Papers by Anna Turanskaya
Вестник СПбГУ. Востоковедение и африканистика, 2024
Статья включает описание истории изготовления А. В. Адриановым бумажных копий, которые в настоящи... more Статья включает описание истории изготовления А. В. Адриановым бумажных копий, которые в настоящий момент хранятся в фонде ИВР РАН, их поступления в собрание, а также краткий каталог всех единиц хранения.
Alexander Zorin, Anna Turanskaya, Agnieszka Helman-Ważny “The samples of folios from Sem Palat and Ablai-kit preserved at the Hunterian Library of the University of Glasgow”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 71, June 2024, pp. 93-189., 2024
The paper offers a comprehensive analysis of a bundle containing one Tibetan and six Mongolian fo... more The paper offers a comprehensive analysis of a bundle containing one Tibetan and six Mongolian folios, preserved at the Hunterian Library of the University of Glasgow. These folios were originally part of the private library of Th. S. Bayer, the first Orientalist at the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Additionally, one of the appendices to the article includes the
second part of the catalogue of Tibetan folios on blue paper, believed
to have originated from the Sem Palat library.
Alexander Zorin, Anna Turanskaya, Vadim Borodaev “‘Codex Renatus Lincopensis’ and two other Tibetan and Mongolian folios preserved in the Linköping City Library”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 71, June 2024, pp. 190-217., 2024
The paper presents one Tibetan and two Mongolian folios that have been held at the Linköping City... more The paper presents one Tibetan and two Mongolian folios that have been held at the Linköping City Library, most probably since the 1720s. One of these folios is closely associated with the famous Swedish writer August Strindberg, who somewhat misleadingly referred to it as ‘Codex Renatus
Linkopensis’. An intriguing Russian inscription found on this folio, dated July 1720, is given close attention, revealing that the folio could not have been brought to Sweden by Johan Renat, a captive Carolean who spent many years at the court of the Dzungar rulers. The authors
suggest Johan von Strahlenberg as a more plausible source of the folios.
Э П И Г Р А Ф И К А В О С Т О К А, 2023
Статья посвящена описанию эстампажей енисейских рунических памятников из наименее изученной и пра... more Статья посвящена описанию эстампажей енисейских рунических памятников из наименее изученной и практически неизвестной на настоящий момент научному со-обществу коллекций Института восточных рукописей РАН (ИВР РАН), а именно фонда Центральной Азии и Сибири (ЦАС).
Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ПИ No ФС77-79202 от 22 сентября 2020 г.

Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost
The Tonyukuk inscription, also known as the Bain Tsokto monument, was discovered by Elizaveta Kle... more The Tonyukuk inscription, also known as the Bain Tsokto monument, was discovered by Elizaveta Klementz not far from the city of Urga (modern Ulaanbaatar) in 1897. The text was published two years later by a prominent Russian researcher Wilhelm Radloff. At the same time 17 photographs of estampages were included in the 4th volume of the “Atlas der Alterthümer der Mongolei”. While these photo copies are still frequently mentioned in the multiple publications concerning the Tonyukuk inscription, only a few specialists are aware that the originals are kept in the Collection of Central Asia and Siberia of the IOM, RAS. Moreover 81 estampages were identified as copies of the Tonyukuk inscription during the full-scale inventory of the Collection that took place in 2021. Thanks to recent publications by V. Tishin, it became obvious that eight similar copies of the monument are preserved in the collection of the Academician Obruchev Museum of Local Lore (Kyakhta). This discovery allowed to s...
Вестник Санкт-Петербургского Университета. Серия 13: Востоковедение, Африканистика, 2012
Written Monuments of the Orient, 2020
the paper presents eleven fragments of Śatasāhasrikā Prajāpāramitā identified during analysis of ... more the paper presents eleven fragments of Śatasāhasrikā Prajāpāramitā identified during analysis of Khara-khoto collection of Tibetan texts kept in the IOM, RAS. In 2019 as an intermediate result of a project Compilation of the Catalogue of the Tibetan texts from Khara-Khoto preserved at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS being done by researchers of the institute thirty-three fragments that had been added to Khara-khoto collection by mistake, were transferred to a separate collection of Tibetan texts from Dunhuang. Although the edited fragments of Śatasāhasrikā Prajāpāramitā cannot be considered to be unique they are worth studying in terms of codicology.
Written Monuments of the Orient, 2016
Written Monuments of the Orient, 2019
This paper deals with the fragment of one of the blockprint Sitātapatrā editions that belongs to ... more This paper deals with the fragment of one of the blockprint Sitātapatrā editions that belongs to the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. The authors focuse on Brāhmī parts included into the Uyghur text. Some observations on the correlation of Uygur script signs and akśaras in Brāhmī are made. The Chart of akśaras found in the blockprint is attached.
Written Monuments of the Orient, 2015
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschütz... more Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen.
The article presents a description and textological analysis of a single manuscript folio of the ... more The article presents a description and textological analysis of a single manuscript folio of the Mongolian Kanjur preserved in the Berlin State Library. The folio is written in gold on a black and blue background and reveals a striking similarity to the Golden Kanjur in the library of the Academy of Social Sciences of Inner Mongolia and the “golden” Kanjur fragments kept in manuscript collections around the world. It contains a fragment of the Mongolian translation of the Bhadrakalpika-sūtra that differs from the subsequent copies of the Ligdan’s Kanjur.
The article presents a description and textological analysis of a single manuscript folio of the ... more The article presents a description and textological analysis of a single manuscript folio of the Mongolian Kanjur preserved in the Berlin State Library. The folio is written in gold on a black and blue background and reveals a striking similarity to the Golden Kanjur in the library of the Academy of Social Sciences of Inner Mongolia and the “golden” Kanjur fragments kept in manuscript collections around the world. It contains a fragment of the Mongolian translation of the Bhadrakalpika-sūtra that differs from the subsequent copies of the Ligdan’s Kanjur.
Written Monuments of the Orient
Written Monuments of the Orient

Written Monuments of the Orient
The first expeditions to Eastern Turkestan that discovered Old Uyghur manuscripts and block print... more The first expeditions to Eastern Turkestan that discovered Old Uyghur manuscripts and block prints were from Russia. A number of the Old Uyghur fragments were found already in the course of the Turfan expedition in 18891890. These fragments, along with the ones in other languages and scripts, were subsequently acquired by the Russian officials N. Petrovsky and N.Krotkov and the expeditions headed by S. Oldenburg (19091910; 19141915) and S. Malov (19091911; 19131914). They formed the so-called Serindia (formerly known as Central Asian) collection kept nowadays at the IOM, RAS. The major part of the Serindia collection consists of the Old Uyghur fragments. Obtained by the expeditions to Eastern Turkestan, according to the customary tradition they were transferred to the Asiatic Museum. This paper presents the results of our study of the provenance, aquisition and processing history of the Old Uyghur fragments.
Письменные памятники Востока
Due to the publication of N. Pchelin and S.-C. Rashmann Turfan manuscripts in the State Hermitage... more Due to the publication of N. Pchelin and S.-C. Rashmann Turfan manuscripts in the State Hermitage a rediscovery was published (2016), it became obvious that some some fragments of manuscripts and blockprints in different languages originally discovered during the four German Turfan expeditions (19021914) and later housed in the Museum fr Vlkerkunde (Berlin) for exhibition reasons, are preserved nowadays in the depot of the State Hermitage Museum. The present article deals with two Old Uyghur fragments of Sitātapatrā dhāraṇī blockprinted during the Yuan era. This paper presents codicological description of the fragments, and transcription, transliteration, translation and facsimiles of the preserved parts of text
TIBETOLOGY IN ST. PETERSBURG Collected papers Issue 2 , 2021
Book fragments discovered in the Oirat monastery Ablaikit happened to be one of the first Tibetan... more Book fragments discovered in the Oirat monastery Ablaikit happened to be one of the first Tibetan and Mongolian texts brought to
Europe. The bulk of book fragments of the once rich Ablaikit monastery library were brought to St. Petersburg by the participants of the
Second Kamchatka Expedition (1733–1743) in 1734. The others are
preserved nowadays in various European depositories. The paper
deals with four Mongolian manuscript folios stored in the National
Library of France under call number Tibétain 464. The paper presents description, identification and transcription of the preserved
parts of texts, along with some brief data concerning their acquisition.
