the Aosta Valley, numerous quarries of soapstone and millstone in garnetiferous chlorite schis... more In the Aosta Valley, numerous quarries of soapstone and millstone in garnetiferous chlorite schists have been cultivated since ancient times. One of these quarries is present in the locality Moléraz (municipality of Ayas), at an altitude of 1,870-1,880 m, within a detrital accumulation containing blocks of garnetiferous chlorite schists mixed with serpentinites, rocks belonging to the Zermatt-Saas Unit (lower eclogitic unit of the Piemonte ophiolitic nappe). In addition to numerous fragments of partially worked soapstone, a millstone with a diameter of 28 cm was found there.
Antiche cave di pietre da macina in cloritoscisto granatifero di Saint-Marcel (Aosta - Italia)
An... more Antiche cave di pietre da macina in cloritoscisto granatifero di Saint-Marcel (Aosta - Italia) Anciennes carrières de pierre à meule en chloritoschiste grenatifère de Saint-Marcel (Vallée d’Aoste – Italie) Ancient millstones quarry in garnet chlorite schist of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley – Italy)
Antica cava di pietra ollare costituita da cloritoscisto a granato e cloritoide (Pontey - Valle d... more Antica cava di pietra ollare costituita da cloritoscisto a granato e cloritoide (Pontey - Valle d'Aosta - Italia) Ancienne carrière de pierre ollaire en chloritoschistes à grenat et chloritoïde de Valmérianaz (Pontey – Vallée d’Aoste – Italie) Ancient soapstone quarry in garnet and chloritoid chlorite schists of Valmérianaz (Pontey - Aosta Valley - Italy)
Carrières et ateliers de pierre ollaire (chloritoschistes et chloritoschistes grenatiferes) de la... more Carrières et ateliers de pierre ollaire (chloritoschistes et chloritoschistes grenatiferes) de la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie)
Quarries and workshop of soapstone (choriteschist and garnet-chloriteschist) of Aosta Valley (Italie)
Mineralizzazioni della Valle d'Aosta (I), risorse, archeologia, analisi
Aosta Valley (I) ore depo... more Mineralizzazioni della Valle d'Aosta (I), risorse, archeologia, analisi Aosta Valley (I) ore deposits, resources, archeology, analysis Mineralisations de la Vallee d'Aoste, ressources, archeologie, analyses
Cu-Fe, Mn, magnetite ore deposits of Piemonte ophiolite composite nappe (Aosta Valley, Italy).
Mi... more Cu-Fe, Mn, magnetite ore deposits of Piemonte ophiolite composite nappe (Aosta Valley, Italy). Mineralisations a Cu-Fe, Mn et magnetite du Complexe des schistes lustres ophilitiferes (Valle d'Aoste, Italie). Mineralizzazioni a Cu-Fe, Mn e magnetite della Zona Piemontese dei calcescisti con pietre verdi (Chatillon, Verres e Emarese, Valle d'Aosta, Italia)
P. Castello, M. Paganone. Minerals, mines and quarries of Mount Avic Natural Park (Municipalities... more P. Castello, M. Paganone. Minerals, mines and quarries of Mount Avic Natural Park (Municipalities of Champdepraz and Champorcher – Aosta Valley – Western Alps). Rev. Valdôtaine Hist. Nat., 70: 7-56, 2016. In the Mont Avic Natural Park (Aosta Valley-Western Alps) metamorphic rocks crop up belonging to the Zermatt-Saas Unit (lower eclogitic unit of the Piemonte ophiolitic nappe) and of the Austroalpine Dent Blanche nappe. In this paper description of minerals, mines and quarries of the protected area is derived from bibliographical research, information and surveys. The minerals present are mainly those hosted in rodingites, such as garnet, epidote, diopside and vesuvianite; from the mines which were exploited at least since the seventeenth century, magnetite (Fe), chalcopyrite (Cu) and pyrite were extracted; chloriteschists and garnet-chloritoid chloriteschists were used respectively as soapstones and millstones. Mineraux (rodingites), mines (Cu, Fe), carrieres (pierre ollaire, meules en chloritoschistes granatiferes du Parc Naturel du Mont Avic (Vallee d'Aoste - Italie) Minerali (rodingiti), miniere (Cu, Fe), cave (pietra ollare, macine in cloristoscisti granatiferi) del Parco Naturale Mont Avic (AO -Italia)
