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It is a time of economic restructuring in the world's car industry and the implication for individual nations and regions is profound. In the rapidly expanding markets of Brazil, India and China, there is expansion of capacity with new... more
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We report on the growth and functional characterization of epitaxial thin films of the multiferroic YMnO 3 . We show that using Pt as a seed layer on SrTiO 3 (111) substrates, epitaxial YMnO 3 films (0001) textured are obtained. An atomic... more
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      EngineeringThin FilmPhysical sciencesExchange Bias
In recent years, there has been a trend towards the negotiation of closer contractual relationships between employers and employment agencies. However, little is known about this change or its likely consequences. In theory, such... more
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      SociologyBritishApplied EconomicsMixed Effects Models
In recent years there have been a number of high-profile plant closures in the UK. . In several cases, the policy response has included setting up a task force to deal with the impacts of the closure. It can be hypothesised a that task... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAutomotive EngineeringInterdisciplinary Engineering
This paper provides a critical macro-level evaluation of the influential Sapir report, through the lens of examining the Irish experience. Our assessment of the performance of the Irish economy depicts a picture of catch-up and... more
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    • Applied Economics
The worldwide expansion in the use of private firms to deliver public services and infrastructure has promoted a substantial literature on public sector contract and relationship management. This literature is currently dominated by the... more
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      Social ChangePublic AdministrationPolitical ScienceQuality of Mental Health Care
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The transverse Meissner effect (TME) in the highly layered superconductor $Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+y}$ with columnar defects is investigated by transport measurements. We present detailed evidence for the persistence of the Bose glass phase... more
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      Neural NetworkMagnetic fieldPhysical sciencesSuperconductors
Using micro-bridge technique, we have studied the vortex dynamics in a very low temperature region (i.e. T/Tc -> 0) of the B-T phase diagram of Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_{8+\delta} single crystal. We distinguish two types of vortex dynamics... more
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      Vortex dynamicsMagnetic fieldPower LawSingle Crystal
Civil society, the international community and a broad part of academia have identified ways in which the media makes a considerable contribution to discrimination via the production and reproduction of demeaning stereotypical depictions.... more
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Civil society, the international community and a broad part of academia have identified ways in which the media makes a considerable contribution to discrimination via the production and reproduction of demeaning stereotypical depictions.... more
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Sumario: I. Introducción. II. Igualdad formal e igualdad sustancial. III. Dignidad. IV. Desventaja. V. Conclusiones. VI. Bibliografía. VII. Casos consultados.
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PÉREZ PORTILLA SUMARIO: I. Intro duc ción. II. Igual dad for mal. III. Igual dad sus tan cial. IV. Con clu sio nes. V. Bi blio gra fía.
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It is pre fe ra ble on the who le for po wer to re main con ve niently in vi si ble, dis se mi na ted throug hout the tex tu re of so cial li fe and thus "na tu ra li zed" as cus tom, ha bit, spon ta neous prac tice. Once po wer na kedly... more
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Civil society, the international community and a broad part of academia have identified ways in which the media makes a considerable contribution to discrimination via the production and reproduction of demeaning stereotypical depictions.... more
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Si bien la libertad de expresión es de todos en abstracto, la verdad es que sólo algunos pueden hacer uso efectivo de ella, y esto no es solamente por medios económicos y materiales como los de los medios masivos de comunicación sino... more
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      HomophobiaRacismo y discriminaciónLibertad de ExpresiónEstereotipos
Civil society, the international community and a broad part of academia have identified ways in which the media makes a considerable contribution to discrimination via the production and reproduction of demeaning stereotypical depictions.... more
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      Media StudiesPopular CultureStereotypes and PrejudiceDiscrimination