Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Lanjutan

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A. Identitas Sekolah
1. Nama Penyusun : SUYITNO, S.Pd
2. Nama Sekolah : SMAN 1 KEBOMAS
3. Tahun Pelajaran : 2023 / 2024
4. Jenjang Sekolah : SMA
5. Fase/Kelas/Prog : Fase F / XI
6. Alokasi Waktu : 2 Pertemuan (5 JP @ 45 menit)

B. Kompetensi Awal
Simple Present, Conjunction, Thinking verb

C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

1. Bergotong royong (menumbuhkan rasa kekompakan dan bekerja sama peserta didik
dalam berkolaborasi ketika berdiskusi dengan teman sekelompok).
2. Bernalar kritis (menumbuhkan sifat bernalar kritis peserta didik dalam
menyampaikan pendapat ketika berdiskusi maupun dalam waktu pembelajaran

D. Sarana dan
Prasarana Bahan
Pembelajaran :
Media Pembelajaran :
1. Analytical exposition Teks
2. HP
3. Akses Internet

E. Target Peserta Didik

1. Peserta didik reguler: dalam pembelajaran diberikan pelayanan secara umum.
2. Peserta didik dengan kesulitan belajar: dalam pembelajaran diberikan
perhatian khusus dan pendampingan.
3. Peserta didik dengan pencapaian tinggi: dalam pembelajaran diberikan
pengayaan dengan menyelesaikan soal-soal HOTS.

F. Model Pembelajaran
Kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan model Cooperative Learning yaitu peserta didik
menyelesaikan permasalahan untuk memahami bentuk teks analytical


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Peserta didik Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial beberapa teks eksposisi analitis l i s a n
m a u p u n tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Pertemuan 1)
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks beberapa teks eksposisi analitis tulis dengan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi struktur teks, fungsi membuat sintesis dan
mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti (Pertemuan 4)
4. Peserta didik mampu Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan melakukan
inferensi untuk memahami informasi tersirat. (Pertemuan 5)

B. Pemahaman Bermakna
Manfaat dari kegiatan pembelajaran ini adalah
1. Peserta didik dapat memahami kalimat yang berisi ide penulis dan dapat menyelesaikan
soal- soal yang terkait dengan teks analytical.
2. Peserta didik dapat memahami teks sederhana berbentuk analytical dan dan menemukan
permasalahan yang mungkin sama dengan kehidupan sehari- hari mereka.

C. Pertanyaan Pemantik
1. Did you watch last week presidential debate?
2. What did you get?
3. Do you agree with his opinion?
4. How to defend his opinion?
5. Could you tell me other titles?

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan Belajar 1 (Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran ke-1 dan ke-2)
a. Kegiatan Awal (10 menit)
 Guru memberi salam saat masuk kelas.
 Berdoa bersama-sama pada saat awal pembelajaran.
 Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik dan menanyakan kabar peserta didik.
 Menyiapkan kesiapan belajar peserta didik sebelum kegiatan pembelajaran.
 Ice Breaking “simon says/guessing game/ senam otak
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan
materi sebelumnya, yaitu : Narrative text
 Mengingatkan kembali materi sebelumnya.
 Mengajukan pertanyaan pemantik sebelum pembelajaran dimulai.
 Menjelaskan manfaat pelajaran yang akan dipelajari.
 Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari dan diharapkan
peserta didik dapat menjelaskan dan memahami tentang: Analytical text tema
covid beserta fungsi sosialnya.
Pemberian Acuan
 Pembagian kelompok belajar.
 Menjelaskan langkah-langkah Genre based approached yang akan dilakukan.
 Mendiskusikan kesepakatan dalam pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti (60 menit)

Model Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Building Knowledge 1. Peserta didik diminta memahami kosa kota yang berhubungan
of the Field dengan teks dengaran
2. Peserta didik diminta untuk mendengarkan teks exposisi
lisan tentang benefit of vaccine covid
3. Peserta didik diberikan lembar kerja untuk dikerjakan
berdasarkan teks yang didengar yaitu menjawab
pertanyaan berdasarkan teks dengaran.
Modelling of the 1. Guru menerangkan teks analytical baik struktur, unsur
text bahasanya dan informasi yang ada dalam teks tersebut.
2. Peserta didik di minta membaca dan mencari makna
tersurat maupun tersirat.
3. Peserta didik dan Guru Mengidentifikasi struktur
organisasi dan ciri-cir linguistic teks analytical
Joint construction 1. Guru membimbing peserta didik dan bersama-sama
of the text memproduksi teks analytical exposition

