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      Jewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesWorld War II
Reflection of Polish question in Slovak preromantic and romantic literature The analyses confirmed the connection between preromantic and romantic works with Kollár`s ideas of Slavic cooperation is obvious. The main link of Slovak... more
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      Jewish HistoryRussian History
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      History of Roman CatholicismHistory of Prostitution
Forms of Anti-Semitism in Polish daily newspaper Mały Dziennik in 1938-1939 The main intention of this work is an explication of the main tendencies in the anti-Semitic propaganda in Polish daily newspaper Mały Dziennik in 1938/1939. The... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryJewish HistorySecond World War
Bolo Rakúsko-Uhorsko niekedy žalárom pre Židov? Ich histróriu na tomto území treba vidieť v širšom kontexte. Bolo to práve dlhé 19. storočie, ktoré môže byť považované vzhľadom na židovské dejiny v podmienkach Habsburskej monarchie a... more
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      HistoryJewish StudiesJewish HistoryAntisemitism
Svetoznámy nemecký odevný dom Hugo Boss je v súčastnosti módnym impériom s obchodmi vo viac ako 100 krajinách po celom svete. Ríša módy Huga Bossa je preslávená, okrem iného, najmä pre špičkovú dámsku a pánsku konfekciu. Tento módny... more
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      Twentieth Century GermanyNational SocialismModern GermanyNazi Germany
The main aim of this article is to investigate the deportations, life in camps, but also prewar life and political changes trough the testimonies of survivors from the southern parts of Slovakia. These testimonies did not represent all... more
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      Gender StudiesHistory of HungarySecond World WarHolocaust Studies
In July 1942, when the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto began, Kossak-Szczucka wrote a leaflet entitled "Protest," which was printed in 5,000 copies and spread. She described the conditions in the Warszaw Ghetto and the circumstantes in... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistorySecond World WarHolocaust Studies
The main aim of this article is to point out rape or sexual violence against Jewish women during WWI and the Holocaust. The article tends to support a future effort to research a not very well examined topic of the experience of victims... more
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      Sex and GenderSexualitySexual ViolenceGender and Sexuality
Call for Papers
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      Gender StudiesMuseum StudiesHolocaust StudiesNational Socialism
NEŠŤÁKOVÁ, Denisa. Did Poles imbibe anti-Semitism with their mother's milk? Prewar Polish anti-Semitism. História, 2016, 15, 1, pp. 5-8, Bratislava. The political anti-Semitism most frequently associated with Nazi Germany would not have... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish History
• This article describes a largely unknown Swedish effort to intervene in deportations of Jews of Slovakia between 1942 and 1944. Swedish officials and religious leaders used their diplomatic correspondence with the Slovak government to... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesScandinavian Studies
The goal of this study is to highlight the subject of legislative interference against the Jewish community in times of the Slovak State, particularly the issue of regulating sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews based on so-called... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesWomen's History
Document -  Testimony of Lucja Kornhauser
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      Gender StudiesHolocaust StudiesPolandHolocaust
A p r i l  5 , 2 0 1 6 ; Ya d  I z h a k  B e n-Z v i, J e r u s a l e m

Perception of Jews and Judaism among the German Temple Society during 1930s with focus on antisemitism
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      Jewish StudiesMiddle East StudiesJudaismMiddle East
Jewish elites and community leaders during the Second World War; 27-29. October, 2015; Cracow, Poland Presentation deals with the functioning of Jewish elite gathered in Jewish Center in Slovakia (Ústredňa Židov) and their relations with... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderHolocaust StudiesAntisemitism
Doktorandenworkshop der Deutsch-Tschechischen und Deutsch Slowakischen Historikerkommission 13 - 16. October 2016, Olomouc, Czech Republic Presentation of early stage of research of PHD thesis of Arab-Jewish Relations through the... more
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael/PalestineColonialismMiddle Eastern Studies
Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia pri príležitosti 70. výročia ukončenia 2. svetovej vojny (International academic conference on the occasion of the 70 th anniversary of the end of World War II) 29 -30. September 2015; Piešťany, Slovakia... more
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      Gender StudiesSexual ViolenceGender and SexualityHistory of Sexuality
21st Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Camps and Extermination Sites: Between Collaboration and Resistance. 24-30.05.2016, Aix-en-Provence, France The presentation discussed the role of Gisi Fleischmann, a... more
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      Gender StudiesCzech & Slovak StudiesHolocaust StudiesAntisemitism