Penyusun :
Fida Chasanatun
Kata Pengantar.................................................................. 3
Daftar Isi............................................................................ 2
A Struktur Kata dan Kalimat.......................................................... 4
1 Parts of Speech................................................................. 4
2 Grammar in Use................................................................. 21
3 Oral Phrases...................................................................... 54
B Percakapan .............................................................................. 59
1 Greetings............................................................................. 59
2 How is Your Day................................................................. 62
3 Getting Bored..................................................................... 64
4 Tomorrow’s Plan................................................................. 67
5 Yesterday- The Past........................................................... 69
6 University Life..................................................................... 72
C Membaca.................................................................................... 80
1 Paragraph Reading............................................................. 80
2 Journal/Book Reading......................................................... 87
D Menulis...................................................................................... 92
1 Opinion Writing on Journal Articles..................................... 92
2 Application Letters.............................................................. 95
3 Curriculum Vitae................................................................. 101
4 Interview Planning.............................................................. 105
Buku ini disusun pada tahun 2014, untuk mengawali perkuliahan Tahun
Akademik 2014/2015. Penerbitannya juga mengawali pula perubahan materi
perkuliahan dengan member nama baru pada mata kuliah bahasa Inggris keimuwan
dengan nama BISARKOMIL (Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Sarana Komunikasi Ilmiah).
Materi Bisarkomil meliputi tiga kemampuan umum berbahasa; Menulis, membaca,
dan berbicara. Mendengar tidak secara langsung dilakukan pada saat perkuliahan,
akan tetapi menjadi materi terkait dalam penugasan dan penyelesaian latihan-
Secara rinci materi pengasahan kemampuan berbahasa ditujukan bagi
peningkatan dan pencapaian standar kebahasaan mahasiswa sebagai bagian dari
komunitas akademis. Dalam penguasaan materi awal, mahasiswa diupayakan agar
menguasai pola bahasa secara umum. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan materi
percakapan sebagai bekal untuk memulai dan membiasakan penggunaan bahasa
Inggris sebagai sarana komunikasi di kampus. Selanjutnya, penguasaan dan
penambahan wawasan keimuwanan diasah melalui membaca jurnal internasional
terkait serta penulisan opini tentang beberapa artikel tersebut. Di akhir tulisan,
mahasiswa dimimnta untuk mencoba membaca kemungkinan pasar bagi profesinya
kelak. Hal ini diawali dengan pencarian lowongan pekerjaan, lalu dilanjutkan dngan
pembuatan surat lamaran kerja serta daftar riwayat hidup. Yang tak kalah penting
adalaah penerapan percakapan dalam bentuk wawancara kerja yang akan dilatihkan
dan dijadikan sebagai penilaian akhir materi.
Sehubungan dengan ketuntasan penguasaan materi tersebut, dibutuhkan
kemauan pengajar untuk meluangkan waktu lebih banyak. Waktu-waktu di luar
waktu mengajar tersebut dipergunakan untuk pembiasaan mahasiswa dalam
bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris dalam setiap kesempatan di lingkungan
kampus. Waktu yang ada juga digunakan untuk konsultasi bacaan dan penulisan
mahasiswa yang terkait dengan penyelesaian tugasnya. Di dalam kelas, mahasiswa
diminta mempelajari secara mandiri bab-bab yang ditulis dengan bahasa Indonesia,
sementara pada bab-bab tertentu dituliskan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan tujuan
agar tidak keluar dari keterangan dan konteks yang dibutuhkan serta penjelasan
yang diperlukan dari pengajar.
Sementara itu, bagi mahasiswa, kemauan yang bermotivasi tinggi sangat
diharapkan dalam menyelesaikan tugas dan melatih diri untuk lebih baik. Sumber-
sumber cerdas pilihan serta pergaulan akademik yang luas dibutuhkan sebagai
pelengkap dan penyempurna penguasaan. Harapan hadirnya pengajar handal yang
bertaraf global dapat terwujud.
1) Nouns
Noun atau kata benda adalah jenis kata yang digunakan untuk menyebutkan
nama orang, binatang, tempat, benda, dan hal-hal abstrak.
Exercise I. A
Circle all the nouns in the following sentences.
1. The announcer said that the bus for Minneapolis would leave in thirty
2. Dr. Cooper was in college with my father.
3. John wanted to change the ribbon on his typewriter, but the ribbon would
not cooperate.
4. There was a scream of skidding tires and then a metallic thud, followed by
the sound of splintered glass.
5. Bob and his brother crossed the continent in their old car last summer.
6. Bob drove through the desert at night and slept in the daytime.
7. Helen is president of the class, and her sister is secretary.
8. Brad wrote a paper about Willa Cather and her life in Pittsburgh.
9. Half of the people in the world can neither read nor write.
10. There is a fine exhibition of paintings by Thomas Hart Benton at the
Cleveland Public Library.
Exercise I.B
Decide which of the following words are common nouns and which are
proper nouns. Begin each proper noun with a capital letter.
2) Verbs
Verb atau compound verb berperan sebagai kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh
subjek dalam sebuah kalimat. Bisa saja sebuah kata kerja
menggambarkan keadaan atau proses yang dialami suatu subjek. Kata
ini adalah komponen penting dalam tata bahasa Inggris mengingat
keterangan yang akan menentukan kapan, atau siapa suatu kerja atau
keadaan dilakukan atau terjadi. Secara garis besar katakerja dibagi
menjadi tiga golongan besar, yaitu Present (sekarang), Past (lampau),
serta Future (yang akan datang). Setiap golongan tersebut akan merubah
bentuk kata yang digunakan dengan makna yang sama. Misalnya makan
atau eat, jika digunakan untuk mengemukakan kejadian yang saat ini
terjadi baik sebagai keadaan terkini atau kebiasaan akan menjadi eating
atau eat. Sementara jika kegiatan tersebut dilakukan pada masa lalu,
maka akan berbentuk ate. Kata tersebut jika dilakukan oleh subjek satu
orang atau binatang akan menjadi eats, dan akan ditulis tanpa tambahan
apapun manakala subjek berjumlah banyak.
Exercise I.C
Underline the verbs in the following sentences.
1. The band uniforms finally arrived just before Christmas.
2. The trainer stepped into the cage of the wounded lion.
3. The sophomore class has a very good attendance record.
4. Jack walked unsteadily to the stage and swallowed hard.
5. The author tells of his childhood in a Wyoming ranch.
6. Our team played over its head in the first half.
7. Once, a circus horse literally stuck his right hind foot into his mouth.
8. Helen enjoys responsibility.
9. The murderer appears in the second act.
10. All new cars have safety belts as standard equipment.
Helping Verbs
Helping Verbs adalah kata bantu yang digunakan untuk menambahkan kata
negatif atau berunsur makna tidak, atau ketika akan membuat kalimat tanya.