Individual 1. Mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa tulisan secara mandiri the;

construction 2. Establishing routine consultation with teacher and peers to
of the text shape discourse;
3. Editing, reworking, further feedback and finalization;
4. Personal reflection on degree of success.

c. Kegiatan Akhir (10

menit) Peserta didik :
 Peserta didik diberikan resume tentang kegiatan yang sudah dipelajari hari ini.
 Peserta didik diberikan refleksi kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru
dilakukan. Guru :
 Memeriksa pekerjaan siswa yang selesai langsung diperiksa.
 Memberikan penghargaan kepada kelompok yang memiliki kinerja
dan kerjasama yang baik
 Menyimpulkan point-point penting.
 Memberikan informasi tentang kegiatan/materi pada pertemuan selanjutnya.
 Menutup pembelajaran dengan doa kemudian salam penutup.
1. Asesmen Diagnostik
Asesmen Diagnostik Non Kognitif (Terlampir)
Asesmen Diagnostik Non Kognitif Diberikan di awal sebelum pembelajaran untuk
memetakan kelompok sesuai gaya belajar peserta didik.

2. Asesmen Formatif
a. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1
asesmen tertulis berupa kuis dalam aplikasi kahoot (untuk mengetahui apakah siswa
sudah memahami apa yang dilakukan pada pembelajaran di hari tersebut)

Wawancara/ Tes Lisan

1. Which ones is action verb in the text?
2. Give the examples from the text about noun phrase?

3. Asesmen Sumatif
Berupa tes tulis yang dilaksanakan di akhir teks narrative legend.

F. Pengayaan dan Remidial

a. Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang sudah melampui Tujuan
b. Pengayaan diberikan untuk menambah wawasan peserta didik mengenai materi
pembelajaran yang dapat diberikan kepada peserta didik yang telah tuntas
mencapai Tujuan Pembelajaran
c. Pengayaan dapat ditagihkan atau tidak ditagihkan, sesuai kesepakatan dengan
peserta didik.
d. Direncanakan berdasarkan Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran atau materi pembelajaran
yang membutuhkan pengembangan lebih luas misalnya
 Belajar kelompok, yaitu sekelompok siswa diberi tugas pengayaan untuk
dikerjakan bersama pada dan/atau di luar jam pelajaran;
 Belajar mandiri, yaitu siswa diberi tugas pengayaan untuk dikerjakan
sendiri/ individual;
 Pembelajaran berbasis tema, yaitu memadukan beberapa konten pada tema
tertentu sehingga siswa dapat mempelajari hubungan antara berbagai
disiplin ilmu.

 Remedial dapat diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum mencapai tujuan
 Guru memberi semangat kepada peserta didik yang belum mencapai tujuan
pembelajaran. Guru akan memberikan pembelajaran tambahan di lain waktu /
tugas bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai capaian pembelajaran.
 Meminta siswa untuk mempelajari kembali bagian yang belum tuntas.
 Meminta siswa untuk membuat rangkuman materi yang belum tuntas.
 Meminta siswa untuk bertanya kepada teman yang sudah tuntas tentang
materi yang belum tuntas.
 Memberikan lembar kerja untuk dikerjakan oleh siswa yang belum tuntas

G. Refleksi Peserta Didik dan Guru

Refleksi Peserta Didik dan
1. Bagaimana perasaanmu selama mengikuti pembelajaran hari ini?
2. Apakah pembelajaran hari ini sesuai dengan yang kalian inginkan?
3. Apa saja hal- hal yang sudah kalian pelajari?
4. Apa kesulitan yang kalian hadapi saat pembelajaran hari ini?
5. Bagaimana respon kalian terhadap media pembelajaran serta alat dan bahan
yang digunakan dalam mengerjakan pembelajaran hari ini?
6.Bagaimana respon kalian terhadap model pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran hari ini?

A. Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik
1. Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD 1.1 )
2. Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD 1.2)
B. Bahan Bacaan Guru dan Peserta Didik
1. Bahan Bacaan KB-1
- PPT yang dishare guru dalam group wa kelas

2. Bahan Bacaan youtube, website about narrative legends

C. Glosarium
a. Orientation
b. setting
c. climax
d. resolution
e. reorientation
f. moral messages

D. Daftar Pustaka
Buku Pegangan guru :
1. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2022. Buku Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Buku Pegangan siswa :

1. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2022. Buku Siswa Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Lanjutan .
Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.


