
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Surgery Date Set!

I ended up going to meet with the surgeon yesterday. It was supposed to be today, but they called to see if I could come in yesterday afternoon, so I rushed through the shower, got dressed and ran! Sis went with me --- poor soul, she hasn't missed a single appointment since all this started back in June. Ain't she the greatest???!!!!

Anyway, it went very smooth. Nice guy, very quiet and matter of fact about it all. He examined me, squished around a lot, then said, "I think I can close this up!"

I was thinking to myself, "You THINK????" What if you CAN'T???? Since his specialty is Colon-Rectal surgery, and I'm getting a mastectomy, I was also wondering what it is going to look like when he's done with me!!!!!!

He asked if I had any questions, and I felt stupid since I had no idea what to ask him. I did ask him how long I would be in the hospital, and he said it would just be overnight, like this was just nothing!!!! I'll be coming home the next day with drains hanging out.

So it was a very short visit. I go on Friday for pre-surgery blood work, etc., and surgery is set for next Wednesday.

Again, Sis and I came out of there and just looked at each other. Why do I get the strangest of doctors all the time? I know I'm not that chatty, but it gets a little strange in the Dr.'s office when the doctor doesn't say much either! The only good thing was that I knew my cancer Dr. knew these guys and said they were good. I kind of trust him, knowing that he is on their list of surgeons.

I'll be so glad when this is all behind me. I've been waiting for this surgery since June, and now I dread it all! It isn't the surgery, it's the after "stuff!" Drains, pain, stiff arm, running back and forth to the Dr. --- you know the drill! and I'm sure the cancer guy will be hounding me to get back in there to start radiation right after the surgery, too!! He waits for nothing!

Thanks again, all of you who have been praying for me. I know it is only because of your prayers that I've come this far, believe me! I'm usually a "giver-upper" when it comes to this kind of stuff. You've all been the greatest!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Daybook Entry for December 29, 2008


FOR TODAY (December 22, 2008)...

Outside My WindowVery blue skies and nice and warm. Supposed to be in the 80's today. As much as I've loved all the photos on everyone's blogs with snow, etc., I'm very thankful NOT to have to shovel, drive, and bundle up in that stuff. The squirrels are checking the feeder for food --- I have to get out there and fill it up!

I am thinking. . . About tomorrow! I go to the surgeon to set up a schedule for the mastectomy. It's strange --- back in July I was all gung-ho on having it done with no fears or anything. Now, I feel a little like NOT!!!!! It isn't the fear of being operated on. It's all the before testing, and the after stuff that seems like a big hassle! I just want it all over with and get on with life!

I am thankful forAngel Food Ministries! Last Saturday, I picked up my first order from them, as they opened up a host site just down the street from me. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the quality of the food was #1, and I got so much for my money. What a great ministry this is! If you are interested in finding out more about this, you can check it out HERE!

From the kitchen... Potatoes augratin and ham, green veggies, cold pea salad, homemade oatmeal cookies.

I am wearing... Still in my nightgown!!!!

I am creating... Lots of cut outs for angels. Trying to get ahead on cutting stuff, as I'm not sure how long it will take to heal from surgery. Not knowing how soon it will be, I want to be prepared ahead of time to have stuff to stitch on when I get home.

I am going... Probably nowhere today, except out to the bird feeder.

I am reading... Way too many good recipes. I found a wonderful site hosted by Kraft foods. It has a million great recipes and also a great community site where you can share recipes, ask questions, etc. You can find it HERE! If you click on the "community" button on the upper right hand side of the page, you can join in the yahoo group!

I am hoping... Everything goes smoothly with the surgeon tomorrow. I never know what questions to ask, etc. I wish I could fast forward time and just have it all over with.

I am hearing... Buster snoring under my feet. His head is propped up on my feet. He's sooooo good when he's sleeping. When he's awake. . . .?????

Around the house... Cleaning floors today, a little laundry, take out trash --- all the usual stuff.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week. . . No plans until after tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be running around getting all the pre surgery testing done.

A Scripture Thought. . . Jer. 29:11 --"For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, a plan for good and not for evil, a plan with a future and a hope!" Isn't it wonderful to know that God not only KNOWS the future, but that He has planned it all out for us with only the best for us! And yet, we continue to worry! I wonder why. . .????

