Papers by Daniel Armenciu

Adapting architectural spaces to the climatic conditions of one site implies
the adoption of spat... more Adapting architectural spaces to the climatic conditions of one site implies
the adoption of spatial configuration solutions that are subject to the
sustainability principles. On the background of an increasing concern for
the environment’s protection, it is worth mentioning the development of
wood usage as a building material in various aspects: as structural material,
building enclosure, thermal insulation or finishing. The relationship between its physical qualities and the environment in which it is to be placed
leads to certain conditions that determine its choice as a sustainable
option. Starting from the physical qualities that support the use of wood
in architecture, those principles of bioclimatic design that can motivate
the use of this material will be highlighted. The paper wishes to represent
an „itinerary“ in completely different climatic areas, using examples of traditional and contemporary architecture.
Cărămida, mereu reinventată, 2017
Larga răspândire a utilizării cărămizii ca material de construcție este martora
unui sistem de de... more Larga răspândire a utilizării cărămizii ca material de construcție este martora
unui sistem de dezvoltare ce a contribuit considerabil la evoluția fenomenului
arhitectural universal. Calitățile sale de compatibilitate ecologică sunt neîndoielnice datorită minimului impact ambiental, uzitarea sa ca subiect de
cercetare devinind cu atât mai mult o provocare. Calitățile de termoizolare,
maleabilitatea materiei prime precum și modularitatea în blocuri poate conduce în continuare la soluții experimentale extrem de variate. Lucrarea va prezenta cazuri particulare contemporane de folosire a ceramicii ca material de construcție, dintr-o perspectivă sustenabilă. Se vor urmări acele exemple de tratare a anvelopei parietale în scopul controlului condițiilor de confort.

Collegium Geographicum 8. Proceedings Book ENERGIA TRANSYLVANIAE International Conference on Solar, Wind and Bioenergy, 2011
The issue of energy resources is the subject of intense concern in various branches of activity f... more The issue of energy resources is the subject of intense concern in various branches of activity for contemporary society in order to achieve their goals through the principles of the sustainable development concept. The building sector has always been placed in the context of the energy resources speech, due to the important natural and financial resources requirements involved.
Bioclimatic architecture represents the building response in a harmonious relationship with the climatic conditions of a site, but not against them. The paper wants to illustrate the evolution of the architectural form and building’s location types, in relation to the geographic and climatic conditions, characteristics for the Romanian territory. By means of strategically classification of the main characteristics of the place we will illustrate a mapping of different architectural typologies and the way they have responded to the climatic conditions. For this fulfil, we will take into account the solar energy conditions, wind movement and other site-specific factors which influence the shape of buildings, from the climatic point of view.
The exposed theme is part of a doctoral thesis which aims to define an analysis methodology and design approach, respecting the principles of bioclimatic architecture on the Romanian territory.

20 ARCHITECTURAL EXPERIENCES - Proceedings- International Conference of Architecture and Design 30-31/10/2023, 2024
The CHEIA T research project (Holistic Research, Integrated
Academic Expertise: Technique, Techno... more The CHEIA T research project (Holistic Research, Integrated
Academic Expertise: Technique, Technology, Transfer) aimed
at the deepening of transdisciplinary approach techniques in
architectural education, through studying constructive technologies
and facilitating sustainable knowledge transfer.
EXPO CHEIA T was integrated in two disciplines on the topic
of sustainable technology, Faculty of Interior Architecture (FAI)
in the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023. It focused
on all four components of sustainability and proposed one key
goal for each pillar: environment: reuse; economic: circularity;
social: inclusion; cultural: awareness.
Students of the 3rd year that study “Product Design” and “Furniture
and Interior Design” had to imagine an object starting
from circular economy principles, using waste resulting from
technological processes as raw material. Students of the 4th
year from “Interior Architecture” studied 11 categories of construction
materials, focusing on defining Life Cycle Analysis,
from a double perspective: sustainable versus unsustainable
The exhibition acted as an intermediary phase for developing
students’ projects and conceptually included from the beginning
the post-use stage. Posters and multisensory objects were
donated to teachers working with children with special educational
needs. FAI students combined various playful elements
(visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory) and were attentive to safety
in use. Exhibition panels also included QR codes, with links to
materials explaining the graphic concepts for visitors having
visual impairments.
Being able to communicate values and establish responsible
behaviors towards users and the environment is an essentially
valuable skill for architecture students. Exhibitions about
sustainability proved to be powerful methods of assessing
the degree of sustainable approach in architectural learning
and teaching experiences. The paper aims to include a study
of different architecture project exhibitions that were part
of the didactic process, in such a manner that the results are
becoming a way of exploring in an innovative way the limits of
architectural design.

20 ARCHITECTURAL EXPERIENCES - Proceedings- International Conference of Architecture and Design 30-31/10/2023, 2024
In Eastern European countries, where the urban-rural
dichotomy is often marked by stark differenc... more In Eastern European countries, where the urban-rural
dichotomy is often marked by stark difference, the need for
climate-smart landscapes and resilient transition zones holds
a critical significance. Climate change challenges, socio-economic
disparities, and past environmental policies within the
cities territory and beyond them, necessitate specific strategies
to promote resilience and climate mitigation. Strategies like
carbon sequestration, sustainable land use, and biodiversity
conservation could be augmented when aligned with local conditions
and traditional practices. The amalgamation of revived
traditional forest management practices with modern scientific
knowledge results in landscapes that are climate-smart and
socially equitable while promoting economic sustainability. Urban-
rural transition zones and peripheries, replete with diverse
land use and rich biodiversity, serve as potent buffers against
climate change impacts. However, the lack of investment and
policy focus often undermines their potential. Implementing
resilience strategies, such as wetland restoration or agroforestry
promotion, could enhance their ecological importance and
provide socio-economic benefits to local communities. Eastern
European urban-rural territories offer unique opportunities for
implementing climate-smart and resilient landscape strategies.
