Grammaire Anglaise A1 Livret

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To be au présent

Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative

I am I’m I am not I’m not Am I late? Yes, I am/ No, I’m not
You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you late? Yes, you are/ No, you aren’t
He is He’s He is not He isn’t Is he late? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t
She is She’s She is not She isn’t Is she late? Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t
It is It’s It is not It isn’t Is it time? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t
We are We’re We are not We aren’t Are we late? Yes, we are/ No, we aren’t
You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you late? Yes, you are/ No, you aren’t
They are They’re They are not They aren’t Are they late? Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t


„„ Deux formes sont possibles à la forme affirmative et négative:

„„ La forme longue
„„ La forme courte (qui est plus utilisée à l’oral)

„„ Pour les réponses courtes, la forme longue est utilisée pour les réponses positives et la forme courte
pour les réponses négatives

„„ Ex : Is he Spanish ? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

Les adjectifs possessifs

I my mon My name’s Peter.

You your ton, ta What’s your name?
He his son, sa, ses What’s his name?
(possesseur masculin) (on demande le nom d’une personne de sexe masculin)
She her son, sa, ses What’s her name?
(possesseur féminin) (on demande le nom d’une personne de sexe féminin)
It its son, sa, ses Its name is Toby.
(pour un animal, une chose)
We our notre, nos Mark is our teacher.
You your Votre, vos What’s your name?
They their leur(s) What are their names?

Le cas possessif

Le possesseur est une personne

„„ Le bic de Tom = Tom’s pen

„„ La sœur de mon amie = My friend’s sister
„„ La voiture de Mrs Middelton = Mrs Middelton’s car
Attention, l’ordre des mots est inversé !

Exceptions :

„„ Quand le possesseur se termine par un s, la règle reste la même. L’apostrophe s se

prononcera /iz/.
Le chien de Thomas = Thomas’s dog
„„ Quand le possesseur est au pluriel, on ne rajoute qu’un apostrophe.
La maison de mes parents = My parents’ house
„„ Quand il y a deux possesseurs, l’apostrophe s ne se mettra qu’au dernier.
Le professeur de Tom et Tim = Tom and Tim’s teacher

Le possesseur est une chose ou un animal

„„ La clé de la porte = the key of the door

Dans ce cas-ci, l’ordre des mots est le même en français.
Le « de » se traduit par « of ».

Le pluriel

Régle générale : + s

Exemples :

 car cars
 banana bananas
 friend friends

Exceptions :

Les mots terminés par –o : + es

Exemples :

 potato potatoes
 tomato tomatoes

Les mots terminés par –y précédé d’une consonne (b,c,d,f,...) : + ies

Exemples :

 baby babies
 family families
 !!! key keys

Les mots terminés par –s, -x, -ch, ou –sh : + es

Exemples :

 bus buses
 box boxes
 sandwich sandwiches
 brush brushes
 class classes

Certains mots sont irréguliers.


 child children
 person people
 woman women
 man men

Numbers from 0 to 100

0 zero 36 thirty-six 72 seventy-two

1 one 37 thirty-seven 73 seventy-three
2 two 38 thirty-eight 74 seventy-four
3 three 39 thirty-nine 75 seventy-five
4 four 40 forty 76 seventy-six
5 five 41 forty-one 77 seventy-seven
6 six 42 forty-two 78 seventy-eight
7 seven 43 forty-three 79 seventy-nine
8 eight 44 forty-four 80 eighty
9 nine 45 forty-five 81 eighty-one
10 ten 46 forty-six 82 eighty-two
11 eleven 47 forty-seven 83 eighty-three
12 twelve 48 forty-eight 84 eighty-four
13 thirteen 49 forty-nine 85 eighty-five
14 fourteen 50 fifty 86 eighty-six
15 fifteen 51 fifty-one 87 eighty-seven
16 sixteen 52 fifty-two 88 eighty-eight
17 seventeen 53 fifty-three 89 eighty-nine
18 eighteen 54 fifty-four 90 ninety
19 nineteen 55 fifty-five 91 ninety-one
20 twenty 56 fifty-six 92 ninety-two
21 twenty-one 57 fifty-seven 93 ninety-three
22 twenty-two 58 fifty-eight 94 ninety-four
23 twenty-three 59 fifty-nine 95 ninety-five
24 twenty-four 60 sixty 96 ninety-six
25 twenty-five 61 sixty-one 97 ninety-seven
26 twenty-six 62 sixty-two 98 ninety-eight
27 twenty-seven 63 sixty-three 99 ninety-nine
28 twenty-eight 64 sixty-four 100 one hundred
29 twenty-nine 65 sixty-five
30 thirty 66 sixty-six
31 thirty-one 67 sixty-seven
32 thirty-two 68 sixty-eight
33 thirty-three 69 sixty-nine
34 thirty-four 70 seventy
35 thirty-five 71 seventy-one

