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1 answer

How to view the build log of a Unity APK build on Mac from the file Editor.log?

I am running Unity 2022 (LTS) on Mac. A few days ago, I was able see the APK build log inside the file Editor.log. But, today, after building a new APK successfully, I open the file Editor.log. This ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
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1 answer

RenderTexture doesn’t work in build

A Gameobject sprite, a Texture2D which is written into using "Texture2D.ReadPixels" works/is visible in the Editor/Play Mode but is not/is invisible when built. The Texture2D is written to ...
Konxovar's user avatar
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Inconsistent android build size

I have build a simple 2D game with unity. When build for android, the build size is around 32 MB. However when I install and run the app, we're looking about double the size. (App - 60.22 MB, Data - ...
CheckerT's user avatar
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Error while compiling Godot for ARM64 from source

I tried to compile Godot from source. But it is throwing an error. I followed this tutorial:
Nabir14's user avatar
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Terrain and SpeedTree objects render correctly in Editor, but not in Build in both Legacy and URP

The game runs and shows perfectly in Editor, but when I make a build, terrain and some other objects become invisible. This happens the same in both Legacy (Standard) and URP. I tried to create shader ...
Faizan Khan's user avatar
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Building a game in Unity with Python OpenCV and MediaPipe

In Python, I have OpenCV and MediaPipe for the hand tracking controls for the Unity, and I want to build the game without opening the PyCharm to read the hand. Is there any way to build the project ...
Hans Balea's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the "Built-in Texture2D"? How to reduce its size or remove it?

I am building an APK in Unity. The build log says this: ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to fix Gradle errors about API level, androd.enableR8, and resource linking failed?

I encountered several errors when building on Unity 2021 for Android Platform. They're all part of the same "error group" so I'll list all of them down here since they're all part of a ...
CraftedGaming's user avatar
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2 answers

Unity does not show me the problematic files when it shows me the build error "Error building Player because scripts had compiler errors"

I am trying to build an APK in Unity 2019.4.39. Unity says that the build failed, but it does not tell me the files that caused the failed build. Can anyone please tell me how to figure out which ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Deactivate a list of gameobjects before building

I want to deactivate a list of game objects in about 10 different scenes each time before the build process. I don't want them to be deactivated in the editor since these game objects are significant ...
OneManOnMars's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Show colliders in a build game in Unity

Is there a way to show all colliders 2D in a a released game at once? I am making a 2D game in Unity and have to show all colliders to the player. Can I use Gizmos?
Ayur Games's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Google's Play Asset Delivery Build aab File in Unity too large

I want to upload an aab file from my unity project to my play console account, but unfortunately, my file was rejected because it's size is larger than the 150MB threshold limit for aab on google play ...
Gozmetaiemax's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to convert built Unity game back into a project?

I accidentally deleted my game. I had been working on it for about 2 months and I accidentally deleted it while cleaning up my files. I am so smh. I have a ton of builds of the game though and since ...
Object's user avatar
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1 answer

Weird colour effects in Unity build

I have a project where I am getting a very weird thing in the build. Normally, the scene is working fine but some of the objects are showing like this. For example, the tracks or some of the trees.
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar