So now for what happened on Thursday...
I went into my very tiny (but very awesome) LQS to buy a binding for the little applique runner I just posted and there was an older man in the back talking to the owner.
Turns out he's "Jim the Moda Rep."
He was really friendly and as I was talking to him I saw fabric sample packs in a suitcase by him and asked if it was Ruby.
It was.
Then I said, "I'll bet you have some Terrain in there..."
He said he did and asked how I knew about the coming lines.
I told him I was an addict.
He smiled and said,"Just wait right here. I'm going to get something for you."
He came back with THIS!

Made my day.
And that's hard to do when you had oral surgery the day before and you are dragging two small kiddos to the quilt shop.
I LOVE orange.
And Kate Spain makes it even more beautiful with the other perfect shades - especially this particularly cool blue and purple mix that I can't even find a name for... maybe I need to work on my color vocabulary.
All yummy.