Present Simple


I work I don’t work Do I work ?
You work You don’t work Do you work ?
He works He doesn’t work Does he work ?
She works She doesn’t work Does she work ?
It works It doesn’t work Does it work ?
We work We don’t work Do we work ?
You work You don’t work Do you work ?
They work They don’t work Do they work ?

Do you work ? Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
Does he work ? Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
Do they work ? Yes, they do.
No, they don’t.


To go He goes
To study (consonne + y) He studies
To finish He finishes
To watch He watches
To relax He relaxes
To kiss He kisses

What time is it ?
Quelle heure est-il ?


five to five past

ten to ten past

quarter to past quarter

to past

twenty twenty
to past

twenty-five twenty-five
to half past

On emploie le mot o’clock pour les heures pleines :

„„ It’s nine o’clock a.m. = Il est 9h00

„„ It’s nine o’clock p.m. = Il est 21h00

Les minutes après l’heure s’emploient avec past, les minutes avant l’heure s’emploient avec to.
Contrairement au français, les minutes précèdent les heures.

„„ It’s ten past nine = Il est 9h10 (=10 minutes après 9h00)
„„ It’s ten to nine = Il est 8h50 (=10 minutes avant 9h00)

On emploie le mot quarter pour indiquer les heures quart et moins quart :

„„ It’s quarter past nine = Il est 9h15

„„ It’s quarter to nine = Il est 8h45

Pour indiquer la demi-heure, on emploie l’expression half past :

„„ It’s half past nine = Il est 9h30

I – ME – MY –…

1 2 3
I my me
You your you
He his him
She her her
It its it
We our us
You your you
They their them

1 „ I live in a village. = J’habite dans un village.

He works in a school. He is a teacher. = Il travaille dans une école. Il est professeur.

The books are on the desk. They are next to my computer. = Les livres sont sur le bureau. Ils sont à
côté de mon ordinateur.


2 „ This is my house. = Ceci est ma maison.


Tom works in a bank. His wife (La question à se poser : Il s’agit de l’épouse de qui? De Tom. Donc
masculin) works in a bank too. = Tom travaille dans une banque. Son épouse travaille dans une
banque aussi.

ADJECTIFS POSSESSIFS (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses, …)

3 „ Can you phone me today? = Peux-tu me téléphoner aujourd’hui?


Jack is my colleague. I work with him. = Jack est mon collègue. Je travaille avec lui.

We work with Jack and John. We work with them. = Nous travaillons avec Jack et John. Nous travail-
lons avec eux.

PRONOMS COMPLEMENTS (Ils remplacent un élément dans la phrase mais ne sont pas sujets)

Les mots interrogatifs

What? Que, quel ? What’s this?

It’s my handbag.
What sports do you like?
Judo and football.
What time? A quelle heure? What time is your train?
At 10 o’clock.
Who? Qui? Who’s your teacher?
John Smith.
When? Quand? When is your test?
On Friday.
Why? Pourquoi? Why are you in London?
Because I like shopping.
Where? Où? Where is your school?
In the centre of London.
Where from? D’où? Where are you from?
I’m from France.
How? Comment? How are you today?
Fine, thanks.
How much? Combien? How much is it?
How many? Combien? (+pluriel) How many cars do you have?
I have 2.
How old? Quel âge? How old is she?
She’s 23.
How often? A quelle fréquence? How often do you go to the cinema?
Once a month.

Les adverbes de fréquence

Always : toujours
Usually : habituellement
Often : souvent
Sometimes : parfois
Rarely : rarement
Never : jamais

Phrases affirmatives

I always play tennis on Sunday morning.

