A parallel processing architecture utilizing matrix memory is proposed. Significant improvement o... more A parallel processing architecture utilizing matrix memory is proposed. Significant improvement of weight updating speed has been achieved for neural network simulations. The proposed system is expandible, fast and within an acceptable performance/cost. Simulating BP on the system is shown and comparisons are made with several other well known systems.
Hospital based case control study carried out for reduced Glutathione levels (GSH), Superoxide di... more Hospital based case control study carried out for reduced Glutathione levels (GSH), Superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), Total Antioxidant Potential (AOP), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Nitrate levels in a major referral hospital in Kashmir, North India involving patients with breast cancer (N=40) and healthy Controls (N=20). Patients with history of drug use or some other similar disorder which might influence antioxidant enzyme activity were not included in the study. The results were analyzed statistically using the Student's t-test for unpaired variables. MDA, SOD and nitrite levels were increased in breast cancer patients as compared to controls (p<0.005, P<0.01 and P<0.05) respectively. GSH, and AOP levels in plasma of breast cancer patients were low as compared to healthy voluntary controls (P<0.005 and p<0.005). Increased oxidative stress in patients is indicated by increased SOD activity and is evident by depleted GSH levels and AOP.
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, Jan 6, 2015
The inexorable exposure of plants to the combinations of abiotic stresses has affected the worldw... more The inexorable exposure of plants to the combinations of abiotic stresses has affected the worldwide food supply. The crop improvement against these abiotic stresses has been captivating approach to increase the yield and enhance the stress tolerance. By using traditional and modern breeding methods, the characters that confer tolerance to these stresses were accomplished. No doubt genetic engineering and molecular breeding have helped in comprehending the intricate nature of stress response. Understanding of abiotic stress-involved cellular pathways provides vital information on such responses. On the other hand, genomic research for crop improvement has raised new assessments in breeding new varieties against abiotic stresses. Interpretation of responses of the crop plants under stress is of great significance by studying the main role of crops in food and biofuel production. This review presents genomic-based approaches revealing the complex networks controlling the mechanisms of...
Worldwide, mastitis is emerging as a major challenge in dairy development, on account of being th... more Worldwide, mastitis is emerging as a major challenge in dairy development, on account of being the cause for severe wastage and undesirable milk quality, besides breed development, nutritional management, control of infections and internal parasitic diseases. The major factors found to be important and affecting the prevalence of subclinical mastitis included flock size, regional agro climatic conditions, distinctive socio-cultural practices, marketing of milk and its byproducts, literacy level of the animal owner, feeding system and administration. The continuing presence of the disease may be attributed to poor practices which includes unhygienic conditions, improper milking practices, faulty milking equipment, lack of veterinary medicines, poor housing besides breeding strategies for ever-increasing milk yield. It is important to be aware of the fact that being an infectious disease, all methods of commercial milk production may provide suitable breeding conditions for mastitis organisms and thus spread mastitis from cow to cow. On account of insights provided by a considerable body of evidence it is suggested that to increase exposure of cows to mastitis organisms and thereby get infected, several management and environmental factors interact together which compromise the cows natural resistance to disease help organisms in gaining entrance through the teat canal to milk secreting tissues of the udder where they cause infection. The incidence of disease is thus result of interplay between the infectious agents and management practices emphasizing the importance of udder defense.
and Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall... more and Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at link.springer.com".
Humans have been using natural products for medicinal use for ages. Natural products of therapeut... more Humans have been using natural products for medicinal use for ages. Natural products of therapeutic importance are compounds derived from plants, animals, or any microorganism. Ginger is also one of the most commonly used condiments and a natural drug in vogue. It is a traditional medicine, having some active ingredients used for the treatment of numerous diseases. During recent research on ginger, various ingredients like zingerone, shogaol, and paradol have been obtained from it. Zingerone (4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone) is a nontoxic and inexpensive compound with varied pharmacological activities. It is the least pungent component of Zingiber officinale. Zingerone is absent in fresh ginger but cooking or heating transforms gingerol to zingerone. Zingerone closely related to vanillin from vanilla and eugenol from clove. Zingerone has potent antiinflammatory, antidiabetic, antilipolytic, antidiarrhoeic, antispasmodic, and so forth properties. Besides, it displays the property of enhancing growth and immune stimulation. It behaves as appetite stimulant, anxiolytic, antithrombotic, radiation protective, and antimicrobial. Also, it inhibits the reactive nitrogen species which are important in causing Alzheimer's disease and many other disorders. This review is written to shed light on the various pharmacological properties of zingerone and its role in alleviating numerous human and animal diseases.
