Papers by Alejandro Pettovello
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 2023
Physis. Secciones A, B y C, 1995
Marine and Freshwater Research, 1999
RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se evalúan distintas alternativas de manejo de la fauna acompañant... more RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se evalúan distintas alternativas de manejo de la fauna acompañante de la pesca industrial del langostino patagónico (Pleoticus muelleri). Se analiza, además, la relación entre la captura por unidad de esfuerzo de langostino y la de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) sobre la base de datos de observadores a bordo obtenidos en 189 mareas de buques tangoneros. Se concluye que ambas variables son independientes. Finalmente, se presentan recomendaciones de manejo. ABSTRACT Bycatch of Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) in the San Jorge Gulf and adjacencies: analysis of management alternatives. In this paper different management alternatives of Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) industrial fishing bycatch are evaluated. Besides, the relationship between red shrimp and hake (Merluccius hubbsi) catch per unit effort is analyzed on the basis of data gathered by observers on board in 189 outrigger trips. It is concluded that both variables are independent. Finally, management recommendations are presented. Palabras clave: Descarte. Pleoticus muelleri. Manejo.
The Condor, 1999
... PATRICIA A. GANDINI AND ESTEBAN FRERE Centro de Investigaciones de Puerto Deseado, Universida... more ... PATRICIA A. GANDINI AND ESTEBAN FRERE Centro de Investigaciones de Puerto Deseado, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Almirante Brown y ... contents between males and females and body sizes of penguin prey items and by-catch using Mann-Whitney U ...
The double-beam trawl fishery for the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) is the main crus... more The double-beam trawl fishery for the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) is the main crustacean fishery of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. The shark bycatch in 723 tows of this fishery was surveyed from April 2003 to October 2003. Six species of sharks were recorded: Squalus acanthias (n=321); Squalus mitsukurii (n=1); Squatina sp. (n=1); Schroederichthys bivius (n=327); Galeorhinus galeus (n=4) and Mustelus schmitti (n=13). Length-frequency structure, sex composition, spatial distribution and estimation of density and bycatch per unit of effort are given for the main species. The bycatch of sharks in this fishery was estimated in ~61 mt/ year, equivalent to 0.15% of the shrimp total capture in 2003. S. acanthias contributed with 30.5 mt (50.15%) whilst S. bivius contributed with 22.6 mt (37.2%). Whereas the abundance for S. acanthias in Patagonian waters increased by three fold between 1997 and 2001, the abundance of S. bivius in the same period have decreased in the same amount. In addition, losses of important reproductive sites in southern Patagonia for S. bivius were detected. These issues together with the results presented herein add the Patagonian red shrimp fishery to the potential threats S. bivius is exposed to.
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie
The double–beam trawl fishery for the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) is the main crus... more The double–beam trawl fishery for the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) is the main crustacean fishery of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. The shark bycatch in 723 tows of this fishery was surveyed from April 2003 to October 2003. Six species of sharks were recorded: Squalus acanthias (n=321); Squalus mitsukurii (n=1); Squatina sp. (n=1); Schroederichthys bivius (n=327); Galeorhinus galeus (n=4) and Mustelus schmitti (n=13). Length-frequency structure, sex composition, spatial distribution and estimation of density and bycatch per unit of effort are given for the main species. The bycatch of sharks in this fishery was estimated in ~61 mt/ year, equivalent to 0.15% of the shrimp total capture in 2003. S. acanthias contributed with 30.5 mt (50.15%) whilst S. bivius contributed with 22.6 mt (37.2%). Whereas the abundance for S. acanthias in Patagonian waters increased by three fold between 1997 and 2001, the abundance of S. bivius in the same period have decreased in the same ...
Marine Biodiversity Records, 2009
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2012
Marine and Freshwater Research, 1999
... Acknowledgments Laura Asseo de Choch, Paula Cedrola, Leandro Tamini, Marian Tanuz and Karin W... more ... Acknowledgments Laura Asseo de Choch, Paula Cedrola, Leandro Tamini, Marian Tanuz and Karin Weber assisted with field and labo-ratory work. ... References Alverson, DL, Freeberg, MH, Murawski, SA, and Pope, JG (1994). ...
Journal of Fish Biology, 2000
... However, both Springer (1967) and Branstetter (1990) noted that the degree of protection from... more ... However, both Springer (1967) and Branstetter (1990) noted that the degree of protection from predation afforded by nursery areas varied among species. Other shark species occur in the Rıa and would be using it as a nursery area (Gosztonyi, 1973). ...
Fisheries Research, 2005
Landings of batoids (rays and skates) have been rising in Argentina, reaching 14 856 mt in 1998. ... more Landings of batoids (rays and skates) have been rising in Argentina, reaching 14 856 mt in 1998. These species are poorly known, and their low fecundity, late maturity and slow growth rates make them vulnerable to stock collapse even when subjected to low levels of fishing pressure. Skates are commonly present as bycatch of commercial fisheries. Bycatch is of great concern both ecologically and in terms of fishery management, particularly in shrimp fisheries. The Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) is the main crustacean fishery of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. The skate bycatch in 313 tows of the double-beam trawl fishery was surveyed from September 2001 to September 2002. Seven species were recorded: Bathyraja albomaculata (n = 1), Dipturus flavirostris (n = 1008), Dipturus trachydermus (n = 138), Psammobatis normani (n = 1137), Psammobatis bergi (n = 9), Psammobatis rudis (n = 25), and Sympterygia bonapartei (n = 1081). Length-weight relationships, length-frequency by sex, and estimation of density and bycatch per unit of effort are given for each species. While shrimp catches for the double-beam trawl fleet were up to 55 000 mt, overall estimation of skate bycatch for the period under consideration was nearly 1000 mt. Although rajids are released alive at sea, post-catch mortality is unknown.
Papers by Alejandro Pettovello