The secretary usually speaks Spanish with the customers.

Dans des phrases affirmatives, l’adverbe de fréquence se place entre le sujet et le verbe.

He is often in the office.

She can sometimes take the train at 4 o’clock.

Dans des phrases affirmatives, l’adverbe de fréquence se place après l’auxiliaire (can, be).

Phrases négatives

I don’t always send emails.

He isn’t often at home.

Dans des phrases négatives, l’adverbe de fréquence se place après la négation.

Phrases interrogatives

Do you sometimes go to the theatre?

Are you usually in the office in the afternoon?

Dans des phrases interrogatives, l’adverbe de fréquence se place après le sujet.

Les prépositions de temps

winter Monday six o’clock
summer Tuesday weekends
autumn Monday morning night
spring Christmas
the morning
the afternoon
the evening
February, …

+ saison + jour + heure
+ moment de la journée + weekends
+ mois + night
+ Christmas

Il y a
(There is/are)

Phrases positives

„„ Il y a une télévision. = There is a TV.

„„ Il y a deux canapés. = There are two sofas.
There is + singulier
There are + pluriel

Phrases négatives

„„ Il n’y a pas de télévision. = There isn’t a TV.

„„ Il n’y a pas deux canapés. = There aren’t two sofas.
There isn’t + singulier
There aren’t + pluriel

Phrases interrogatives

„„ Y a-t-il une télévision ? = Is there a TV ?

„„ Y a-t-il deux canapés ? = Are there two sofas?
Is there + singulier?
Are there + pluriel?

Some and any
(de, du, des)

„„ There is a cup of coffee on the coffee table.

Il y a une tasse de café sur la table basse.
„„ There are some magazines on the coffee table.
Il y a des magazines sur la table basse.
„„ Are there any magazines on the coffee table? Yes,
there are.
Y a-t-il des magazines sur la table basse ? Oui.
„„ There aren’t any flowers on the coffee table.
Il n’y a pas de fleurs sur la table basse.

Règles :

„„ « Some » et « any » se traduisent par de, du, des.

„„ « Some » est utilisé dans des phrases affirmatives et « any » dans des phrases interro-
gatives et négatives.

Exceptions :

„„ « Some » peut s’utiliser dans

des questions
(demandes polies ou
propositions polies).

„„ Can I have some wine, please ? Yes, Sir!

(demande polie)
Puis-je avoir du vin, svp? Oui, Monsieur !

„„ Would you like some wine, Sir ? Yes, please!

Aimeriez-vous du vin, Monsieur?
Oui, volontiers !

„„ « Any » peut s’utiliser dans des

phrases affirmatives et se traduit
par « n’importe quel ».

„„ I like any wine : white wine, red wine and rosé.

J’aime n’importe quel vin : du vin blanc, du vin
rouge et du rosé.


Observez les exemples suivants !

„„ This box „„ That box „„ These boxes „„ Those boxes

Singulier Pluriel

This box These boxes

Cette boîte-ci Ces boîtes-ci

That box Those boxes

Cette boîte-là Ces boîtes-là

Have (got) = Avoir (possession)

Forme affirmative
I have (got)
You have (got)
He has (got)
She has (got)
It has (got)
We have (got)
You have (got)
They have (got)


 Attention, il existe une forme courte.  L’apostrophe s n’est pas la contraction de is.

 I have got = I’ve got  He’s (got) a blue car. = Il a (et non pas « Il
 He has got = He’s got est ») une voiture bleue.

Forme négative
« Have » « Have got »
I don’t have I haven’t got
You don’t have You haven’t got
He doesn’t have He hasn’t got
She doesn’t have She hasn’t got
It doesn’t have It hasn’t got
We don’t have We haven’t got
You don’t have You haven’t got
They don’t have They haven’t got

Forme interrogative
« Have » « Have got »
Do I have …? Yes, I do. Have I got…? Yes, I have.
Do you have …? No, I don’t. Have you got …? No, I haven’t.
Does he have …? Yes, he does. Has he got …? Yes, he has.
Does she have …? No, she doesn’t. Has she got …? No, she hasn’t.
Does it have …? Yes, it does. Has it got …? Yes, it has.
Do we have …? No, we don’t. Have we got …? No, we haven’t.
Do you have …? Yes, we do. Have you got …? Yes, we have.
Do they have …? No, they don’t. Have they got …? No, they haven’t.

Present Continuous


I am / I’m working I am not / I’m not working Am I working?
You are / You’re working You are not / You aren’t working Are you working?
He is / He’s working He is not / He isn’t working Is he working?
She is / She’s working She is not / She isn’t working Is she working?
It is / It’s working It is not / It isn’t working Is it working?
We are / We’re working We are not / We aren’t working Are we working?
You are / You’re working You are not / You aren’t working Are you working?
They are / They’re working They are not / They aren’t working Are they working?

Are you working? Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.
Is he working? Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t.
Are they working? Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.

To dance He is dancing. le e final tombe
To run He is running. les verbes courts se terminant par une voyelle plus une consonne
redoublent la consonne finale
To lie He is lying on the sofa le ie se change en y


Look ! He is working now. He often works in his office.

Action en train de se dérouler Habitude, généralité

I am going to the cinema next Friday.

Action programmée

Expressions : Expressions :
 Now  Every day, every morning, …
 At the moment  Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
 Look !
 Listen !
 Next week,... et Tonight,... (idée de futur)

I – ME – MY – MINE…

I my me mine
You your you yours
He his him his
She her her hers
It its it its
We our us ours
You your you yours
They their them theirs

4 „ Whose pen is it? It’s mine! = A qui est ce bic? C’est le mien !

We live in that house. That house is ours, not theirs. = Nous vivons dans cette maison-là. Cette mai-
son-là est la nôtre, pas la leur.

Whose umbrella is it? Is it David’s? Is it his? = A qui est ce parapluie ? Est-ce celui de David ? Est-ce le
sien ? (à lui)

PRONOMS POSSESSIFS (le mien, le sien, le tien, les leurs, le vôtre, …)

Pouvoir (capacité)


I can swim I can’t swim Can I swim ?
You can swim You can’t swim Can you swim ?
He can swim He can’t swim Can he swim ?
She can swim She can’t swim Can she swim ?
It can swim It can’t swim Can it swim ?
We can swim We can’t swim Can we swim ?
You can swim You can’t swim Can you swim ?
They can swim They can’t swim Can they swim ?

Can you swim ? Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
Can he swim ? Yes, he can.
No, he can’t.
Can they work ? Yes, they can.
No, they can’t.


„„ Can se dit Could au passé et Can’t se dit Couldn’t.


„„ Could you swim when you were five? No, I couldn’t but I could run very fast.

Le verbe TO BE au passé

I was J’étais
You were Tu étais
He was Il était
She was Elle était
It was C’était
We were Nous étions
You were Vous étiez
They were Ils / elles étaient

I was not / I wasn’t Je n’étais pas
You were not / You weren’t Tu n’étais pas
He was not / He wasn’t Il n’était pas
She was not / She wasn’t Elle n’était pas
It was not / It wasn’t Ce n’était pas
We were not / We weren’t Nous n’étions pas
You were not / You weren’t Vous n’étiez pas
They were not / They weren’t Ils / elles n’étaient pas

Was I ? Etais-je ?
Were you ? Etais-tu ?
Was he ? Etait-il ?
Was she ? Etait-elle ?
Was it ? Etait-ce ?
Were we ? Etions-nous ?
Were you ? Etiez-vous ?
Were they ? Etaient-ils / elles ?

Past Simple

Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative

I worked I didn’t work Did I work ?
You worked You didn’t work Did you work ?
He worked He didn’t work Did he work ?
She worked She didn’t work Did she work ?
It worked It didn’t work Did it work ?
We worked We didn’t work Did we work ?
You worked You didn’t work Did you work ?
They worked They didn’t work Did they work ?

+ED DIDN’T + verbe DID + sujet + verbe ?

Réponses courtes
Did you work ? Yes, I did
No, I didn’t.
Did he work ? Yes, he did.
No, he didn’t.
Did they work ? Yes, they did.
No, they didn’t.

Exceptions à la forme affirmative

To dance I danced
Comme le verbe se termine par -e, on ne rajoute que -d.
To study (consonne + y) He studied
Le –y se transforme en -ied quand il est précédé d’une consonne.
To stop They stopped
On double la consonne finale quand le son est bref et qu’il n’y a qu’une syllabe.
To go We went
(voir liste des verbes irréguliers)
To be Rappel :
I was/You were / He was / She was / It was / We were / You were / They were

Utilisation : On utilise le Past Simple pour des actions totalement terminées.

Expressions utilisées : last week, in 1999, two days ago, yesterday, when I was a child, …

Irregular verbs

Infinitif Forme au passé Participe passé Traduction

to be was - were been être
to become became become devenir
to begin began begun commencer
to break broke broken casser
to bring brought brought apporter
to build built built construire
to burn burnt burnt brûler
to buy bought bought acheter
to catch caught caught attraper
to choose chose chosen choisir
to come came come venir
to cost cost cost coûter
to cut cut cut couper
to do did done faire
to draw drew drawn dessiner
to drink drank drunk boire
to drive drove driven conduire
to eat ate eaten manger
to fall fell fallen tomber
to feel felt felt sentir
to fight fought fought se battre
to find found found trouver
to fly flew flown voler (oiseau, avion)
to forget forgot forgotten oublier
to forgive forgave forgiven pardonner
to get got got obtenir, recevoir
to give gave given donner
to go went gone aller
to grow grew grown pousser, cultiver

Irregular verbs

Infinitif Forme au passé Participe passé Traduction

to have had had avoir
to hear heard heard entendre
to hit hit hit frapper
to hurt hurt hurt faire mal, blesser
to keep kept kept garder
to know knew known savoir, connaître
to learn learnt learnt apprendre
to leave left left quitter, laisser
to lend lent lent prêter
to lose lost lost perdre
to make made made faire, fabriquer
to meet met met rencontrer
to pay paid paid payer
to put put put mettre
to read read read lire
to ride rode ridden monter (animal, vélo)
to ring rang rung sonner
to run ran run courir
to say said said dire
to see saw seen voir
to sell sold sold vendre
to send sent sent envoyer
to shut shut shut fermer
to sing sang sung chanter
to sit sat sat être assis
to sleep slept slept dormir
to speak spoke spoken parler
to spend spent spent dépenser, passer (vacances)
to stand stood stood être debout
to steal stole stolen voler (voleur)
to swim swam swum nager

Irregular verbs

Infinitif Forme au passé Participe passé Traduction

to take took taken prendre
to tell told told dire, raconter
to think thought thought penser
to understand understood understood comprendre
to wake up woke up woken up se réveiller
to wear wore worn porter (vêtements)
to win won won gagner
to write wrote written écrire

Remarques :

La forme au passé est la même à toutes les personnes.

„„ Ex : (to go)
I went to the supermarket yesterday.
You went…
He/she/it went …
We went …
You went …
They went …

La troisième colonne est la forme au participe passé. Nous n’en aurons pas besoin tout de suite mais il faut tout
de même la mémoriser.

Les nombres ordinaux
La date

1st the first 13th the thirteenth 25th the twenty-fifth

2nd the second 14th the fourteenth 26th the twenty-sixth
3 rd the third 15th the fifteenth 27th the twenty-seventh
4th the fourth 16th the sixteenth 28th the twenty-eighth
5th the fifth 17th the seventeenth 29th the twenty-ninth
6th the sixth 18th the eighteenth 30th the thirtieth
7th the seventh 19th the nineteenth 31st the thirty-first
8th the eighth 20th the twentieth
9th the ninth 21st the twenty-first
10th the tenth 23nd ssdsd the twenty-second
11th the eleventh 23rd the twenty-third
12th the twelfth 24th the twenty-fourth

Ecrire et lire la date

Pour lire la date en anglais, on utilise les nombres ordinaux précédés de the et suivi de of.
Pour écrire la date en anglais, on peut l’écrire de deux manières: 5 th May ou 5 May


„„ 3 rd January / 3 January = the third of January

„„ 12 th March / 12 March = the twelfth of March

Lire l’année

Pour lire l’année en anglais, on scinde l’année en deux parties.

„„ 1982 = nineteen eighty-two

A partir de l’année 2000:

„„ 2000 = two thousand

„„ 2003 = twenty “oh” three ou two thousand and three
„„ 2017 = twenty seventeen ou two thousand and seventeen

et indénombrables

Certains mots sont dénombrables. (on peut les compter)

„„ Ex :

A book Two books

An egg six eggs

Certains mots sont indénombrables. (il n’est pas possible de les compter)

„„ Ex :

Rappel : uantifier
t d o n c im p ossible de q il.
Il es ue d’œ
précise à v
de manière rappel,
donc, pour
On utilisera
« some ».
Some apple juice Some rice
une certaine quantité de jus une certaine quantité de riz
de pomme

Attention aux exceptions !

„„ Ex :

Des devoirs some homework

Des tâches ménagères some housework
Des fruits some fruit

I like
I would like ...

Look at these examples!

I LIKE watching tennis matches on TV. I WOULD LIKE to play tennis now. Are you ready?

= J’aime regarder des matches de tennis à la = J’aimerais jouer au tennis maintenant. Es-tu
télévision. prêt ?


Lorsqu’on exprime ce qu’on aime/ ce qu’on n’aime pas, l’infinitif qui suit prend la terminaison –ing.

„„ Ex : I like cooking.
I don’t like running.


Lorsqu’on utilise l’expression « J’aimerais », l’infinitif qui suit est précédé de –to.

„„ Ex : I would like to go on holiday.

Would you like to dance with me?
He wouldn’t like to change jobs.

How much / How many
A lot of
A little / A few

How much / How many

„„ How much sugar is there in the box?

Combien de sucre y a-t-il dans la boîte ?

HOW MUCH + indénombrable

„„ How many eggs are there in the box?

Combien d’œufs y a-t-il dans la boîte ?

HOW MANY + dénombrable

A lot of

„„ There is a lot water in the glass.

Il y a beaucoup d’eau dans le verre.

A LOT OF + indénombrable

„ There are a lot of apples.

Il y a beaucoup de pommes.

A LOT OF + dénombrable

How much / How many
A lot of
A little / A few

A little / A few

„„ Put a little salt on the steak, please!

Mets un peu de sel sur le steak s’il-te-plaît !

A LITTLE + indénombrable

„„ Put a few olives on the pizza!

Mets quelques olives sur la pizza!

A FEW + dénombrable

SOME/ANY et mots composés

Look at the examples.

 There is somebody behind the door.

Il y a quelqu’un derrière la porte.

 Is there anybody behind the door? No, there isn’t.

Y a-t-il quelqu’un derrière la porte? Non.

 There isn’t anybody behind the door.

= There is nobody behind the door.
Il n’y a personne derrière la porte.

 Anybody can open the door.

N’importe qui peut ouvrir la porte.

SOME/ANY et mots composés

Look at the examples.

 Everybody is inside the house.

Tout le monde est à l’intérieur de la maison.

 Can somebody repair the door, please?

Quelqu’un peut-il réparer la porte svp?

Y sous-entend
La terminaison -BOD

SOME/ANY et mots composés

Look at the examples.

 There is something in the box.

Il y a quelque chose dans la boîte.

 Is there anything in the box? No, there isn’t

Y a-t-il quelque chose dans la boîte ? Non.

 There isn’t anything in the box.

= There is nothing in the box.
Il n’y a rien dans la boîte.

 He loves chocolate, any chocolate. He can eat anything.

Il adore le chocolat, n’importe quel chocolat. Il peut manger
n’importe quoi.

SOME/ANY et mots composés

Look at the examples.

 All the ingredients are there. Everything is ready to prepare a

chocolate cake.
Tous les ingrédients sont là.
Tout est prêt pour préparer un gâteau au chocolat.

inaison -THING sous-entend UN OBJE
La term

SOME/ANY et mots composés

Look at the examples.

 I would like to go somewhere on holiday.

J’aimerais aller quelque part en vacances.

 Is there anywhere you would like to go?

Yes, there is.
Y a-t-il quelque part où tu aimerais
aller ? Oui.

 There isn’t anywhere I would like to go. I would like to stay at

= There is nowhere I would like to go. I would like to stay at
Il n’y a nul part où j’aimerais aller.
J’aimerais rester à la maison.

SOME/ANY et mots composés

Look at the examples.