Harnessing these opportunities necessitates an integrated
approach that appreciates the ecological, socio-cultural, and
economic uniqueness of these landscapes and advocates local
community involvement in planning and management. As
a methodology, we’ve chosen the integrated landscape approach
(ILA) as an analytical tool addressing often disparate
landscapes, focusing on its structural heterogeneity. Also, ILA
provides a comprehensive framework for assessing the hybrid
nature of evolving urban-rural zones in Eastern Europe, emphasizing
its potential to spur diversity and innovation while being
intricately connected to the broader system. Various landscape
solutions are tailored for the specific types of transitional urban-
rural zones.

20 ARCHITECTURAL EXPERIENCES - Proceedings- International Conference of Architecture and Design 30-31/10/2023, 2024
The imperative to integrate sustainability and energy
efficiency principles into architectural ed... more The imperative to integrate sustainability and energy
efficiency principles into architectural education has never
been more urgent. With the built environment accounting for
significant carbon emissions globally, the role of architects in
designing sustainable buildings is pivotal and the INCEPT project
plays a vital role in achieving these goals.
This paper explores innovative teaching methodologies that can
effectively teach sustainability and energy efficiency principles
in architectural education, forging a new generation of architects
equipped to meet the demands of a climate-conscious
world. The exploration of various pedagogical strategies such as
experiential learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and problem-
based learning offers novel ways of incorporating these
principles into architectural curriculum. Experiential learning
presents an invaluable opportunity for students to understand
and apply sustainability concepts in real-world contexts.
The paper acknowledges the challenges faced in the paradigm
shift towards incorporating these principles, from traditional
design-centred approaches to more holistic, sustainability-focused
methods. The need for curricula reformation, faculty
training, and a shift in the learning culture are among the barriers
identified. The paper argues that overcoming these challenges
necessitates a collective commitment from educators,
policy-makers, and the architectural community. Furthermore,
the integration of advanced technologies such as building information
modelling (BIM) and virtual reality (VR) into teaching
methodologies can significantly enhance the students’ grasp of
sustainability and energy efficiency principles.
By embracing innovative teaching methodologies and overcoming
the associated challenges, architectural education
can become a strong catalyst for advancing sustainable and
energy-efficient building design, underpinning the wider global
endeavour towards climate change mitigation.

Zeppelin, 2017
The ongoing “thermical rehabilitation” campaign in Romania is basically an action to insulate hun... more The ongoing “thermical rehabilitation” campaign in Romania is basically an action to insulate hundreds of thousands of dwellings. It started with the socialist blocks of glats and the went further, on apartment buildings and houses from the end of the 19th century or the modernist interwar period. The law states that if those buildinga are not listed (and, of course, not many of them are) you can freely clad them: a cultural catastrophy. But even from a technical and generally strategic point of view, this is not sustainable: an almost total public financing for completely private property is quite unjust; it’s just about a skin and new windows, and not about a comprehensive rehabilitation, that would the structure, the installations, architectural spaces and expression. It is done in a hurried and superficial way, technical problems are abundant etc. It would seem that here sustainability fights against the heritage, but it’s actually about a very wrong way of understanding what sustainable really means.
URBAN REGENERATION and HISTORIC CENTER Vision from Tabriz, a Silk Road City, 2019
Sustainability is a comprehensive common theme that is
identified in most areas that govern conte... more Sustainability is a comprehensive common theme that is
identified in most areas that govern contemporary society.
Relying on this background, heritage needs to find a sustainable
integration towards the mutations of contemporary cities. The
article aims to highlight the sacrality of ruins, understood not
strictly from the spiritual point of view, but more as a way of
understanding our patrimony in terms of protection and
conservation. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to
understand that only by taking care of those complex elements
that enrich the world with cultural values can humanity safely go
forward. It would be a symbolic approach to how heritage
became a cultural issue, extremely important for the next