roman Cu furnace - 1st century AD - Saint-Marcel valley (AO - Italy)
sito fusorio romano - I seco... more roman Cu furnace - 1st century AD - Saint-Marcel valley (AO - Italy) sito fusorio romano - I secolo d.C - valle di Saint-Marcel (AO - Italia) fonderie romaine de Cu - 1er siècle après J.C - vallée de Saint-Marcel (AO - Italie)
Detailed account of magnetite, copper-iron sulfide and manganese ore deposits in Piedmont Zone of... more Detailed account of magnetite, copper-iron sulfide and manganese ore deposits in Piedmont Zone of Calcschistes and Greenstones, Aosta Valley, Western Alps, Italy Inventaire des minéralisation à magnétite, Cu-Fe et Mn de la Zone Piémontése des schistes lustrés ophiolitifères de la Vallées d'Aoste, Alpes Occidentales, Italie
mines de sel de la Vallée d'Aoste (I)
miniere di sale della Valle d'Aosta (I)
salt mines of Aosta... more mines de sel de la Vallée d'Aoste (I) miniere di sale della Valle d'Aosta (I) salt mines of Aosta Valley (I)
The Hérin copper and iron sulphides mineralization (chalcopyrite and pyrite), in the municipality... more The Hérin copper and iron sulphides mineralization (chalcopyrite and pyrite), in the municipality of Champdepraz (Valle d'Aosta), is hosted in lenticular massive bodies and thin layers intercalated within glaucophanites belonging to to the lower eclogitic unit (Zermatt-Saas unit) of Piemonte ophiolitic nappe. The mine, known since 1699, but active since at least the 16th century as shown by 14 C datings on samples of charcoal present in the slag, was for a long time exploited only for the copper contained in the chalcopyrite; starting from the end of the 19th century, the main mineral object of cultivation became pyrite, used for the production of sulfuric acid. The mining works ended in 1957. This article describes, on the basis of bibliographic and archival research and various site inspections, the characteristics of the Hérin deposit, the historical events related to its exploitation and the various mining works carried out, as well as the other mining searches for chalcopyrite and pyrite carried out in the Champdepraz valley.
The ultramafic body of Monte Avic (Aosta Valley, Western Alps, Italy) consists of antigorite serp... more The ultramafic body of Monte Avic (Aosta Valley, Western Alps, Italy) consists of antigorite serpentinite and Ti-clinohumite metadunite. They host late metamorphic veins, up to a couple of centimeters thick, compact, and homogeneous, with a "porcelain" appearance. Vein colors range from yellowish to light greenish, light yellowish fading to white, or rare orange. The veins consist of 15-sector PS-15 polygonal serpentine, with chemical composition Mg 2.85 Fe 0.08 Si 2.05 O 7.05 [OH] 3.95. Recognition of this unusual phase is supported by diagnostic satellite reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (e.g., at d obs of 2.502, 2.336, 2.151, and 1.966 Å) TEM images (showing 15-sector polygonal fibers, mostly 200 nm in diameter and a few µm in length, forming a randomly oriented felt) and a µ-Raman wavenumber, matching previous data. This different evidence affords the successful distinction of PS-15 and PS-30, alternatively using TEM images, X-ray powder diffraction, or the low-and high-wavenumber µ-Raman spectra. At Monte Avic, the vein emplacement was accompanied by significant fluid pressure, as suggested by deformation and dismembering of the host rock, with PS-15 grown within isotropic stress microenvironments characterized by fluid-filled voids. Random growth of the mass-fiber polygonal serpentine was favored by low-strain conditions. PS-15 veins formed at the end of the long polyphase Alpine orogenic evolution, with hydrous fluids possibly deriving from serpentinite dehydration in the depth.