Misalnya: have, had, were, is, are, been, will, would, could, should, may, might,
do, dan does.
Contoh kalimat:
I like all sports.
I do not like painting at all.
How do you like your coffee?
Exercise I.D
Underline the complete verb
3. The truck driver was completely blinded by the sudden flash of oncoming
10. The fog was now rapidly lifting from the field.
3) Pronouns
Pronoun adalah kata sandang yang diberikan untuk menandai atau mewakili
suatu benda atau hal dimiliki secara spesifik. Contoh kata tersebut adalah "he,"
"which," "none," dan "you" . penggunaannya membuat kalimat tidak pelu
mengulangi subjek dengan menyebutkan nama secara spesifik berulang kali.
Contoh kalimat:
Diane is the most beautiful girl in my class. She always sits near to
the class window. Sometimes, she does not sit there but near to
the door.
Singular Plural
First person I, my, mine, me we, our, ours,
(the person speaking) us
Second person you, your, yours you, your, yours
(the person spoken to)
Interrogative pronoun d i g u n a k a n u n t u k b e r t a n y a , s e p e r t i
which, who, whom, and whose.
Exercise I.E
1. The doctor told the boys that they could use his boat.
5. Jane has her own ideas, but her family does not agree with the,.
6. On the third try, the Nautilus made her way under the North Pole.
8. Then Jim’s power mower broke, the neighbors let him use theirs.
9. Betty has a driver’s license, but she doesn’t have it with her.
10. The police found the car, but they couldn’t move it.
4) Adjectives
Adjective adalah kata yang menerangkan kata benda atau kata ganti.
Keterangan yang diberikan bisa berupa gambaran, pengidentifikasian, atau
jumlahnya. Kata keterangan tersebut sangat tergantung pada apa yang ingin
diterangkan bagi kata benda atau kata ganti yang diterangkannya.
Contoh kalimat:
It is a fruitful job
Running along the way to my campus, I feel tired.
Carrie read an interesting story. (What kind of story?)
The recent article has that information. (Which
Proper adjective merupakan kata sifat yang dibentuk dari kata benda.
Italian bread Herculean strength Midas touch Canadian sunset
Compound adjective adalah kata sifat yang berasal dari penggabungan dua
kata. Kadangkala, kata-kata tersebut digabungkan dengan tanpa jeda atau diberi
garis strip. Seperti: Landmark decision, black-and-blue mark , atau
hometown hero. Jika dilakukan penambahan -ly . untuk menjadikannya lebih
jelas seperti apa sesuatu sifatnya, maka tidak menggunakan strip. Seperti pada
newly painted mural, sickly sweet odor, atau recently purchased.
Exercise I.F
14. A cold wind drove the deep snow into the huge drifts.
15. Some small economy cars are neither small nor economical.
5) Adverbs
Adverb merupakan kata yang menerangkan bagaimana sebuah kegiatan
dilakukan. Kata ini bisa berbentuk satu kata tertentu atau anak kalimat.
Sebuah adverb bisa menerangkan waktu, tempat, seberapa baik atau buruk,
dan lain sebagainya.
Ciri-ciri adverb adalah: umumnya diakhiri dengan -ly. Mempertegas jawaban
bagi pertanyaan dengan menggunkan kata : Where? When? How? To what
extent?, serta menunjukan makna yang lebih spesifik pada suatu kalimat.
Adverbs yang menerangkan verbs. Misalnya : John ate quickly. (How did
he eat?) atau I walk there. (Where did I walk?)
Adverbs yang menerangkan adjectives. Misalnya : Rex is very happy. (Very
modifies the adjective happy and answers the question, To what extent?)
atau The program was too unrealistic. (Too modifies the adjective
unrealistic and answers the question, To what extent?).
Adverbs yang menerangkan sesama adverbs. Misalnya : Warren walks
too quickly. (Too modifies the adverb quickly and answers the question,
How quickly?) atau
He moved rather recently. (Rather modifies the adverb recently and
answers the question, How recently?).
Exercise I.G
6) Conjunctions
Penggunaan conjunction adalah untuk menghubungkan satu makna dengan kata-
kata, frasa, atau anak kalimat. Biasanya diperlihatkan dalam bentuk coordinating
conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) dalam menghubungkan antar kata, frasa,
atau anak kalimat. Subordinating conjunction menghubungkan hal serupa
dengan memperlihatkan saling ketergantungan pada suatu kalimat yang terbagi
menjadi anak kalimat yang berdiri sendiri atau tidak berdiri sendiri. Contoh dari
penghubung tersebut adalah : after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once,
since, than, that, though, until, when, where, whether, dan while. Sementara itu
Correlative conjunctions selalu muncul berpasangan, seperti misalnya: both...and,
either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also,, dan whether...or.
Exercise I.H
Underline the conjunctions (coordinating, correlative, subordinating) and
conjunctive verbs.
1. Neither the speeches nor the music was very exciting.
2. Both the Japanese and the Italian delegates opposed the attack.
7. The dictionary is a valuable tool; however we must know how to use it.
8. The outfielders wear glasses so that the sun will not blind them.
10. The burglars went down the alley, into the basement, and up the stairs.
7) Prepositions
Preposition menghubungkan kata benda, kata ganti dan frasa dengan kata-kata
lain dalam sebuah kalimat. Contoh prepositions adalah: at, under, over, of, to, in,
out, beneath, beyond, for, among, after, before, within, down, up, during, without,
with, outside, inside, beside, between, by, on, out, from, until, toward, throughout,
across, above, about, around. Common preposition adalah penghubung kata
benda dengan kata lain, misalnya : The man swam under the bridge. (Under
connects the idea of swam and bridge., atau She walked down the aisle.
(Down connects walked and aisle.).
The most commonly used prepositions:
Contoh penulisan prepositions But berarti except dalam kalimat, “All but
Teddy went inside,”. The compound preposition menggabungkan dua
atau lebih kata menjadi satu makna. Contoh the compound
prepositions adalah:
Exercise I.I
Find the prepositions and their objects.
1. The truck was stopped at the border and searched for arms.
4. For many years, there have been bad feelings between the towns.
5. After the game, the crowd rushed for the goal posts.
Exercise I.J
Write an appropriate interjection for each of the following sentences
in the space provided. There may be more than one answer for each
1. ! I smashed my finger with the hammer.
