Showing posts with label drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawing. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare


pencils on canson paper

by Daliana Pacuraru


The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare

There's something rotten in the small town of Pickax--at least to the sensitive noses of newspaperman Jim Qwilleran and his Siamese cats Koko and Yum Yum. An accident has claimed the life of the local paper's eccentric publisher, but to Qwilleran and his feline friends it smells like murder. They soon sniff out a shocking secret, but Koko's snooping into an unusual edition of Shakespeare may prove CATastrophic...because somewhere in Pickax a lady loves not wisely but too well, a widow is scandalously merry, and a stranger has a lean and hungry look. The stage is set for Qwilleran, Koko, Yum Yum, and the second act of murder most meow... 


Friday, April 14, 2017


The Crucifixion of Jesus

 As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross.  They came to a place called Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”).  There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it.  When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots.  And sitting down, they kept watch over him there. Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews.
38 Two rebels were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left.  Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads  and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!”  In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.  He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” In the same way the rebels who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

The Death of Jesus

From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.  About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.”
Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.”
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split  and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.  They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”
 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs.  Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.


  1. Matthew 27:46 Some manuscripts Eloi, Eloi
  2. Matthew 27:46 Psalm 22:1
  3. Matthew 27:53 Or tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they
  4. Matthew 27:56 Greek Joses, a variant of Joseph
New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Valeriu Moisescu

1 aprilie 1932 - 20 octombrie 2016

Valeriu Moisescu 
 face parte din promoţia de aur, care a absolvit Institutul de Teatru din Bucureşti în 1956.
 La clasa de regie îndrumată de profesorul George Dem. Loghin, i-a avut colegi pe Lucian Pintilie, Radu Penciulescu, Mihai Dimiu, Sanda Manu, artişti care au produs ulterior mişcarea de reteatralizare a teatrului românesc.
Timp de patru decenii, la Teatrul de Stat din Galaţi (1956–1964), Teatrul de Stat din Oradea (1959–1961), Teatrul de Stat din Ploieşti (1961–1964), Teatrul „Lucia Sturdza Bulandra” (1964–1990), dar şi la Iaşi, Craiova, Sankt-Petersburg, a realizat peste 120 de spectacole, multe dintre acestea fiind astăzi repere ale spectacologiei româneşti.
În ultimii 35 de ani, s-a dedicat cu pasiune şi pedagogiei, fiind maestrul multor generaţii de regizori. A fost şeful catedrei de regie Teatru, scenografie, coregrafie din cadrul Academiei de Teatru şi Film (1991–2000).
A tradus şi a dramatizat, a publicat peste 200 de articole teoretice şi mărturii de creaţie. Din octombrie până în 1995 a avut rubrică permanentă în revistele „Teatrul” şi „Teatrul azi”, intitulată „Însemnări contradictorii”, ulterior publicate în volum la Editura UNITEXT.
Este iniţiatorul seriei de studii „Maeştri ai teatrului românesc în a doua jumătate a secolului al XX-lea” din cadrul Centrului de cercetări, studii şi experimente teatrale „Crin Teodorescu” al UNATC „I.L. Caragiale”.
În 1998, a fost distins cu premiul UNITER pentru întreaga activitate. 

Persistenta memoriei 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sfânta Cuvioasă Parascheva

Doamne, Dumnezeul nostru, Tu, Cel ce ai zis și s-a făcut toată făptura, nu întoarce fața Ta de la noi păcătoșii, ca să nu vină asupră-ne mânia cea groaznică și înfri­co­șă­toare a durerilor, care este rodul păcatelor noastre, ce în toată ziua, nenumărate, cu ne­so­co­tință le săvârșim. Noi suntem păcătoși, ne­treb­nici și plini de răutate; iar Tu ești izvorul vieții și al milostivirii. Nu ne lăsa, Doamne! Nu trece rugăciunea noastră, a păcătoșilor, nici ne răsplăti nouă după nelegiuirile noastre, ci pentru că nu suntem vrednici a câștiga mi­los­tivirea prin sârguința cea de toate zilele, dă­ruiește-ne-o Tu ca un îndurat mult-Milostiv.
Doamne, pentru rugăciunile Cuvioasei Maicii noastre Parascheva, dăruiește-ne nouă sănătate și viață ferită de toată răutatea și ne întărește cu Duhul Tău cel stăpânitor, ca din adâncul inimilor, cu bucurie să slăvim prea­sfânt numele Tău în veci. Amin.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Eusebiu Ştefănescu - Arhivarul clipei