In the valley of the Chalamy stream, in the municipality of Champdepraz (Valle d'Aosta), there ar... more In the valley of the Chalamy stream, in the municipality of Champdepraz (Valle d'Aosta), there are some iron (magnetite) ore deposits hosted in serpentines within the ultra-basic Mont-Avic massif (Piemonte ophiolitic nappe) and subject of mining research. The Lac Gelé mine, located at about 2,600 m above sea level and known at least since 1693, has been the subject of significant mining works. This article describes, on the basis of bibliographic and archival research and various inspections and surveys, the magnetite mines and ore deposits and the related metallurgical plants, the main of which is the La Servaz foundry built in 1694 and used until early 19th century.
Les carrières de meules en chloritoschiste grenatifère à chloritoide de la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie... more Les carrières de meules en chloritoschiste grenatifère à chloritoide de la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie)
Garnet-chloriteschist with chloritoid millstones quarries of Aosta Valley (Italy)
Miniera di pirite e calcopirite Saint-Marcel (Valle d'Aosta)
Mine de pyrite et chalcopyrite Saint... more Miniera di pirite e calcopirite Saint-Marcel (Valle d'Aosta) Mine de pyrite et chalcopyrite Saint-Marcel (Vallée d'Aoste - Italie) Pyrite and chalcopyrite mine of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley - Italy)
In the Aosta Valley, numerous quarries of soapstone and millstone in garnetiferous chlorite schis... more In the Aosta Valley, numerous quarries of soapstone and millstone in garnetiferous chlorite schists have been cultivated since ancient times. One of these quarries is present in the locality Moléraz (municipality of Ayas), at an altitude of 1,870-1,880 m, within a detrital accumulation containing blocks of garnetiferous chlorite schists mixed with serpentinites, rocks belonging to the Zermatt-Saas Unit (lower eclogitic unit of the Piemonte ophiolitic nappe). In addition to numerous fragments of partially worked soapstone, a millstone with a diameter of 28 cm was found there.
Antiche cave di pietre da macina in cloritoscisto granatifero di Saint-Marcel (Aosta - Italia)
An... more Antiche cave di pietre da macina in cloritoscisto granatifero di Saint-Marcel (Aosta - Italia) Anciennes carrières de pierre à meule en chloritoschiste grenatifère de Saint-Marcel (Vallée d’Aoste – Italie) Ancient millstones quarry in garnet chlorite schist of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley – Italy)
Antica cava di pietra ollare costituita da cloritoscisto a granato e cloritoide (Pontey - Valle d... more Antica cava di pietra ollare costituita da cloritoscisto a granato e cloritoide (Pontey - Valle d'Aosta - Italia) Ancienne carrière de pierre ollaire en chloritoschistes à grenat et chloritoïde de Valmérianaz (Pontey – Vallée d’Aoste – Italie) Ancient soapstone quarry in garnet and chloritoid chlorite schists of Valmérianaz (Pontey - Aosta Valley - Italy)
Carrières et ateliers de pierre ollaire (chloritoschistes et chloritoschistes grenatiferes) de la... more Carrières et ateliers de pierre ollaire (chloritoschistes et chloritoschistes grenatiferes) de la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie)
Quarries and workshop of soapstone (choriteschist and garnet-chloriteschist) of Aosta Valley (Italie)
Mineralizzazioni della Valle d'Aosta (I), risorse, archeologia, analisi
Aosta Valley (I) ore depo... more Mineralizzazioni della Valle d'Aosta (I), risorse, archeologia, analisi Aosta Valley (I) ore deposits, resources, archeology, analysis Mineralisations de la Vallee d'Aoste, ressources, archeologie, analyses
Cu-Fe, Mn, magnetite ore deposits of Piemonte ophiolite composite nappe (Aosta Valley, Italy).
Mi... more Cu-Fe, Mn, magnetite ore deposits of Piemonte ophiolite composite nappe (Aosta Valley, Italy). Mineralisations a Cu-Fe, Mn et magnetite du Complexe des schistes lustres ophilitiferes (Valle d'Aoste, Italie). Mineralizzazioni a Cu-Fe, Mn e magnetite della Zona Piemontese dei calcescisti con pietre verdi (Chatillon, Verres e Emarese, Valle d'Aosta, Italia)
P. Castello, M. Paganone. Minerals, mines and quarries of Mount Avic Natural Park (Municipalities... more P. Castello, M. Paganone. Minerals, mines and quarries of Mount Avic Natural Park (Municipalities of Champdepraz and Champorcher – Aosta Valley – Western Alps). Rev. Valdôtaine Hist. Nat., 70: 7-56, 2016. In the Mont Avic Natural Park (Aosta Valley-Western Alps) metamorphic rocks crop up belonging to the Zermatt-Saas Unit (lower eclogitic unit of the Piemonte ophiolitic nappe) and of the Austroalpine Dent Blanche nappe. In this paper description of minerals, mines and quarries of the protected area is derived from bibliographical research, information and surveys. The minerals present are mainly those hosted in rodingites, such as garnet, epidote, diopside and vesuvianite; from the mines which were exploited at least since the seventeenth century, magnetite (Fe), chalcopyrite (Cu) and pyrite were extracted; chloriteschists and garnet-chloritoid chloriteschists were used respectively as soapstones and millstones. Mineraux (rodingites), mines (Cu, Fe), carrieres (pierre ollaire, meules en chloritoschistes granatiferes du Parc Naturel du Mont Avic (Vallee d'Aoste - Italie) Minerali (rodingiti), miniere (Cu, Fe), cave (pietra ollare, macine in cloristoscisti granatiferi) del Parco Naturale Mont Avic (AO -Italia)
roman Cu furnace - 1st century AD - Saint-Marcel valley (AO - Italy)
sito fusorio romano - I seco... more roman Cu furnace - 1st century AD - Saint-Marcel valley (AO - Italy) sito fusorio romano - I secolo d.C - valle di Saint-Marcel (AO - Italia) fonderie romaine de Cu - 1er siècle après J.C - vallée de Saint-Marcel (AO - Italie)
Detailed account of magnetite, copper-iron sulfide and manganese ore deposits in Piedmont Zone of... more Detailed account of magnetite, copper-iron sulfide and manganese ore deposits in Piedmont Zone of Calcschistes and Greenstones, Aosta Valley, Western Alps, Italy Inventaire des minéralisation à magnétite, Cu-Fe et Mn de la Zone Piémontése des schistes lustrés ophiolitifères de la Vallées d'Aoste, Alpes Occidentales, Italie
mines de sel de la Vallée d'Aoste (I)
miniere di sale della Valle d'Aosta (I)
salt mines of Aosta... more mines de sel de la Vallée d'Aoste (I) miniere di sale della Valle d'Aosta (I) salt mines of Aosta Valley (I)
Papers by Paolo Castello
Garnet-chloriteschist with chloritoid millstones quarries of Aosta Valley (Italy)
Mine de pyrite et chalcopyrite Saint-Marcel (Vallée d'Aoste - Italie)
Pyrite and chalcopyrite mine of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley - Italy)
Anciennes carrières de pierre à meule en chloritoschiste grenatifère de Saint-Marcel (Vallée d’Aoste – Italie)
Ancient millstones quarry in garnet chlorite schist of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley – Italy)
Ancienne carrière de pierre ollaire en chloritoschistes à grenat et chloritoïde de Valmérianaz (Pontey – Vallée d’Aoste – Italie)
Ancient soapstone quarry in garnet and chloritoid chlorite schists of Valmérianaz (Pontey - Aosta Valley - Italy)
Quarries and workshop of soapstone (choriteschist and garnet-chloriteschist) of Aosta Valley (Italie)
Aosta Valley (I) ore deposits, resources, archeology, analysis
Mineralisations de la Vallee d'Aoste, ressources, archeologie, analyses
Mineralisations a Cu-Fe, Mn et magnetite du Complexe des schistes lustres ophilitiferes (Valle d'Aoste, Italie).