2. , all right, Nick.
3. ! We have finally beaten that team!
4. , take it easy, Reggie!
5. , I think we better look over this paper
6. , I forgot to take out the garbage this
7. ! The tickets for his concert are incredibly
8. ! You did so well in tonight’s school play!
9. ! You have no right to say that to him!
10. , now I see what you are trying to say.
For each underlined word in the following sentences, identify and then write
the part of speech on the line next to the number. Each part of speech is
used at least once. Each correct answer earns 5 points. Use the following
noun—N adverb—ADV
pronoun—PRO preposition
PREP verb—V
conjunction—CONJ adjective—ADJ
4. ADJ Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet.
18. Can you see beyond the hills from the top of the tower?
On the line next to the number, write the first letter of the word indicated by
the part of speech in the parentheses. Underline the indicated word within
the sentence. If your consecutive letters are correct, you will spell out the
names of four trees in items 1 through 12 and four first names in items 13 to
25. Write these six names on the lines below the last numbered item. Each
correct answer is worth 4 points.
2. (pronoun) Paul hopes that she will sing with the choir.
8. (adjective) He is agile.
Exercise II.A
Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple.
1. (not/belong) to this particu1ar government committee.
2. Hurry! The bus (come). I (not/want) to
miss it.
3. Gregory is a vegetarian. He (not/eat) meat.
4 I (1ook) for the manager. I can't find him anywhere.
5 We are successful because we (take) the time to ta1k to
our customers.
6 John (deal) with all the enquiries about sales.
7 At the moment we (make) a training video for Siemens.
8 (you/know) what Mr Briceson (do)? He
is not in his office.
9 I (apply) for a job in the sales department, but I don't know
if I will be successful.
10 It (depend) on whether or not they have any vacancies.
11 Unemployment (fa1l) and is now down to 5.6%.
12 Jane is doing some research in the library. She needs it for a book she
13 While Anna is away on holidays, Matt (work) in her office.
14 He (teach) French and German at University and (learn)
15 There (be)two flights to Honduras this afternoon. The
British Airways flight (1eave) at 13:00 and
(arrive) at 22:00.
16 Inflation (rise) at a rate of 2% per annum.
Exercise II.B
Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
1. She a1ways (remember) my birthday.
2 Mr Brown (work) in a supermarket.
3 I (work) in this factory until I find a better job.
4 Look! It (snow).
5 Can you hear those girls? What (they/ta1k) about?
6 (you/know) Helen?
7 We (never/go) to work by tube. It is too busy.
8 When I'm in Paris I (usually/stay) in the Hotel du Pont, but
time I (stay) in the more expensive Hotel Notre Dame.
9 Ruth (be) a vegetarian. She (not/eat)
meat or fish.
10 My father (be) an engineer, but he
(not/work) right now.
11 (you/believe) in ghosts?
12 My parents (live) in Sydney. Where
(your parents/1ive)?
13 We (own) two cars, an estate car and a sports car.
14 Can you drive? No, but I (learn) at the moment.
15 Look! That woman (try) to steal that man's wallet.
16 The River Nile (f1ow) into the Mediterranean.
17 (you/like) Bon Jovi?
18 I (get) thirsty. Let's get something to drink.
19 Those f1owers (smell) lovely. What are they?
20 Jane (repair) her bike. She (know)
exactly what to do.
Exercise II.C
Put the verb in the correct form: past simple or past continuous.
1 I (dream) when the alarm clock (go off).
2 They (wait) for me when I (arrive).
3 The phone (ring) while I (have) a
4 We (not/go out) last Sunday because it
5 I (see) Kim at the party. She (wear) a
new dress.
6 I (break) a bowl this morning. When I
(wash) the dishes it just (slip) out of my hand onto the
7 When he (carry) the table, he (feel) a
sharp pain in his back.
8 Sarah (go) down the stairs when the lights
(go out).
9 We (watch) TV when someone (come)
to the door and (knock) very loudly.
10 What (you/do) at this time yesterday? Oh, I (prepare) the
11 I (fall) asleep while I (watch) television.
12 At 12:45 yesterday, Mr Alright (see) a client in his office.
Exercise II.D
Write a sentence using the present perfect continuous. Use the words in
1. John is sunburnt. He has been sitting in the sun. (sit/in the sun)
2. The ground is wet. (rain)
3. Jack has no money (shop)
left. is covered in
4. Fred (paint/the kitchen)
5. Maisy
paint. is tired and irritable (drive/for 4 hours)
6. Harry is very hot and dirty (dig/the garden)
Exercise II.E
Complete the sentences using the present perfect continuous and add since
or for.
1 Maria (learn) English two years.
2 I (write) letters 8:00.
3 Robert and Jane (travel) around Europe
five weeks.
4 We (go) to Ireland for our holidays 1968.
5 It (rain) this morning.
6 Anne (look) for a new job a long time.
7 Mark (sell) computers he started his job with
8 We (wait) for the bus twenty-five minutes.
9 She (play) piano she was eight.
10 They (watch) TV hours.
Exercise II.G
Complete the sentences using present perfect simple or continuous.
1 (build) The Browns a house for some time.
They all the main walls now.
2 (write) John his novel since last year.
He the first three chapters.
3 (paint) The painters the town hall since February.
They nearly half of it now.
4 (save) The Cooks to go on holiday next summer.
They € 2000 up to now.
5 (watch) I cartoons on TV.
I 4 cartoons already.
Exercise III.H
Put the verb in the most suitable form, present perfect simple or continuous.
1 You look tired. (you/study) hard?
2 Mr Brown is new here, isn't he? How 1ong
(he/work) for the company?
3 I (lose) my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere?
4 I (read) the magazine you lent me, but I (not/finish) yet.
5 (you/hear) the bad news? Simon
(break) his leg!
6 How many articles (you/write)?
7 What (you/do)? I (wait) for you for an
8 Bob and his friends (play) golf since this morning.
9 I (know) Louise for ten years.
10 Mr Brown (mark) the exams all morning, but he
(not/read) them all.
Exercise III.I
Put in the correct verb form: present perfect or past simple.
1 How long (she/study) German?
2 When (he/begin) to study Business Administration?
3 Who ( write ) the play Dancing at Lughnasa.
4 (you/visit) any museums when you were in Sofia.
5 Henry has a perfect school record. He (not/be) sick this
6 Prices (go) up. Things are much more expensive this
7 What (happen) to you. I waited all afternoon for you.
8 Marilyn (have) an accident. She was running for the bus
when she
(fall) down.