Jurnal Informatika Dan Teknik Elektro Terapan, 2012
Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi saat ini mendorong permintaan terhadap akses data internet bekec... more Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi saat ini mendorong permintaan terhadap akses data internet bekecepatan tinggi meningkat dengan pesatnya. Layanan yang ditawarkan pun semakin beragam mencakup teks, suara, video, dan data. Hal tersebut kini telah semakin menjadi kebutuhan sehari-hari yang tak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Sehingga dibutuhkan teknologi yang mampu memberikan layanan suara, data, maupun video dengan kualitas yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan scheduling service class pada aplikasi-aplikasi komunikasi data pada jaringan fixed WiMAX. Jaringan fixed WiMAX disimulasikan menggunakan Opnet Modeler. Perancangan jaringan dilakukan menggunakan satu buah BS, 16 buah SS, dan server sebagai sumber trafik. Pengambilan data dilakukan selama sepuluh menit. Hasil simulasi yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa pada aplikasi suara, service class UGS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 3 Mbps dan memiliki nilai jitter terkecil yaitu mendekati 0 s. Pada aplikasi video, service class rtPS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 44 Mbps dan memiliki nilai delay terkecil yaitu 0,17 s. Pada aplikasi file transfer, service class nrtPS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 6.745.187 bps dan memiliki nilai delay terkecil yaitu 0,014 s. Pada aplikasi web browsing, service class nrtPS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 8,2 Mbps dan memiliki nilai delay terkecil yaitu 0,022 s.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Juli 2015 yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Jurusa... more Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Juli 2015 yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Ilmu Lingkungan dan di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Haluoleo Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui sifat fisik dan mekanika Bambu Betung berdasarkan tempat tumbuhnya dan mengetahui pengaruh posisi vertikal dalam Batang Bambu yang berbeda berdasarkan tempat tumbuhnya terhadap sifat fisika dan mekanika Bambu Betung. Metode pengujian sifat fisika bambu menggunakan standar JIS (Japan Industrial Standart) Z 2101 -Z 2103 yang meliputi kadar air, berat jenis dan penyusutan. Metode penelitian sifat mekanika bambu dilakukan menurut standar ASTM (American Society of Testing Methods ) meliputi keteguhan lentur statik dan keteguhan tarik tgak lurus serat. Hasil pengukuran untuk asal kecamatan kambu bambu diperoleh kadar air kering udara rata-rata sebesar 16,81%, untuk berat jenis kering udara 0,55 dan utuk penyusutan diperoleh nilai basah ke kering udara sebesar 15,91% Untuk asal bambu Kecamatan Abeli diperoleh kadar air kering udara rata-rata sebesar 13,58%, untuk berat jenis kering udara 0,74, dan utuk penyusutan diperoleh nilai basah ke kering udara sebesar 10,92%. Untuk pengukuran mekanika bambu betung diperoleh untuk asal bambu Kecamatana Kambu memiliki nilai lentur statis MOR (Modulus of Repture) sebesar 31,44 kg/cm 2 , MOE (Modulus of Elasticity) sebesar 0,37 kg/cm 2 dan untuk tarik tegak lurus serat sebesar 8,89 kg/cm 2 . Asal bambu Kecamatan Abeli memiliki nilai lentur statis MOR (Modulus of Repture) sebesar 12,39 kg/cm 2 , MOE (Modulus of Elasticity) sebesar 0,27 kg/cm 2 dan untuk tarik tegak lurus serat sebesar 13,21 kg/cm 2 . Hasil penelitian memiliki berat jenis Abeli lebih tinggi dari pada Kambu. Bambu dari Abeli dan Kambu memiliki sifat fisik yang berbeda, bambu dari Abeli masuk kelas kuat II dan Kambu masuk dalam kelas kuat III.
