Books by Ayşegül Demir
Papers by Ayşegül Demir
Bu çalışma huzurevinde kalan yaşlı bireylerin huzurevinde kalma nedenlerini ve huzurevine yönelik... more Bu çalışma huzurevinde kalan yaşlı bireylerin huzurevinde kalma nedenlerini ve huzurevine yönelik temel düşüncelerini sorgulamaktadır. Modernleşme süreci özgürlük gibi bireye birtakım imkânlar sunsa da yalnızlık, aile bağlarının çözülmesi ve terk edilmişlik gibi birçok sosyal soruna da kaynaklık etmektedir. Bu sorunlar geç modernleşen toplumlarda daha derin izler bırakmaktadır. Huzurevini bu sürecin bir yansıması olarak değerlendirmenin mümkün olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu kapsamda bir huzurevi özelinde nitel araştırma yaklaşımı takip edilerek gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada görüşme yapılan kişilerin neredeyse tamamı zorunlu tercihin bir sonucu olarak huzurevine yerleştiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca görüşme yapılan kişiler, huzurevinde sunulan imkânlardan büyük bir memnuniyet duysa da huzurevine yerleşme sürecini başta çocukları olmak üzere yakın akrabaları tarafından verilen değerle ilişkilendirerek huzurevine mutluluğu engelleyici bir unsur olarak baktığı anlaşılmıştır. Bazı kişiler bu durumu "huzurevi köşesine atılmak", "ölümün bir adım öncesi" gibi cümlelerle özetlediğine rastlanılmıştır. Huzurevinde kalan yaşlı bireylerin terk edilmişlik duygusuna sahip olması, aile bağlarının zayıflaması ve birbirine benzer sağlık sorunları olan kişilerle aynı ortamının paylaşıyor olması negatif duygunun algının oluşmasında etkili olduğu izlenmiştir. ABSTRACT
This study questions the reasons for elderly people staying in a nursing home and their basic thoughts about a nursing home. Although the modernization process offers a number of opportunities for the individual, such as freedom, it also causes many social problems such as loneliness, dissolution of family ties and abandonment. These problems leave deeper impressions in late modernizing societies. It is thought that it may be possible to evaluate the nursing home as a reflection of this process. In this context, almost all of the people interviewed in this study, which was carried out by following a qualitative research approach in a nursing home, settled in a nursing home as a result of mandatory preference. In addition to this, although the interviewees were very pleased with the facilities offered in the nursing home, it was understood that they regard the nursing home as an element that prevents happiness by associating the process of settling in the nursing home with the value given by their close relatives, especially their children. It has been found that some people sum up this situation with sentences such as "being thrown into the corner of a nursing home", "one step before death". It has been observed that elderly people staying in the nursing home have a sense of abandonment, weakened of family ties and shared the same environment with people with similar health problems are effective in the forming of negative emotions and perceptions.
Books by Ayşegül Demir
Papers by Ayşegül Demir
This study questions the reasons for elderly people staying in a nursing home and their basic thoughts about a nursing home. Although the modernization process offers a number of opportunities for the individual, such as freedom, it also causes many social problems such as loneliness, dissolution of family ties and abandonment. These problems leave deeper impressions in late modernizing societies. It is thought that it may be possible to evaluate the nursing home as a reflection of this process. In this context, almost all of the people interviewed in this study, which was carried out by following a qualitative research approach in a nursing home, settled in a nursing home as a result of mandatory preference. In addition to this, although the interviewees were very pleased with the facilities offered in the nursing home, it was understood that they regard the nursing home as an element that prevents happiness by associating the process of settling in the nursing home with the value given by their close relatives, especially their children. It has been found that some people sum up this situation with sentences such as "being thrown into the corner of a nursing home", "one step before death". It has been observed that elderly people staying in the nursing home have a sense of abandonment, weakened of family ties and shared the same environment with people with similar health problems are effective in the forming of negative emotions and perceptions.
This study questions the reasons for elderly people staying in a nursing home and their basic thoughts about a nursing home. Although the modernization process offers a number of opportunities for the individual, such as freedom, it also causes many social problems such as loneliness, dissolution of family ties and abandonment. These problems leave deeper impressions in late modernizing societies. It is thought that it may be possible to evaluate the nursing home as a reflection of this process. In this context, almost all of the people interviewed in this study, which was carried out by following a qualitative research approach in a nursing home, settled in a nursing home as a result of mandatory preference. In addition to this, although the interviewees were very pleased with the facilities offered in the nursing home, it was understood that they regard the nursing home as an element that prevents happiness by associating the process of settling in the nursing home with the value given by their close relatives, especially their children. It has been found that some people sum up this situation with sentences such as "being thrown into the corner of a nursing home", "one step before death". It has been observed that elderly people staying in the nursing home have a sense of abandonment, weakened of family ties and shared the same environment with people with similar health problems are effective in the forming of negative emotions and perceptions.