9 Mr Arnold (win) the Exporter of the Year prize twice. His
brother (win) it four times already.
10 Alfred Hitchcock (make) lots of films in his long career.
11 I (just/remember) something.
12 (you/reply) to Mr Aston's letter yet?
13 Mr Miller (work) in a travel agency for years. Then he
gave it up.
14 Melanie lives in Bucharest. She (live) there all her life.
15 My uncle died in 1960. I (never/have) the opportunity to
meet him.
Exercise II.J
Complete the sentences using the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.
1 By the time I got home they (eat) all the cake.
2 The room was very smoky. I could tell that my brother
(smoke) in there all afternoon.
3 She retired at fifty-five, but she (work) hard all her life.
4 James was very irritable. He (look) for his contact lens for
an hour and he still (not / find) it!
5 I was furious with Tom when he arrived. I (wait) for him for
6 Harry was sad to sell his car. He (have) it for a long time.
7 Mary was covered in white paint. She (decorate) the
kitchen a1l afternoon.
8 Lucy went into the sitting room. The TV was on. Her brother
(watch) it and (forget) to switch it off.
9 Hattie felt terribly sick. She (eat) too many cream cakes.
10 The journey was incredibly long. We (travel) for ten
hours and we weren't even half way yet.
Exercise II.K
Complete the sentences using the present perfect or past perfect.
1 The park looked awful after the music festival. People
(leave) litter everywhere.
2 You (make) a mistake. I am not the person you are looking
3 I am rea1ly not very hungry. I (just/have) lunch.
4 His apartment was rea1ly dirty. He obviously (not/clean) it
for weeks.
5 At last the Board of Directors were ready to announce their decision. They
(make) up their mind.
6 I am so exhausted. (really/have) a tough week
7 The ball hit the back of the net before the goalkeeper
8 The CEO didn't speak until he (hear) a1l the arguments.
Exercise II.L
Use going to and the words in brackets to say what is going to happen
in these situations.
1. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (rain) It's going
to rain.
2. The cat has seen a mouse. (chase)
3. There is a large hole in the bottom of the boat. (sink)
4. It is 7:45 and John is asleep. His train leaves at 7:50. (miss)
5. A car thief is looking around a car park. (steal)
6. A bungee jumper is standing on a high bridge. (jump)
Phrasal Verbs
1. We had to the meeting because so many people were ill.
(a) call down (b) call off (c) call out (d) call
(a) put up (b) put over (c) put off (d) put out
(a) came into (b) came upon (c) came by (d) came
(a) look it up (b) look it over (c) look after it (d) look into
(a) taken over (b) taken in (c) taken after (d) taken
(a) made it for (b) made it out (c) made it up (d) made
for it
7. He was upset when his girlfriend left him, but he’ll it.
(a) get past (b) get round (c) get away with (d) get
(a) put me down (b) put me off (c) put me up (d) put
me aside
10. I hadn’t seen John for years and then I him in the
supermarket. (a) ran over (b) ran into (c) ran
under (d) ran up
11. He agreed to my flat while I was on holiday.
(a) look into (b) look at (c) look after (d) look
forward to
(a) make for (b) make to (c) make out (d) make
up for
(a) going out with (b) going in for (c) going back (d) going
up with
(a) look for (b) look into (c) look away from (d) look
(a) takes out (b) takes after (c) takes in (d) takes
1. His life depends a heart transplant.
(a) at; through (b) on; out of (c) towards; by (d) in; in
C. Oral Phrases
Dalam penulisan dan percakapan berbahasa Inggris, kesulitan yang dihadapi adalah
munculnya frasa atau penggalan kalimat yang memiliki makna khusus. Begitu pula
dalam bahasa Indonesia, bisa diambil persamaannya dengan contoh panjang
tangan bagi pencuri, bermuka dua bagi orang yang plin plan, ataupun mendarah
daging bagi sesuatu yang sudah sangat terbiasa. Di bawah ini disampaikan 10
contoh frasa-frasa tersebut.
1) Bored to death
Makna dalam kalimat: "I have nothing to do. I'm bored to death."
"I hate it when I'm bored to death."
"Would you rather be super busy or bored to death?
"I'm sick and tired of eating the same thing for lunch everyday."
"I'm getting sick and tired of this song. They play it way too often at this club."
"I'm sick and tired of listening to him nag all the time."
Cara lain : "I'm getting sick of this phone. I think I'll buy a new one."dan "I'm tired of
the same routine. I need to find something new and different."
3) Call it a day
Cara lain: "Let's turn in for the night." Atau “I think we should pick it up from the
morning."(pick it up = continue)
B: "He's starting to get on my nerves. It's one thing to not like it, but it's
another to complain about it. We tried our best to get him a good present."
Cara lain: "You're beginning to annoy me."atau "His complaints are starting to bother
5) Couch potato
"My husband is a couch potato. He sits in front of the TV all day long."
"You have a huge belly because you're a couch potato."
"I should be more active and less of a couch potato."
A: "You did that all day yesterday. You better stop being a couch potato or
you're going to get a big fat belly."
Cara lain: "Good luck trying to get his attention. He's glued to the television."
7) Feel blue
Cara lain: "I feel a little depressed right now." Atau "I don't know why, but I just feel
sad." Atau "Even though it's a nice day, I feel gloomy inside."
8) Fender bender
Makna dalam kalimat: "I got into a small accident. It was just a fender-bender."
"I got into a fender bender in the parking lot."
"I can’t believe the damage is going to cost me 800 bucks. It
was just a fender bender."
Cara lain: "It was a small accident." Atau "I rear ended him, but luckily there was no
Makna dalam kalimat: "It's not a great position, but at least my foot is in the door."
"I need to find a way to get my foot in the door."
"I'm doing an internship for SK Telecom. It's an opportunity to get my foot in the
Cara lain :
"I'm working in the mail room. But I'm hoping I can change positions now that I'm in
the company."
"I hate my position, but it's the only way I could start in this company."
10) Chicken
Exercise III
Try to find 3 oral phrases every day in 5 weeks. Those might be from Films,
Movies, Books, etc. Do not forget to write down the meaning, the example
dialoque, the sources, and also the taken dates.
Bab 2
Dalam percakapan berbahasa Inggris, terdapat dua hal yang perlu dipelajari
sebagai upaya awal untuk membuka aktivitas ini dengan pembicara asli. Dua hal
tersebut adalah Expressions dan Dialoques. Expressions merupakan berbagai cara
mengucapkan satu hal, sedangkan dialoques memberikan dua gambaran; situasi
dan kondisi di mana pembicaraan terjadi serta bagaimana speaking exchange/turns
(pergantian bicara).