A parallel processing architecture utilizing matrix memory is proposed. Significant improvement o... more A parallel processing architecture utilizing matrix memory is proposed. Significant improvement of weight updating speed has been achieved for neural network simulations. The proposed system is expandible, fast and within an acceptable performance/cost. Simulating BP on the system is shown and comparisons are made with several other well known systems.
Hospital based case control study carried out for reduced Glutathione levels (GSH), Superoxide di... more Hospital based case control study carried out for reduced Glutathione levels (GSH), Superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), Total Antioxidant Potential (AOP), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Nitrate levels in a major referral hospital in Kashmir, North India involving patients with breast cancer (N=40) and healthy Controls (N=20). Patients with history of drug use or some other similar disorder which might influence antioxidant enzyme activity were not included in the study. The results were analyzed statistically using the Student's t-test for unpaired variables. MDA, SOD and nitrite levels were increased in breast cancer patients as compared to controls (p<0.005, P<0.01 and P<0.05) respectively. GSH, and AOP levels in plasma of breast cancer patients were low as compared to healthy voluntary controls (P<0.005 and p<0.005). Increased oxidative stress in patients is indicated by increased SOD activity and is evident by depleted GSH levels and AOP.
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, Jan 6, 2015
The inexorable exposure of plants to the combinations of abiotic stresses has affected the worldw... more The inexorable exposure of plants to the combinations of abiotic stresses has affected the worldwide food supply. The crop improvement against these abiotic stresses has been captivating approach to increase the yield and enhance the stress tolerance. By using traditional and modern breeding methods, the characters that confer tolerance to these stresses were accomplished. No doubt genetic engineering and molecular breeding have helped in comprehending the intricate nature of stress response. Understanding of abiotic stress-involved cellular pathways provides vital information on such responses. On the other hand, genomic research for crop improvement has raised new assessments in breeding new varieties against abiotic stresses. Interpretation of responses of the crop plants under stress is of great significance by studying the main role of crops in food and biofuel production. This review presents genomic-based approaches revealing the complex networks controlling the mechanisms of...
Worldwide, mastitis is emerging as a major challenge in dairy development, on account of being th... more Worldwide, mastitis is emerging as a major challenge in dairy development, on account of being the cause for severe wastage and undesirable milk quality, besides breed development, nutritional management, control of infections and internal parasitic diseases. The major factors found to be important and affecting the prevalence of subclinical mastitis included flock size, regional agro climatic conditions, distinctive socio-cultural practices, marketing of milk and its byproducts, literacy level of the animal owner, feeding system and administration. The continuing presence of the disease may be attributed to poor practices which includes unhygienic conditions, improper milking practices, faulty milking equipment, lack of veterinary medicines, poor housing besides breeding strategies for ever-increasing milk yield. It is important to be aware of the fact that being an infectious disease, all methods of commercial milk production may provide suitable breeding conditions for mastitis organisms and thus spread mastitis from cow to cow. On account of insights provided by a considerable body of evidence it is suggested that to increase exposure of cows to mastitis organisms and thereby get infected, several management and environmental factors interact together which compromise the cows natural resistance to disease help organisms in gaining entrance through the teat canal to milk secreting tissues of the udder where they cause infection. The incidence of disease is thus result of interplay between the infectious agents and management practices emphasizing the importance of udder defense.
and Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall... more and Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at link.springer.com".
Humans have been using natural products for medicinal use for ages. Natural products of therapeut... more Humans have been using natural products for medicinal use for ages. Natural products of therapeutic importance are compounds derived from plants, animals, or any microorganism. Ginger is also one of the most commonly used condiments and a natural drug in vogue. It is a traditional medicine, having some active ingredients used for the treatment of numerous diseases. During recent research on ginger, various ingredients like zingerone, shogaol, and paradol have been obtained from it. Zingerone (4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone) is a nontoxic and inexpensive compound with varied pharmacological activities. It is the least pungent component of Zingiber officinale. Zingerone is absent in fresh ginger but cooking or heating transforms gingerol to zingerone. Zingerone closely related to vanillin from vanilla and eugenol from clove. Zingerone has potent antiinflammatory, antidiabetic, antilipolytic, antidiarrhoeic, antispasmodic, and so forth properties. Besides, it displays the property of enhancing growth and immune stimulation. It behaves as appetite stimulant, anxiolytic, antithrombotic, radiation protective, and antimicrobial. Also, it inhibits the reactive nitrogen species which are important in causing Alzheimer's disease and many other disorders. This review is written to shed light on the various pharmacological properties of zingerone and its role in alleviating numerous human and animal diseases.
Jurnal Informatika Dan Teknik Elektro Terapan, 2012
Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi saat ini mendorong permintaan terhadap akses data internet bekec... more Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi saat ini mendorong permintaan terhadap akses data internet bekecepatan tinggi meningkat dengan pesatnya. Layanan yang ditawarkan pun semakin beragam mencakup teks, suara, video, dan data. Hal tersebut kini telah semakin menjadi kebutuhan sehari-hari yang tak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Sehingga dibutuhkan teknologi yang mampu memberikan layanan suara, data, maupun video dengan kualitas yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan scheduling service class pada aplikasi-aplikasi komunikasi data pada jaringan fixed WiMAX. Jaringan fixed WiMAX disimulasikan menggunakan Opnet Modeler. Perancangan jaringan dilakukan menggunakan satu buah BS, 16 buah SS, dan server sebagai sumber trafik. Pengambilan data dilakukan selama sepuluh menit. Hasil simulasi yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa pada aplikasi suara, service class UGS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 3 Mbps dan memiliki nilai jitter terkecil yaitu mendekati 0 s. Pada aplikasi video, service class rtPS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 44 Mbps dan memiliki nilai delay terkecil yaitu 0,17 s. Pada aplikasi file transfer, service class nrtPS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 6.745.187 bps dan memiliki nilai delay terkecil yaitu 0,014 s. Pada aplikasi web browsing, service class nrtPS memiliki nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 8,2 Mbps dan memiliki nilai delay terkecil yaitu 0,022 s.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Juli 2015 yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Jurusa... more Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Juli 2015 yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Ilmu Lingkungan dan di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Haluoleo Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui sifat fisik dan mekanika Bambu Betung berdasarkan tempat tumbuhnya dan mengetahui pengaruh posisi vertikal dalam Batang Bambu yang berbeda berdasarkan tempat tumbuhnya terhadap sifat fisika dan mekanika Bambu Betung. Metode pengujian sifat fisika bambu menggunakan standar JIS (Japan Industrial Standart) Z 2101 -Z 2103 yang meliputi kadar air, berat jenis dan penyusutan. Metode penelitian sifat mekanika bambu dilakukan menurut standar ASTM (American Society of Testing Methods ) meliputi keteguhan lentur statik dan keteguhan tarik tgak lurus serat. Hasil pengukuran untuk asal kecamatan kambu bambu diperoleh kadar air kering udara rata-rata sebesar 16,81%, untuk berat jenis kering udara 0,55 dan utuk penyusutan diperoleh nilai basah ke kering udara sebesar 15,91% Untuk asal bambu Kecamatan Abeli diperoleh kadar air kering udara rata-rata sebesar 13,58%, untuk berat jenis kering udara 0,74, dan utuk penyusutan diperoleh nilai basah ke kering udara sebesar 10,92%. Untuk pengukuran mekanika bambu betung diperoleh untuk asal bambu Kecamatana Kambu memiliki nilai lentur statis MOR (Modulus of Repture) sebesar 31,44 kg/cm 2 , MOE (Modulus of Elasticity) sebesar 0,37 kg/cm 2 dan untuk tarik tegak lurus serat sebesar 8,89 kg/cm 2 . Asal bambu Kecamatan Abeli memiliki nilai lentur statis MOR (Modulus of Repture) sebesar 12,39 kg/cm 2 , MOE (Modulus of Elasticity) sebesar 0,27 kg/cm 2 dan untuk tarik tegak lurus serat sebesar 13,21 kg/cm 2 . Hasil penelitian memiliki berat jenis Abeli lebih tinggi dari pada Kambu. Bambu dari Abeli dan Kambu memiliki sifat fisik yang berbeda, bambu dari Abeli masuk kelas kuat II dan Kambu masuk dalam kelas kuat III.
Papers by Ahmad Arif