This empirical research brings interesting insights concerning mobile commerce. Our objective is to determine the influence of language (conventional language versus short message service (SMS) language) and spokeperson on the... more
This paper extends the literatures on both fashion systems and marketplace identity projects by investigating the identity trajectories experienced by women who strive for successful careers as fashion models. It argues that while... more
“Arrested emotions” references the capitalist firm’s conscious mobilization of prosumers’ emotions and their associated expressions as amenable input for production within corporate confines. We draw on reality TV – The Bachelor and... more
This article seeks to understand how distinctive family brands are created. Recent studies in family business have focused on the benefits for a firm to be known as family owned or family controlled. Few studies have paid attention to the... more
This paper examines the dynamic processes of person branding by conducting an inductive analysis of two case studies of acclaimed athletes: David Beckham and Ryan Giggs. Although their careers have notable similarities and both athletes... more
The goal of this research is to compare contemporary representations of masculinity and femininity in two HBO television series, Entourage and Sex and the City, and illustrate how these representations intersect with consumption. In the... more
This paper inductively develops an extension to brand positioning theory to understand how individuals seeking work in established organizational fields can effectively position themselves. It does so by analyzing qualitative data on... more
This article reports the results of an experimental study examining the impact of three types of sponsor-a private company, a Crown corporation, and a government ministry or department-on consumers' evaluation of cultural sponsorships.... more
En 2005, le mannequin Kate Moss a vécu un scandale médiatique qui a considérablement perturbé son parcours et son image de marque. L'analyse du discours des médias, touchant trois médias distincts durant un an, a permis de mettre en... more
Much prior work illuminates how fans of a brand can contribute to the value enjoyed by other members of its audience, but little is known about any processes by which fans contribute to the dissipation of that audience. Using longitudinal... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
This paper inductively develops an extension to brand positioning theory to understand how individuals seeking work in established organizational fields can effectively position themselves. It does so by analyzing qualitative data on the... more
This paper examines the dynamic processes of person branding by conducting an inductive analysis of two case studies of acclaimed athletes: David Beckham and Ryan Giggs. Although their careers have notable similarities and both athletes... more