Here is picture thought I am sharing. . . I'm so glad to have my younger sister living so close to me! Just wish I could have seen my older sister this Christmas and had our pictures taken again like this! Time flies, doesn't it? Seems like such a short time ago this was taken. . . . but there's been a whole lifetime in between!

I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog

Monday, December 22, 2008

Daybook Entry for December 22, 2008


FOR TODAY (December 22, 2008)...

Outside My Window A beautiful sunny, breezy, Florida morning! Brown oak leaves are still falling, leaving a blaket of leaves scurrying across the yard as the wind blows. Birds are at the feeder, and the titmice, chicadees, and wrens are fussing at something in the jasmine vines. Hope it isn't a snake!!!!!

I am thinking. . . Of all the tings I want to do today. So glad I feel stronger again to be able to do it!

I am thankful forGod's provisions! A full freezer, full refridgerator, a full food cabinet, lots of good recipes to choose from!!!!

From the kitchen... Waldorf salad, potato salad, chicken wings with blue cheese dip, hot sauce, etc.! Can't wait!

I am wearing... A snuggly, knit nightgown, warm bathrobe, a HAT!!!!
Here it is, mid morning, and I'm not dressed yet. Too comfy this way!

I am creating... Taking a break from creating! But I need to get back to some new ideas. I have a HUGE bag of hand-dyed, felted wool that is begging to be made into penny rugs!!!

I am going... Probably nowhere today, except out to the bird feeder.

I am reading... Way too many good recipes. So many blogs out there with wonderful, Christmas recipes and I want to try them all. I even have this craving for a pimento cheese dip that we used to have years ago. Wouldn't you know, I found a perfect recipe for that!

I am hoping... The abscessed tooth is gone for a while. Took the antibiotics and they seemed to have worked in getting rid o the abscess. I know I need a dentist, but will wait until after this cancer thing is all done and over with. Hope the tooth hangs in there til then!

I am hearing... A telemarketer on my answering machine!!!!! I did the "do not call" thingy, but there are still some hanging in there and calling. I feel sorry for these poor people trying to make a buck this way. But they are soooooo annoying! And Buster thinks these phone calls are for him, jumps up, and listens so carefully to every word! I wonder if he's waiting to hear his name or something?????

Around the house... I make more messes than what gets cleaned up! But as I'm feeling better, I do seem to get a little more done each day. I think I'll focus on the floors today. I see that Buster has gotten into the trash and ripped up some paper plates, licked a butter wrapper clean, pulled out the bread wrapper, etc., etc. LOTS of picking up to do as I try to talk sternly to him about being bad again. Will he ever learn????

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week. . .Nothing much! Looking forward to a quiet Christmas, good music, good eats, etc. Just wish we could get one good snow storm here in Florida.

Here is picture thought I am sharing. . .

My family on both sides were from Holland, so there were some very traditional recipes in our home that I loved so much. One of my all time favorites were the oliebollen!!!! "Fat balls" is the literal translation. Better than any donut you ever had. Full of apple chunks, raisins, etc. You can bet I'm making these for Christmas this year, and as I'm stuffing them in my mouth, I'll be remembering my childhood and all the wonderful memories of my Dutch heritage!!!!! Here's the recipe if you would like to try! But I'm warning you ---- you can't eat just one!



2 pkg. yeast
3/4 c. warm water
6 c. milk, scalded
3 eggs, beaten
3/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. lemon juice or extract
6 c. flour or more
3 c. raisins
3 c. peeled and chopped apples

Soften yeast in warm water. To cooled milk, add the eggs, sugar, salt, and flavoring. Add yeast mixture and then gradually beat in 6 or more cups of flour and raisins and apples. Dough should be stiff.
Let rise until double in bulk (covered with dough cloth). Stir down and let rise again until double. Fry in deep fat at 375-400 degrees. (Use ice cream scoop to drop dough into hot oil.) Drain on absorbent paper. Dip or serve with powdered sugar. (Bollen will usually turn over by themselves while in hot oil.)

I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog

Friday, December 19, 2008

Visitors For Christmas!!!???

