Harvard University
Harvard School of Public Health
The value of mortality risk reduction is an important component of the benefits of environmental policies. In recent years, the number, scope, and quality of valuation studies have increased dramatically. Revealed-preference studies of... more
provided helpful information and advice and Suzanne Leonard improved the presentation. Remaining errors are, of course, my own.
provided helpful information and advice and Suzanne Leonard improved the presentation. Remaining errors are, of course, my own.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The African Refiners Association and the World Bank are working with other organizations and the governments of Sub-Saharan Africa to study the costs and benefits of reducing pollutant emissions from gasoline and diesel... more
The Institute of Medicine's (IOM's) Committee to Evaluate Measures of Health Benefits for Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation commissioned three case studies as part of its investigations related to the use of... more
The case studies were undertaken as a learning experience, to provide the Committee with information on the challenges associated with applying different health-related effectiveness measures in a regulatory context. Due to time and... more
The case studies were undertaken as a learning experience, to provide the Committee with information on the challenges associated with applying different health-related effectiveness measures in a regulatory context. Due to time and... more
The Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division series publishes reviews and analyses of sector experience from around the world as well as new findings from analytical work. It places particular emphasis on how the experience and knowledge... more
Under Executive Order 12,866, 1 as supplemented by Executive Order 13,563, 2 federal agencies are required to prospectively assess the costs and benefits of significant regulations, and also to assess the costs and benefits of... more
Researchers and policymakers have long been interested in developing simple decision rules to aid in determining whether an intervention is, or is not, cost-effective. In global health, interventions that impose costs per... more
In "Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation," The Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH) adds the value of increased life expectancy to the value of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) when... more
The value of small changes in mortality risks, generally expressed as the value per statistical life, is an important parameter in benefit-cost analysis. However, little is known about the values held by populations in low- and... more
Behavioral economics and happiness research have many important implications for the conduct of benefit-cost analysis as well as for policy design and implementation. By identifying ways in which we may act irrationally and providing new... more