Let me introduce you to our new resident here at our home! He moved in unannounced with much ta-do, and it seems that he has decided to stay.
At first I thought a squirrel was resting with his head in the doorway to the birdhouse, but quickly realized that it was not MRS. PEARL, the squirrel! I quickly got my binoculars, and sho-nuf, those big old eyes were staring right back at me.
I should have known something was amis out there! All the little chickadees, titmice, cardinals, etc., were just having a fit. I watched for a while, and one brave titmice decided he would take charge and actually started pecking at poor Mr. Grump's face. Too much trouble for him, so he retreated back into the house.
I couldn't take my eyes off that bird house. All day long I felt that I had these eyes following me wherever I went. And in the evening, he sat there with his head poking out, staring into my window, as if he were watching TV with me.
Take another look at that picture. I think his name is appropriate, don't you? In some ways, I'm glad he is here. My sister has chickens and goats, etc., and has been battling the mice and rat problem. So Mr. Grumps will have to work for his room and board here. And he will definitely have to make peace with the little birds I feed here. If he causes problems, he will be kicked off the property. It does seem that some agreements and propertly lines were drawn between them all, as peace returned yesterday and all the complaining, striking, and sign carrying had stopped.
I would love to see inside that birdhouse. I wonder if there is a Mrs. Grumps and if I will know the difference between the two??????