Høyere utdanning i endringpedagogiske og kunnskapsmessige utfordringer Vi ønsker med dette temanu... more Høyere utdanning i endringpedagogiske og kunnskapsmessige utfordringer Vi ønsker med dette temanummeret å presentere analyser av endringsprosesser i høyere utdanning. Målet er at artiklene til sammen belyser vesentlige didaktiske og pedagogiske aspekter ved uviklingen av norsk høyere utdanning.Temaheftets kontekst er pågående reformer nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Artiklene vil på ulikt vis fange inn hvordan reformene oversettes, tolkes og skapes på ulike nivåer. Analysene vil saerlig knytte an til hvordan nye institusjonelle betingelser setter sitt preg på kvalitetsarbeidet og undervisnings-og laeringsprosessene og i høyere utdanning. I 1999 satte 29 europeiske utdanningsministre, blant dem Norges Jon Lilletun, sine navnetrekk under den vidkjente Bologna-erklaeringen. Dette satte i gang en bølge av initiativ og aktiviteter i høyere utdanning i løpet av det som kanskje kommer til å bli stående som «forandringenes ti-år» for norsk høyere utdanning. Vi fikk Kvalitetsreformen med ny gradsstruktur og økonomistyring, vi fikk krav om internasjonalisering, kvalitetssystem og akkreditering, vi fikk NOKUT, det statlige uavhengige organet med sitt mandat å kontrollere og utvikle kvaliteten ved norske universitet, høgskoler og fagskoler, og vi er nå i ferd med å få et kvalifikasjonsrammeverk. Dykker vi under disse mer strukturelle forandringene ser vi at vi også fikk anbefalinger om nye vurderingsformer med mappevurdering i spissen, mer aktive laeringsformer og mer tilbakemelding fra laerere til studenter. Det er få andre land i Europa som i samme tempo og samme omfang har fulgt opp prinsipper og føringer i Bologna-erklaeringen. Det har sannsynligvis sammenheng med at Bologna representerte tanker og ideer som allerede hadde vaert fremme i den norske debatten om høyere utdanning i hvert fall i ti-året før Bologna. Krav om kvalitet i tilrettelegging og kultur for laering var tydelig fremme i Hernes-utvalgets innstilling «Med viden og vilje» (NOU 1988:28), i Studiekvalitetsutvalgets innstilling (1990) og i Mjøsutvalgets hovedinnstilling (2000). På tross av skiftende regjeringer har det rådd en høy grad av politisk enighet om behovet for tiltak og om hvilke tiltak som skulle iverksettes for å styrke høyere utdanning. Slagordet «Studenten skal lykkes» i Stortingsmelding 27 som fulgte Mjøs-utvalget knyttes til kvalitet i forskning og følges opp av en rekke forslag til konkrete virkemidler. Disse kan gi forventninger om økt autonomitet for institusjonene. En naermere lesing viser at det nok heller er snakk om både «gulrot og pisk». Forslaget om større faglig frihet må for eksempel sees i lys av nye krav til kvalitetsikring av studietilbudene. Større økonomiske fullmakter må sees i lys av en ny finansieringsmodell som skal støtte opp om «sen
Complexity and challenges characterise twenty-first century western democratic societies, and our... more Complexity and challenges characterise twenty-first century western democratic societies, and our everyday lives are highly dependent on well-qualified professionals. We need to trust that professionals perform in a competent and responsible way within the uncertainty of current societies and work life. Realising this calls for deliberate professionals who are able to understand and cope with the unforeseen. Thus, students in higher education qualifying for work must not only learn and critically evaluate the knowledge of their profession, but also develop an awareness of the relationship between theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the moral and social dimensions and implications of and in professional work. To develop the capacity needed, critical thinking is often referred to as an important learning outcome of higher education. In this chapter, we review the ways in which different meanings of critical thinking are articulated within some of the highly ranked research literature on higher education. We argue that critical thinking, as an individual capacity, is necessary yet insufficient for learning and enacting professional responsibility and propose an extended mode. Deliberative communication provides a more adequate model for building the necessary collective capability for making nuanced judgments and decisions tailored to individual circumstances.
