Showing posts with label Patriotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patriotic. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Upcycle Flannel Shirt with Favorite Old T-shirt

Hello, my friend !

Have you ever had an old T-shirt 

that you really loved but it was pretty tattered ?

Maybe it had stains or lost it's shape
maybe a child has out grown a shirt

but still loves the graphic design.

I used an out grown T-shirt-

                                                                          and a flannel shirt-

Together to make a new shirt !

I cut out the T-shirt design.

Trimmed it down to size to fit

 the back of the flannel shirt.

I used a scrap of fusible (iron on)

interfacing between the shirts.

Cut interfacing an inch or so small than

the T-shirt if you want a ragged edge later.

Interfacing is used to stabilize the thin knit shirt.

I centered the design on the back of the flannel shirt

and ironed in place.

I used my sewing machine to stitch around the design.

Then I used sharp scissors to cut 1/4'' apart fringe.

Be careful not to cut the stitching or the flannel shirt.

Put it in the wash and then the dryer-

Love the look-

Now I can still wear an old favorite.

In our family, usually the old favorites would become

hand-me-downs OR pajamas.

I thought I would try something different.

Today is a perfect Fall Morning

 to wear my new shirt !

Have a beautiful week!!!!

xo Lisa S

If you enjoy upcycling Flannels,
you might like these-

here and here and another here

Friday, June 21, 2024


Hello my friends,

Summer is here!

Here in the U.S.A. out comes the RED, WHITE and BLUE.

I wanted to add some new pieces to my decorations

( not that I needed any !)

I thought I could make some faux fireworks. 

I went to my wood scraps and found some pieces

of dowel 1.5'' diameter and cut them to staggered heights.

(4.5'' for the shortest, 5.5'' for the next size, 6.5'' for the tallest )

Drilled hole, center top for wire or jute.

Painted with Apple Barrel 'Tuscan Red' Acrylic paint.

Tied together with jute and a piece of cloth.

I painted the last one red, then blue at the top.

Then hand painted the stars and white strips.

To finish I went over the edges with sandpaper

then some sealing wax.

I found these vintage labels online and played

around with sizing.

I cut my wood to 8 '' high by 2 '' wide, by  1'' thick.

I painted my wood blocks with Apple Barrel 

'English Navy' Blue

Acrylic paint.

I trimmed my labels to fit.

I painted a thin coat of Mod Podge on the front.

After this dried, I painted another thin coat on the top.

Some simple shelf sitters to add to your decor!

Have a safe and HAPPY 4TH of JULY !

XO Lisa S

If you like the Sparklers you may also like these

Retro Christmas Wood Blocks

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Happy 4TH of July !


                                                                          Hello friends,

                                                  Here's a few postcards, I'd like to share with you!

Enjoy the day!

xo Lisa S

More Postcards by Ellen Clapsaddle  


 and also HERE 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Patriotic Holiday Assemblage in Vintage Tin


Hi Friend!

I wanted to make a small addition to my

patriotic decorations and

I was inspired by 


I started with a vintage tin,

 I had in my collection.

Do you remember Sucrets ?

I liked the cherry !

An ALTOID Tin would work just fine!

I  found a Patriotic songbook.

Picked a song and

I used my printer to shrink it to size.

Made a pattern by tracing the outside of the tin.

I glued the song sheet to cardstock.

Then crinkled and folded and inked up the edges.

I had a lace applique that I glued on top of the song sheet.

Print 1 copy of pins and flag below

I used the flag above and a toothpick, but you may have

a cupcake flag

I used brown ink on the 'flagpole' and rolled and crinkled

the flag before gluing in place.

To make my 'vintage pins', 

I used white glue to adhere to pins.

Do not Mod Podge- The ink will smear!

If you don't have a pin, you could use a bottle cap or

another item to give it some dimension.

Even these cork pieces were the right size.

I helped an older friend down size

and move into an assisted living facility last summer.

I was surprised she and her family had no problem

getting rid of her possessions!

When it came to family photos, I had to ask if I could save them.

This adorable photo below was one I found.

It was my friends mother and her uncle.

Print and shrink to size

I used my printer to shrink my photo to wallet size.

I have some scissors that cut a 'vintage photo' edge.

For the background, 

I glued a scrap of navy homespun fabric

and some vintage lace

I glued the photo on the cloth.

The pins are pinned to another 

scrap of lace applique and glued 

under the photo.

I found a star button and glued it in place.

Lastly I added a scrap of garland at the bottom.

I wanted the tin to be able to close- 

so I kept checking.

I can close it up and

 put it away after the 4Th of July :)

I hope you are having a wonderful summer!

xo, Lisa S

Saturday, June 19, 2021

My Liberty Blue Dishes

Hello friends,

I admit I collect many different things!

This collection I inherited from my


She knew I admired them and wanted

to see me enjoy the set before she past.

She boxed up the dishes and brought

them to me!

I was thrilled and honored to receive them.

That was over 30 years ago!

We have used them as our 'Everyday dishes'

since that day.

Over the years we have enjoyed their beauty 

and the love they represent.

When my children where young,

they learned to be careful...

surprisingly no breaks.

I learned to enjoy what you have,

don't hide it away for another time!

Here's an ad from Ben Franklin 

Savings and Loan newsletter that I saved all these years.

Liberty Blue dinnerware 

was made for two years and coincided

with the American Bicentennial celebrations.  In the October,

1976, issue of the Benjamin Franklin S & L’s newsletter, an

article was written announcing the end of the promotion on

December 31st.

Sometime after 1976, the Liberty Blue dinnerware design was

released to be sold in national grocery stores on a limited time. 
For so many dollar purchases of groceries, you could buy a

different piece.  Each week there would be a different item to


As a kid, I remembered the display 

on the end cap at our grocery store. 

Can you believe these prices?

If you are interested in starting to collect or finishing out your collection-

Here's a list of items you may want to look for.

 I have listed the identifying pictures on each piece. 
  1. Tureen Base,  Answering First Call to Arms
  2. Soup Tureen Lid, Boston Tea Party
  3. Teapot, Minutemen Answering First Call to Arms
  4. Covered Vegetable Bowl, Boston Tea Party
  5. Covered Vegetable Lid, Lafayette Landing at West Point
  6. Pitcher, Old North Church
  7. Platter 12″, Governor’s House at Williamsburg
  8. Platter 14″, Washington Crossing the Delaware
  9. Platter 18″ and 20″, Declaration of Independence
  10. Vegetable Bowl, Round, Fraunces Tavern, Washington’s Farewell to Continental Army
  11. Vegetable Bowl, oval, Minutemen Answering First Call to Arms
  12. Gravy Boat, Lafayette Landing at West Point
  13. Gravy Boat Plate, Governor’s House at Williamsburg
  14. Salt / Pepper Shakers, Paul Revere’s Ride- Marked England only
  15. Covered Sugar Bowl, Betsy Ross, the Nation’s First Flag.
  16. Creamer, Paul Revere’s Ride
  17. Butter Dish, Lafayette Landing at West Point
  18. Coasters 4''- Independence Hall, Valley Forge, Old North Church, Fraunces’ Tavern
  19. Soup Ladle, Solid white- not marked
  20. Place Cards, American Eagle
  21. Dinner Plate 10″, Independence Hall
  22. Luncheon Plate 9″, Washington at Valley Forge
  23. Dessert Plate 7″, Washington Leaving Christ Church
  24. Bread/Butter Plate 6″, Monticello Thomas Jefferson’s Home
  25. Cereal Bowl, Mt Vernon, George Washington’s Home
  26. Soup Bowl, flat rim, Old North Church
  27. Fruit/Berry Bowl, Betsy Ross, Nations First Flag
  28. Teacup, Paul Revere- marked England only
  29. Saucer, Old North Church
  30. Coffee Mug, Monticello-  Marked England only

I love the way the blue transferware
 can be mixed and matched with other dish sets.
The dinner plate over another white plate-

I like the smaller eating area of these plates-

These are the different bowls-

The soup tureen is huge!

 I have to admit

this is the only piece I have not used!

Here's the salt and pepper shakers

A stack of teacups-

The Liberty Blue dishes  work well 
with my navy blue and red Fiesta Ware.

My husband made this nightlight for our kitchen!

He used a tile cutter and a rotary tool to cut a teacup
and some epoxy to attach to a store bought night light.

Let me know if you are a  Liberty Blue or other transferware collector!
Have a great week!
xo Lisa S

Covered Matchbox Gift

Hello ! Just for fun, I covered some small matchboxes. I picked up a set at the Dollar Tree. I used a small paper fastener to make a drawer ...