The sun was just going down in the western sky, casting beautiful shadows through the trees. There was a little bit of a breeze blowing, and I could hear that annoying sound of flapping wings as the buzzards fought for the best place in the tallest pine tree on the empty lot next door. I HATE those things!!!!!

But my attention switched immediately when I heard the flutter of wings go "swoosh" past my bald head. Buster looked up ----

So I knew where those wings landed. I have an old wire flower pot hanging on the post of my porch. No flowers in there now -- just the dirt and the moss lining that came with the pot. Last year, I had a family of wrens dig a nest in that pot and they raised their family there and moved on. I wondered if they were back!!!

Then. . . . another flutter past my head, and YES!!! This time that little bird sat on the edge of the flower pot and looked down at Buster and me, decided we were alright there, and went on down into the pot. As I turned towards to the door to go inside, I noticed PeeWee, our cat, had also spotted our Christmas guests!!!!

This morning, I couldn't help but grab my camera, as I wanted to share with you the Christmas guest house on my porch. I'm amazed at all the junk they have brought with them, the nice, cozy hole they dug out to sleep in ---- all without me ever noticing a thing until last night!!!

Looks like supplies for a major renovation job, doesn't it????

Here it is, December, and not the time for nest building or to be thinking about eggs and babies, so maybe this is just a winter home for now. I'm hoping they stay for a while, as they are one of my favorite guests to have around. Sure beats watching buzzards! Isn't this guy just beautiful???

Friday, December 12, 2008

Need your Help!!!!

During the holidays, so many of our boys in uniform don't get to be with family and friends! Many of us would love to help, but don't know a name and address to send to. . . . so here's one! This friend posted this note about her son, and I thought many of you could respond with a card, a note, or maybe even a little gift! Put a smile on this young man's face this year and thank him for what he is giving up for us!!! Here is her note:

Dear Sisters,
I am one who does not like to ask for help and I am really torn on this subject but if any of you would like to send a Christmas card to my son it would be so appreciated by me (and I know by him as well). My son is on his second deployment in Iraq. He has been in the U.S. Marine Corps for the last 2 1/2 years. This is the first Christmas we are not together for the holidays and it makes my heart sad, yet I am so proud of him. I thought it would be wonderful if he could receive holiday greetings from all over the United States and am asking my "sisters" to help with this. It would mean more than you know to send a greeting card, especially at this special time of year.

If you are interested in doing this his name and address are below:

Any Soldier
2dBn, 9th Mar
E Co
Unit 74120
FPO AE 09509-4120

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have really struggled this holiday season, especially with my son's absence, and I am looking forward to the spring and my son's return from Iraq.

My thanks for considering this request.


I'm sure Margo would love hearing from you, too and her email address is:
[email protected]


I just heard from Margo, and she has requested (with many regrets, believe me!) that I remove her son's name from the address. It seems that there are those rotten apples out there that want to spoil everything and search for these names and send hate mail, etc. Please contact her through her email address for her son's name if you wuld like it to go directly to him, or better yet, send a few cards off to this address and cheer up his whole company of guys!!!!! Sorry about that!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Daybook Entry for December 8, 2008


FOR TODAY (December 8, 2008)...

Outside My Window It's COLD for Florida!!!!! There's a breeze blowing, the big, brown Sycamore leaves are chasing each other across the driveway. The sun is shining brightly, and the birds are scratching under the bird feeder for whatever might be left for them.

I am thinking. . . LOTS of thoughts. The past few days were hard ones after Chemo #6 on Wednesday. It's so easy to feel sorry for yourself when you go through this, but I realized Wednesday that there are so many others that go through so much more with little or no results. I've had a very strong dose, it's done it's job, so I'll take the side affects this last time and get through it.

I am thankful for A million things. But the most simple thing I'm thankful for is Carnation Insant Breakfast Drink. It's the only thing I seem to be able to swallow and keep down right now.

From the kitchen... Nothing! I can't even stand the smell of stuff cooking. Patsy is on her own for a few more days.

I am wearing... A snuggly, knit nightgown, warm bathrobe, a HAT!!!!