In this chapter we focus on how the restructuring of European higher education is manifested in c... more In this chapter we focus on how the restructuring of European higher education is manifested in curriculum policies with particular interest in the consequences for universities. By critically analyzing some core European higher education policy documents, we discuss how initiatives taken by the European Union (EU) and the Bologna Process may influence universities and challenge the Humboldtian ideas traditionally defining most European research-oriented universities. We concentrate the analysis and discussion on implications for educational purposes, educational knowledge and the notion of students. The analysis shows that the new architecture of European higher education implies new models of management and governance which implies new forms of controlling institutional processes of curriculum making. The new policy stands in sharp contrast to the ideas and principles of the Humboldtian tradition. As a consequence, and despite the fact that we need more empirical evidence, there are strong indications that universities move towards stronger entrepreneurial ideas and a utilitarian ethos defined by the employment market. This new orientation has consequences for staff and student formation, notions of academic freedom, priorities in curriculum development and teaching-learning. Our analysis suggests that current academics need to be more aware of the implications of current policy and critically discuss what we mean by academic freedom and which values worth fighting for under current circumstances – particularly with regards to the relationship between educational purposes, content and students.
Despite the general recognition that critical thinking is one of the most important outcome of hi... more Despite the general recognition that critical thinking is one of the most important outcome of higher education (Barnett2003, Englund 2008), what critical thinking entails or should imply is itself ...
Springer International Handbooks of Education, 2014
The overarching research problem addressed in this chapter is the relationship between profession... more The overarching research problem addressed in this chapter is the relationship between professional/higher education and professional work. The chapter will discuss the relevance of university education for professional practice with a particular focus on professional identity formation and formation of professional responsibility. We discuss how different professional programs and their traditions and cultures shape different curricular structures that have an impact on students professional identity formation and transition to work. We will also discuss experiences with and learning of professional responsibility in the web of commitments within educational settings and how new multiple expectations emerge and lead to new learning experiences when entering work life. The argument of the chapter is based on the rationale and findings from an extensive international research program, conducted between 2001 and 2008.
The book reports on a longitudinal European resesrch project aiming at understanding how the tran... more The book reports on a longitudinal European resesrch project aiming at understanding how the transition between higher education and work life is experienced by the students. Informants are selected from a variety of study programs such as Psychology, Political science, Engineering and Law. The students are interviewed at the end of their studies and later after about one and a half year of work life experience. The aim is to describe and understand in what ways the studies have prepared the students for work life. The results indicate great differences between programs and also between the participating universities located in Sweden, Norway, Poland and Germany.
Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy, 2022
This final chapter gives an overview of the main purposes and research problems that guided the P... more This final chapter gives an overview of the main purposes and research problems that guided the POLNET-study, and it summarizes key findings and addresses certain topics in more detail. Moreover, the chapter discusses the results in relation to the theoretical approaches presented in the two first chapters of the book as well as in the light of contemporary research about policy knowledge transfer. Finally, the chapter reflects on the insight we gained by conducting an integrated research design in terms of a common Nordic research project, and points to the importance of analyzing the dynamic between state government and network governance in order to capture the meaning of evidence and expertise in a Nordic context.
The aim of this article is to shed light on some aspects of professional responsibility by invest... more The aim of this article is to shed light on some aspects of professional responsibility by investigating students’ visions of future work and notions of professional responsibility. The data is based on interviews with samples of freshmen in three educational programmes at the University of Oslo in Norway. The data has been analysed in relation to two thesis claimed by Steven Brint: “The rise of a utilitarian ethos” in higher education and the movement from “social trustee professionalism” to “expert professionalism”. The findings show that the students in our sample do not think of higher education primarily as a means to get credentials that will be useful in the labour marked. An intellectual interest in the discipline is the most prevalent reason for the students’ educational choices. Furthermore our findings support an orientation towards “expert professionalism” rather than “social trustee professionalism”. But, embedded in the perspective of an expert there is an emphasis on ethical knowledge, moral and/or societal responsibility and the wish to do good for others. However, the students’ sense of responsibility seems to be restricted to certain “localism” of their specific occupation. Based on the findings we argue that the students reveal a moral awareness that should be taken seriously by the educational institution in order to foster critical rationality and professional commitments.