Contoh-contoh percakapan dalam bab ini, biasa didapati dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari mahasiswa. Situasi dan kondisi percakapan disusun berdasarkan kejadian yang
paling umum dan awal dialami oleh mereka di sekitar kampus.
A.Greeting - Basic
Greeting someone you never met Hi, my name is Steve. It's nice to meet
Hi, I’M Suzane. It’s good to see you
If you would like for them to repeat their What was that again?
name/profesions, you can say, Excuse me?
Pardon me?
Possible Answers I'm enjoying the beautiful weather without any worries
in the world.
I'm playing a video game on my computer because I
have nothing to do.
I'm at the grocery store buying ingredients for tonight's
I'm at the gym working out.
More Descriptive Answers I'm pretty busy right now. I'm doing my homework
because I have an exam tomorrow.
My project deadline is coming up, so I'm currently in
the process of finishing my tasks.
I'm taking the day off from work today because I have
so many errands. I'm going to the post office to send
some packages to my friends.
I'm looking for a job. The job market does not look that
great, but I can't give up.
I'm applying for a job at a consulting firm in Taiwan.
I'm listening to music while thinking about my situation.
Situations Conversations
A: "Hi Jack. What are you doing?"
B: "Hi Mary. I'm filling out a job application."
A: "Are you finished with school already?"
B: "No. I have one more semester, but it
would be great to have a job lined up."
C. Getting Bored
Tidak memiliki kegiatan dan merasa bosan dengan kegiatan harian adalah hal
umum yang terjadi pada setiap orang. Biasanya jika seseorang mengalami ini,
mereka akan menelpon atau mencari solusi dan membeicarakannya dengan orang
lain. Percakapan apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk berbagi dengan teman atau orang
yang dipercaya?
Boring Work I'm doing the same thing over and over again."
My work is so repetitious that I am getting
bored of it.
My work does not interest me.
I'm only working to pay the bills.
I wish I had your job.
I'm so bored. I have nothing to do at work. I just
surf the Internet all day long.
Dang! I'm so busy at work, it's driving me crazy.
I really wish I had your job.
Situations Conversations
A: "Hello"
B: "Hi Jane, this is Jill. Do you have time
to talk?"
A: "Hi Jill, sure, I was just watching TV."
B: "What are you watching?"
A: "I was just watching a re-run of friends.
How about you? What are you doing?"
B: "Nothing much. I really wanted to start
studying for the Psychology test coming
up, but I can't seem to motivate myself."
A: "What are you doing?"
B: "I'm doing the laundry."
A: "I'm so bored. I have nothing to do."
B: "Why don't you come over and help
me with the laundry?"
A: "I'd rather do my own house chores.
Hey, you wanna take a break from your
house work and have coffee at Starbucks
with me?"
B: "Sure, that sounds great. I'll meet you
there in thirty minutes."
“What are you going to do tonight?"
"What are you doing next week?"
Questions "When do you plan on doing your
"When are you going to eat dinner?"
"What time do we have to leave for
the airport?"
"What should we do tonight?"
work late"
Example Conversation
Situations Conversations
A: "Bob is in the hospital, did you get a
chance to visit him?"
B: "I'm going to see Bob tomorrow"
A: "I thought you had to meet John
B: "I'm going to meet John at the airport at 6
O'clock tonight"
How did you enjoy the movie?" " It was a long movie, but overall, the
movie was great."
"I really didn't like the movie. It was slow
and boring."
"I enjoyed the movie so much that I saw
it again.
What time did you get home last night?" "I got home at two in the morning."
"I didn't make it home until eleven last
"I made it home at midnight."
How was your date with Jackie? "The date went so well. We had dinner at
a seafood restaurant. And then we saw a
movie together."
"I don't think it went too well. We hardly
had anything to talk about. I really
thought Jackie was bored to death."
"The date was alright. She called me this
morning to go out again, but I haven't
responded yet.
What have you been up to? "I just graduated from school so I'm
happy that I'm done."
"I met Jackie yesterday and we spent the
evening together in a nice restaurant."
"The only thing I have done in the last
three months is computer games."
How come you didn't come to class I was very sick yesterday."
yesterday? "I missed the bus and by the time I got to
campus, class was already over."
"I slept in because I didn't hear the alarm
How did your presentation go? It went ok. A few of the people asked
some tough questions, but overall it was
"I messed up so bad. I brought the wrong
folder from my office so I didn't have any
"It was the best presentation of the day.
My boss told me I was organized,
focused, and spoke clearly.
Example conversations
Situations Conversations
Interactive Practices
University Life
Kehidupan kampus todak bisa dipisahkan dengan persahabatan, ujian, dan
sebagainya. Meskipun bagian-bagian tersebut menjadi kejadian yang dihadapi
sehari-hari, seringkali percakapan serta bagaimana mencari informasi tentang itu
dirasa sulit. Pada bagian ini, disajikan percakapan seputar kehidupan kampus
yang memudahkan percakapan mengenai hal tersebut bisa dilatihkan.
I'm a junior."
"I'm a freshman."
"I'm a fourth year junior."
"I'm a fifth year senior.
Did you register yet?" I haven't registered yet."
"When do you register for classes?" "I register next Tuesday."
"When does registration start for next "Registration starts 4 weeks before the
semester?" next semester."
"How do you register for classes?" "You register on-line. Go to the
"Where is the registration office?" website, and click on register."
"The registration office is in Schmidt
"What classes are you registering for?" Hall. That's right across the street from
"What classes are you going to take?" the statue."
"What classes do you want to take?"
"I'm not worried about getting into
psychology 101, but I think the physics
class will be full by the time I register."
"If all things go well, I plan on
registering for English composition,
chemistry, and calculus."
"I really want to take computer
programming, but I'll have to see if it is
full or not."
"What did you get in English?" If you "In English, I got a B+."
are talking about the subject, you do "I got a 2.9 in English."
not need to say grade. But if not, you "I did similar to you."
can ask, "What grade did you get in "I got a 3.4 this semester."
English?" "If I didn't get the C+ in Biology, my
"I can't believe I got a 3.1 in biology. GPA would have been awesome this
What did you get?" semester."
"How was your GPA this semester?" "My grades were ok."
GPA stands for Grade Point Average. "I did average this quarter."
"How were your grades this quarter?" "My accum is 3.6 right now. I really
"Did you do well this semester?" want to get over 3.75."
