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Limbah industri farmasi mengandung limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) yang harus dikelola
sebelum dibuang ke badan air. Salah satunya adalah senyawa yang tergolong dalam Semivolatile Organic
Compounds (SVOC) yaitu senyawa fenol, 2-metilfenol dan asetofenon. Senyawa ini digunakan dalam bahan
baku campuran pada industri farmasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kadar senyawa fenol, 2-
metilfenol dan asetofenon dalam sampel air limbah. Sampel air limbah diekstrak menggunakan Dichloromethane
(DCM) dalam suasana asam, netral atau basa agar analit terekstrak sempurna. Larutan ekstrak dipekatkan lalu
ditambahkan pereaksi tertentu selanjutnya dianalisis. Preparasi sampel dilakukan mengacu pada metode standar
USEPA 3510C (Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Etraction) dan USEPA 8270E (Semivolatile Organic
Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry). Hasil analisis fenol dibandingkan dengan baku mutu
PermenLH no.5 tahun 2014 sementara hasil analisis 2-metilfenol dan acetofenon dibandingkan dengan Lembar
Data Keselamatan Bahan yang mengacu pada Peraturan Uni Eropa 1907 tahun 2006. Berdasarkan analisis yang
dilakukan, dihasilkan kadar senyawa fenol sebesar 0,0053 mg/L, kadar senyawa 2-metilfenol sebesar 0,1692
mg/L dan kadar senyawa asetofenon sebesar 0,8952 mg/L. Masing-masing senyawa telah memenuhi baku mutu
standar yang telah ditentukan.
Pharmaceutical industry waste contains hazardous and toxic waste materials (B3) that must be
managed before being discharged into a body of water. One of them is a compound belonging to Semivolatile
Organic Compounds (SVOC) namely phenol compounds, 2-methylphenol and acetophenone. This compound is
used in mixed raw materials in the pharmaceutical industry. The study was conducted to analyze the levels of
phenol, 2-methylphenol and acetophenone compounds in wastewater samples. Wastewater samples are
extracted using Dichloromethane (DCM) in an acidic, neutral or alkaline atmosphere in order for the analyte to
be perfectly extracted. The extract solution is concentrated and then added certain reagents and then analyzed.
Sample preparation refers to the standard methods USEPA 3510C (Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Etraction)
and USEPA 8270E (Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry). The results
of the phenol analysis were compared to PermenLH quality standard no.5 of 2014 while the results of the
analysis of 2-methylfenol and acetofenon were compared to the Material Safety Data Sheet referring to the 1907
European Union Regulation of 2006. Based on the analysis conducted, the levels of phenol compounds
amounted to 0.0053 mg / L, the levels of 2-methylphenol compounds amounted to 0.1692 mg / L and the levels of
aceophenone compounds amounted to 0.8952 mg / L. Each compound has met the standard quality standards
that have been determined.