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2007, Applied Mathematics Letters
5 pages
1 file
It is shown that every planar graph with no separating triangles is a subgraph of a Hamiltonian planar graph; that is, Whitney's theorem holds without the assumption of a triangulation.
A digraph is 2-regular if every vertex has both indegree and outdegree two. We define an embedding of a 2-regular digraph to be a 2-cell embedding of the underlying graph in a closed surface with the added property that for every vertex v, the two edges directed away from v are not consecutive in the local rotation around v. In other words, at each vertex the incident edges are oriented in-out-in-out. The goal of this article is to provide an analogue of Whitney's theorem on planar embeddings in the setting of 2-regular digraphs. In the course of doing so, we note that Tutte's Theorem on peripheral cycles also has a natural analogue in this setting.
We generalize the following two seminal results. (1) Thomassen's result [14] in 1983, which says that every 4-connected planar graph is Hamiltonianconnected (which generalizes the old result of Tutte [15] in 1956, which says that every 4-connected planar graph is Hamiltonian). (2) Thomas and Yu's result [11] in 1994, which says that every 4-connected projective-planar graph is Hamiltonian. Here, Hamiltonian-connected means that for any two vertices u, v, there is a Hamiltonian path between u and v (and hence this generalizes the existence of Hamiltonian cycles). Specifically, we prove the following; Every 4-connected projective-planar graph is Hamiltonian-connected. This proves a conjecture of Dean [3] in 1990. Our result is best possible in many senses. First, we cannot lower the connectivity 4. Secondly, we cannot generalize our result to a surface with higher genus (that is, there is a 4-connected graph on the torus or on the Klein bottle which is not Hamiltonianconnected). Our proof is constructive in a sense that there is a polynomial time algorithm to find, given two vertices in a 4-connected projective-planar graph, a Hamiltonian path between these two vertices.
Definition 2. Let G be a graph and e one of its edges. The number of Hamiltonian cycles containing e is denoted by cG (e) and the total number of Hamiltonian cycles occurring in G is denotedby c (G). For a given integer n^ 4, we denote by c2A (n) 9 c3CT (n)> CPT (U) the minimum possible number of Hamiltonian cycles that may occur in a Hamiltonian 2A-graph, 3-connected triangulated graph and planar triangulation on n vertices, respectively.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1994
We prove the result stated in the title (conjectured by Grünbaum), and a conjecture of Plummer that every graph which can be obtained from a 4-connected planar graph by deleting two vertices is Hamiltonian. The proofs are constructive and give rise to polynomial-time algorithms.
A graph G is said to be 4-ordered if for any ordered set of four distinct vertices of $G$, there exists a cycle in $G$ that contains all of the four vertices in the designated order. Furthermore, if we can find such a cycle as a Hamiltonian cycle, $G$ is said to be 4-ordered Hamiltonian. It was shown that every 4-connected planar triangulation is (i) Hamiltonian (by Whitney) and (ii) 4-ordered (by Goddard). Therefore, it is natural to ask whether every 4-connected planar triangulation is 4-ordered Hamiltonian. In this paper, we give a partial solution to the problem, by showing that every 5-connected planar triangulation is 4-ordered Hamiltonian.
In this paper we have given a new three colorability criteria for planar graphs that can be considered as an generalization of the Heawood and the Grotszch theorems with respect to the triangulation and cycles of length greater than ≥ 4. We have shown that an triangulated planar graph with k disjoint holes is 3-colorable if and only if every hole satises the parity symmetric property, where a hole is a cycle (face boundary) of length greater than 3 or an induced outerplanar subgraph.
Journal of Graph Theory, 2008
The prism over a graph G is the Cartesian product G K 2 of G with the complete graph K 2 . If the prism over G is hamiltonian, we say that G is prism-hamiltonian. We prove that triangulations of the plane, projective plane, torus, and Klein bottle are prism-hamiltonian. We additionally show that every 4-connected triangulation of a surface with sufficiently large representativity is prism-hamiltonian, and that every 3-connected planar bipartite graph is prism-hamiltonian.
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2018
We classify all finite groups with planar cyclic graphs. Also, we compute the genus and crosscap number of some families of groups (by knowing that of the cyclic graph of particular proper subgroups in some cases). 1. Introduction. Let G be a group. For each x ∈ G, the cyclizer of x is defined as Cyc G (x) = {y ∈ G | ⟨x, y⟩ is cyclic}. In addition, the cyclizer of G is defined by Cyc(G) = ∩ x∈G Cyc G (x). Cyclizers were introduced by Patrick and Wepsic in [15] and studied in [1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 15]. It is known that Cyc(G) is always cyclic and that Cyc(G) ⊆ Z(G). In particular, Cyc(G) G. The cyclic graph (respectively, weak cyclic graph) of a group G is the simple graph with vertex-set G\Cyc(G) (respectively, G\{1}) such that two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if ⟨x, y⟩ is cyclic. The cyclic graph and weak cyclic graph of G are denoted by Γ c (G) and Γ w c (G), respectively. From the explanation above, Γ c (G) (respectively, Γ w c (G)) is the null graph if G is cyclic (respectively, trivial). Thus, we will assume that G is non-cyclic (respectively, nontrivial) when working with Γ c (G) (respectively, Γ w c (G)). A graph is planar if it can be drawn in the plane in such a way that its edges intersect only at the end vertices. Recall that a subdivision of an edge {u, v} in a graph Γ is the replacement of the edge {u, v} in Γ with two new edges {u, w} and {w, v} in which w is a new vertex.
Discrete Mathematics, 2006
Let U be the set of cubic planar hamiltonian graphs, A the set of graphs G in U such that G − v is hamiltonian for any vertex v of G, B the set of graphs G in U such that G − e is hamiltonian for any edge e of G, and C the set of graphs G in U such that there is a hamiltonian path between any two different vertices of G. With the inclusion and/or exclusion of the sets A, B, and C, U is divided into eight subsets. In this paper, we prove that there is an infinite number of graphs in each of the eight subsets.
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