Papers by Lobna BENHASSEN

Valahia University Law Study, 2022
In this paper, longevity, social security and the environment are modeled in the context of the p... more In this paper, longevity, social security and the environment are modeled in the context of the prominent two-overlapping-generations general-equilibrium model with rational expectations. The model is developed to examine the impact of population aging, in a pay-as-yougo (PAYG) financed defined contributions pension scheme, on the evolution of capital and environmental quality. Analytical outcomes are derived for the steady state by the method of comparative statics. We have shown, by analysing the effect of aging on environmental quality that the influence of social security appears when the value of longevity exceeds 0,4. A transient regime is obtained by investigating the effect of longevity on capital accumulation at the point where the longevity is equal to 0,24. We have proved that the increase in pensions benefits affect negatively the amplitude of the steady-state capital.

Revue Européenne du Droit Social, 2022
Most current investigations have recognized the social and economic effects of population aging, ... more Most current investigations have recognized the social and economic effects of population aging, whereas its environmental effects are largely neglected. We consider in this paper overlapping generations economies with pollution arising from consumption activities to examine the impact of aging on environmental quality. Moreover, we compare the competitive equilibrium steady state to the optimal steady state from the social planner's perspective. The key findings are as follows. First, physical capital and environmental conditions positively depend on longevity. The effect of a lower rate of population growth on capital is negative, while its effect on the environment relies on the value of the capital's share of output. Second, the competitive equilibrium is dynamically inefficient when there are negative externalities that characterize the model. Finally, two types of tax scheme are designed, one founded on consumption conditioned on age taxes and the other founded on savings and consumption taxes, for the purpose of correcting the market failure and reaching the social optimum.
Higher School of Economics Economic Journal, 2021
Oradea Journal of Business and Economics, 2021
This paper analyzes the transitional dynamics of an endogenous growth model with physical capital... more This paper analyzes the transitional dynamics of an endogenous growth model with physical capital, human capital and R&D in which both human capital and innovation drives long run growth. The model suggests that the developing economy follows different stages of development. The first phase is characterized by physical capital accumulation. At the second stage, human capital accumulation represents the main engine of long run growth. The third phase is identified by an increasing variety of intermediate good originating from innovation. However, innovation is not assured for poor economies. In this case, permanent support for innovation can lead a sustainable exit from poverty trap.

Journal of Economics Studies and Research, 2016
Although there is a plethora of literature that supports the existence of a technological bias in... more Although there is a plethora of literature that supports the existence of a technological bias in the US and Europe, exploring such a subject in the developing countries is still relevant and very little processed. This article is part of the perspective that involves examining and bringing additional insight to the phenomenon of the technological change skewed in the Tunisian context. Estimating a multinomial logit model directed to 902 employees generated very original results. First, these results confirm the existence of a technological bias in favour of skilled workers in the Tunisian labour market. However, it is no longer the access or the intensive use of ICT at work that privileges some employees and not others, in terms of pay, but rather the employees' digital skills which contribute to rising inequality. Even more, it is the ability to get, select, process and evaluate information based on the specific needs and capacity to use it to achieve specific objectives, and not the simple manipulation of digital technologies and structures, that are at the core of the problem. Finally, the organizational change also contributes to the amplification of the existing wage disparities. Actually, the more independent the employee is in carrying out his tasks and works per project, the higher the probability of earning a high salary vs low and medium salary. However, several other types of organizations do not have any significant positive effect on the wage rise. This reflects a weakness in the labour organization in the Tunisian firms.
L'objectif de cet article est d'examiner empiriquement l'impact de l'ouverture su... more L'objectif de cet article est d'examiner empiriquement l'impact de l'ouverture sur la croissance économique de la Tunisie en utilisant un modèle en série temporelle durant la période 1980-2014. Les résultats empiriques montrent que l'ouverture économique a un impact positif et significatif sur la croissance de la Tunisie durant cette période d'étude. Les résultats empiriques confirment aussi l'existence d'une relation bidirectionnelle entre l'ouverture et la croissance. Nos résultats indiquent aussi le rôle joué par les IDE dans le processus de la croissance à travers les externalités technologiques transmises par ces derniers en favorisant le processus de production et de développement du pays.
The paper presents an in depth study of the relationship between Information and Communication Te... more The paper presents an in depth study of the relationship between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and economic growth. On the one hand, It highlights the theoretical and empirical insights of the role of the new technology as a mode of economic performance. On the other hand, it presents an empirical study based on different estimation methods recently developed in the context of a dynamic panel for a sample of 43 countries over the period 1995-2011.The overall findings suggest a positive and significant relationship.

Sur le plan conceptuel, un consensus s’est degage depuis quelques annees arguant que la pauvrete ... more Sur le plan conceptuel, un consensus s’est degage depuis quelques annees arguant que la pauvrete est un phenomene multidimensionnel. Vu que, la pauvrete en Tunisie est traitee dans la plupart des rapports suivant une approche monetaire et que cette derniere temoigne d'une diminution tres appreciable de la pauvrete, nous elargissons la notion de la pauvrete en adoptant une approche multidimensionnelle et en se referant, dans un premier temps, aux realisations du pays en termes de satisfaction aux Objectifs du Millenaire pour le Developpement (OMD). En second lieu, nous procedons, en utilisant la methode ACP, au calcul d’un indice composite de bien-etre pour chaque gouvernorat. Les resultats degages a partir de la construction dudit indice montrent une forte disparite entre les regions et une persistance de la pauvrete dans nombre de gouvernorats. Une analyse plus approfondie au niveau de chaque gouvernorat caracterise comme pauvre nous a permis de localiser, avec precision, les p...

Journal of Economics Studies and Research, 2016
Although there is a plethora of literature that supports the existence of a technological bias in... more Although there is a plethora of literature that supports the existence of a technological bias in the US and Europe, exploring such a subject in the developing countries is still relevant and very little processed. This article is part of the perspective that involves examining and bringing additional insight to the phenomenon of the technological change skewed in the Tunisian context. Estimating a multinomial logit model directed to 902 employees generated very original results. First, these results confirm the existence of a technological bias in favour of skilled workers in the Tunisian labour market. However, it is no longer the access or the intensive use of ICT at work that privileges some employees and not others, in terms of pay, but rather the employees' digital skills which contribute to rising inequality. Even more, it is the ability to get, select, process and evaluate information based on the specific needs and capacity to use it to achieve specific objectives, and not the simple manipulation of digital technologies and structures, that are at the core of the problem. Finally, the organizational change also contributes to the amplification of the existing wage disparities. Actually, the more independent the employee is in carrying out his tasks and works per project, the higher the probability of earning a high salary vs low and medium salary. However, several other types of organizations do not have any significant positive effect on the wage rise. This reflects a weakness in the labour organization in the Tunisian firms.
Papers by Lobna BENHASSEN