 I don’t want to stay at home. I need to go out. I would like to go

Je ne veux pas rester à la maison. J’ai besoin de sortir.
J’aimerais partir n’importe où.

 Everywhere I go on holiday it rains.

Partout où je vais en vacances il pleut.

 Would you like to go somewhere hot, sir? Yes, of course!

Aimeriez-vous partir quelque part où il fait chaud, monsieur ?
Oui, bien sûr!

RE sous-entend UN
La terminaison -WHE

Les degrés de comparaison

Comparatif de supériorité (« plus … que… »)

„ Ex : The country is safer than the city. (safe)

The country is cheaper than the city. (cheap)

Adjective Comparative
safe safer than Les adjectifs courts (1 syllabe)
cheap cheaper than prennent comme terminaison

„ Ex : Greece is hotter than Canada. (hot)

Canada is bigger than Greece. (big)

Adjective Comparative
hot hotter than Attention, certains adjectifs
big bigger than courts (1 syllabe) vont en plus
doubler leur consonne finale.

„ Ex : New York is dirtier than Marche-en Famenne. (dirty)

New York is noisier than Marche-en-Famenne.

Adjective Comparative
dirty dirtier than Les adjectifs d’une ou de deux
noisy noisier than syllabes terminés par -Y vont
prendre comme terminaison

Les degrés de comparaison

„ Ex : The second watch is more expensive than the first

one. (expensive)
The first watch is more common than the second
one. (common)

Adjective Comparative
expensive more expensive than Les adjectifs de deux syllabes
common more common than (non terminés par -y) ou plus
sont précédés de more.

an beer. (good)
Ex : Wine is better th ine
se than a glass of w
French fries are wor
for your diet (bad)
than Namur. (far)
Brussels is further

Adjective Comparative
good better than Ce sont des exceptions.
bad worse than
far further than

Superlatif (« le plus … de…. »)

„ Ex : Joe is the shortest in/of the group. (short)

Averell is the tallest in/of the group. (tall)

Adjective Comparative
short the shortest in/of Les adjectifs courts (1 syllabe))
tall the tallest in/of prennent comme terminaison

Les degrés de comparaison

„ Ex : Libya is the hottest country in the world. (hot)

Russia is the biggest country in the world. (big)

Adjective Comparative
hot the hottest in/of Attention, certains adjectifs
big the biggest in/of courts (1 syllabe) vont en plus
doubler leur consonne finale.

„ Ex : Marilyn Monroe was the prettiest woman in the

world. (pretty)
He is the happiest man in the world. (happy)

Adjective Comparative
pretty the prettiest in/of Les adjectifs d’une ou de deux
happy the happiest in/of syllabes terminés par -Y vont
prendre comme terminaison

„ Ex : Chinese is the most difficult language in the world.

Brussels is the most cosmopolitan city in Belgium.

Adjective Comparative
difficult the most difficult Les adjectifs de deux syllabes
in/of (non terminés par -y) ou plus
cosmopolitan the most sont précédés de the most.
cosmopolitan in/of

Les degrés de comparaison

: Fren ch w ine is the best wine in the
(good) )
the wor st ex pe rience in my life. (bad
It is arche.
erp are far from M
Brussels and Antw
hest. (far)
Antwerp is the furt

Adjective Comparative
good the best in/of Ce sont des exceptions.
bad the worst in/of
far the furthest in/of

Comparatif d’égalité

„ Ex: A giraffe is as tall as three men.

Adjective Comparative
tall as tall as L’adjectif reste inchangé
(quel que soit le nombre de
syllables) et se met entre as
… as.

Comparatif d’infériorité

„ Ex : John is less tall than Mike.

Adjective Comparative
tall less tall than L’adjectif reste inchangé
(quel que soit le nombre de
syllables) et se met entre less

To be going to


 Cindy is going to become a ballet dancer. = Cindy a l’intention de

devenir danseuse de ballet!

 Is Tom going to become a firefighter? Yes, he is. = Tom a-t-il l’intention

de devenir pompier? Oui.
 Tom isn’t going to be a dancer. = Tom n’a pas l’intention de devenir

« To be going to » exprime donc une intention.

Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative

I am going to… I’m not going to … Am I going to …?
You are going to… You aren’t going to … Are you going to …?
He is going to … He isn’t going to … Is he going to …?
She is going to … She isn’t going to … Is she going to …?
It is going to … It isn’t going to … Is it going to …?
We are going to … We aren’t going to … Are we going to …?
You are going to … You aren’t going to … Are you going to …?
They are going to… They aren’t going to … Are they going to …?

To be going to

Avenir proche

 It is going to rain. = Il va pleuvoir.

 Mr and Mrs Smith aren’t going to go to work. = Mr et Mme Smith ne

vont pas aller travailler.

 Are they going to fly to Tunisia? Yes, they are. = Vont-ils prendre l’avion
pour la Tunisie ? Oui

« To be going to » exprime donc aussi une action qui va se dérouler dans un avenir proche.


 I’m celebrating my birthday next week. Pour rappel, le present continuous exprime une action
planifiée à l’avance. (J’ai prévu de fêter mon anniversaire la semaine prochaine.)

 I’m going to celebrate my birthday. Cette phrase exprime soit une intention soit une action qui
va se dérouler dans un avenir proche. (J’ai l’intention de fêter / Je vais fêter mon anniversaire.)

Comment traduire «POUR» ?


 Ex : I’ve got a present for you ! J’ai un cadeau pour toi!

 Ex : This present is for my sister! Ce cadeau-ci est pour ma soeur!

Règle : « Pour » se traduit par « for » quand il est suivi d’un nom ou d’un pronom.


 Ex : I’m going to Egypt next month to see the pyramids. Je vais en Egypte
le mois prochain pour voir les pyramides.

Règle : « Pour » se traduit par « to » quand il est suivi d’un infinitif.

What … like ?

Quelques exemples

„„ What’s the weather like ? „„ What’s your house like?

It’s sunny and cloudy at the moment. It’s a big farm.

„„ What’s your English teacher like?

e? » se traduit par
Règle: « What … lik e
ande dans la répons
« comment » et dem ne.
sc ription d’un ob jet ou d’une person
une de
s autres cas,
Pour rappel, dans le
uit par « how ».
« comment » se trad

Ex : How are you ? I’m

She’s very strict.


Ex :

„„ Sit down ! „„ Don’t drink !

Assieds-toi !/Asseyez-vous ! Ne bois pas !/Ne buvez pas !

ans to
le : don’t + infinitif s
itif sans to
Règle: infin

„„ Let’s have a barbecue ! „„ Let’s not go out ! It’s raining !

Faisons un barbecue ! Ne sortons pas! Il pleut!

finitif sans
to sans to
: let’s + in : let’s not + infinitif
Règle Règle

Adjectives and adverbs


Ex :

 This is a snail. Ceci est un escargot.

 This is a slow animal. Ceci est un animal lent.

Règle : Pour rappel, l’adjectif se rapporte au nom et se place toujours devant celui-ci qu’il


Ex :

 This animal moves slowly. Cet animal-ci se déplace lentement.

Règle : L’adverbe se rapporte au verbe. (Comment l’escargot se déplace-t-il ? Lentement)

 Pour former l’adverbe, on rajoute la terminaison –ly à l’adjectif.

Exceptions :

He is a good student. He works well. (C’est un bon étudiant. Il travaille bien.)

He is a fast driver. (C’est un conducteur rapide)
He drives fast. (Il conduit rapidement)
It is a hard job. He works hard. (C’est un travail dur. Il travaille dur.)
Attention! “Hardly” existe mais se traduit par “à peine”.
He works hard. (Il travaille dur.)
He works hardly. (Il travaille à peine.)

He is a noisy colleague. He works noisily. (C’est un collègue bruyant. Il travaille bruyamment).

Attention ! Quand l’adjectif se termine par –y, l’adverbe prendra comme terminaison –ily

-ED / -ING

Certains adjectifs peuvent prendre comme terminaison –ed ou –ing

mais le sens est totalement différent

Ex :

„„ This book is interesting. „„ He is interested in this book.

(Ce livre est intéressant.) (Il est intéressé par ce livre.)

Ex :

„„ Jogging is tiring. „„ I am really tired.

(Le jogging est fatigant.) (Je suis vraiment fatiguée.)


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