Hello friends
Here we are again, thanks for stopping by
to see what ramblings I have for you this week.
I have my usual fayre of crochet, cooking, craft
with some added telly and Bella, of course.
Last week, I shared my Seaside Stashbusting Blanket that I had started
in natural colours (still haven't quite finished it),
but I've started another one.
but I've started another one.
It appears I have no restraint when it comes to my crochet projects,
I dart off in all directions with whatever mood I'm in.
I do have the excuse that this one is for a friend, she sent the yarn to me
so I am keen to get this one done and dusted.
These are a few of my progress photos.
The colours do look different dependent upon the light,
it's lots of blues and pale greens, it feels very seaside-ish.
For details of this pattern I've updated my yarn page here.
I'm in my final week of flowers, by Sunday I will have made 31
and I'm hoping by next Friday to show you that they are in
some form of a garland.

I'm in my final week of flowers, by Sunday I will have made 31
and I'm hoping by next Friday to show you that they are in
some form of a garland.

If you like all things crochet and you have Instagram, please
follow me there as I post crochet pics galore.
I've found Instagram to be a source of massive yarn temptation...
Did you like the printables?
I smiled when I spoke to my Mum as she had got my
Dad to print them off for her and one of them is her recipe!
This week I have Date Crumble Cake for you.
Again Mum's recipe and a firm favourite for years,
delicious warm or cold.
225g/8oz self-raising flour,
225g/8oz sugar,
225g/8oz dates,
150g/5oz butter,
1 egg – lightly beaten,
1teaspoon cinnamon,
milk (optional)
Preheat oven to 190C, 375F or Gas Mark 5.
Grease a 20cm/8 inch tin – a loose bottom one is
Measure and place flour, sugar and butter in bowl.
Rub the butter into the dry ingredients until it
resembles breadcrumbs.
Divide the mixture in half.
Into one half add the egg and cinnamon,
mix to a fairly stiff dough consistency (add milk
if necessary).
Spread into the prepared tin about ½ inch thick.
Mash the dates with a little boiling water and
spread over the dough.
Spread the reserved half of the crumb mixture
the top of the dates, pat down lightly.
Cook for approximately 30 minutes.
Turn onto cooling rack.
Click here for the Date Crumble Cake printable.
Tiny Garden:
OK this isn't super impressive but I'm VERY pleased!
The Clematis that I butchered last October ...
is doing a fine job of regrowing
and twirling around my bench.
The boys remarked 'we can't sit on that then?' -
Absolutely not!
I am no gardener but I try to learn a little.
I'm attempting to grow ivy plants from cuttings.
I need to create a screen to hide a huge building that neighbours have
erected during lockdown - oh I could share my angst about that and
inconsiderate neighbours in general, but this is my happy place
and no-one wants to hear moaning.
Instead let me share this week's telly viewing/recommendations.
You know I only watch this much telly because I'm crocheting, right?!
Available on BBC iPlayer and BritBox.
I've mentioned this series before and it really deserves mentioning again.
I'm re-watching it all.
Written, starring and directed by Mackenzie Crook.
It is a single camera comedy drama and I think it is absolutely charming.
It ticks along at a gentle pace, the humour is spot on and clever.
My Midsomer Murders marathon has had a bit of a hiatus,
I'm now on the episodes starring Neil Dudgeon who I like immensely,
but I've found instead I'm watching shorter programmes -
timing crochet sessions perhaps.
Available on Amazon Prime
Season 5 was released and I'm just getting around to watching it.
For those who may not know what it is about -
historical drama with time travel via magic stones - a poor man's Stonehenge.
We are now in the 18th Century at the dawn of the revolutionary war in America.
It's a little bit silly but highly entertaining and Mr Heughan helps enormously,
a much younger him popped up in Midsomer Murders too.
Lovely response again to the third NHS Mini Card Charity Kit.
So much so, I have just 3 kits left.
If you would like to purchase one of the few remaining kits
please click here.
Mum news: she's doing better and has got itchy feet to get out,
she's definitely missing trips to garden centres and shops but,
like all of us, knows the safest place is home.
We are all missing our normal get-togethers for meals.
We have a little set up where we can visit and chat through the window,
we also have a little exchange table in the garden where we leave
bits and bobs for each other. Surreal how this has changed us all.
And finally the pooch, the pooch with a very dodgy haircut.
I got the clippers out and bless her, she was very well behaved but I chose
not to push it so I just clipped her back for now.
Her tummy and leg fur is still long so when standing she
looks like she's wearing a tutu! Oh the shame of it.
And that's it for another week.
I do hope you are all doing ok, coping and keeping well.
Keep smiling and take care.
Much love.