Abstracts - ICAR 2012. ICAR 2012 International Conference on Architectural Research: (re)writing ... more Abstracts - ICAR 2012. ICAR 2012 International Conference on Architectural Research: (re)writing history. Book · May 2012 Edition: 1, Publisher: Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu” Bucureşti, Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger, Andra Panait, Editor: UAUIM, Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger, Andra Panait, Marina Mihaila, Daniel Comşa, ISBN: 978-606-638-022-5 Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu” Bucureşti, Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger, Andra Panait authors: Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger, Andra Panait, Marina Mihaila, Daniel Comşa, Adham Abulnour, Ileana Apostol, Maria Boştenaru Dan, Dragoş Horia Buhociu, João Paulo Cardielos, Stefania Chirico, Laura Vivola, Luigi Chirone, Cristina Constantinescu, Mihaela Hărmănescu, Ilinca Constantinescu, Cerasella Craciun, Cristina Enache, Giuseppe Gangemi, Cristina Olga Gociman, Sever Georgescu, Tiberiu Florescu, Artan Hysa, Bob Jarvis, Valbona Koçi, Andrei Eugen Lakatos, Vera Marin, Ana Opriş, Gabriel Pascariu, Simona Pascariu, Alexandru-Ionut Petrişor, Andreea Popa, Alexandru Calcatinge, Radu Radoslav, Tudor Morar, Monica Rădulescu, Angelica Stan, Branislava Stoiljkovic, Goran Jovanovic, Nataša Petkovic, Tai-Chee WONG, Ramona Albert, Ionuţ Anton, Daniel Armenciu, Konstantinos Antoniou, Kleo Axarli, Aikaterini Meresi, Bogdan-Eugen Bănică, Laura Andreea Burlacu, Oana Andreea Caplescu, Andreea Iosif, Safaa M. Issa Abdou, Slaviša Kondic, Ivan Kostic, Milan Tanic, Aleksandra Kostic, Miloš Dacic, Nikola Cekic, Ana-Maria Machedon, Justin Ionescu, Oana Mihăescu, Ştefan Mihailescu, Ovidiu Mihalache, Anca Mitrache, Cristina Pană, Radu Pană, Sergiu Cătalin Petrea, Danica Stankovic, Mihailo Timotijevic, Daniela Tănase, Ovidiu-Horaţiu Teleche, Alexandra Anghelache, Bjelic Igor, Ana Momcilovic-Petronijevic, Letiţia Bărbuică, Ruxandra Berinde, Ana Elisabeta Botez, Daniela Calciu, Hanna Derer, Dragoş Mihai Dordea, Elena-Codina Duşoiu, Mihaela Bălan Lazăr, Petru Gheorghiu, Niculae GRAMA, arh. Marius PANDELE, Mihai CHISARĂU, Bahareh Hosseini, Ali Namazian, Elena Ion Tomlinson, Radosveta Kirova, Adriana Matei, Andreea Motu, Alexandra Bontea, Ioana Pop, Horia Radu Moldovan, Mihai OPREANU, Toader Popescu, Cecilia Ruiloba, Monica Sebestyen, Maria-Iulia Stanciu, Florian Stanciu, Matei Luca Stoian, Miruna Paula Stroe, Alexandra Teodor, Vlad Thierry, Irina Teodora Tulbure, Branko Belacevic, Antonino Di Raimo, Cosmin Caciuc, Silvia Costescu, Alexandru Crişan, Mihaela Criticos, Oana Diaconescu, Melania Coralia Maria Dulămea, Vlad Eftenie, Cristina Aurora Enuţă, Mihaela Zamfir Grigorescu, Desantila Hysa, Codruţa Iana, Emil Ivănescu, Ives Noah, Joanna Jablonska, Ljiljana Jevremovic, Tana - Nicoleta Lascu, Cristina - Victoria Ochinciuc, Mărgulescu Andrei, Irina Elena Mereoiu, Aleksandar Milojkovia, Marko Nikolia, Ioan Miloş, Georgică Mitrache, Adrian Moleavin, Florin Mureşanu, Daniela Negrişanu, Brânduşa Havasi, Delia Florescu, Bilge Atac Ozsoy, Bilgen Atac, Mihaela Pelteacu, Flavia - Maria Roşu, Livia Elena Rus, Anda-Ioana Sfinteş, Magdalena Stănculescu, MelekZühre (Sözeri) Yildirim, Raluca BUZDUGAN, Faredah Mohsen Al-Murahhem, Stefania Victoria Ruse, Beatriz Villanueva Cajide, Francisco Javier Casas Cobo, Staicu Mihaela, Andreadou Tatiana, Gavra Eleni, Vlachodimos George, Eugeniu Apostol, Fathi Bashier, Agnieszka Stepien, Lorenzo Barnó, Ana Maria Crişan, Alexandru M. Crişan, Carmen Ştefania Dumitrescu, Cristian Dumitrescu, Diana Giurea, Fani Vavili, Efthalia-Thaleia Grigoriadou, Zina Macri, Mihnea Ghilduş, Mihnea Ioan Mihăilescu, Gabriela Mindu, Anca Oţoiu, Cristina Constantin, Mihaela Şchiopu, Ioana Raluca Şerbănescu, Ştefan Simion, Dorina Onescu-Tărbujaru

EURAU 2016 European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design: In Between Scales. EURAU 2016 – PROCEEDINGS, ISBN 978-606-638-141-3
Present article aims to present few initiatives, successful results and several works in progress... more Present article aims to present few initiatives, successful results and several works in progress on scholarly academic space within Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest (UAUIM), one of the oldest universities in Romania, and the only independent institution in the country dedicated to education in the fields of architecture and urban planning.
The methodology of the present article is based on defining the academic space and topics directions, presenting themes and research concerns, defining the role of the 21st Century and the role of the architect in a context of globalised and emergent world, initiatives on international and national events: discussions – communication – and – dissemination of research and research by design, various involvements of the university and its members in scholarly academic Romanian and international field, advanced studies, doctoral inquiries/research, facts and data on involvement participators and results in publication. The authors of the paper are part of a interactive team that have organised within and at its call International Relations Office, UAUIM, the international conferences, establishing a new tradition on Romanian architectural space: ICAR (International Conference on Architectural Research) conferences. The two developed conferences ICAR (2012[1], 2015[2]) have gathered a wide numbers of architects specialist from the field of research to practice, architecture, constructions, management, academic, restoration, heritage and patrimony, urban planning, landscape design, interior and product design, arts, humanities, social sciences, construction field and interdisciplinary flow from life sciences and mathematics.