"Did you screw up your grades this "My overall GPA is 2.94. I need to get a
semester?" 3.4 next semester to bring my GPA
"What was the lowest grade you ever above 3.0."
got?" "My GPA sucks."
"What is your overall GPA?" "I did pretty good this semester.
"How are your grades?"
"What's your accum?
Lecturers & Curriculum
How is Professor Johnson?" Professor Johnson is so uptight. He's
"Is Professor Smith an easy grader?" always lecturing and never allows
"What is Professor Lee like?" students to ask any questions."
"Would you take another class from "Professor Johnson is a brilliant
Professor Jackson again?" professor. I learned so much from him."
"How many exams did you have to "No way. He is such a hard grader. I
take in Sociology 121?" was expecting a 3.7, but it turns out
"What's the curriculum for Chemistry that I got a 3.1. Can you believe that?"
101?" "His grading system is messed up. He
"Do you have to give any presentations grades according to how much he likes
in journalism class?" you."
"What do you do in poetry class?
"He's a difficult grader."
"He's an easy grader."
A: "Hey Mike. I forgot about registration. I'm a day late, so all the classes are mostly
full. What do you think I should do?"
B: "You're screwed. You can't do anything about that. You have to hope that you get
some classes that will be useful."
A: "Do you think going to the registration building will help at all."
B: "No. They will tell you the same thing in a worse way."
A: "Did you register yet?"
B: "Of course. Registering for classes is not something you want to miss."
A: "What classes do you think are still open?"
B: "Well, I know psychology 101 is a big class, so there will always be seats in that
class. You can also get into Sociology."
A: "That's helpful. Thanks. But what do you think about philosophy. I wanted to take
that class this semester."
B: "I took that class last year. The professor is really cool, so if you go to his office,
you can have him sign a card that will let you in even if the class is full."
A: "He does that?"
B: "I guess that's because so many people drop out of that class."
A: "That makes sense. I think I'll do that. Thanks for all the help."
B: "No problem man."
Time Order/Process Pattern Ideas or events are presented in the order they
occur. Sequences are told through dates, times, or numbers. Processes are
explained through steps or stages.
Time Order/Process Transition Words: first, second, later, next,
as soon as, after, then, finally, meanwhile, last, during, when, by
the time, over time, until, step, stage, method, procedure, how to
Example: When Althea first began to drink, she just did not realize the
risks she faced. Over time, her drinking slowly but surely took total
control of her life.
The transition words when, first, and over time indicate a sequence in
Althea’s life.
Listing Pattern Items are named or listed as the details, and the order of the
details is not important.
Listing Transition Words: first, second, third, another, also, too, finally,
several, numerals
(1,2,3 ), letters (a,b,c)
Exercise III.A
Text xamples below are uncategirized, try to tell wether each of them belongs to
specific patern.
___________________The Green sea turtle and the loggerhead sea turtle nest
along the Atlantic and the Pacific shores in the United States. The
Green sea turtle is on the endangered list while the Loggerhead is
listed as threatened. The Green sea turtle eats grass, algae and
other vegetation and is classified as herbivorous. Unlike the Green
sea turtle, the Loggerhead turtle is classified as carnivorous, and
eats horseshoe crabs, clams, and mussels. Both sea turtles live in
temperate and subtropical waters and tend to stay near the
Exercise III.B
Read the following thesis statements. Choose one of the patterns of
organization from the box that best describes the pattern the author will
follow. Use each choice once.
a Comparison c. Definition and Example e. Time order g. Listing
1. During the election the candidate will make a number of campaign stops
throughout the
United States.
Exercise III.C
Determine the pattern of organization used for each sentence. Then fill in
the blanks within the sentence with transition words from the box. Use
each choice once.
Transition Words
for example furthermore even just as when so
type though between
Patterns of Organization
definition and example spatial contrast classification
Pattern of Organization:
Pattern of Organization:
3. Isabella wanted to become a professional actress, ..................................
she moved to New York City.
Patern of Organization: ..........................................................
7. Research has shown that cancers of the lip, tongue, mouth, throat, larynx,
lung, and esophagus are connected to cigar
smoking. ................................... _, facts strongly suggest a link between
cigar smoking and cancer of the pancreas
Fill in each blank with a transition from the box. Use each transition only once.
Then tell what pattern of organization is used.
Myth Reality
You have to read everything No – be selective!
You have to read every word in a text No – read the important bits first
You should read everything at the No – choose a reading strategy that matches
same speed in the same way the type of text and matches the purpose for
Reading a text once is enough No – read important bits first, then re-read
again more slowly
4. Academic reading is all about being selective, there is no need to read every text on a
5. Reading a text just once is not enough, you will need to read the important bits first, then
re-read these sections more slowly.
6. Don’t read everything at the same speed. Choose a reading strategy to match the type of
text and also to match the purpose of your reading
Step 1 : Skimming
Use this method to gain a quick overview of material and to see if the text is useful to you.
Skimming is not reading. It will tell you about a text but you will not learn from it.
Skim first sentences of paragraphs and pick out keywords to see if it is useful.
Focus on facts and concepts—does it answer your questions? Focus on your essay
Focus your attention on subheadings, bold, italicized or underlined text, figures and
diagrams, graphs, charts or photographs if there are any.
Use skimming to decide which books and journal articles will be useful to you, look at
the following details/information:
Read this to find out a little more about the content and coverage
Blurb of the book, who should read it, it may also give you information
about different editions of books, for example what extra is offered
in a newer edition of a text.
Titles and sub-titles which may provide you with more descriptive
Title and author information. Your tutor may recommend certain authors, and in
time, you will be able to recognise other work by them.
Located on the back of the title page. Check for most current
Publication date edition. Some reading lists may point to older texts because they
have produced an important contribution to the subject.
Bibliography Alphabetical list of all sources that the author has used to write
the book. Use this to provide additional reading sources
Index a list of topics that are covered in the book. Use this to search
quickly for your topic. If it does not appear, the book may not be of
use to you.
Journal articles ‘
Title/author of article is the author a reliable source?
Step 2 : Scanning
Scanning is different from skimming. It is reading more carefully and a little bit slower .
Scan for specific information—for example a quotation or supporting facts in an
1. Restrict scanning to about 20% of the text. Identify topic sentences and evidence in each
section. Although you will only work with part of the text , careful thinking , together with
a sense of context gained from skimming, will mean that you can see the text more
clearly and gain a stronger sense of the overall meaning.