Kahoot Answer the following questions
text/cb4400ec-8b33-4343-a213- 1. What is Narrative text?
8f504b0061ad 2. Part of Narrative text which tells the characters and setting
is called

3. climax or peak of the story is past of ...

4. The part of the narrative where the con½ict or
problem introduced earlier in the story is resolved or

5. One is NOT the Characteristic of narrative text

6. action verbs are used to express actions that have
already happened. For example

7. A noun phrase is a group of two or more words

headed by a noun that includes modif ers, the
example is

8. The modif er of white man is white

9. Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or
clauses together
10. Below is NOT conjunction
11. Would you like pizza or a salad for lunch.? the conjunction is ...
12. Once upon a time in Borneo, there lived a poor widow and her daughter. The
girl was really beautiful...this is called
13. I am finished with .... my English essay my history essay.
14. NOT type of Narrative
15. The modifier of Crazy boy is Boy


The Legend of The Holy Stone

A Long time ago, up on the Kamboi Rama mountain, there were two villages, Kamboi Rama and Aroempu.
Kamboi Rama was a residence for Kamboi people, and Aroempu was a sago plantation owned by God
Iriwonawani, who also owned a tifa. Whenever the tifa is played, the Kamboi people would gather. Every
day, the Kamboi women would go to Aroempu to cut sago for their meals. As time passed by, the sago trees
were becoming scarcer. God Iriwonawani got really angry, “Get out of here! Don’t just cut but sow and
plant!” Because they were scared, the Kamboi people moved to the coastal area and named themselves
anduayaivi. However, upon the mountain, there still lived a couple of husband and wife, Irimiami and Isoray

One day, on their way home after a hunt in the jungle, being tired, Irimiami and Isoray decided to rest.
Irimiami sat on the ground leaning on a tree. Meanwhile, Isoray was still finding a place to sit. She saw a
large stone and thought that it would be comfortable to sit on. As she sat, all of a sudden, Isoray shouted
and jumped off the stone. “Ouch! The stone is so hot that I almost got burned!” Isoray cried. “What is it,
dear?” Irimiami who almost fell asleep immediately stood up, startled by his wife’s screams. “I don’t know
what happened either, but this stone feels really hot.” answered Isoray in panic.
A short time later, in their astonishment, smoke came out of that stone. Curious, Irimiami tried to sit on that
stone. “Ouch! It’s really hot!” he shouted. Becoming more curious, the couple
decided to test the stone’s heat. “How if we put this venison on that stone?” said Irimiami. “Let’s just try,
dear,” answered Isoray. Exquisite smells came from the burning meat. As it was ready, they ate them up.
“What a delicious piece of meat” or “This meat is so delicious,” Irimiami said happily. Unsatisfied with
what they had found, they continued testing the stone.
“Let’s try to put these bamboo stems,” said Isoray. “Let’s try these grass and leaves,” Irimiami added. “How
about that timber!” shouted Isoray. Day by day, they kept on testing the stone.
One bright day, they gathered more grasses and put themon the stone. The grasses burned quickly and
spread to the surrounding plants, the fire got bigger. They started to panic. “My husband, we’ve burned this
place.” Isoray cried in fear. “It’s a big disaster and we can’t stop. Let’s meet God Iriwonawani for help,”
said Irimiami in tremble. They ran to God Iriwonawani.
“My Lord, please help us put out the fire,” begged them. “Well, I shall help on the condition that you stop
that harming act of yours,” said the God.
“We promise, my Lord,” they said. With a magical power, the fire could finally be stopped.
Nevertheless, it seemed that they had not learned from their mistakes. They kept on testing the stone, until
one day they started a really big fire that did not stop for seven days and
nights. They were really terrified and could not do anything but asked God Iriwonawai for help.
Finally, the sounds of the tifa were heard again after a long time. All Randuayaivi people ran to Kamboi
mountain, witnessed the burning forest which was again successfully extinguished by God Iriwonawani. On
the mountain, Irimiami and Isoray finally told the story of ‘the holy stone.’

The following day, all Randuayaivi people came back to the mountain bringing food items. All those food
items were put on the holy stone and the traditional feast took place for three days and nights. All the people
chanted and danced around the holy stone, worshipping it and passing the holy stone story. People of Papua,
particularly those of the Yapen islands, sanctify the fire stone hitherto. The stone has become a sacred stone
that they worship annually. source:
1. What were the names of the two villages mentioned in the story?
2. Who owned the sago plantation in Aroempu?
3. Why did the Kamboi people move to the coastal area?
4. How did Isoray react when she sat on the stone?
5. What did Irimiami and Isoray decide to test on the stone?
6. What happened when they put grass on the stone?
7. What did Irimiami and Isoray do when they started a big fire?
8. How did God Iriwonawani help in extinguishing the fire?
9. What did the Randuayaivi people do after the fire was extinguished?
10. Why is the stone considered sacred by the people of Papua?
Answer Key:
1. The two villages mentioned in the story are Kamboi Rama and Aroempu.
2. God Iriwonawani owned the sago plantation in Aroempu.
3. The Kamboi people moved to the coastal area because they were scared and wanted to escape God Iriwonawani's anger.
4. Isoray reacted by shouting and jumping off the stone because it was hot.
5. Irimiami and Isoray decided to test venison, bamboo stems, grass, leaves, and timber on the stone.
6. The grasses burned quickly and spread to the surrounding plants, causing a bigger fire.
7. When they started a big fire, Irimiami and Isoray asked God Iriwonawani for help.
8. God Iriwonawani helped in extinguishing the fire with a magical power.
9. After the fire was extinguished, the Randuayaivi people came back to the mountain, brought food items, and held a
traditional feast for three days and nights.
10. The stone is considered sacred by the people of Papua because of its association with the story of 'the holy stone' and
their worship of it annually.


Benar 12- Paham Utuh Menjadi tutor sebaya di dalam kelompok diskusi, serta menjadi
15 soal pemantau aktivitas kelompok.
Benar 6- Paham Membantu teman yang belum paham dengan materi yang
11 soal Sebagian sudah dipahaminya, belajar dari tutor Paham Utuh untuk
meningkatkan pemahaman sendiri. Ia dapat menjadi pembicara
atau penerjemah yang baik karena berada di posisi tengah.
Benar 1-5 Belum paham Tutor oleh teman yang Paham Utuh dibantu teman yang
soal Paham Sebagian dan mendapat penguatan dari guru. Dilibatkan
sebagai penyumbang ide dan mencari informasi.





1. Membangun kolaborasi antar anggota dalam satu


2. Mendiskusikan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tujuan


3. Saling mengambil peran di dalam diskusi, bergantian

menyampaikan pendapat, dan mengambil keputusan.

4. LK dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu, atau sesuai waktu

yang telah disepakati sebelum diskusi.

Peserta Didik dianggap telah melakukan diskusi kelompok dengan baik apabila 3 dari 4 kriteria sudah

The Legend of Holy Stone Worksheet

Group’s Name:


Welcome to the exploration of the legend of the holy stone! This worksheet
will test your understanding and comprehension of this fascinating legend.

Section 1: Answer the following questions

Instructions: Read each question carefully and answer it.

1. Underline the action verb (past form)
2. Mention conjunctions in the text
3. Name the noun phrases from the text ( at least 10)
4. Mention the structure of the text
5. Mention the setting of the story
Section 2: True or False

Instructions: For each statement, write "T" if the statement is true and "F" if
the statement is false.

1. , the sago trees were becoming scarcer because the Kamboi women cut it everyday.
2. , All the Kamboi people moved to the coastal area

3. . . The grasses burned quickly and spread to the surrounding plants, the fire got
bigger because they put the grass on the stone
4. They kept their promise not doing test to the stone.
5. . The stone has become a sacred stone that they worship annually.
Section 3: Match the meaning the words
Residence gather. sow astonishment venison leaning on

Exquisite disaster chanted sacred worship holy

a. the place where someone lives.

b. come together; assemble or accumulate.
c. to put seeds in or on the ground so that plants will grow
d. to use someone or something to help you, especially in a difficult situation
e. very great surprise
f. meat that comes from a deer
g. very beautiful and delicate
h. an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty:
i. related to a religion or a god:
j. to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously:
k. considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of
a connection with a god
l. to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god

Section 4: Creative Writing

Instructions: Imagine if you found the holy stone. Write a short story
describing what you would do with its power. Feel free to use your creativity and

Remember to check your work before you submit your answers. Good luck and
have fun exploring the legend of the holy stone!

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