Pis’mennye pamiatniki Vostoka, 2017, volume 14, no. 2 (issue 29),, 2017
The paper focuses on the dhāraṇī text of the goddess of longevity Uṣṇīṣavijayā, blockprinted in
K... more The paper focuses on the dhāraṇī text of the goddess of longevity Uṣṇīṣavijayā, blockprinted in
Khara-Khoto. It contains a brief analysis of different versions of the dhāraṇī, presented in Central and
Eastern Asian Buddhist traditions. Textual collation of some versions of the dhāraṇī, which were
widely spread in the above-mentioned regions, is given as an enclosure to the article.
Papers by Anna Turanskaya
second part of the catalogue of Tibetan folios on blue paper, believed
to have originated from the Sem Palat library.
Linkopensis’. An intriguing Russian inscription found on this folio, dated July 1720, is given close attention, revealing that the folio could not have been brought to Sweden by Johan Renat, a captive Carolean who spent many years at the court of the Dzungar rulers. The authors
suggest Johan von Strahlenberg as a more plausible source of the folios.
Europe. The bulk of book fragments of the once rich Ablaikit monastery library were brought to St. Petersburg by the participants of the
Second Kamchatka Expedition (1733–1743) in 1734. The others are
preserved nowadays in various European depositories. The paper
deals with four Mongolian manuscript folios stored in the National
Library of France under call number Tibétain 464. The paper presents description, identification and transcription of the preserved
parts of texts, along with some brief data concerning their acquisition.
Khara-Khoto. It contains a brief analysis of different versions of the dhāraṇī, presented in Central and
Eastern Asian Buddhist traditions. Textual collation of some versions of the dhāraṇī, which were
widely spread in the above-mentioned regions, is given as an enclosure to the article.
second part of the catalogue of Tibetan folios on blue paper, believed
to have originated from the Sem Palat library.
Linkopensis’. An intriguing Russian inscription found on this folio, dated July 1720, is given close attention, revealing that the folio could not have been brought to Sweden by Johan Renat, a captive Carolean who spent many years at the court of the Dzungar rulers. The authors
suggest Johan von Strahlenberg as a more plausible source of the folios.
Europe. The bulk of book fragments of the once rich Ablaikit monastery library were brought to St. Petersburg by the participants of the
Second Kamchatka Expedition (1733–1743) in 1734. The others are
preserved nowadays in various European depositories. The paper
deals with four Mongolian manuscript folios stored in the National
Library of France under call number Tibétain 464. The paper presents description, identification and transcription of the preserved
parts of texts, along with some brief data concerning their acquisition.
Khara-Khoto. It contains a brief analysis of different versions of the dhāraṇī, presented in Central and
Eastern Asian Buddhist traditions. Textual collation of some versions of the dhāraṇī, which were
widely spread in the above-mentioned regions, is given as an enclosure to the article.
Издание рассчитано как на специалистов-востоковедов, так и на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся традиционной культурой Востока.
Коллектив авторов: Е. Б. Кудрявцева, С. С. Тавастшерна («Индийская рукописная книга»); О. М. Ястребова («Персидская рукописная книга»); М. Ю. Илюшина («Арабская рукописная книга»); Т. А. Слесарев («Османская рукописная книга»); Д. И. Маяцкий («Китайская рукописно-ксилографическая книга»); М. А. Азаркина, А. В. Леленкова («Японская рукописно-ксилографическая книга»); П. Л. Гроховский, П. И. Буцык, А. С. Крамскова («Тибетская рукописно-ксилографическая книга»); К. В. Алексеев, А. А. Туранская, Н. В. Ямпольская («Монгольская рукописно-ксилографическая книга»).