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Character rotation jitters when looking around

I want my character to walk around sphere like a planet, so in my script I rotate it according to the normal of a raycast and I also rotate my character on the Y axis when I look around with the mouse....
Samuel Fyckes's user avatar
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Rotating a cube with arrow keys

I have a list of rotations (on a cube in 3d space with the y-Axis pointing upwards, x-Axis pointing righthand and z-Axis pointing towards you) for example +90 deg around x-Axis followed by +90 deg ...
Jan's user avatar
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Unwanted rotations with transform.RotateAround

I didn't tough i would have issues with this, but unfortunatly I did. I have a Character (which is more a pile of cube) with a body, a empty GameObject for each leg attached to the body with a join ...
Samuel Fyckes's user avatar
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Convert 3D direction vectors to yaw/pitch/roll angles

I have the code below that takes a set of yaw, pitch, and roll rotation angles (in degrees), and populates forward, right, and up basis vectors to express this rotated orientation as a Cartesian ...
DOLBOEB's user avatar
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How is a gimbal connected with Euler rotation angles?

When I see any video that explains how gimbal lock occurs, they explain it using a gimbal machine and I totally understand the effect on that machine. What I don't understand is how Euler angles are ...
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