Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
Wydział Teologiczny
The author presents the main elements of the bp Adam Lepa’s theory of logosphere: logosphere as the environment of words, the dominance of images in audiovisual culture, function of logosphere in media education. He also presents his own... more
Messages of Benedict XVI's for World Days for Social Communications appointed a new area of theology media, which can be described as a theology of social network. Article is an attemp of describing the most important research problems... more
The article is a trial of theological interpretation of cyberspace. It proves an
impossibility to reconcile sacramental reality of Church with an idea of bulding virtual cyberworld.
impossibility to reconcile sacramental reality of Church with an idea of bulding virtual cyberworld.
The article is a critical analysis of media education curriculum contained in the new curriculum of generał education. It also presents the social postulates toward the creation of a separate school subject.
Article about the technological and cultural changes associated with the introduction of digital broadcasting technologies in Europe and Poland. The number of subscribers of digital television grows, but we see also the qualitative... more
In the modern doctrine of the Church about the media we find many indications referring to the obligations concerning education and the use of media for families and schools. However, we can also point to other institutions responsible... more
In the Internet we can find many informations how commit a suicide, we can read about form of suicide. There are more and more cases of Internet suicides, comitted online, live. According to a report prepared by The British Medical... more
Report from qualitative research about cyberspace and physical condition of children and youth.
Report from qualitative research about active methods of learning of media education in academic practice.
Handbook of media education for middle and high schools with the methodological description.
Qualitative research of Media Olympiad (Media Contest) participants in Poland.
The article is an analysis of major social initiatives in media education in Poland in the years 2008 - 2011 and an presentation the main problems with its promotion. The important innovation and inspiration are the new recommendations... more
This article is an attempt to conceptualize social networking theology as a new perspective for the development of the theology of the mass media. The author analyzes the modern documents of the Church about the media - Messages for World... more
Problem uzależnień od korzystania ze środków społecznego przekazu został już dosyć dobrze przedstawiony na gruncie psychologii i pedagogiki mediów1. Dotyczy przede wszystkim nadmiernego korzystania z mediów audiowizualnych i cyfrowych,... more
Markowa Ewangelia program publicznej działalności Jezusa ujmuje w Mk 1,15 1. To wezwanie do przemiany Ŝycia i wiary w ewangelię, motywowane bliskością Królowania Boga i pełnią stosownego czasu, zajmuje szczególną rolę w Markowej wizji... more
Księga Hioba w Septuagincie cechuje się znaczną swobodą w podejściu do tekstu hebrajskiego 1. Trudno tu mówić o przekładzie 2 , co doprowadziło uczonych do wniosku, iŜ tekst ten był przeznaczony nie do uŜytku synagogalnego, ale dla... more
This way to understand biblical inspiration is possible point of departure for the methodological research, but it is the task of scholars.