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Questions tagged [chess]

Chess is a classic, two-player board game; this tag should be used for questions dealing with chess AI, data structures and algorithms.

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1 vote
2 answers

Why is my negamax algorithm returning negative infinity scores?

I'm currently in the process of writing my own chess engine in java and am having a little trouble with negamax. I've opted for negamax since its easier on the eyes and reduces the number of lines of ...
AF_'s user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
1 answer

C++ Chess Game Program sending/receiving UCI commands from Stockfish.exe using CreateProcess()?

I_Keep_Trying's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I implement a countdown timer for a multiplayer chess game?

There's a lot of multiplayer games out there that uses countdown timers to set a time limit in their game sessions, but how is it actually implemented? For example, in a chess multiplayer game based ...
Yago Biermann's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

In a chess simulator, how to efficiently determine checkmate?

I'm working on a small C++ chess simulator game for the first time, and I have a bit of a programming dilemma. I have searched for similar questions on this site and StackOverflow, but can't find a ...
Sciborg's user avatar
  • 604
0 votes
1 answer

Get on what tile has mouse clicked

I am writing a chess game using Java and Swing, And I wanted to get the tile position on which a mouse clicked. I searched through internet, but all of them were really off, and never accurate. When I ...
anonymous's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Get tile position on what a mouse clicked [duplicate]

I am writing a chess game using Java and Swing, And I wanted to get the tile position on which a mouse clicked. I searched through internet, but all of them were really off, and never accurate. When I ...
anonymous's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to get the address of a nearby square on a chess board?

I'm making a chess game from scratch and I got stuck. So far I have all my figures placed, I have the positions set, I've already done the collision detection and everything. When I click the figure ...
Chrissisbeast's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

detecting if a chess move is valid for a given pawn , preferably using Linear algebra

I'm making a chess game, where you simply drag and drop a pawn on the board with respect to each player's turn. when it comes to dropping a pawn we need to validate weather the move is allowed. for ...
Raed Tabani's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

developing a uci compatible chess engine

I have understanding of how chess engines work in theory. I know the algorithms like minimax and alpha beta pruning. I want to develop a UCI compatible chess engine.I know that UCI protocols are these:...
lazy_maybe's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What are patterns and how to use them? (Othello/Chess...)

I'm currently trying to make a Othello-playing program. My biggest concern at the moment is the evaluation function of game positions. Currently my evaluation function is quite primitive...move ...
Felix Crazzolara's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I use GPL software like Stockfish Chess Engine in my Unity game?

I am working on a 3D Chess game and I want to implement an A.I bot to play with the player. I found a chess engine called Stockfish which serves this purpose, and I would like to implement that engine ...
Taneda's user avatar
  • 29
1 vote
2 answers

Chess engine stock fish process for mobile

I am making the chess interface I designed for a game. I am using the process to get answers from a stock fish binary: ...
Ahmad Iftikhar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Procedural Turn Based Puzzle Generation?

Alright, we have a large set of possible moves (what the player is allowed to do). We also have a well defined state of success that defines the desired goal. We want to generate a configuration where ...
AturSams's user avatar
  • 10.5k
8 votes
2 answers

NegaScout with Zobrist Transposition Tables in Chess

I'm trying to put Transposition tables into my alpha beta scout. I do see an incremental speed boost I think toward mid or late game, however, even with a table size of 1-2GB, its may or may not be ...
missCache's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Human vs human android chess game design [closed]

First of all I am total amateur in game development and sorry for my poor English. I want to make android human vs human chess game. So I am wondering how to design it? scenario 1: User connect to ...
Plejo's user avatar
  • 11
4 votes
2 answers

Can I use an AI engine written in C++ in my Unity game? If yes, how can I do this?

I am studying some chess and others AI algorithms and the majority of these implementations are made in C and C++, my question is, if I make a chess board and all the graphic thing in Unity, can I ...
Mauk's user avatar
  • 43
20 votes
6 answers

Elegant solution for coloring chess tiles

I am re-developing a chess game I wrote in Java, and was wondering if there is an elegant algorithm to color chess tiles on a numbered chess board. Right now my solution uses if else statements to ...
Amir Afghani's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Any faster method?

Manhattan distance is used to the center in chess code that uses an 0x88 board . 0x88 board is 128 square. ...
rajeshverma423's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

This code is of chess game. What is represented by 'DISTANCE' in code? [closed]

rajeshverma423's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Which algorithm used in Advance Wars type turn based games

Has anyone tried to develop, or know of an algorithm such as used in a typical turn based game like Advance Wars, where the number of objects and the number of moves per object may be too large to ...
Jan de Lange's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

The best algorithm enhancing alpha-beta?

I'm studying AI. My teacher gave us source code of a chess-like game and asked us to enhance it. My exercise is to improve the alpha/beta algorithm implementing in that game. The programmer already ...
Risa's user avatar
  • 117
16 votes
2 answers

AI: Learning vs. Strategizing

I have a theory on AI that I would like to write a "whitepaper" about. The distinction I want to explore in AI is learning vs. strategizing. My question is, where can I read other material about this ...
ashes999's user avatar
  • 11.3k
3 votes
1 answer

Chess engine on which to apply a custom-made OpenGL skin [closed]

Is there any open source chess engine that I can use to practice my OpenGL skill-set? I think it would be a neat exercise.
andandandand's user avatar