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Used Spring 2015 at Metro State for Math 110: Math for Liberal Arts
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      Mathematics EducationMaths
Outline of guidelines for Math 110 project.
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      MathematicsMathematics Education
Syllabus for Math 120: Precalculus at Metro State.
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      MathematicsMathematics Education
We prove that all the zeros of a certain family of meromorphic functions are on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2, and are simple (except possibly when s = 1/2). We prove this by relating the zeros to the discrete spectrum of unbounded... more
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Physicists such as Green, Vanhove, et al show that differential equations involving automorphic forms govern the behavior of gravitons. One particular point of interest is solutions to (∆−λ)u = E α E β on an arithmetic quotient of the... more
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Shannon entropy is used to provide an estimate of the number of interpretable components in a principal component analysis. In addition, several ad hoc stopping rules for dimension determination are reviewed and a modification of the... more
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      Dynamical SystemsComputational BiologyNonlinear dynamicsPattern Formation
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A particular interaction-diffusion mussel-algae model system for the development of spontaneous stationary young mussel bed patterning on a homogeneous substrate covered by a quiescent marine layer containing algae as a food source is... more
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      AlgorithmsMathematical BiologyBiostatisticsNonlinear dynamics
Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV) is a retrovirus that establishes a persistent infection in horses and ponies. The virus is in the same lentivirus subgroup that includes human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The similarities between... more
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      Applied MathematicsImmunologyImmune responseAntibodies
A rhombic planform nonlinear cross-diffusive instability analysis is applied to a particular interaction-diffusion plant-ground water model system in an arid flat environment. This model contains a plant root suction effect as a... more
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An existing weakly nonlinear diffusive instability hexagonal planform analysis for an interactiondiffusion plant-surface water model system in an arid flat environment [11] is extended by performing a rhombic planform analysis as well. In... more
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Analysis of previously published target-cell limited viral dynamic models for pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis, and influenza generally rely on standard techniques from dynamical systems theory or numerical simulation. We use a... more
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Shannon entropy is used to provide an estimate of the number of interpretable components in a principal component analysis. In addition, several ad hoc stopping rules for dimension determination are reviewed and a modification of the... more
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      Dynamical SystemsComputational BiologyPrincipal Component AnalysisNonlinear dynamics
It is shown that every planar graph with no separating triangles is a subgraph of a Hamiltonian planar graph; that is, Whitney's theorem holds without the assumption of a triangulation.
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer Science
The optimization of large trusses often leads to a nearly optimal solution, rather than a truly optimal design. In fact, the problem space for truss optimization grows exponentially with the size of the truss. Using the method of problem... more
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      MathematicsGenetic AlgorithmOptimal DesignOptimal Solution
Let p be a prime number with p≠2. We consider second order linear recurrence relations of the form S n =aS n-1 +bS n-2 over the finite field Z p (we assume b≠0). Results regarding the period and distribution of elements in the sequence {S... more
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    • Mathematics
Second order linear homogeneous recurrence relations with coefficients in a finite field or in the integers modulo of an ideal have been the subject of much study (see for example [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]). This paper extends many of... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
In an article published in 1979, Kainen and Bernhart [1] laid the groundwork for further study of book embeddings of graphs. They define an $n$-book as a line $L$ in 3-space, called the spine, and $n$ half-planes, called pages, with $L$... more
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    • Mathematics
Let p be a prime number with p = 2. We consider sequences generated by nth order linear recurrence relations over the finite field Zp. In the first part of this paper we generalize some of the ideas in [6] to nth order linear recurrences.... more
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    • Mathematics
A graph is called dispersable if it has a book embedding in which each page has maximum degree 1 and the number of pages is the maximum degree. Bernhart and Kainen conjectured every k-regular bipartite graph is dispersable. Forty years... more
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    • Mathematics