I am creating... Nothing. But I saw some great ideas on a craft segment of the news today for a window dressing for Christmas. Pine garland at the top of the window, wide ribbon coming down the two sides to about the middle of the window, a branch tied to the ribbon (picture a swing here!), some cardinals on the branch, and snowflakes hanging from the pine garland. It was just beautiful and so simple to do.

I am going... To the post office to mail packages, if I can make it. Otherwise, my sister will do it for me.

I am reading... Nothing right now.

I am hoping... For a great report on Thursday when I go back to the Dr. Also hoping that surgery is stalled until after the holidays. I'm not up to it.

I am hearing... The hum of the computer mixed with the hum of the heater blowing. There's a wren outside my window chirping away!!!! Is he happy or begging for seed?????

Around the house... Wash is piling up. And I must do something about "stuff." Way too much stuff around!!!!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week. . .Nothing except getting my strength back before Thursday's Dr. visit and catching up on friends' blogs, etc. So sorry I haven't been to each of your blogs lately. It's just been so hard!

Here is picture thought I am sharing. . .

When we were children, one of the most exciting days of the year was when we celebrated the Dutch Christmas with Sintra Clas, Swarta Pete, etc. My uncle had the whole costume, and it was enough to scare any child into nightmares, believe me. But we would sit on his lap, receive a present, and we always put our shoes outside the door and hope we did not receive a piece of coal in the morning. It was always an orange or something like that. The memories are sweet for me. The Dutch traditions were important to my family, even though they wanted each one of us to be as "American" as we could be. I wish I had learned more from my Mother and Grandmother. They didn't know how rich they were with wisdom, abilities, talents --- all of which I wish I had now.


I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog

Monday, December 1, 2008

Daybook Entry - December 1, 2008


FOR TODAY (December 1, 2008)...

Outside My Window It's sunny and there is a breeze blowing the leaves around the driveway. It rained yesterday with strong winds at times, so most of the oak leaves, etc., came falling down. It was fun to watch Buster chasing those wet leaves. The birds are pushing the huge sycamore leaves around the ground at the feeder looking for seed. I need to get out there and feed them.

I am thinking. . . Wednesday is coming much to quickly. My last chemo session. A while back, I stated I just couldn't understand how people just kept coming back for that awful stuff, willing to get so sick time after time. But here I am, going for number 6. Sometimes during the worst parts, it doesn't feel like it, but looking back at it all, I know that the Lord has walked with me through those times.

I am thankful for HATS! Having a bald head is a whole new ball game for me, believe me. Since we have had some chilly weather lately, I've learned that bald heads get VERY cold! My sister was so kind to give me the softest, warmest hat that she knitted! I just love it!

From the kitchen... All done with turkey left overs! Tonight is a Mexican casserole!

I am wearing... My usual --- black slacks, tee shirt, no shoes!

I am creating... A list of all the stuff I need to do before Wednesday.

I am going... To the post office to mail packages.

I am reading... Very little. My eyes have gotten a lot worse since starting chemo, but I want to wait until all this is over before getting another eye exam.

I am hoping... To get laundry all done before Wednesday. I also need to get some angels cut out ahead of time so I can just sit and stitch next week.

I am hearing... Buster snoring behind me. Ever since he was a puppy, he has claimed that spot behind my computer chair. It's where he sleeps the best. I hate to move as a sleeping dog gets into NO trouble!

Around the house... So much to do. Don't even know where to start.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week. . . Tie up loose ends before Chemo on Wednesday. Go back Thursday for the Neulasta shot. Then it's all downhill from there.

Here is picture thought I am sharing. . .

Guess who???? That's right -- it's me!!! You know, when you are a kid, time seems to stand still. People who are 60 years old seem older than the earth itself when you are young! Now???? It seems like yesterday when that picture was taken. I've often thought about the roads I've traveled, people I've met, decisions I've made, etc., and how any one of those done differently could have changed the direction of my life totally. I've often wondered, when we get to Heaven, will the Lord show us the "could have been's", and all the ways our lives could have turned out had we made different choices??? Like that old song says, I do have some regrets. But mostly, I'm thankful for the ways the Lord has taken me. He's always been there, always cleaned up my mistakes, always forgave me, always loved me, and always gave me second, even third chances. Isn't He great?

I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog