Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Comparative Literature
This translation of Tomaso Garzoni's Renaissance "best-seller" provides a rich and revealing window on sixteenth-century views of madness and foolishness, and social deviance. Garzoni's encyclopedic work is perhaps the most important... more
The essay focuses on the trial of Paolo Barbieri for the murder of his wife Isabella Caccianemici in Bologna in 1588. Doctors diagnosed the murderer as affected by melancholic humors which apparently made him kill in a fit of madness.... more
My study analyzes the most common types of illnesses of the head in treatises of medicina practica and in collections of consilia written by leading Bolognese physicians in the second half of the sixteenth century. In this study I offer a... more
In this essay I analyze the development of the genre of the consilium at the end of the sixteenth century based on recent scholarship regarding the genres of early modern medical consilia and observationes. It is my conviction that for... more
This is the introduction to the book _Emblems of Death in the Early Modern Period_ that Peter Daly and I co-edited and that came out with Droz in October 2014. This document gives you an idea of the main theme of the book, the... more
In recent years the connection between legal structures, methodologies and actors on the one hand and emotions on the other has gained momentum as disciplinary area linked to the study of the history of emotions, which has produced in the... more
The founders and organizers of Teachers on Teaching, a CUNY-based community supporting world language instruction grades 7-16 and beyond, and the Romance Languages Department at Hunter College are thrilled to invite you to the conference... more
The first goal of this essay is to show that the teaching of literary works is instrumental in classes designed to improve students’ reading and writing skills in Italian. The second goal is to demonstrate that using literary texts paired... more
Rf,c:[-.\si()\i to rethink Dc Sica along a varÌL'l\-of lines: the relation between the filmmaker and Za\attiiii; the signifvinu; practices of De Sica's films before, during, and after neorealism; De Sica and the Americanization of Italian... more