Mineralizzazioni a Cu-Fe, Mn e magnetite della Zona Piemontese dei calcescisti con pietre verdi (Chatillon, Verres e Emarese, Valle d'Aosta, Italia)
Mineraux (rodingites), mines (Cu, Fe), carrieres (pierre ollaire, meules en chloritoschistes granatiferes du Parc Naturel du Mont Avic (Vallee d'Aoste - Italie)
Minerali (rodingiti), miniere (Cu, Fe), cave (pietra ollare, macine in cloristoscisti granatiferi) del Parco Naturale Mont Avic (AO -Italia)
sito fusorio romano - I secolo d.C - valle di Saint-Marcel (AO - Italia)
fonderie romaine de Cu - 1er siècle après J.C - vallée de Saint-Marcel (AO - Italie)
Inventaire des minéralisation à magnétite, Cu-Fe et Mn de la Zone Piémontése des schistes lustrés ophiolitifères de la Vallées d'Aoste, Alpes Occidentales, Italie
miniere di sale della Valle d'Aosta (I)
salt mines of Aosta Valley (I)
Garnet-chloriteschist with chloritoid millstones quarries of Aosta Valley (Italy)
Mine de pyrite et chalcopyrite Saint-Marcel (Vallée d'Aoste - Italie)
Pyrite and chalcopyrite mine of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley - Italy)
Anciennes carrières de pierre à meule en chloritoschiste grenatifère de Saint-Marcel (Vallée d’Aoste – Italie)
Ancient millstones quarry in garnet chlorite schist of Saint-Marcel (Aosta Valley – Italy)
Ancienne carrière de pierre ollaire en chloritoschistes à grenat et chloritoïde de Valmérianaz (Pontey – Vallée d’Aoste – Italie)
Ancient soapstone quarry in garnet and chloritoid chlorite schists of Valmérianaz (Pontey - Aosta Valley - Italy)
Quarries and workshop of soapstone (choriteschist and garnet-chloriteschist) of Aosta Valley (Italie)
Aosta Valley (I) ore deposits, resources, archeology, analysis
Mineralisations de la Vallee d'Aoste, ressources, archeologie, analyses
Mineralisations a Cu-Fe, Mn et magnetite du Complexe des schistes lustres ophilitiferes (Valle d'Aoste, Italie).
Mineralizzazioni a Cu-Fe, Mn e magnetite della Zona Piemontese dei calcescisti con pietre verdi (Chatillon, Verres e Emarese, Valle d'Aosta, Italia)
Mineraux (rodingites), mines (Cu, Fe), carrieres (pierre ollaire, meules en chloritoschistes granatiferes du Parc Naturel du Mont Avic (Vallee d'Aoste - Italie)
Minerali (rodingiti), miniere (Cu, Fe), cave (pietra ollare, macine in cloristoscisti granatiferi) del Parco Naturale Mont Avic (AO -Italia)
sito fusorio romano - I secolo d.C - valle di Saint-Marcel (AO - Italia)
fonderie romaine de Cu - 1er siècle après J.C - vallée de Saint-Marcel (AO - Italie)
Inventaire des minéralisation à magnétite, Cu-Fe et Mn de la Zone Piémontése des schistes lustrés ophiolitifères de la Vallées d'Aoste, Alpes Occidentales, Italie
miniere di sale della Valle d'Aosta (I)
salt mines of Aosta Valley (I)