2. In books, read chapter introductions and conclusion in more detail, and scan the rest of
the chapter. Scanning is where you read only to pick up the essential details and no
more is read than absolutely necessary
3. You can, like skimming, look for/use titles/heading and formatting clues to help you
locate what you are looking for
Try using the SQ3R method where you take an active approach to your reading. You will be
going beyond only skimming or scanning and will actively gain real knowledge and
This technique is very similar to scanning and helps to survey whether material will
be useful. You can survey chapter summaries, introductions and contents pages. Some
chapters will have learning objectives at the beginning and also end of chapter
questions. Use these as this will help you remember what you have read – reading
actively. You will survey the book for content by flicking through the paragraphs and major
headings, getting a general feel of the text. For an article, read the abstract, references,
summary, first paragraph.
Question what do you already know, start reading with a questioning frame of
mind. What are the main ideas, what does the author believe and why, is there any
evidence to support a particular point you want to make in your essay?. In the questioning
process, you will actually be thinking in a special way - reflecting.
While the critical reading process is objective, reflection is related to what you
yourself do and think, leading you to the objectivity you need to analyse what you have
At this point, you can begin to expand your questioning, to decide whether the
material is just interesting, or truly useful. You may be able to see quickly that the
material will be pertinent, especially if the conclusions match what you want to say in
your own writing or project. You may notice similarities to material you have already
found, or ideas you have already thought of.
R = Read
Read actively, a section at a time and try to pick out key points, read again or return
to any sections that are difficult to understand.
R = Recall
Now close the book or article you were reading and IN YOUR OWN WORDS briefly
describe the main points the author was making. This counters plagiarism. Jot down notes
which improves your understanding/ comprehension of a subject.
R = Review
Go back to the text and check your notes. Make sure you haven’t missed anything
and jot down how your notes relate to the assignment or essay question. Record
bibliographic details for your references.
When to stop
Is also important to know when you have read enough, if the answer is ‘yes’ to the following
questions then you should be ready to stop.
Are you convinced by all the evidence ?
Have you got a balanced view ?
Have your questions been answered ?
*)The Library Leaflet of The Northumbria University, UK, Published on september 2012
Exercise IV. A
Bring along an English-Printed book to the class, and comlpete this list
Publication date
Fields/ subjects
Purposes of Reading
My Notes
Exercise IV. B
Draw a topic scheme or Venn Diagram of the book/Article
A. Opinion Writing on Journal Articles
Summary Reports; Summary Does not Evaluate
The goal of your summary, then, is to report in a brief and yet accurate
manner the main gists (“gist” refers to the main or essential parts of the article, its
main line or lines of reasoning) of the article. The goal of summary is not to offer an
evaluation or opinion of the original article, but, rather, to report the writer’s main
ideas and findings. This means that you will need to indicate to your reader the
writer’s main point or points or purpose for writing. You will also need to point out
how the writer develops or supports his or her main point.
1. To begin, flip through the entire article, noting any headings the author may
have used to indicate main sections or topic shifts in the article. These headings
reflect the writer’s organization or structure in the article. Pay special attention to
the title of the article; it should indicate the writer’s topic and approach to that
topic. If you can get a sense of how the writer has structured the information in
her article, you are well on your way to summarizing it.
2. Read the abstract at the beginning of the article if there is one. The abstract is
an even more concise summary of the article than the summary you will do.
3. Read the article through once to capture the gists of the article, its main ideas.
You are reading here to get a sense of the writer’s topic and the important
relationships or connections between the parts of the article. Understanding
these connections is necessary to write a coherent summary.
4. Read the article again in a far more active way: this involves note taking (by
making notes in the margins of the paper to capture essential ideas) and sorting
more abstract, general information or ideas from detailed, concrete information
(by highlighting these different kinds of information with differently-coloured
highlighter pens).
The five goals in note-taking process:
to make note of the writer’s main ideas which will usually be general
and abstract
to make note of the more detailed description of examples or cases
that help the writer to interpret or analyze the more general, abstract
ideas she is attempting to work with
to notice the distinction between abstract and detailed information (by
highlighting each in different colours!)
to capture the connections between important ideas
to make note of important ideas in shorthand form: don’t copy the
writer’s words into the margin, but retain key words, translating the
writer’s complex ideas into nuggets of information
As taking notes, keep in mind that you are actively sorting through the text
for important ideas that will need to appear in the summary to accurately
represent the writer’s ideas, leaving behind information that is too detailed,
that if retained would extend the summary, making it far too long.
Summary cannot capture all of the abstract ideas within an article and the
detailed supporting material which the writer includes to help the reader to
interpret those abstract concepts or ideas. Neither can summary report all of the
technical terminology of the original, though it should retain some of the key
terminology. After all, your summary has to resemble its source.
This suggests that summary involves acts of sorting (general, abstract
concepts from detailed examples or cases), acts of connecting important
ideas, and acts of translation (rephrasing complex ideas into more concise,
portable forms), which can make a long, complicated document accessible for
Remember that the goal of summary is to produce a handsome, fully formed,
coherent text that bears an accurate relationship to its original, presenting it in a
much briefer form.
5. Look for connections between the nuggets of information the emerged from
the note-taking process and write a first draft of your summary.
As you write the first draft of your summary, you will likely notice that the
writer has located important ideas and the connections between them at various
places in the article. Because of this, you may mot be able to summarize the
article in the same linear pattern of the original. You may notice for example,
that the most important point the writer makes is located in her last paragraph.
This would then need to come forward in your summary; your reader would
look for it near the beginning. You may also notice that between main ideas,
and between material that connects one main idea to another, may be located
several paragraphs of detailed description. Your summary does not need to
capture all of the detailed description, but it should capture the connection
between ideas, suggesting that you shouldn’t expect to retain a key idea in
every paragraph of the original article. Remember, too, that retaining some
detailed examples or descriptions from the original may help your summary
reader make a strong connection to the original article. Be cautious, though, in
the amount of detail you bring into your summary. Too much will bog down your
summary and obscure the writer’s main ideas that you are attempting to report.
6. Read the draft of your summary to someone who has not read the original
article. Ask him or her to let you know if it makes sense. Above all, your
summary needs to be a coherent document that both makes sense on its
own and accurately reflects its original source.
7. Express your summary in a scholarly style. This involves introducing your
source in a scholarly way, describing what kind of writing your source is and its
main finding, and keeping in touch with your source throughout your summary.
Exercise V.A
Find an article of Primary Education Journal and write the Summary. Remember the
condition stated above for its perfect.
Be no longer than one page Tell the employer how you will meet
their needs
Be targeted for each application Be a balance between self confidence
and modesty
Aim at getting attention quickly Be drafted and redrafted until it is right
Be error free Be checked by someone else before it
is sent out
Be courteous Be presented on good quality paper
Have a positive, enthusiastic tone Be printed on a quality printer
Make use of short paragraphs and clear Be typed, not handwritten
Refer to the organisation and include Be sent unfolded with your resume (use
why you want to work for this particular an A4 envelope)
a high percentage of jobs are filled in the unadvertised job market
many employers rely on keen students who write to them, of their own
initiative, to fill vacancies
an employer may be impressed with your initiative, experience, and
excellent presentation and make efforts to create a position and
accommodate your request
an unexpected job vacancy may arise and your application is already in the
employer’s hands
SLTCC/NFLRC Ed. Specialist III
2545 McCarthy Mall, Bilger 101
University of Hawai‘i
Honolulu, HI 96822
Enclosed please find my resume. Upon reviewing my resume, I'm sure you will
find that I am qualified for a number of positions related to language teaching. I
have had over five years of teaching experience here in Korea, teaching students
of various ages and ability. In addition, two years ago I was promoted to English
Teacher Coordinator at the English conversation school where I had been
teaching, which illustrates how effective I was as a teacher. Finally, I self-
published a textbook as well as a study on the influence of the American military in
towns with Korean military bases (copies available upon request).
I hope you will consider me for any positions you may have. Please contact me at
the above address for a possible interview. I am eager to work with you in
Hawai‘i. Thank you for your consideration.
I have eight years of experience teaching English in Japan, to students aging from
nine years old through senior citizens, and at levels from beginner through
advanced. I have taught private lessons, at language schools, at a vocational
school, and at a university. I primarily taught conversation, but also had courses in
writing and reading. In all my conversation classes, I strived to lead more students
toward taking more responsibility for their learning, by giving them more control
over the topics and by teaching and practicing conversation and communication
strategies. In writing classes, I focused on making students aware of aspects of
creative writing (and giving them opportunities to "play" with these aspects), as well
as working with them on writing essays on topics of their own choosing. Finally, in
reading classes, I tried to use real materials (to the extent these were available) for
practicing different skills. I also believe strongly in being a reflective practitioner,
and keep a "teaching journal" on a regular basis.
In addition, I served three years as an administrator at the vocational school
where I taught. In this role, I was in charge of hiring teachers, curriculum
development, textbook selection, scheduling, and working with teachers to
ensure that they were sharing lesson plans and teaching insights.
I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Thank you again
C. Curriculum Vitae
Sample 2:
D. Interview Planning
by William H. Wylie
WASHINGTON-This is the time when college graduates are busy with job
interviews in the hope that four years – or more – of high-priced education was
not in vain.
A job hunter can have the best credentials in the wrld and still flunk the job
interview. If that happens, his dreams of employment are shattered, at least with
one employer.
Some people are naturally better at interviews than others, thanks to an outgoing
personality. But it takes more than a glib line of gab to land a job.
Preparation is the thing, say personel experts. Learn how to play the game of
hard questions, which is what a job interview is all about. Interviewers may differ
in technique, but there are 10 or 12 questions most of them always ask.
The interview is considered so important in landing a job that Carnegie Mellon
University in Pittsburgh stages simulated sessions for MBA students and puts
them on videotape, said Ed Mosier, director of placement for the Graduate
School of Industrial Administration.
No Harmless Questions
“The first 60 to 80 second are the most important part of an interview,” Mosier
“This occurs during the small talk before the hard questioningbagins. If you can
relate some unique experience that will make the interviewer remember you, it
may clinch a job,” he said.
“But it must be done without appearing to be contrived. I remember a girl who
mentioned that she did macrame. So did the interviewer’s wife.”
Some of the questions seem harmless enough. Actually, the are tricks designed
to bring out your weaknesses and strengths.
“Tell me about yourself” is almost always asked, employment counselor Carol
Hershey says, “It’s a trap for ramblers. The interviewer wants to see how quickly
you organize your throughts and how well you communicate. Someone who
rambles all over the lot is on shaky ground.”
Your answer also provides a glimpse of your character and interests. Hershey
recalled an episode about a lawyer being interviewed for trial work with a large
firm. “She talked about a skiing medal she had won. It showed she liked to win,
an important quality for a trial lawyer.”
Another question that usually catches people off guard: What are your
“It’s a most difficult question.” Hershey said, “One should always try to present a
weakness in a positive light. You might say, ‘One of my problems is that I’m a
perfectionist. It interferes with my personal life because I’m always taking work
Perhaps the most dangerous booby trap is the inquiry: What do you think of your
former boss or company?
‘Never Bad-Mouth’
Personnel specialists agree that it’s a loaded question. “Never bad-month
anyone,” advises Hershey. “If you were fired, discuss personality conflicts, if that
was a problem, without blaming anyone. Always stress that the conflicts didn’t
prevent you from doing your job well.”
It’s best to present a former boss in a positive light. It might be noted that “he
helped me learn specific skills” or “he was under a lot of pressure.” You might
add, “But I would have handled it differently and shown more compassion to the
Why didn’t you do better in college?
This is another question designed to put the interviewee on the defensive. If your
mind goes blank, you might stall for time, saying, “Could you be more specific?”
What do you expect for a salary?
Careful! This takes some finesse. If the question comes up at your first interview,
be general. Dance around specific numbers. You might bounce the ball into the
interviewer’s court by saying, “What is the salary range?” Or you could suggest
that if the company is really interested in hiring you, there shouldn’t be any
problem in getting together on compensation.
Personnel people say there are always four or five questions that people should
be ready for. One is the old chesnut:
Where do you expect to be in five years?
Mosier said the answer is important because it tells whether a person sees
himself as a manager or a specialist.
Hershey advises a general reply, “It’s better to say I want to be in a job where I
can grow profesionally an take on responsibilities.”
Why do you want to work for us?
This is another subject that can be handled easily by doing some homework
about the prospective employer. Displaying your knowledge about the
corporation may make you stand out from other applicants.
There are always some soft questions-soft it you’re prepared-like:
- Are you creative? Give three examples.
- Are you a natural leader? Give examples.
- Are you good planner? Give examples.
- What were your outstanding achievements on your previous job?
What makes you different from the other applicants?
Exercise V.A
Find a Primary Teaching Recruitment (attach the coppied pappers), then write the
application letter and the curriculum vitae (try to reach over the conditioned limit).
Exercise V.B
Complete this following list based on your self identity, try to write clearly the
focused future gain.