Inquiries on building an architectural academic space are based on scholarly FAQ regarding the notable innovation research results, projects (both doctoral and advanced_), notable papers, books, journals (new and journal issues-special topics), national and international workshops (some having a tradition of 10 years now), roundtables, discourses, the connection and communication with Romanian and International architects society. As a reflection of the intense actions of scholarly field within the university, we could mention the increasing number of initiatives from up to bottom, besides the conferences: the appearance of journals like: Argument [3] (architecture based theme, since 2009; the articles published in the journal proceed the annual session of scientific communications), sITA – studies in History and Theory of Architecture [4] (from 2013), JULPreview – Journal of Urbanism Landscape and Planning [5] (from 2016), and improving the quality of wide publication of doctoral studies contains in books (isbn) for knowledge and research theme and methodology dissemination, professionals special results on design, research or research by design, and not least maintaining the traditional publications as: the Analele Arhitecturii (Architecture’s Annual), Anuarul Centrului de Studii de Arhitectură Vernaculară (Center for Studies in Vernacular Architecture Annual), UAUIM, Dealu Frumos.
Centrul de Studii Arhitecturale și Urbane (CSAU) – Center for Architectural and Urban Studies of UAUIM, in collaboration with Romexpo, holds, four times a year, the International Symposiums which accompany the most important expositional events for the presentation of materials and systems used in architecture, urban and interior design: Ambient, Romhotel, BIFE, ExpoEnergiE. The proceedings are published constantly at the UAUIM Publishing House.
From 2011, the Technical Science Department of UAUIM is annually organising “Atelierele de la Sibiu”, a scientific communication session dedicated to professors, researchers, specialists or students, which aims to debate different issues regarding using of technology as a bridge between concept and architectural implementation.
Present initiatives from bottom to up are increasing effervescence of the young professionals enrolled and passionate on research and research by design: events with special topics on interdisciplinary architecture, workshops and round tables, from young researchers and academics, gathering a wide audience in the students’ space and communication with other fields.
We mention „The Museum Space at its Boundaries” event (comprised of the The Museum Space at its Boundaries. Between Architecture and Discourse conference and the „Places beyond the threshold” workshop), held between March 31 and April 13, 2014 by "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism in collaboration with The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant. The event marked the openness of our institution towards both theoretical and practical interdisciplinary approaches. The subject brought together architects, sociologists, anthropologists, artists, ethnographers, and geographers, eager for debate and collaborations.
Architecture of today extracts it’s innovative essences from interference with other disciplines- psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, medicine etc. From this point of view, are significant the following conferences, organized by our university: Inclusive Architecture [6] (2013), Healing Architecture [7] (2014) and Psychoarchitecture [8] (2015), Equal Design - Architecture for All [9] (2014).
Inclusive Architecture proved an interdisciplinary theme due to the common concerns of the participants to an environment where physical or mental barriers can be overcome by a careful design to different users.
Healing architecture was dedicated to the therapeutic properties of the environment and was organized together with Experiential Psychotherapy Society SPER.
Psihoarhitecture targeted multidisciplinary connections in the education of future architects and designers, the perception of built environment and the psychological effects, psychological aspects in the relation man-city-community and the multisensorial architecture.
Last, but not least, the tradition of International Diploma Juries (17 years old), now a coveted gathering of academics and professionals around the world, is an important part of scientific evaluation of the final projects of our students and a quality warranty for those. This academic year, December 2015, UAUIM has organised in cooperation with European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE): European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects [10] which is an annual “European competition that awards excellence in crossing the threshold from education to profession”.[10]
The paper is proposing to review the present and new directions in building an architectural discourse within architectural academic space, results input and future thoughts of “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest (UAUIM).
Acknowledge: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest
Books by Daniel Armenciu
Progettare Archeologia, 2019
The historical heritage of Romania has a rich built structure that today finds itself at the limi... more The historical heritage of Romania has a rich built structure that today finds itself at the limit between poor abandonment and poor maintenance. In this context, the article aims to illustrate the critical level of interventions on historical sites in the past twenty-five years. At the same time, it will try to illustrate the potential of the same heritage in a broader, environmentally integrated framework, through the requalification of the cultural landscape. The theoretical discourse is supported using as an example of study the Roman Castrum and the bridge over the Danube, built by the emperor Trajan for the conquest of Dacia.
Piranesi Prix de Rome et d'Athènes 2022-23. Progetti per l'Acropoli di Atene, 2024
Tutti i diritti di proprietà artistica e letteraria sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubbl... more Tutti i diritti di proprietà artistica e letteraria sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere usata o riprodotta in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo, grafico, elettronico, meccanico, inclusa la copiatura fotostatica, la registrazione su supporto magneto-ottico delle immagini e dei testi o con qualsiasi altro processo di archiviazione senza l'autorizzazione esplicita dell'Editore. L'Editore resta a disposizione per eventuali fonti iconografiche non individuate. I contenuti di questo volume si riferiscono agli esiti del Piranesi Prix de Rome et d'Athènes 2022-23, Call Internazionale di progettazione per l'Acropoli di Atene e delle sue adiacenze, promossa e organizzata dall'Accademia Adrianea di Architettura e Archeologia
Papers by Daniel Armenciu
the adoption of spatial configuration solutions that are subject to the
sustainability principles. On the background of an increasing concern for
the environment’s protection, it is worth mentioning the development of
wood usage as a building material in various aspects: as structural material,
building enclosure, thermal insulation or finishing. The relationship between its physical qualities and the environment in which it is to be placed
leads to certain conditions that determine its choice as a sustainable
option. Starting from the physical qualities that support the use of wood
in architecture, those principles of bioclimatic design that can motivate
the use of this material will be highlighted. The paper wishes to represent
an „itinerary“ in completely different climatic areas, using examples of traditional and contemporary architecture.
unui sistem de dezvoltare ce a contribuit considerabil la evoluția fenomenului
arhitectural universal. Calitățile sale de compatibilitate ecologică sunt neîndoielnice datorită minimului impact ambiental, uzitarea sa ca subiect de
cercetare devinind cu atât mai mult o provocare. Calitățile de termoizolare,
maleabilitatea materiei prime precum și modularitatea în blocuri poate conduce în continuare la soluții experimentale extrem de variate. Lucrarea va prezenta cazuri particulare contemporane de folosire a ceramicii ca material de construcție, dintr-o perspectivă sustenabilă. Se vor urmări acele exemple de tratare a anvelopei parietale în scopul controlului condițiilor de confort.
Bioclimatic architecture represents the building response in a harmonious relationship with the climatic conditions of a site, but not against them. The paper wants to illustrate the evolution of the architectural form and building’s location types, in relation to the geographic and climatic conditions, characteristics for the Romanian territory. By means of strategically classification of the main characteristics of the place we will illustrate a mapping of different architectural typologies and the way they have responded to the climatic conditions. For this fulfil, we will take into account the solar energy conditions, wind movement and other site-specific factors which influence the shape of buildings, from the climatic point of view.
The exposed theme is part of a doctoral thesis which aims to define an analysis methodology and design approach, respecting the principles of bioclimatic architecture on the Romanian territory.
Academic Expertise: Technique, Technology, Transfer) aimed
at the deepening of transdisciplinary approach techniques in
architectural education, through studying constructive technologies
and facilitating sustainable knowledge transfer.
EXPO CHEIA T was integrated in two disciplines on the topic
of sustainable technology, Faculty of Interior Architecture (FAI)
in the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023. It focused
on all four components of sustainability and proposed one key
goal for each pillar: environment: reuse; economic: circularity;
social: inclusion; cultural: awareness.
Students of the 3rd year that study “Product Design” and “Furniture
and Interior Design” had to imagine an object starting
from circular economy principles, using waste resulting from
technological processes as raw material. Students of the 4th
year from “Interior Architecture” studied 11 categories of construction
materials, focusing on defining Life Cycle Analysis,
from a double perspective: sustainable versus unsustainable
The exhibition acted as an intermediary phase for developing
students’ projects and conceptually included from the beginning
the post-use stage. Posters and multisensory objects were
donated to teachers working with children with special educational
needs. FAI students combined various playful elements
(visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory) and were attentive to safety
in use. Exhibition panels also included QR codes, with links to
materials explaining the graphic concepts for visitors having
visual impairments.
Being able to communicate values and establish responsible
behaviors towards users and the environment is an essentially
valuable skill for architecture students. Exhibitions about
sustainability proved to be powerful methods of assessing
the degree of sustainable approach in architectural learning
and teaching experiences. The paper aims to include a study
of different architecture project exhibitions that were part
of the didactic process, in such a manner that the results are
becoming a way of exploring in an innovative way the limits of
architectural design.
dichotomy is often marked by stark difference, the need for
climate-smart landscapes and resilient transition zones holds
a critical significance. Climate change challenges, socio-economic
disparities, and past environmental policies within the
cities territory and beyond them, necessitate specific strategies
to promote resilience and climate mitigation. Strategies like
carbon sequestration, sustainable land use, and biodiversity
conservation could be augmented when aligned with local conditions
and traditional practices. The amalgamation of revived
traditional forest management practices with modern scientific
knowledge results in landscapes that are climate-smart and
socially equitable while promoting economic sustainability. Urban-
rural transition zones and peripheries, replete with diverse
land use and rich biodiversity, serve as potent buffers against
climate change impacts. However, the lack of investment and
policy focus often undermines their potential. Implementing
resilience strategies, such as wetland restoration or agroforestry
promotion, could enhance their ecological importance and
provide socio-economic benefits to local communities. Eastern
European urban-rural territories offer unique opportunities for
implementing climate-smart and resilient landscape strategies.
Harnessing these opportunities necessitates an integrated
approach that appreciates the ecological, socio-cultural, and
economic uniqueness of these landscapes and advocates local
community involvement in planning and management. As
a methodology, we’ve chosen the integrated landscape approach
(ILA) as an analytical tool addressing often disparate
landscapes, focusing on its structural heterogeneity. Also, ILA
provides a comprehensive framework for assessing the hybrid
nature of evolving urban-rural zones in Eastern Europe, emphasizing
its potential to spur diversity and innovation while being
intricately connected to the broader system. Various landscape
solutions are tailored for the specific types of transitional urban-
rural zones.
efficiency principles into architectural education has never
been more urgent. With the built environment accounting for
significant carbon emissions globally, the role of architects in
designing sustainable buildings is pivotal and the INCEPT project
plays a vital role in achieving these goals.
This paper explores innovative teaching methodologies that can
effectively teach sustainability and energy efficiency principles
in architectural education, forging a new generation of architects
equipped to meet the demands of a climate-conscious
world. The exploration of various pedagogical strategies such as
experiential learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and problem-
based learning offers novel ways of incorporating these
principles into architectural curriculum. Experiential learning
presents an invaluable opportunity for students to understand
and apply sustainability concepts in real-world contexts.
The paper acknowledges the challenges faced in the paradigm
shift towards incorporating these principles, from traditional
design-centred approaches to more holistic, sustainability-focused
methods. The need for curricula reformation, faculty
training, and a shift in the learning culture are among the barriers
identified. The paper argues that overcoming these challenges
necessitates a collective commitment from educators,
policy-makers, and the architectural community. Furthermore,
the integration of advanced technologies such as building information
modelling (BIM) and virtual reality (VR) into teaching
methodologies can significantly enhance the students’ grasp of
sustainability and energy efficiency principles.
By embracing innovative teaching methodologies and overcoming
the associated challenges, architectural education
can become a strong catalyst for advancing sustainable and
energy-efficient building design, underpinning the wider global
endeavour towards climate change mitigation.
identified in most areas that govern contemporary society.
Relying on this background, heritage needs to find a sustainable
integration towards the mutations of contemporary cities. The
article aims to highlight the sacrality of ruins, understood not
strictly from the spiritual point of view, but more as a way of
understanding our patrimony in terms of protection and
conservation. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to
understand that only by taking care of those complex elements
that enrich the world with cultural values can humanity safely go
forward. It would be a symbolic approach to how heritage
became a cultural issue, extremely important for the next
The methodology of the present article is based on defining the academic space and topics directions, presenting themes and research concerns, defining the role of the 21st Century and the role of the architect in a context of globalised and emergent world, initiatives on international and national events: discussions – communication – and – dissemination of research and research by design, various involvements of the university and its members in scholarly academic Romanian and international field, advanced studies, doctoral inquiries/research, facts and data on involvement participators and results in publication. The authors of the paper are part of a interactive team that have organised within and at its call International Relations Office, UAUIM, the international conferences, establishing a new tradition on Romanian architectural space: ICAR (International Conference on Architectural Research) conferences. The two developed conferences ICAR (2012[1], 2015[2]) have gathered a wide numbers of architects specialist from the field of research to practice, architecture, constructions, management, academic, restoration, heritage and patrimony, urban planning, landscape design, interior and product design, arts, humanities, social sciences, construction field and interdisciplinary flow from life sciences and mathematics.
Inquiries on building an architectural academic space are based on scholarly FAQ regarding the notable innovation research results, projects (both doctoral and advanced_), notable papers, books, journals (new and journal issues-special topics), national and international workshops (some having a tradition of 10 years now), roundtables, discourses, the connection and communication with Romanian and International architects society. As a reflection of the intense actions of scholarly field within the university, we could mention the increasing number of initiatives from up to bottom, besides the conferences: the appearance of journals like: Argument [3] (architecture based theme, since 2009; the articles published in the journal proceed the annual session of scientific communications), sITA – studies in History and Theory of Architecture [4] (from 2013), JULPreview – Journal of Urbanism Landscape and Planning [5] (from 2016), and improving the quality of wide publication of doctoral studies contains in books (isbn) for knowledge and research theme and methodology dissemination, professionals special results on design, research or research by design, and not least maintaining the traditional publications as: the Analele Arhitecturii (Architecture’s Annual), Anuarul Centrului de Studii de Arhitectură Vernaculară (Center for Studies in Vernacular Architecture Annual), UAUIM, Dealu Frumos.
Centrul de Studii Arhitecturale și Urbane (CSAU) – Center for Architectural and Urban Studies of UAUIM, in collaboration with Romexpo, holds, four times a year, the International Symposiums which accompany the most important expositional events for the presentation of materials and systems used in architecture, urban and interior design: Ambient, Romhotel, BIFE, ExpoEnergiE. The proceedings are published constantly at the UAUIM Publishing House.
From 2011, the Technical Science Department of UAUIM is annually organising “Atelierele de la Sibiu”, a scientific communication session dedicated to professors, researchers, specialists or students, which aims to debate different issues regarding using of technology as a bridge between concept and architectural implementation.
Present initiatives from bottom to up are increasing effervescence of the young professionals enrolled and passionate on research and research by design: events with special topics on interdisciplinary architecture, workshops and round tables, from young researchers and academics, gathering a wide audience in the students’ space and communication with other fields.
We mention „The Museum Space at its Boundaries” event (comprised of the The Museum Space at its Boundaries. Between Architecture and Discourse conference and the „Places beyond the threshold” workshop), held between March 31 and April 13, 2014 by "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism in collaboration with The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant. The event marked the openness of our institution towards both theoretical and practical interdisciplinary approaches. The subject brought together architects, sociologists, anthropologists, artists, ethnographers, and geographers, eager for debate and collaborations.
Architecture of today extracts it’s innovative essences from interference with other disciplines- psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, medicine etc. From this point of view, are significant the following conferences, organized by our university: Inclusive Architecture [6] (2013), Healing Architecture [7] (2014) and Psychoarchitecture [8] (2015), Equal Design - Architecture for All [9] (2014).
Inclusive Architecture proved an interdisciplinary theme due to the common concerns of the participants to an environment where physical or mental barriers can be overcome by a careful design to different users.
Healing architecture was dedicated to the therapeutic properties of the environment and was organized together with Experiential Psychotherapy Society SPER.
Psihoarhitecture targeted multidisciplinary connections in the education of future architects and designers, the perception of built environment and the psychological effects, psychological aspects in the relation man-city-community and the multisensorial architecture.
Last, but not least, the tradition of International Diploma Juries (17 years old), now a coveted gathering of academics and professionals around the world, is an important part of scientific evaluation of the final projects of our students and a quality warranty for those. This academic year, December 2015, UAUIM has organised in cooperation with European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE): European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects [10] which is an annual “European competition that awards excellence in crossing the threshold from education to profession”.[10]
The paper is proposing to review the present and new directions in building an architectural discourse within architectural academic space, results input and future thoughts of “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest (UAUIM).