This paper offers a historical overview regarding the nation state aspect of Norway because of it... more This paper offers a historical overview regarding the nation state aspect of Norway because of its dramatic influence in curriculum making. The study examines aspects of the Norwegian national curriculum identity related to curriculum structure, to the underlying principles and consequent form those principles will take in the curriculum, and to the content of the curriculum in what students should know. These aspects are related to recent curriculum reform in Norway. The analysis is based on policy texts from the Royal Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs as well as on current debate. The description focuses to a degree on related tensions and paradoxes found within the social and educational structures. Sections of the paper include: (1) "Introduction"; (2)"Establishing a National Identity in Curriculum"; (3) "Curriculum Structure and National Identity"; (4) "Formation (Bildung) and the Celebration of Principle and of Both-And"...
... His teaching and research interests combine economics, finance and governance of colleges ...... more ... His teaching and research interests combine economics, finance and governance of colleges ... such as funding methodologies, student financial support, marketisation, financial management and per ... training seminars and consultancies in the area of higher education policy and ...
ABSTRACT This article aims to provide a critical examination of the concept of ‘learning environm... more ABSTRACT This article aims to provide a critical examination of the concept of ‘learning environment’ following the increased attention to the concept among educational researchers and policy makers. Based on a review of the literature, the current article identifies how the concept of learning environment is being researched and how the research conducted can be categorised through three different analytical lenses. The review of research in the area shows a close link between: (1) research on learning environments and the development and dynamics of higher education, especially related to the impact of massification, internationalisation and globalisation including quality challenges; and (2) the idea of learning environments as a concept almost exclusively linked to student perceptions. In the conclusion, the article argues for a more multifaceted research agenda, not least including more organisational perspectives.
ABSTRACT This paper argues that there are some common characteristics that define what we label g... more ABSTRACT This paper argues that there are some common characteristics that define what we label graduate professional programmes. By analysing two programmes, law and psychology—as experienced by the students—it becomes obvious that while the programmes educate their students well in the academic aspects of professional work, they do not prepare students sufficiently for dealing with moral conflicts and complex moral challenges. Although there are substantial differences between the two programmes, they reflect cultural characteristics of the academy with its emphasis on the authority of disciplinary knowledge. The findings suggest that while there are critical challenges for professional graduate programmes to keep up to date with the academic content, there are also even larger challenges in preparing students more adequately for dealing with practical and moral issues.
... contrast to many other professions, which position themselves in an international context, th... more ... contrast to many other professions, which position themselves in an international context, the ... multi‐dimensional from the beginning, including both taking care of professional issues, influencing ... working conditions for its members' and for the 'continuous development of further ...
ABSTRACT This paper examines how professional associations engage themselves in efforts to develo... more ABSTRACT This paper examines how professional associations engage themselves in efforts to develop, regulate and secure knowledge in their respective domains, with special emphasis on standardisation. The general emphasis on science in society brings renewed attention to the knowledge base of professionals, and positions professional bodies as key regulatory agencies. At the same time, knowledge takes distinctive forms in different areas of expertise, and the ‘knowledge work’ of professional associations is embedded in complex settings of actors and interests that need to be negotiated. Based on documents and interviews with core representatives, we examined approaches to standardisation in three associations that represent the main bodies of nurses, teachers and auditors in Norway. The analysis shows that all associations engage themselves in efforts to develop standards for knowledge and professional practice, but that they do so in different ways and with alternative sources of legitimisation. Standardisation is initiated for variegated purposes, and involves the ongoing negotiation of tensions between different concerns. We discuss the approaches taken in relation to conditions for professionalism, and argue that the knowledge work of professional associations is becoming increasingly important in a society where knowledge, as well as the market for professional services, is becoming internationalised.
Abstract. In this article the use, updating and integration of Information and Com-munication Tec... more Abstract. In this article the use, updating and integration of Information and Com-munication Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning purposes is discussed. Based on an empirical study using interviews and document analysis of the implementation of ICT in five Norwegian ...
Høyere utdanning i endringpedagogiske og kunnskapsmessige utfordringer Vi ønsker med dette temanu... more Høyere utdanning i endringpedagogiske og kunnskapsmessige utfordringer Vi ønsker med dette temanummeret å presentere analyser av endringsprosesser i høyere utdanning. Målet er at artiklene til sammen belyser vesentlige didaktiske og pedagogiske aspekter ved uviklingen av norsk høyere utdanning.Temaheftets kontekst er pågående reformer nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Artiklene vil på ulikt vis fange inn hvordan reformene oversettes, tolkes og skapes på ulike nivåer. Analysene vil saerlig knytte an til hvordan nye institusjonelle betingelser setter sitt preg på kvalitetsarbeidet og undervisnings-og laeringsprosessene og i høyere utdanning. I 1999 satte 29 europeiske utdanningsministre, blant dem Norges Jon Lilletun, sine navnetrekk under den vidkjente Bologna-erklaeringen. Dette satte i gang en bølge av initiativ og aktiviteter i høyere utdanning i løpet av det som kanskje kommer til å bli stående som «forandringenes ti-år» for norsk høyere utdanning. Vi fikk Kvalitetsreformen med ny gradsstruktur og økonomistyring, vi fikk krav om internasjonalisering, kvalitetssystem og akkreditering, vi fikk NOKUT, det statlige uavhengige organet med sitt mandat å kontrollere og utvikle kvaliteten ved norske universitet, høgskoler og fagskoler, og vi er nå i ferd med å få et kvalifikasjonsrammeverk. Dykker vi under disse mer strukturelle forandringene ser vi at vi også fikk anbefalinger om nye vurderingsformer med mappevurdering i spissen, mer aktive laeringsformer og mer tilbakemelding fra laerere til studenter. Det er få andre land i Europa som i samme tempo og samme omfang har fulgt opp prinsipper og føringer i Bologna-erklaeringen. Det har sannsynligvis sammenheng med at Bologna representerte tanker og ideer som allerede hadde vaert fremme i den norske debatten om høyere utdanning i hvert fall i ti-året før Bologna. Krav om kvalitet i tilrettelegging og kultur for laering var tydelig fremme i Hernes-utvalgets innstilling «Med viden og vilje» (NOU 1988:28), i Studiekvalitetsutvalgets innstilling (1990) og i Mjøsutvalgets hovedinnstilling (2000). På tross av skiftende regjeringer har det rådd en høy grad av politisk enighet om behovet for tiltak og om hvilke tiltak som skulle iverksettes for å styrke høyere utdanning. Slagordet «Studenten skal lykkes» i Stortingsmelding 27 som fulgte Mjøs-utvalget knyttes til kvalitet i forskning og følges opp av en rekke forslag til konkrete virkemidler. Disse kan gi forventninger om økt autonomitet for institusjonene. En naermere lesing viser at det nok heller er snakk om både «gulrot og pisk». Forslaget om større faglig frihet må for eksempel sees i lys av nye krav til kvalitetsikring av studietilbudene. Større økonomiske fullmakter må sees i lys av en ny finansieringsmodell som skal støtte opp om «sen
Complexity and challenges characterise twenty-first century western democratic societies, and our... more Complexity and challenges characterise twenty-first century western democratic societies, and our everyday lives are highly dependent on well-qualified professionals. We need to trust that professionals perform in a competent and responsible way within the uncertainty of current societies and work life. Realising this calls for deliberate professionals who are able to understand and cope with the unforeseen. Thus, students in higher education qualifying for work must not only learn and critically evaluate the knowledge of their profession, but also develop an awareness of the relationship between theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the moral and social dimensions and implications of and in professional work. To develop the capacity needed, critical thinking is often referred to as an important learning outcome of higher education. In this chapter, we review the ways in which different meanings of critical thinking are articulated within some of the highly ranked research literature on higher education. We argue that critical thinking, as an individual capacity, is necessary yet insufficient for learning and enacting professional responsibility and propose an extended mode. Deliberative communication provides a more adequate model for building the necessary collective capability for making nuanced judgments and decisions tailored to individual circumstances.
In this chapter we focus on how the restructuring of European higher education is manifested in c... more In this chapter we focus on how the restructuring of European higher education is manifested in curriculum policies with particular interest in the consequences for universities. By critically analyzing some core European higher education policy documents, we discuss how initiatives taken by the European Union (EU) and the Bologna Process may influence universities and challenge the Humboldtian ideas traditionally defining most European research-oriented universities. We concentrate the analysis and discussion on implications for educational purposes, educational knowledge and the notion of students. The analysis shows that the new architecture of European higher education implies new models of management and governance which implies new forms of controlling institutional processes of curriculum making. The new policy stands in sharp contrast to the ideas and principles of the Humboldtian tradition. As a consequence, and despite the fact that we need more empirical evidence, there are strong indications that universities move towards stronger entrepreneurial ideas and a utilitarian ethos defined by the employment market. This new orientation has consequences for staff and student formation, notions of academic freedom, priorities in curriculum development and teaching-learning. Our analysis suggests that current academics need to be more aware of the implications of current policy and critically discuss what we mean by academic freedom and which values worth fighting for under current circumstances – particularly with regards to the relationship between educational purposes, content and students.
Despite the general recognition that critical thinking is one of the most important outcome of hi... more Despite the general recognition that critical thinking is one of the most important outcome of higher education (Barnett2003, Englund 2008), what critical thinking entails or should imply is itself ...
Springer International Handbooks of Education, 2014
The overarching research problem addressed in this chapter is the relationship between profession... more The overarching research problem addressed in this chapter is the relationship between professional/higher education and professional work. The chapter will discuss the relevance of university education for professional practice with a particular focus on professional identity formation and formation of professional responsibility. We discuss how different professional programs and their traditions and cultures shape different curricular structures that have an impact on students professional identity formation and transition to work. We will also discuss experiences with and learning of professional responsibility in the web of commitments within educational settings and how new multiple expectations emerge and lead to new learning experiences when entering work life. The argument of the chapter is based on the rationale and findings from an extensive international research program, conducted between 2001 and 2008.
The book reports on a longitudinal European resesrch project aiming at understanding how the tran... more The book reports on a longitudinal European resesrch project aiming at understanding how the transition between higher education and work life is experienced by the students. Informants are selected from a variety of study programs such as Psychology, Political science, Engineering and Law. The students are interviewed at the end of their studies and later after about one and a half year of work life experience. The aim is to describe and understand in what ways the studies have prepared the students for work life. The results indicate great differences between programs and also between the participating universities located in Sweden, Norway, Poland and Germany.
Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy, 2022
This final chapter gives an overview of the main purposes and research problems that guided the P... more This final chapter gives an overview of the main purposes and research problems that guided the POLNET-study, and it summarizes key findings and addresses certain topics in more detail. Moreover, the chapter discusses the results in relation to the theoretical approaches presented in the two first chapters of the book as well as in the light of contemporary research about policy knowledge transfer. Finally, the chapter reflects on the insight we gained by conducting an integrated research design in terms of a common Nordic research project, and points to the importance of analyzing the dynamic between state government and network governance in order to capture the meaning of evidence and expertise in a Nordic context.
The aim of this article is to shed light on some aspects of professional responsibility by invest... more The aim of this article is to shed light on some aspects of professional responsibility by investigating students’ visions of future work and notions of professional responsibility. The data is based on interviews with samples of freshmen in three educational programmes at the University of Oslo in Norway. The data has been analysed in relation to two thesis claimed by Steven Brint: “The rise of a utilitarian ethos” in higher education and the movement from “social trustee professionalism” to “expert professionalism”. The findings show that the students in our sample do not think of higher education primarily as a means to get credentials that will be useful in the labour marked. An intellectual interest in the discipline is the most prevalent reason for the students’ educational choices. Furthermore our findings support an orientation towards “expert professionalism” rather than “social trustee professionalism”. But, embedded in the perspective of an expert there is an emphasis on ethical knowledge, moral and/or societal responsibility and the wish to do good for others. However, the students’ sense of responsibility seems to be restricted to certain “localism” of their specific occupation. Based on the findings we argue that the students reveal a moral awareness that should be taken seriously by the educational institution in order to foster critical rationality and professional commitments.
This paper offers a historical overview regarding the nation state aspect of Norway because of it... more This paper offers a historical overview regarding the nation state aspect of Norway because of its dramatic influence in curriculum making. The study examines aspects of the Norwegian national curriculum identity related to curriculum structure, to the underlying principles and consequent form those principles will take in the curriculum, and to the content of the curriculum in what students should know. These aspects are related to recent curriculum reform in Norway. The analysis is based on policy texts from the Royal Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs as well as on current debate. The description focuses to a degree on related tensions and paradoxes found within the social and educational structures. Sections of the paper include: (1) "Introduction"; (2)"Establishing a National Identity in Curriculum"; (3) "Curriculum Structure and National Identity"; (4) "Formation (Bildung) and the Celebration of Principle and of Both-And"...
... His teaching and research interests combine economics, finance and governance of colleges ...... more ... His teaching and research interests combine economics, finance and governance of colleges ... such as funding methodologies, student financial support, marketisation, financial management and per ... training seminars and consultancies in the area of higher education policy and ...
ABSTRACT This article aims to provide a critical examination of the concept of ‘learning environm... more ABSTRACT This article aims to provide a critical examination of the concept of ‘learning environment’ following the increased attention to the concept among educational researchers and policy makers. Based on a review of the literature, the current article identifies how the concept of learning environment is being researched and how the research conducted can be categorised through three different analytical lenses. The review of research in the area shows a close link between: (1) research on learning environments and the development and dynamics of higher education, especially related to the impact of massification, internationalisation and globalisation including quality challenges; and (2) the idea of learning environments as a concept almost exclusively linked to student perceptions. In the conclusion, the article argues for a more multifaceted research agenda, not least including more organisational perspectives.
ABSTRACT This paper argues that there are some common characteristics that define what we label g... more ABSTRACT This paper argues that there are some common characteristics that define what we label graduate professional programmes. By analysing two programmes, law and psychology—as experienced by the students—it becomes obvious that while the programmes educate their students well in the academic aspects of professional work, they do not prepare students sufficiently for dealing with moral conflicts and complex moral challenges. Although there are substantial differences between the two programmes, they reflect cultural characteristics of the academy with its emphasis on the authority of disciplinary knowledge. The findings suggest that while there are critical challenges for professional graduate programmes to keep up to date with the academic content, there are also even larger challenges in preparing students more adequately for dealing with practical and moral issues.
... contrast to many other professions, which position themselves in an international context, th... more ... contrast to many other professions, which position themselves in an international context, the ... multi‐dimensional from the beginning, including both taking care of professional issues, influencing ... working conditions for its members' and for the 'continuous development of further ...
ABSTRACT This paper examines how professional associations engage themselves in efforts to develo... more ABSTRACT This paper examines how professional associations engage themselves in efforts to develop, regulate and secure knowledge in their respective domains, with special emphasis on standardisation. The general emphasis on science in society brings renewed attention to the knowledge base of professionals, and positions professional bodies as key regulatory agencies. At the same time, knowledge takes distinctive forms in different areas of expertise, and the ‘knowledge work’ of professional associations is embedded in complex settings of actors and interests that need to be negotiated. Based on documents and interviews with core representatives, we examined approaches to standardisation in three associations that represent the main bodies of nurses, teachers and auditors in Norway. The analysis shows that all associations engage themselves in efforts to develop standards for knowledge and professional practice, but that they do so in different ways and with alternative sources of legitimisation. Standardisation is initiated for variegated purposes, and involves the ongoing negotiation of tensions between different concerns. We discuss the approaches taken in relation to conditions for professionalism, and argue that the knowledge work of professional associations is becoming increasingly important in a society where knowledge, as well as the market for professional services, is becoming internationalised.
Abstract. In this article the use, updating and integration of Information and Com-munication Tec... more Abstract. In this article the use, updating and integration of Information and Com-munication Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning purposes is discussed. Based on an empirical study using interviews and document analysis of the implementation of ICT in five Norwegian ...
Papers by Berit Karseth