Jurnal Comprehensive Water Pump House
Jurnal Comprehensive Water Pump House
Jurnal Comprehensive Water Pump House
NIP : 8509026A2
1. Pompa dinamis adalah pompa yang bertekanan dinamis dengan cara memberikan
energi mekanis kepada fluida yang akan dipindahkan. Pemberian energi ini secara terus –
menerus. Yang termasuk ke dalam jenis pompa ini :
a. Pompa Sentrifugal
2. Pompa statis adalah pompa yang menghasilkan head dengan cara menekan
fluida.Tekanan dinaikkan untuk menggerakkan fluida dari katup atau langsung ke saluran
buang. Pompa ini diberikan energi secara kontinyu (priodik). Dan dibedakan atas dua jenis
a. Pompa torak
b. Pompa rotari
i. Putar kopling dengan tangan. Sudu tidak boleh bergesekan dan putaran harus
ii. Buka inlet valve dan exhaust valve agar seluruh ruang pompa terisi fluida, dan
kemudian tutup exhaust valve.
iii. Putar pompa dengan tangan beberapa putaran supaya lube oil masuk ke
mechanical seal.
iv. Start motor lalu shut down secepatnya untuk memastikan arah putaran benar.
b) Start up pompa :
i. Putar kopling dengan tangan. Sudu tidak boleh bergesekan dan putaran harus
ii. Buka inlet valve dan exhaust valve agar seluruh ruang pompa terisi fluida, dan
kemudian tutup exhaust valve.
iii. Rotate the pump for several circles by hand to make lube oil enter mechanical
seal surface.
iv. Start up the motor and then shut down immediately to make sure if the rotation
is right.
b) Start up pompa :
i. Insert the key into key hole and rotate to “ON” direction, then the control
diagram will be opened; adjust it to manual or active control mode; press
“START”; engine will be started up. If pressing “STOP”, engine will stop
ii. During operation, alarm device will send out signal; type of alarm should be
monitored through diagram.
iii. If there is emergency situation during operation and shutdown is needed, press
“emergency shutdown button” immediately.
iv. Under normal conditions, set control mode as “auto”.
c) Stop pompa :
i. Gradually close the valve of outlet pipe and cut off the power supply.
ii. Close inlet valve.
i. Check that if the power supply, switch and start/stop button are good; check that
if the instrument and signal indication are good.
ii. Check if the pump pedestal and foundation are fixed; check that if the pipe
connection is sealed.
iii. Rotate the coupler by hand; the rotation should be smooth and even; and make
the lube oil enter mechanical seal surface.
b) Start up pompa :
Press the button of pump startup to slowly open the valve of outlet pipe.
c) Stop pompa :
i. Check that if the power supply, switch and start/stop button are good; check that if
the instrument and signal indication are good.
ii. Check if the pump pedestal and foundation are fixed; check that if the pipe
connection is sealed.
iii. Rotate the coupler by hand; the rotation should be smooth and even; and make the
lube oil enter mechanical seal surface.
b) Start up pompa :
Press the button of pump startup to slowly open the valve of outlet pipe.
c) Stop pompa :
i. Putar kopling dengan tangan. Sudu tidak boleh bergesekan dan putaran harus
ii. Buka inlet valve dan exhaust valve agar seluruh ruang pompa terisi fluida, dan
kemudian tutup exhaust valve.
iii. Putar pompa dengan tangan beberapa putaran supaya lube oil masuk ke
mechanical seal.
iv. Start motor lalu shut down secepatnya untuk memastikan arah putaran benar.
b) Start up pompa :
V. Troubleshooting