Can you believe this little guy is already 3 months? It's crazy how much he's grown!
Caffrey is still a little guy, but those cheeks have really started to fill out, and he's beginning to outgrow his 0-3 month clothes. We may make it another month in them, though. He still wears size 1 diapers easily, which is good because we still have a huge box that we just opened!
Nights are starting to get better, although I hesitate to say that in fear of jinxing myself. He has slept through the night for the past three nights! Which means he wakes up around 5 starving, but I can deal with that.
Caffrey really wants to be independent already. For example, he HAS to be sitting up and has even started trying to sit up in his car seat. Of course, he isn't quite big enough yet, but we have pulled out the bumbo seat to use some.
He also is "talking" a lot more. I love listening to his coos and seeing his sweet smile. If he's not sitting up, he wants to lay right beside me to and talk.
Right now we're pretty sure he's teething because the fingers are in his mouth all the time. Keagan was an early teether, so I'm not shocked. Just hoping it goes quickly like his older brother's.
Even with some teething problems, Caffrey is already proving to be a pretty chill, happy baby! I started taking him to the church nursery pretty early on, and today was the first time they had to pull me out of service because he kept fussing, which is rare for him. Turns out he was hungry for another bottle (even though he'd just eaten). I'm blessed to have such easy kids and praying it doesn't catch up with me later.
I had to go back to work Thursday and was sad to leave him. He's such a momma's boy already, and I love my snuggles with him. But I know he's in good hands while I'm away!
And I didn't actually make a 3 month post for Keagan, but here's a comparison picture anyway. (Also, my photography skills have definitely improved, along with having a much better camera.)