Papers by Alejandro Mazzadi

The international journal of cardiovascular imaging, 2003
To evaluate coronary artery disease (CAD) patients regarding to their perfusion-glucose uptake re... more To evaluate coronary artery disease (CAD) patients regarding to their perfusion-glucose uptake relationship at rest for all myocardial regions and to determine whether this evaluation could typify patients with different positron emission tomography (PET)-pattern proportions and pathophysiological characteristics. Rest/dipyridamole H(15)2O and 18FDG PET studies were performed in 23 patients with left ventricular dysfunction. Regional index (relative perfusion, %H(15)2O; relative glucose uptake, %18FDG) allowed to detect PERFUSION-metabolism mismatch (i.e. hibernation) and dipyridamole-induced reversible stress defects (RSD). The correlation (r) between %H(15)2O and % 18FDG at rest allowed definition of three groups: correlated (CORR; r > 0.7; n = 10), semicorrelated (SEMI; 0.5 < r < or = 0.7; n = 6) and uncorrelated (UNCO; r < or = 0.5; n = 7). In UNCO, 96% of regions had a %H(15)2O > or = 55% (p < 0.01 vs. 89 and 82% in SEMI and CORR) and 95% of regions had a %18F...
![Research paper thumbnail of [HPV vaccine acceptability and knowledge among gynecologists in Argentina]](
Salud pública de México, 2012
To evaluate HPV vaccine acceptability and prescription; knowledge about HPV vaccine; and knowledg... more To evaluate HPV vaccine acceptability and prescription; knowledge about HPV vaccine; and knowledge about HPV infection and cervical cancer among Argentinean gynecologists. Between November 2009 and March 2010 we carried out an internet survey of 686 gynecologists. More than 80% of gynecologists prescribed HPV vaccine, knew characteristics of HPV vaccines, and knew that women will still need regular cervical cancer screening after HPV vaccination; 37% had global knowledge about relationship between vaccine, detection and treatment of cervical cancer; 25% underestimated the epidemiological extent of HPV infections, ≈30% was not aware of the causative relationship between HPV infection and cervical cancer and ≈40% had global knowledge about management of HPV infection. HPV vaccine acceptability is high. Physicians need to be fully informed on HPV vaccination and cervical cancer as well as HPV infection management.
![Research paper thumbnail of Cardiac retention of [11C]HED in genotyped long QT patients: a potential amplifier role for severity of the disease](
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 2003
Although mutations in cardiac sodium and potassium channel genes are associated with congenital l... more Although mutations in cardiac sodium and potassium channel genes are associated with congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS), a "modifier" role of the sympathetic nervous system was proposed to explain the distinct severity of the disease. We evaluated cardiac sympathetic innervation using [11C]hydroxyephedrine ([11C]HED) and positron emission tomography (PET) in genotyped LQTS patients. H215O and [11C]HED PET studies were performed in 11 patients (5 symptomatic) and 8 controls. Perfusion and [11C]HED images were depicted as 36-sector polar maps. Sectorial values of perfusion (H2O%), absolute (HEDRet) and relative retention (HED%Ret) of [11C]HED, and the ratio of HED%Ret to H2O% (HED%Ret/H2O%) were calculated. Normal databases were obtained from controls. Sectorial values below 2SD database values were defined as "outside sectors." Controls and patients showed similar sectorial perfusion. Sectorial HEDRet did not differ between groups, but means of HED%Ret were lower ...
Salud Pública de México, 2012
salud pública de méxico / vol. 54, no. 5, septiembre-octubre de 2012 Conocimiento sobre vacunació... more salud pública de méxico / vol. 54, no. 5, septiembre-octubre de 2012 Conocimiento sobre vacunación contra el VPH en ginecología Argentina Artículo originAl

Resuscitation, 2011
Aims: We showed previously that ivabradine (IVA), a selective inhibitor of the cardiac pacemaker ... more Aims: We showed previously that ivabradine (IVA), a selective inhibitor of the cardiac pacemaker I f current, achieved protection against ischaemia-induced ventricular fibrillation (VF) in pigs by increasing the VF threshold (VFT). This was correlated to the heart rate reduction (HRR), the limitation of monophasic action potential shortening and the reduction of the hypoxic area. This study investigated myocyte ultrastructure and regional myocardial blood flow (RMBF), potentially involved in these cardioprotective effects of IVA. Methods and results: Myocardial ischaemia was induced in pigs by total 1-min occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery following i.v. administration of saline (n = 6) or IVA (0.25 mg/kg, n = 6). Electrophysiological and haemodynamic parameters, the hypoxic area and the presence of myocyte ultrastructural lesions were evaluated. The RMBF was assessed using positron emission tomography following ischaemia/reperfusion in IVA (0.25 mg/kg, i.v., n = 6) or vagal stimulation (n = 4) groups. Compared with saline, IVA induced a 32% HRR (p < 0.01), a 2.9-fold increase in the VFT (p < 0.001) and a reduction of the hypoxic area without any change in left ventricular dP/dt max . IVA preserved cardiomyocyte morphology, particularly mitochondrial ultrastructure. Compared with baseline, RMBF during reperfusion was increased in the hypoxic area following IVA administration (+218% vs. +97%, p < 0.05) or vagal stimulation (+195% vs. +127%, p < 0.05). This increase was sharply reduced by atrial pacing in IVA-group. Conclusion: IVA exerts a cardioprotection from ischaemia-induced VF by increasing RMBF and preserving cardiomyocyte and mitochondrial ultrastructure, which opens new perspectives regarding potential targets that would be involved in the anti-ischaemic effects of IVA.

Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2012
Vagal innervation modulates the electrical stability of the left ventricle (LV) during ischemia. ... more Vagal innervation modulates the electrical stability of the left ventricle (LV) during ischemia. Thus, abnormal parasympathetic activity in myocardial infarction (MI) patients with primary ventricular fibrillation (FV) can account for their arrhythmic disorders. We evaluated LV muscarinic receptor density (B (max)) after MI in patients with (FV(G), n = 11) or without (nFV(G), n = 12) primary FV. The B (max) was measured by positron emission tomography and the specific antagonist [(11)C]methylquinuclidinyl benzilate ([(11)C]MQNB) in 23 patients 39 ± 19 days post-MI, and 10 volunteers. Myocardial damage was quantified by delayed contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Three short-axis slices per subject were analyzed and six time-activity curves per slice were fitted to a 3-compartment ligand-receptor model. The B (max) in remote regions of the 23 patients (67 ± 36 pmol/mL · tissue; n = 139) was higher than in normal regions of volunteers (33 ± 16 pmol/mL · tissue; n = 171; P = .01). Receptor density in remote regions was similarly upregulated in nFV(G) (69 ± 31 pmol/mL · tissue, n = 73) and FV(G) (66 ± 40 pmol/mL · tissue, n = 66; P = .72). In damaged regions, the B (max) was reduced in both patient groups (44 pmol/mL · tissue). Chronically infarcted patients with or without primary FV share similar patterns of ventricular muscarinic receptor remodeling, characterized by receptor upregulation, in remote non-damaged territories.

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 1991
To evaluate the effect of nitrendipine on cardiac hypertrophy and inotropic response to isoproter... more To evaluate the effect of nitrendipine on cardiac hypertrophy and inotropic response to isoproterenol in two-kidney, one-clip (2K,1C) renovascular hypertension, male Wistar rats (n = 56) were divided into a clipped group (K) (n = 28) and a sham group (S) (n = 28). Twenty-one days after surgery, the rats were placed in metabolic cages where they received either a normal diet (S and K rats) or a similar one containing N (18 mg/day) (SN and KN rats) during 3 weeks. Arterial pressure and body weight were measured twice a week. At the end of the experimental period, the hearts were excised, the ventricles were weighed, and cardiac proteins were measured by the Lowry method in seven hearts of each group. In the remaining hearts, the left ventricular papillary muscle was excised and mounted in a bath where the developed tension (dt) and the maximal rate of rise of developed tension (+T) were recorded in basal conditions, and after cumulative doses of isoproterenol (10(-11) to 10(-4) M). The arterial pressure, ventricular weight, and cardiac proteins were similar in S, SN, and KN groups and were significantly higher in the K group (p less than 0.05). No difference in the basal values of +T and dt were observed among the four groups. The increment in +T after isoproterenol was higher in treated (KN and SN) than in nontreated (K and S) groups (p less than 0.05). In conclusion, nitrendipine enhances the contractile response to isoproterenol and reverses the cardiac hypertrophy in the 2K, 1C model.

Investigative Radiology, 2006
: We sought to improve the clinical interpretation of first-pass myocardial magnetic resonance pe... more : We sought to improve the clinical interpretation of first-pass myocardial magnetic resonance perfusion. Parametric analyses of the myocardial distribution of the contrast agent have been proposed. The objective of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of visual analysis and of a parametric approach in an animal model under acquisition conditions as close as possible to clinical reality. : Experiments were conducted in vivo with various kinds of pharmacological stimulation in normal pigs and in pigs with stenosis of the left circumflex coronary artery. First-pass MR images and parametric maps were first assessed by medical experts. MR parameters, the myocardial signal intensity variation DeltaSI, ascending up-slope, and rMBF (blood flow calculated by fast discrete ARMA deconvolution) were then compared with blood flow measurements using radioactive microspheres. : Interobserver agreement was 57% and 81% and accuracy 53% and 81%, for visual and for parametric map analysis, respectively. For deconvolution parameters, a linear relationship y = 371 + 1.27x, r = 0.78 was obtained between rMBF calculated by ARMA and the radioactive microsphere blood flow. Moreover, the fast and robust parametric mapping of rMBF by the discrete ARMA method allows MR evaluation of myocardial perfusion independently of hemodynamic conditions.

Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 2009
Background-Despite the major role attributed to myocardial vagal activity in left ventricular arr... more Background-Despite the major role attributed to myocardial vagal activity in left ventricular arrhythmogenesis in chronic myocardial infarction, the impact of infarction on left ventricular muscarinic receptor density remains unknown. Methods and Results-Left ventricular muscarinic receptor density was measured in vivo by positron emission tomography using the specific antagonist [ 11 C]methylquinuclidinyl benzilate ([ 11 C]MQNB) in 11 patients 43Ϯ20 days after myocardial infarction and 9 healthy volunteers. The extent of myocardial damage was quantified by delayed contrast-enhanced MRI. Three short-axis slices from each subject were analyzed in matched positron emission tomography and MRI images. A 2-injection positron emission tomography protocol was used; [ 11 C]MQNB timeactivity curves were obtained in 6 regions per slice and fitted to a 3-compartment ligand-receptor model. Four classes of myocardial regions were considered: normal (in volunteers); remote, supplied by healthy or Ͻ70% diameter reduction arteries and without MRI signs of damage; potentially damaged, supplied by infarct-related or Ͼ70% diameter reduction arteries and without signs of damage; and damaged, with damage. The muscarinic receptor density in remote (67Ϯ30 pmol/mL tissue; nϭ86) and potentially damaged (71Ϯ30 pmol/mL tissue; nϭ42) regions of patients was higher than in normal regions of volunteers (32Ϯ17 pmol/mL tissue; nϭ156; PϽ0.001). The muscarinic receptor density in damaged regions (42Ϯ21 pmol/mL tissue; nϭ58) was reduced compared with remote and potentially damaged regions (PϽ0.001) but was not significantly different from normal regions in volunteers (Pϭ0.093).
Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements, 2011

Academic Radiology, 2002
Factor analysis of medical image sequences (FAMIS) applied to gadolinium chelate-enhanced subseco... more Factor analysis of medical image sequences (FAMIS) applied to gadolinium chelate-enhanced subsecond magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was evaluated as a postprocessing method for assessing myocardial perfusion in coronary artery disease (CAD). To assess the accuracy of motion correction, five normal volunteers underwent MR imaging at rest. Thirteen patients with well-documented CAD and no myocardial infarction underwent MR imaging at rest and after dipyridamole administration. After motion correction, a single myocardial tissue factor (FAMISt) image was obtained with FAMIS for each raw MR imaging series acquisition. To evaluate how FAMIS could improve the analysis of these acquisitions, five readers visually assessed myocardial perfusion with FAMISt and raw MR images, and a multicase, multireader receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed. FAMISt images significantly improved detection of the perfusion defects when compared with raw MR images (P = .002). Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves ranged from 0.84 to 0.93 with FAMISt images and from 0.48 to 0.85 with raw MR images. FAMIS applied to first-pass MR imaging series provided myocardial perfusion images that improve the objective assessment of myocardial perfusion in patients with CAD.

AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2004
The impact of blood flow reductions on the intramyocardial inotropic reserve has not yet been est... more The impact of blood flow reductions on the intramyocardial inotropic reserve has not yet been established in coronary artery disease (CAD). We therefore evaluated in severe CAD the relationship between positron emission tomography (PET) patterns of perfusion and glucose uptake and the corresponding tagged magnetic resonance imaging (tagged MRI) values of midmyocardial strains under low-dose dobutamine. Eighteen patients underwent tagged MRI (at rest, with dobutamine) and H2(15)O/18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET. Regional midmyocardial circumferential shortening (Ecc) and PET patterns (normal, match viable, mismatch viable, and infarcted) were assessed in three tagged MRI/PET short-axis slices. Regional Ecc at rest correlated with both perfusion (r = 0.49) and glucose uptake (r = 0.58). The presence of the inotropic reserve was similar in normal, match viable, and infarcted (approximately 40% of regions vs. 52% in mismatch viable, P &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05), but the extent of the increase after dobutamine was lower in infarcted regions (P = 0.06). Within each PET pattern, regions were grouped according to their Ecc values at rest into three categories (high, intermediate, and low contractile performance). In mismatch viable (hibernation), the inotropic reserve was similar among the three categories, but in the other PET patterns the presence and extent of the inotropic reserve was higher in those regions with lowest Ecc (without significant differences in perfusion). In severe CAD, the presence of the inotropic reserve assessed by midmyocardial changes under dobutamine does not relate to resting perfusion. At a similar level of perfusion, the presence of the inotropic reserve is inversely related to contractile performance at rest, but our results suggest that it may not be true for hibernating myocardium.

AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2006
Patients with severe chronic coronary artery disease exhibit a highly altered myocardial pattern ... more Patients with severe chronic coronary artery disease exhibit a highly altered myocardial pattern of perfusion, metabolism and mechanical performance. In this context, the diagnosis of stunning remains elusive not only because of methodological and logistic considerations, but also because of the pathophysiological characteristics present in the myocardium of these patients. In addition, a number of alternative pathophysiological mechanisms may act by mimicking the functional manifestations usually attributed to stunning. The present article reviews three of these mechanisms that could theoretically lead to reversible mechanical dysfunction in these patients: myocardial wall stress, the tethering effect, and myocardial expression and release of auto-and para-crine agents. Attention is focused on the role of these mechanisms in scintigraphically "normal" regions (i.e., regions usually showing normal perfusion, glucose metabolism and cellular integrity as assessed by nuclear imaging techniques) -in which stunning is usually considered -but these mechanisms could also operate over the whole viable myocardium. We hypothesize that reversion of these three mechanisms could partially explain the unexpected functional benefit after reperfusion recently highlighted by high spatial resolution imaging techniques. Page 2 of 36 Copyright Information dysfunction. J Mol Cell Cardiol 34: 51-62, 2002. 46. Downing SE. Wall tension and myocardial dysfunction after ischemia and reperfusion. Am J Physiol 264: H386-393, 1993. 47. Drake DH, McClanahan TB, Ning XH, Gerren RA, Dunham WR, and Gallagher KP. Changes in contractility fail to alter the size of the functional border zone in anesthetized dogs. Circ Res 61: 166-180, 1987. 48.

AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2004
In severe coronary artery disease (CAD), it has been shown that intramyocardial inotropic reserve... more In severe coronary artery disease (CAD), it has been shown that intramyocardial inotropic reserve as assessed with tagged magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is uniformly distributed among positron emission tomography (PET) patterns reflecting normal or concomitant reductions in perfusion and glucose metabolism. This preliminary study aimed to delineate the relationship between preoperative values of intramyocardial inotropic reserve (in different PET patterns of perfusion and glucose uptake) and intramyocardial functional outcome after surgical revascularization in severe CAD. Twelve patients underwent preoperative tagged MRI (baseline, 10 of dobutamine), H2 15O/[18F]fluorodeoxyglucose PET imaging, and postoperative resting tagged MRI. Regional midmyocardial circumferential shortening (Ecc, in %) and PET patterns (normal, match viable, mismatch viable, and infarcted) were assessed in three tagged MRI/PET short-axis slices. Ecc at baseline ranged from 12 +/- 6 to 8 +/- 5 and 4 +/- 4% in normal, match-viable, and infarcted regions, respectively (P &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.05) and was 8 +/- 5% in mismatch-viable regions. Of the 429 regions studied, 187 showed preoperative inotropic reserve with dobutamine, but 238 showed postoperative functional improvement. Postoperative functional improvement was less common in infarcted regions (41 vs. approximately 60% in the other PET patterns), but the extent of improvement was similar among PET patterns (approximately 6%). Postoperative functional improvement occurred in 53% of all (normal, match viable, and mismatch viable) regions without inotropic reserve. In severe CAD, revascularization affords greater intramyocardial functional benefit than expected from the evaluation of intramyocardial inotropic reserve with low-dose dobutamine. Postoperative functional improvement in PET-viable regions without inotropic reserve suggests that factors other than regionally enhanced perfusion contribute to such functional improvement.
Papers by Alejandro Mazzadi