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How to feed lightmap in GPU instanced meshes in Unity?

Unity's documentation state that GPU Instancing supports baked lighting: Since Unity 2018.1, Global Illumination (GI) rendering is supported by GPU Instancing in the form of light probes, occlusion ...
bryx19's user avatar
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How can I create a Spotlight in a Vertex Shader?

mueoc mueoc's user avatar
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Can somebody please explain why my illumination is inconsistent?

100% not a graphics guy here. Problem Demonstration. Randomly discovered this when showing the project to a friend after not touching it for over a month (been working on other stuffs). First I ...
memorylick's user avatar
3 votes
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Smooth self shadow on dense foliage

I don't know how to achieve or research smooth lighting on foliage, like in this screenshot of theHunter: Call of the Wild. The grass is translucent, but blocks light smoothly when it's tall and ...
Cebbi's user avatar
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Why do asymmetric specular highlights appear in a scene with only ambient lighting in Unity?

I have a scene in Unity (2019.3.0f3 Personal) using the High-Definition Render Pipeline. There are no lights in the scene, and Baked Global Illumination is disabled. The skybox is a ...
AlphaModder's user avatar
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Strange realtime shadows in Unity3D

I'm trying to do realtime lighting, and my shadows are acting very strange. When I project a spotlight out from the camera (like a flashlight in a first person game) my shadows show up as 3D skews of ...
the8thbit's user avatar
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Omnidirectional Faded Soft Shadows

I'm doing research to implement a shadow algorithm for omnidirectional soft shadows in a real-time 3D renderer. I've read about PCF but to me it doesn't look very realistic since it doesn't "fade" ...
Daniel Marques's user avatar
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How to mitigate this strange pattern shown in Phong lighting?

I am creating an entire lighting scene in OpenGL. The entire scene consist of only one point light. I noticed some strange z-fighting like pattern. This flickers when I move the camera. Can anyone ...
Lywx's user avatar
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BRDF Incorrect specular highlights

I'm currently attempting to implement BRDF lighting, and am hitting a bit of a snag with my specular term - the specular highlights aren't rendering correctly. To make things simple, I'm using a ...
Yattabyte's user avatar
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Physically based shading - ambient/indirect lighting

I implemented a physically based path tracer after studying PBRT by M. Pharr and G. Humphreys. Now I'm trying to apply physically based rendering to real time graphics using OpenGL. I want to start ...
Fabrizio Duroni's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Java 2D Lighting

Edit- ive noticed that the issue is caused when drawing to a bufferedimage I've been struggling to create 2D lighting in my 2D sandbox game. I've been reading through multiple threads and have tried ...
J4S's user avatar
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PBR How to correcly use standard lighting and IBL

I'm creating a physically based renderer but I am a bit confused on how to put together standard lighting with IBL, since like I'm doing now I think it's wrong. Right now, for each light, I evaluate ...
zeb's user avatar
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11 votes
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How can I implement lights & shadows in a multi-layer 2d tilemap?

I am in the process of writing an isometric game from scratch, and I'd like to know how/if I can add lights and shadows. The code I have so far can be found here, but it should be enough to know that ...
Danie Clawson's user avatar
9 votes
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What is a lobe, in reference to lighting and graphics

I sometimes see references to lobes when talking about lighting, especially with specular lighting, but also with spherical harmonics which doesn't do specular. Can anyone explain what exactly a lobe ...
Alan Wolfe's user avatar
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Phong shading blows out things close to white [OpenGL]; is there a way around this?

I'm doing per-pixel lighting using the Phong shading model. In pseudo code this looks like: ...
NeomerArcana's user avatar
3 votes
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What causes this graphics quality difference between WebGL Build and Unity 5 Editor?

The Editor version and WebGL version of my Minesweeper clone have some graphics quality differences. I chose 'Fast' option when building this deployment. Is this the difference between 'Fast' and '...
Varaquilex's user avatar
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Normal Mapping issue

The first image shows a spotlight shining correctly on the floor. The second image shows the same spotlight but rotated 180 degrees. The first is correct, the second is not. The third image shows ...
Nick's user avatar
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Specular light flickering with high specular power

I'm having some issues with specular lights, to be more specific, the specular color seems to be flickering when I set high power, like 512 (I set the specular color to green, so you can see better): ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Surface shader with VertexLit causes black object

I wrote the simplest possible surface shader: ...
Netherwire's user avatar
6 votes
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Reducing Spherical Harmonic Ringing

I've generated some 2nd order SH light-probes from cube-maps in my scene and I was surprised how strong artifacts are around the back of the dominant lights. I switched to a Lambert source plus ...
gbpaul's user avatar
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Are ambient, diffuse and specular light or material properties?

Are ambient, diffuse and specular properties of light or material? I am doing ray casting in OpenGL, I've managed to create lit sphere using formula I = L Ka + L Kd (n . l) + L Ks (r . v)^n but I ...
Riko's user avatar
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Compute Shader Memory Sharing

Ok guys I have had some pretty good success on this site but I feel that this is a pretty complex question. I am trying to do tile based deferred lighting using DirectX 11 and the compute shader. ...
Mike Sawayda's user avatar
4 votes
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2D Software Lighting Issues in Java

I'm creating a 2D top-down tiled game in pure Java and by now I'm trying to implement a way to do lighting. First, some details on how I render: there is a screen class which handles all the ...
Thiago's user avatar
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How do I make light objects in XNA?

Here's my dilemma : I want to have light sources placeable by the player, in terms of lanterns. I know the best way to do this is to use pixel shaders, which I have done a lot of research and use on,...
Ross's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How do I fix this weird lighting problem?

I'm making a small game in Unity, and some models are displaying very ugly shading. The shading usually looks funky along the edges between triangles. I'm pretty new to working in 3D; I bet this is ...
Gregory Avery-Weir's user avatar