Acknowledge: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest
Books by Daniel Armenciu
the adoption of spatial configuration solutions that are subject to the
sustainability principles. On the background of an increasing concern for
the environment’s protection, it is worth mentioning the development of
wood usage as a building material in various aspects: as structural material,
building enclosure, thermal insulation or finishing. The relationship between its physical qualities and the environment in which it is to be placed
leads to certain conditions that determine its choice as a sustainable
option. Starting from the physical qualities that support the use of wood
in architecture, those principles of bioclimatic design that can motivate
the use of this material will be highlighted. The paper wishes to represent
an „itinerary“ in completely different climatic areas, using examples of traditional and contemporary architecture.
unui sistem de dezvoltare ce a contribuit considerabil la evoluția fenomenului
arhitectural universal. Calitățile sale de compatibilitate ecologică sunt neîndoielnice datorită minimului impact ambiental, uzitarea sa ca subiect de
cercetare devinind cu atât mai mult o provocare. Calitățile de termoizolare,
maleabilitatea materiei prime precum și modularitatea în blocuri poate conduce în continuare la soluții experimentale extrem de variate. Lucrarea va prezenta cazuri particulare contemporane de folosire a ceramicii ca material de construcție, dintr-o perspectivă sustenabilă. Se vor urmări acele exemple de tratare a anvelopei parietale în scopul controlului condițiilor de confort.
Bioclimatic architecture represents the building response in a harmonious relationship with the climatic conditions of a site, but not against them. The paper wants to illustrate the evolution of the architectural form and building’s location types, in relation to the geographic and climatic conditions, characteristics for the Romanian territory. By means of strategically classification of the main characteristics of the place we will illustrate a mapping of different architectural typologies and the way they have responded to the climatic conditions. For this fulfil, we will take into account the solar energy conditions, wind movement and other site-specific factors which influence the shape of buildings, from the climatic point of view.
The exposed theme is part of a doctoral thesis which aims to define an analysis methodology and design approach, respecting the principles of bioclimatic architecture on the Romanian territory.
Academic Expertise: Technique, Technology, Transfer) aimed
at the deepening of transdisciplinary approach techniques in
architectural education, through studying constructive technologies
and facilitating sustainable knowledge transfer.
EXPO CHEIA T was integrated in two disciplines on the topic
of sustainable technology, Faculty of Interior Architecture (FAI)
in the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023. It focused
on all four components of sustainability and proposed one key
goal for each pillar: environment: reuse; economic: circularity;
social: inclusion; cultural: awareness.
Students of the 3rd year that study “Product Design” and “Furniture
and Interior Design” had to imagine an object starting
from circular economy principles, using waste resulting from
technological processes as raw material. Students of the 4th
year from “Interior Architecture” studied 11 categories of construction
materials, focusing on defining Life Cycle Analysis,
from a double perspective: sustainable versus unsustainable
The exhibition acted as an intermediary phase for developing
students’ projects and conceptually included from the beginning
the post-use stage. Posters and multisensory objects were
donated to teachers working with children with special educational
needs. FAI students combined various playful elements
(visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory) and were attentive to safety
in use. Exhibition panels also included QR codes, with links to
materials explaining the graphic concepts for visitors having
visual impairments.
Being able to communicate values and establish responsible
behaviors towards users and the environment is an essentially
valuable skill for architecture students. Exhibitions about
sustainability proved to be powerful methods of assessing
the degree of sustainable approach in architectural learning
and teaching experiences. The paper aims to include a study
of different architecture project exhibitions that were part
of the didactic process, in such a manner that the results are
becoming a way of exploring in an innovative way the limits of
architectural design.
dichotomy is often marked by stark difference, the need for
climate-smart landscapes and resilient transition zones holds
a critical significance. Climate change challenges, socio-economic
disparities, and past environmental policies within the
cities territory and beyond them, necessitate specific strategies
to promote resilience and climate mitigation. Strategies like
carbon sequestration, sustainable land use, and biodiversity
conservation could be augmented when aligned with local conditions
and traditional practices. The amalgamation of revived
traditional forest management practices with modern scientific
knowledge results in landscapes that are climate-smart and
socially equitable while promoting economic sustainability. Urban-
rural transition zones and peripheries, replete with diverse
land use and rich biodiversity, serve as potent buffers against
climate change impacts. However, the lack of investment and
policy focus often undermines their potential. Implementing
resilience strategies, such as wetland restoration or agroforestry
promotion, could enhance their ecological importance and
provide socio-economic benefits to local communities. Eastern
European urban-rural territories offer unique opportunities for
implementing climate-smart and resilient landscape strategies.
Harnessing these opportunities necessitates an integrated
approach that appreciates the ecological, socio-cultural, and
economic uniqueness of these landscapes and advocates local
community involvement in planning and management. As
a methodology, we’ve chosen the integrated landscape approach
(ILA) as an analytical tool addressing often disparate
landscapes, focusing on its structural heterogeneity. Also, ILA
provides a comprehensive framework for assessing the hybrid
nature of evolving urban-rural zones in Eastern Europe, emphasizing
its potential to spur diversity and innovation while being
intricately connected to the broader system. Various landscape
solutions are tailored for the specific types of transitional urban-
rural zones.
efficiency principles into architectural education has never
been more urgent. With the built environment accounting for
significant carbon emissions globally, the role of architects in
designing sustainable buildings is pivotal and the INCEPT project
plays a vital role in achieving these goals.
This paper explores innovative teaching methodologies that can
effectively teach sustainability and energy efficiency principles
in architectural education, forging a new generation of architects
equipped to meet the demands of a climate-conscious
world. The exploration of various pedagogical strategies such as
experiential learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and problem-
based learning offers novel ways of incorporating these
principles into architectural curriculum. Experiential learning
presents an invaluable opportunity for students to understand
and apply sustainability concepts in real-world contexts.