Actor Eusebiu Stefanescu, a natural elegance, passed away

Actor Eusebiu Stefanescu was a "presence of a natural elegance", an actor who lived intensely through theatre and poetry, a press release by the Theatre Union of Romania (UNITER), sent AGERPRES on Sunday, reads.

"He had a still, sincere gaze which left you off-guard, made you be afraid of your gloomy thoughts, a gaze that chased perfidy away. He was a presence of a natural elegance, with a discreet smile, but which was hiding a very joyful mystery. The mystery of an extreme life experience through theatre and poetry. As a teacher, he managed to pass on, to guide several generations of future actors to the perfection, to the controlled severeness of the force of the word well spoken in the spotlights," the release says.

"As a member of the UNITER Senate, Eusebiu Stefanescu received in 2014, at the UNITER Awards Gala, the Prize of the UNITER chairman for 'his contribution to the beautiful utterance of poetry'. Almost one year after being granted this award, Eusebiu Stefanescu is passing away, leaving a huge void," the UNITER release reads.
Eusebiu Stefanescu has died on the night of Saturday to Sunday, at the Bucharest Military Hospital, at 70 years of age.AGERPRES 

Moartea actorului Eusebiu Ştefănescu l-a dărâmat pr Florin Piersic. „Îi consolez familia şi sunt rănit şi vreau să spun ceva...trebuie să spun un lucru foarte grav. Abia am curaj să apăs pe butonul de la telefon pentru că imi este frică să primesc tot timpul o noua veste tristă”, a declarat marele actor. .  
Actorul Eusebiu Ştefănescu a murit, duminică, la vârsta de 70 de ani. Potrivit primelor informaţii, decesul actorului a fost cauzat de o tumoare cerebrală.
"Acum două săptămâni, fiind la Ploieşti, am aflat de suferinţa acestui minunat coleg care mi-a fost foarte apropiat partener în filmele făcute. El era un coleg excepţional şi dacă vreţi vă spun o întamplare care să mângâie sufletele familiei lui este faptul ca eu am fost şi sunt in continuare bun prieten cu baiatul lui, cu Ionut Stefănescu.  Nu ştiu cum să vă spun că de multe ori împreuna cu Ionuţ, într-o zi m-am întâlnit în fata ministerului Educaţiei şi am povestit foarte multe despre viaţa noastră şi a lui Eusebiu. Între toti cei pe care îi cunosc de vârsta mea şi pe cei mai tineri cu câtiva ani, atât vreau să vă spun că era un recitator excepţional. Acum o lună de zile vorbeam cu Patriarhul Daniel spunea ca trebuie să îl pomenesc pe Eusebiu Stefanescu care a venit o dată şi a recitat foarte furmos. Ii consolez familia şi sunt rănit şi vreau să spun ceva...trebuie să spun un lucru foarte grav. Abia am curaj să apăs pe butonul de la telefon pentru ca îmi este frică să primesc tot timpul o noua veste tristă", a declarat actorul Florin Piersic la România TV.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Constantin Brâncuși

'Things are not difficult to make; what is difficult is putting ourselves in the state of mind to make them.' 

Constantin Brancusi 

Constantin Brâncuși
portrait by Daliana Pacuraru 

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Constantin Brancusi was born February 19, 1876, in Hobitza, Romania and was a Romanian sculptor, painter and photographer who made his career in France. Considered a pioneer of modernism, one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th-century, Brâncuși is called the patriarch of modern sculpture. As a child he displayed an aptitude for carving wooden farm tools. Formal studies took him first to Bucharest, then to Munich, then to the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1905 to 1907. His art emphasizes clean geometrical lines that balance forms inherent in his materials with the symbolic allusions of representational art. Brâncuși sought inspiration in non-European cultures as a source of primitive exoticism, as did Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, André Derain and others. But other influences emerge from Romanian folk art traceable through Byzantine and Dionysian traditions.He studied art at the Scoala de Meserii (school of arts and crafts) in Craiova from 1894 to 1898 and at the Scoala Natzionala de Arte Frumoase (national school of fine arts) in Bucharest from 1898 to 1901. Eager to continue his education in Paris, Brancusi arrived there in 1904 and enrolled in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1905. The following year, his sculpture was shown at the Salon d’Automne, where he met Auguste Rodin.
Soon after 1907, Brancusi’s mature period began. The sculptor had settled in Paris but throughout these years returned frequently to Bucharest and exhibited there almost every year. In Paris, his friends included Marcel Duchamp, Fernand Léger, Henri Matisse, Amedeo Modigliani, and Henri Rousseau. In 1913, five of Brancusi’s sculptures were included in the Armory Show in New York. Alfred Stieglitz presented the first solo show of Brancusi’s work at his gallery “291,” New York, in 1914. Brancusi was never a member of any organized artistic movement, although he associated with Francis Picabia, Tristan Tzara, and many other Dadaists in the early 1920s. In 1921, he was honored with a special issue of The Little Review. He traveled to the United States twice in 1926 to attend his solo shows at Wildenstein and at the Brummer Gallery in New York. The following year, a historic trial was initiated in the United States to determine whether Brancusi’s Bird in Space was liable for duty as a manufactured object or as a work of art. The court decided in 1928 that the sculpture was a work of art.
Brancusi traveled extensively in the 1930s, visiting India and Egypt as well as European countries. He was commissioned to create a war memorial for a park in Turgu Jiu, Romania, in 1935, and designed a complex that included gates, tables, stools, and an Endless Column. After 1939, Brancusi continued to work in Paris. His last sculpture, a plaster Grand Coq, was completed in 1949. In 1952, Brancusi became a French citizen. He died March 16, 1957, in Paris.(guggenheim )

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dan Puric

"Visul meu este ca toti oamenii sa viseze. Romanul a uitat sa viseze, stie numai sa se conduca dupa reguli. Daca incetam sa visam, si aici ma refer la vis ca posibilitate, suntem distrusi." 
Dan Puric 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Pink Floyd-The Gunner's Dream

'Floating down through the clouds
Memories come rushing up to meet me now.
But in the space between the heavens
and the corner of some foreign field
I had a dream.
I had a dream.
Good-bye macs,
Good-bye Ma.
After the service when you're walking slowly to the car
And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air
You hear the tolling bell
And touch the silk in your lapel
And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band
You take her frail hand
And hold on to the dream.
A place to stay
"Oi! A real one ..."
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no-one kills the children anymore.
And no one kills the children anymore.

Night after night
Going round and round my brain
His dream is driving me insane.
In the corner of some foreign field
The gunner sleeps tonight.
What's done is done.
We cannot just write off his final scene.
Take heed of the dream.
Take heed.'

The Final Cut (occasionally subtitled The Final Cut: A Requiem For The Post-War Dream by Roger Waters) is the twelfth studio album by English progressive rock group Pink Floyd. It was released on 21 March 1983 by Harvest Records in the United Kingdom, and several weeks later by Columbia Records in the United States. A concept album, The Final Cut is the last of the band's studio releases to include founding member and long-time lyricist Roger Waters. It is the only Pink Floyd album on which Waters alone is credited for the writing and composition of every song. Most of the lyrics are sung by Waters; lead guitarist David Gilmour provides vocals on only one of the album's tracks.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Saint Andrew / Sf. Andrei

The story of Saint Andrew in Romania tells that today's territory of Romania was Christianized by Saint Andrew in the 1st century AD. These claims are backed by some historians and by several Christian artifacts discovered and dated to the third century BC.
In 1994, Saint Andrew was named the patron saint of Dobruja, in 1997 the patron saint of Romania, while in 2012, November 30 became a public holiday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Drawing Recently Sold - 1 Hour Ago

Recently Sold - 1 Hour Ago

Daliana Pacuraru sold a 10.00" x 8.38" print of Willys Jeep MB Car drawing to a buyer from Shelton, CT - United States

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Commissioned Portraits

Art Prints

If you're interested in commissioning a portrait, ask me details on [email protected] . After the drawing is done you can buy the print on FAA.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sfantul Dimitrie - Saint Dimitrie

Thousands of pilgrims from across Romania and abroad have queued to pray at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest, at the Venerated Wood of the Holy Cross, brought from Greece and at the Holy Relics of Saint Dimitrie the New, protector of Bucharest. Romanians celebrate Saint Dimitrie on October 27 but the pilgrimage goes on during the entire week. The feast of Saint Pious Dimitrie the New, Protector of Bucharest, whose relics are kept in the Patriarchal Cathedral, has always represented a distinguished spiritual time for the faithful of Bucharest as well as for many pilgrims from all over the country.
A series of manifestations are organized between October 23 and 29, among which an exhibition entitled The Orthodox Creed – books, icons and holy crosses, in the Europa Christiana room of the Patriarchal Palace. On Tuesday, October 26, when Saint Great Martyr Dimitrie, the Myrrh Bearer is celebrated, His Holiness Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Chruch will inaugurate the Centre for Patrimony of “Saint Constantine Brâncoveanu” of the Romanian Patriarchate, in 63 Maria Rosetti St., Bucharest.
Unless you want to take part in the ceremonies held this week at the Patriarchal Palace near Unirii Square in Bucharest, we suggest avoiding car trips in the area, which is overcrowded by pilgrims during these days.
On Saint Dimitrie Romanians called Dumitru or Dumitra also celebrate their name days.
Several pre-Christian traditions on Saint Dimitrie have survived for centuries in Romania: the day before Saint Dimitrie, fires are lit in Romanian traditional villages and children usually jump over the fire to stay healthy during the entire year. The Saint is also the protector of shepherds, who can now figure out what sort of a winter will follow. Shepherds place their coat in the middle of the herd and wait to see what sort of sheep will lay on it. If a black sheep lays on the coat, the winter will be mild, the tradition goes. If a white sheep will come instead, the winter will be harsh. Another popular tradition says the winter will be mild if the weather will be bad on Saint Dimitrie and that a harsh winter will follow if the Saint Dimitrie day will bring good weather.romania-insider

Friday, August 15, 2014


Părintele Arsenie Boca spunea, potrivit

"Nu se poate vorbi numai despre Maica Domnului. Ea e prevăzută de Dumnezeire îndată după căderea omului. Deci pomenirea ei, pune din plin, problema refacerii omului.
Primul om refăcut, e lisus, Fiul Ei, şi toţi ucenicii lui lisus, deci Ea e şi Maica Bisericii. A fost instituită, chiar de lisus, când era pe cruce, ca maică a creştinătăţii, când i-a dat pe loan de fiu şi lui loan i-a dat-o pe Ea de maică.
Dacă viaţa noastră s-ar reduce numai la viaţa aceasta, cea între leagăn şi mormânt, toată zdroaba vieţii ar fi fără sens. Dar viaţa noastră nu e numai atâta.
Ştim de la lisus, că vom purta şi chipul pe care ni l-a arătat El, schimbându-Se la faţă. Aceasta însă, când Se va naşte în noi Iisus, aşa cum S-a născut în sfânta Fecioară.
Prin asceză şi iubire sufletul nostru trebuie să ajungă la curăţia sufletului fecioară, în care se va naşte chipul nostru veşnic.
Nu e prin urmare numai o urmare a Domnului, ci şi o urmare a Maicii Domnului. Iar Maica Domnului n-a fost scutită de niciuna din durerile omeneşti. De mică a cunoscut refugiul şi prigoana lui Irod. Sabia durerilor a fost profeţită pentru sufletul Ei.
Ea e modelul desăvârşit de curăţie şi iubire, duse până la jertfa: dovadă, că puţini erau până sub crucea Răstignitului, şi printre cei puţini, era Maica Domnului.
Tot aşa, pe lângă orice răstignit al vieţii acesteia, puţini mai rămân pentru el către Dumnezeu, şi printre cei puţini, e Maica Domnului. Căci, spre a ajunge la refacerea noastră, trebuie să trecem prin multe răstigniri, şi avem trebuinţă de o inimă de mamă pentru noi către Dumnezeu.
Dumnezeu ne părăseşte uneori; sfinţii nu sunt ascultaţi, dar iubirea de mamă întoarce asprimea Dreptăţii lui Dumnezeu din nou în iubire.
Exod 32: Moise se ruga, strâmtorând pe Dumnezeu: încetează Doamne urgia Ta şi potoleşte-Ţi mânia şi socoteşte cu blândeţe greşala poporului Tău. Adă-ţi aminte de robii Tăi: Avraam, Isaac şi Iacov...
- Nu ! a răspuns Dumnezeu. Lasă-Mă să-i zdrobesc, căci cu urgie M-am mâniat asupra lor şi vreau să-i prăpădesc!
- Dacă nu-i ierţi, şterge-mă şi pe mine din Cartea Vieţii!
Şi a încetat urgia lui Dumnezeu; şi pentru rugăciunea lui Moise i-a iertat pe ei.
Cine-i Moise şi cine-i Maica Domnului ?
Când te-a lepădat Dumnezeu şi nici sfinţii nu se mai roagă pentru tine, a mai rămas cineva care nu te-a părăsit: e Maica Domnului, iar Maica Domnului e ascultată.
„Intre robii lui Dumnezeu şi Maica lui Dumnezeu e o deosebire fără margini" - zice sfântul Ioan Damaschin. Dacă Moise, un rob, poate, prin rugăciunea lui, să oprească urgia lui Dumnezeu şi nu-L lasă să se răzbune pe închinătorii la idoli, - cu atât mai mult rugăciunea sfintei Fecioare Maria, va opri să nu cadă urgia divină, peste păcătosul popor creştin.
Al VII-lea Sobor ecumenic, având în vedere rătăcirile ereticilor despre sfinţi şi despre Maica Domnului, hotărăşte:
„A cinsti şi a mări mai întâi pe Născătoarea de Dumnezeu: mai înaltă decât toate puterile cereşti; iar de asemenea şi pe sfintele Puteri îngereşti, fericiţii şi întru tot lăudaţii Apostoli şi Prooroci, pe sfinţii mucenici, morţi pentru Hristos, pe sfinţii şi de Dumnezeu purtătorii dascăli, şi toţi drepţii cuvioşi bărbaţi, şi a cere mijlocirea lor, pentru că ei ne pot apropia de împăratul tuturor - Dumnezeu."
Şi cântă Biserica:
„Sub milostivirea Ta scăpăm Stăpână, Născătoare de Dumnezeu Fecioară! Întru rugăciunile noastre nu ne lăsa pe noi în scârbe, ci ne mântuieşte din nevoi: Una, curată, Binecuvântată: Preasfântă Născătoare de Dumnezeu."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Petru si Pavel - Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel sunt praznuiti de catre Biserica Ortodoxa la data de 29 iunie a fiecarui an. Acestia sunt sarbatoriti impreuna datorita faptului ca ambii s-au savarsit la Roma. Sfantului Apostol Pavel i s-a taiat capul iar Sfantul Apostol Petru a fost rastignit cu capul in jos. Conform Sinaxarului, moastele celor doi apostoli au fost puse impreuna. Conform cercetarilor recente, Petru a fost rastignit in anul 64, iar Pavel a fost decapitat in anul 67. Petru si Pavel sunt, de asemenea, autori a unor epistole incluse de catre Biserica in textele canonice ale Noului Testament (Pavel -14; Petru – 2). Acestia sunt considerati ca fiind printre cei mai importanti oameni care au luat parte la Biserica lui Hristos. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

125 de ani de la moartea lui Mihai Eminescu

Acum 125 de ani, în ziua de 15 iunie 1889, pleca dintre noi Mihai Eminescu, „cel mai mare poet pe care l-a ivit şi-l va ivi vreodată, poate, pământul românesc”. Fără Eminescu, am fi fost mai săraci, mai goi, mai puţin români. Şi-a închiat viaţa slujirii neamului său, pe care l-a iubit ca nimeni altul, arzând ca o flacără pentru idealul libertăţii şi unităţii naţionale. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Nina Cassian - RIP

Nina Cassian, an exiled Romanian poet who sought refuge in the United States after her poems satirizing the regime of President Nicolae Ceausescu fell into the hands of his secret police, died on Monday at her home in Manhattan. She was 89.
Intense, passionate and cleareyed, Ms. Cassian’s poetry often centered on the nature of erotic love and — both before her exile and after — of loss, death and decay. In “Ballad of the Jack of Diamonds,” published in The New Yorker in 1990 in a translation by Richard Wilbur, she wrote:

Nina Cassian read her poetry at Cooper Union in New York in 2003.  
Credit Jennifer S. Altman for The New York Times
Here is the Jack of Diamonds, clad
In the rusty coat he’s always had.
His two dark brothers wish him dead,
As does the third, whose hue is red. ...
One brother, on his breast and sleeves,
Is decked with tragic, spadelike leaves.
The next has crosses for décor.
The motif of the third is gore.
The Jack of Diamonds is dead,
Leaving a vacuum in his stead.
This ballad seems at least twice-told.
Well, all Rumanian plots are old.

The New York Times 

RIP Nina Cassian

'In unele clipe ideale, sunt pasarea maiastra-a lui Brancusi.
Mi-e gatul ca un cast lunecus
pentru mainile tale. '

Thursday, February 27, 2014

2014 - Year of the Horse

horse drawings
horse drawings
drawing by Daliana Pacuraru

2014 Chinese Lunar New Year of Horse

'And he looks at me, with eyes wiser than his years. He cannot tell me what his mind is saying, so instead he uses his powerful body to communicate. Sometimes his eyes alone can show the meaning behind his actions and other times just they way he carries himself tells me how he feels. There is no truer friend then him, for he knows me inside and out. When I sit astride him he listens to what my body tells him; not because he has to, but because he WANTS to. You cannot trap his spirit or be his master, for his soul alone is purer, his body, rippled with muscle, more powerful, his heart more forgiving than your own. He is an Angel without wings, his forelock and mane, his halo. He is more courageous, more loving, more trusting, more powerful, than any other being in this world - and yet so gentle as to let me join him on his Journey. He is my best friend, who tells no one of my secrets, who rejoices in my joys, shares in my sorrows, and his neck is always there to wrap around me in a caress. A caress that gives me everything I've ever needed: Warmth, security, hope, strength, and reassurance. I cannot break his spirit, nor would I ever want to. I cannot be his Master; only his Partner. When I do wrong, he does not judge me. When I cry, he comforts me. When I laugh, he prances around with his head held high and his tail streaming behind like silk. It is not I who teach him, it is he who teaches me. He does not need to talk for me to listen, I understand him in a way I'll never understand even myself. And he knows me, more than anyone that walks this earth. And he accepts me, for everything I am.. and everything I am not....' 

Art Prints
horse drawings

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2013 - Year of The Snake

2013- Year of The Snake

2013 is the year of the black Snake begins on February 10th shortly after the New moon in Aquarius, the humanitarian of the zodiac. This 2013 year of Snake is meant for steady progress and attention to detail. Focus and discipline will be necessary for you to achieve what you set out to create. The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal Signs. It is the enigmatic, intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animals Signs. Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means that your family will not starve.
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