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      Anthropology of the BodySexualityPhenomenology
Είναι ένα παραμύθι που μου το έλεγε η γιαγιά μου όταν ήμουν μικρή. Θυμάμαι πως έκανε εβδομάδες να το τελειώσει, προσέθετε ή αφαιρούσε στοιχεία, άλλαζε την ιστορία κι έτσι πάντα της ζητούσα να μου το ξαναπεί. Μία πιθανή του προέλευση βάση... more
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      FolkloreStorytellingModern Fairy TalesFolk and Fairy Tales
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      Dance StudiesMovement analysisAnthropology of the BodyDance and Politics
The 20th century marked a revolution of the body. It was eventually set free from restrictive ideologies and, on the contrary, it started (per)forming ideologies itself. Modern dance is the child and simultaneously the abettor of this... more
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      Gender StudiesDance StudiesAnthropology of the BodyAnthropology Of Dance
In this short essay, I am trying to show how Clifford Geertz's fieldwork research on the Balinese cockfights, which can be seen as social comments the Balinese people make themselves for themselves, can be explained with the notion of... more
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      Social ChangeAnthropologyPerceptionPractice theory
Established in September 2013, Sussex University Student Think Tank (SUSTT) is an organisation designed to give students a reputable and coherent medium through which to advocate policy change.
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      Social ChangePoetryFreedom Of ExpressionContemporary Poetry
This paper approaches and questions the notions of a continually proved-to-be relationship with the Greek state, as this was narrated by some of our informants during a short fieldtrip in a Greek minority village of Southern Albania;... more
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      Social PsychologyComparative LiteratureBorder StudiesAlbanian Studies
In our paper (pp.47-55), we are discussing the ways the residents of a village close to the Albanian – Greek border of Kakavia are negotiating and constructing their identities dialectically with the co-existing Albanian and neighbouring... more
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      SociolinguisticsBorder StudiesNationalismAnthropology of locality
Κότσιρα Ελένη Ημερίδα: «Εθελοντική εργασία: Πίστη σε έναν καλύτερο κόσμο ή εκμετάλλευση της καλής πίστης;» Εταιρεία Αποφοίτων Κοινωνικής Ανθρωπολογίας Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου, 13 Μαΐου, Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών... more
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      Refugee StudiesApplied AnthropologyCivil Society and the Public SphereSocial Activism
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      AnthropologyRefugee StudiesAutoethnographySocial Media
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      AnthropologyClimate ChangeTraumatic StressFieldwork in Anthropology
At the early hours of Tuesday 26 September 2017, a heavy deluge flooded extensive parts on the island of Samothraki and forced the local authorities to declare a state of emergency. Damages were caused in the traditional settlement of... more
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      AnthropologyClimate ChangeNarrativeFieldwork in Anthropology
This presentation will refer to specific ethnographic poems and answer how poetry can be used as a means to access emotions and experiences in the field that resort in the subconscious, that elude us. Focusing on the personal and... more
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This presentation will refer to specific ethnographic poems and answer how poetry can be used as a means to access emotions and experiences in the field that resort in the subconscious, that elude us. Focusing on the personal and... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyPoetryAutoethnography
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      Flood Risk ManagementIsland StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyDisaster risk management
This paper identifies and discusses a list of early drawn similarities between two otherwise different disasters, namely the flooding of the valley of Thessaly, in Greece, following Mediterranean storm Daniel in September 2023 and the... more
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      Disaster ManagementDisaster PreparednessNew OrleansInternal Displacement
Book synopsis ‘Internationalisation’ is a key issue impacting on higher education today, but what is actually meant by this term and how does it relate to the notion of ‘global citizenship’, which also features prominently on the... more
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      LanguagesInternationalisation of the curriculumInternationalization of higher education
A case study included in ' Supporting Internationalisation through Languages and Culture in the Twenty-First-Century University', Orme Mark(ed.), Peter Lang.... more
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      LanguagesLanguage Learning
Supervisory negligence is a form of concurrent negligence where the prohibited result is caused by the negligence of more than one medic; it is not a form of joint negligence. The criminal liability for supervisory negligence is... more
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      Medical LawChinese Criminal Law
Cyber bullying involves the use of network information and communication technologies to support the deliberate and aggressive conduct that has been carried out repeatedly over time, which intends to cause another distress, disturbance or... more
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      Comparative Criminal LawEnglish criminal lawChinese Criminal Law