The paper acknowledges the challenges faced in the paradigm
shift towards incorporating these principles, from traditional
design-centred approaches to more holistic, sustainability-focused
methods. The need for curricula reformation, faculty
training, and a shift in the learning culture are among the barriers
identified. The paper argues that overcoming these challenges
necessitates a collective commitment from educators,
policy-makers, and the architectural community. Furthermore,
the integration of advanced technologies such as building information
modelling (BIM) and virtual reality (VR) into teaching
methodologies can significantly enhance the students’ grasp of
sustainability and energy efficiency principles.
By embracing innovative teaching methodologies and overcoming
the associated challenges, architectural education
can become a strong catalyst for advancing sustainable and
energy-efficient building design, underpinning the wider global
endeavour towards climate change mitigation.
identified in most areas that govern contemporary society.
Relying on this background, heritage needs to find a sustainable
integration towards the mutations of contemporary cities. The
article aims to highlight the sacrality of ruins, understood not
strictly from the spiritual point of view, but more as a way of
understanding our patrimony in terms of protection and
conservation. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to
understand that only by taking care of those complex elements
that enrich the world with cultural values can humanity safely go
forward. It would be a symbolic approach to how heritage
became a cultural issue, extremely important for the next
The methodology of the present article is based on defining the academic space and topics directions, presenting themes and research concerns, defining the role of the 21st Century and the role of the architect in a context of globalised and emergent world, initiatives on international and national events: discussions – communication – and – dissemination of research and research by design, various involvements of the university and its members in scholarly academic Romanian and international field, advanced studies, doctoral inquiries/research, facts and data on involvement participators and results in publication. The authors of the paper are part of a interactive team that have organised within and at its call International Relations Office, UAUIM, the international conferences, establishing a new tradition on Romanian architectural space: ICAR (International Conference on Architectural Research) conferences. The two developed conferences ICAR (2012[1], 2015[2]) have gathered a wide numbers of architects specialist from the field of research to practice, architecture, constructions, management, academic, restoration, heritage and patrimony, urban planning, landscape design, interior and product design, arts, humanities, social sciences, construction field and interdisciplinary flow from life sciences and mathematics.
Inquiries on building an architectural academic space are based on scholarly FAQ regarding the notable innovation research results, projects (both doctoral and advanced_), notable papers, books, journals (new and journal issues-special topics), national and international workshops (some having a tradition of 10 years now), roundtables, discourses, the connection and communication with Romanian and International architects society. As a reflection of the intense actions of scholarly field within the university, we could mention the increasing number of initiatives from up to bottom, besides the conferences: the appearance of journals like: Argument [3] (architecture based theme, since 2009; the articles published in the journal proceed the annual session of scientific communications), sITA – studies in History and Theory of Architecture [4] (from 2013), JULPreview – Journal of Urbanism Landscape and Planning [5] (from 2016), and improving the quality of wide publication of doctoral studies contains in books (isbn) for knowledge and research theme and methodology dissemination, professionals special results on design, research or research by design, and not least maintaining the traditional publications as: the Analele Arhitecturii (Architecture’s Annual), Anuarul Centrului de Studii de Arhitectură Vernaculară (Center for Studies in Vernacular Architecture Annual), UAUIM, Dealu Frumos.
Centrul de Studii Arhitecturale și Urbane (CSAU) – Center for Architectural and Urban Studies of UAUIM, in collaboration with Romexpo, holds, four times a year, the International Symposiums which accompany the most important expositional events for the presentation of materials and systems used in architecture, urban and interior design: Ambient, Romhotel, BIFE, ExpoEnergiE. The proceedings are published constantly at the UAUIM Publishing House.
From 2011, the Technical Science Department of UAUIM is annually organising “Atelierele de la Sibiu”, a scientific communication session dedicated to professors, researchers, specialists or students, which aims to debate different issues regarding using of technology as a bridge between concept and architectural implementation.
Present initiatives from bottom to up are increasing effervescence of the young professionals enrolled and passionate on research and research by design: events with special topics on interdisciplinary architecture, workshops and round tables, from young researchers and academics, gathering a wide audience in the students’ space and communication with other fields.
We mention „The Museum Space at its Boundaries” event (comprised of the The Museum Space at its Boundaries. Between Architecture and Discourse conference and the „Places beyond the threshold” workshop), held between March 31 and April 13, 2014 by "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism in collaboration with The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant. The event marked the openness of our institution towards both theoretical and practical interdisciplinary approaches. The subject brought together architects, sociologists, anthropologists, artists, ethnographers, and geographers, eager for debate and collaborations.
Architecture of today extracts it’s innovative essences from interference with other disciplines- psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, medicine etc. From this point of view, are significant the following conferences, organized by our university: Inclusive Architecture [6] (2013), Healing Architecture [7] (2014) and Psychoarchitecture [8] (2015), Equal Design - Architecture for All [9] (2014).
Inclusive Architecture proved an interdisciplinary theme due to the common concerns of the participants to an environment where physical or mental barriers can be overcome by a careful design to different users.
Healing architecture was dedicated to the therapeutic properties of the environment and was organized together with Experiential Psychotherapy Society SPER.
Psihoarhitecture targeted multidisciplinary connections in the education of future architects and designers, the perception of built environment and the psychological effects, psychological aspects in the relation man-city-community and the multisensorial architecture.
Last, but not least, the tradition of International Diploma Juries (17 years old), now a coveted gathering of academics and professionals around the world, is an important part of scientific evaluation of the final projects of our students and a quality warranty for those. This academic year, December 2015, UAUIM has organised in cooperation with European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE): European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects [10] which is an annual “European competition that awards excellence in crossing the threshold from education to profession”.[10]
The paper is proposing to review the present and new directions in building an architectural discourse within architectural academic space, results input and future thoughts of “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest (UAUIM).
Acknowledge: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest