Need of Naval Hydrography
Need of Naval Hydrography
Need of Naval Hydrography
Master of Defence Studies Maîtrise en études de la défense
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister © Sa Majesté la Reine du Chef du Canada, représentée par le ministre de la
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JCSP 39 – PCEMI 39
2012 – 2013
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Table of Contents i
Abstract ii
Introduction 1
1. History of Hydrography 9
3. Disaster Support 28
5. Hydrographic Comparisons 48
Conclusion 52
Bibliography 57
Canadian Navy has relied on its domestic partners, its allies and commercial means to
supply the products that enables its missions. The navy’s lack of a hydrographic
capability resulted from history and fundamental lack of requirement. Other similar
navies have retained their capability or control of the domestic agencies. Nonetheless, the
Royal Canadian Navy requires a hydrographic capability to support its current and future
operations. Historical requirements for hydrography entail a need for non-locals to safely
navigate coastal areas and often the requirement was filled by navies. There are other
government departments that would gain while the navy developed and practiced this
new capability. In addition, naval hydrography would enable disaster relief and military
operations. These operations include hyper accurate charts to improve navigational safety
of both submarine and surface operations. With the capability the Royal Canadian Navy
will be able to exploit the water space, and without the capability the Navy will have to
necessarily rely on allies. Naval hydrography is needed both to enable current operations
The Canadian Navy has relied on its domestic partners, allies and commercial
means to supply the hydrographic products that enables naval missions. The navy’s lack
requirement. Other similar navies have retained their capability or retained control of the
support its current and future operations. Historical requirements for hydrography entail a
need for non-locals to safely navigate coastal areas and often the requirement was filled
by navies. There are other government departments that would gain while the navy
developed and practiced this new capability. In addition, naval hydrography would
Little academic work exists on the need for naval hydrographic capability. The
available literature falls into three broad categories. First there is the history of various
governmental agencies and how and why they conducted hydrographic surveys. The
second major category is the economic benefit of conducting surveys and improving the
maritime infrastructure. The final major category is the scientific research into the
methods of obtaining hydrographic data and processing that data. There may be no
academic work on this topic because the nations who have this capability have no need to
generate arguments for the capability or the need for the capability might be self-evident.
It could also mean that this is a small and very specialized field of operations. Included in
this category are modern accounts of activities such as reports on action during the
organization came to being and the demands for their services. This work includes
histories of both the Royal Navy and their demand to protect their sailors. There are
numerous individual ship officer accounts of their voyages. Some of these include both
chart artifacts and descriptions of the landscape. From these accounts, it can be inferred
what the survey ships were interested in. The reason for the surveys and the continued
need for future operations are safe coastal navigation areas, locations of potential
landings sites and strategic harbours and anchorages. The main Canadian work published
through the auspices of the Canadian nautical Research Society, is a collection of essays
entitled Charting Northern Waters.2 The book describes the origins of the Canadian
Hydrographic Service and demand in Canada for commercial navigational safety from
the establishment of New France until modern times. The book focus is on the technical
The second set of writing concerning the economic benefits of charting is mostly
organization’s mandate is to improve safety at sea by charting the world’s oceans. The
organization aids coastal nation states to develop their own hydrographic capability in
order to improve the overall state of navigation. It provides a compelling case for the
more effectively lobby their own governments for funds. The overriding publication
supporting the case is IHO publication M-2.3 It also creates supporting regional
sets out the standards for data collection, hydrographic competence and chart depiction
criteria. National hydrographic offices are not bound by the regulations but often adhere
to them.
hydrographic surveying. The work is academic in nature for the most part but this
technical academic work is often not germane to developing a capacity for a navy.
Included in this class are works that describe new methods of signal processing to
determine more information about the water column and the geological classification of
the sea floor. It also describes new methods of processing the data for purposes outside of
commercial navigation including mineral extraction and biomass data. Processing does
include new methods to automate the data flow to generate new products which can
As a result of no academic work on the subject either for or against the need for a
hydrographic capability many arguments must be inferred. The requirement for a naval
International Hydrographic Organization, The Need for Hydrographic Services (Monaco: IHO, 2011).
Historically, hydrography was used to prevent horrible losses and allow non-local
experts to safely proceed from port to port. The historical requirements of naval
hydrography and the development of the Hydrographic service in Canada show that in he
past there was a need to prevent loss to ships and sailors in the navigational rivers and
commercial shipping routes. The leading cause of death for sailors was shipwrecking
companies such as the East India Trading Company and government departments
commissioned charts to be created as they traveled. Good quality charts became valuable
naval forces used the charts for other purposes. Governments employed charts to assert
sovereignty by showing that they controlled certain sea areas. Often the survey ships
were the only contact that the locals would have with the controlling government for
years. Naval forces used the charts to not only improve their positional information but
also as an intelligence aid. They used charts to support operations including landings, but
also for more mundane reason such as knowing where fresh water sources might be
exploited in less friendly areas of the world. As a result, most hydrography organizations
Why does the Royal Canadian Navy not have a hydrographic capability? Three
main historical reasons account for why the RCN does not currently have a hydrographic
capability. The minister responsible for transportation in the St. Lawrence Seaway
created a civilian hydrographic service in order to better chart the changing, erratic
conditions of the river. He felt that he could use this new service to create a Canadian
naval militia. His ambitious plan was overtaken by events but the result was that a
civilian agency was created from the outset to chart waters in Canada. The second major
reason was that the Royal Canadian Navy was heavily integrated into the Royal Navy and
received support for some activities through them. This activity includes hydrography
during both world wars. This support carried on after the war and was expanded to
include support for operations with other allies. As a result the Royal Navy never felt that
support operations. In other words there never was a capability deficiency that the Navy
needed to rectify.
Since the Royal Canadian Navy did not develop its own capability it has relied on
civilian partners to fill the requirements of the service. The Navy requires the capability
to support the implied tasks of other departments such as the Environment Canada, the
Canadian Coast Guard and the Canadian Hydrographic Service. The implied tasks come
from the Canada Defence First Strategy which has the defense of Canada and Canadian
sovereignty as two of the pillars that the Canadian Forces must support. Defence of
Canada means that the Canadian Forces must to go anywhere in Canada. The Royal
Canadian Navy assumes unacceptable levels of risk when patrolling and navigating in
poor and unsurveyed waters and this risk can only be mitigated by hydrographic surveys.
Although the RCN does not have the mandate to survey in Canada, it can support the
responsive to user’s needs, often civilian priority areas and the Royal Canadian Navy’s
priorities are not the same. If the RCN had their own capability, it could survey their own
priority areas to naval standards, compliant but exceeding civilian standards, and supply
the data to CHS so as to not take or subsume their mandate. To improve charting for
The argument may be made that the RCN already has a hydrographic capability
resident in each coast’s hydrographic offices and the Route Survey section. The route
survey section uses side scan sonar systems to depict the bottom floor. From that picture,
objects may be investigated or a change detection algorithm may be used to discover new
objects. Could not this section take the skills and equipment and put them to use for
hydrographic means? The simple answer is that few of the skills and equipment and none
purpose with different standards and equipment. The data collected often has very gross
horizontal precision and is not at the standard required for hydrography. Second, there is
often non-existent or very poor vertical data. Essentially, hydrography resolves the depth
of water is in a given location. Route survey equipment uses sides scan data that cannot
achieve the precision required of the current hydrographic standards. Side scan
equipment is optimized for providing the most accurate and detailed picture for change
detection for the specific task of searching for mines and ground objects. Although there
is hybrid side scan hydrographic equipment that can achieve the functionality for both
data sets, the RCN does not have that type of equipment. In the critical task of object
detection few compromises should be risked so a hybrid system would not be ideal.
However, some skills required for route survey can be used for hydrography. The data
evaluation and the exacting lines of ship driving are skills that do translate into
government ships with legal navigation products. Most of these products are
center. There is a small capability to create specialized products but the data used is
existing CHS data into specialized military products for both submarines and surface
ships has improved the operational and navigational safety, but they have neither the
authority nor the capability of producing legal navigational products. As a result the
In aiding CHS in its domestic mandate, the Navy could similarly aid both the
Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and Environment Canada. CCGs tasks include search and
rescue and aids to Navigation. As with the RCN patrolling areas that are outside available
charts, search and rescue events sometimes occur where there is no chart. As seen with
the Clipper Adventurer grounding in the Arctic, a survey had to be completed prior to the
Coast Guard ship being able to provide assistance. Similarly, the RCN could be called on
to provide assistance and then have no way of providing that assistance. Another service
that could be aided by hydrography is the placement and servicing of navigational aids. It
is unlikely that the RCN would be required to help the Coast Guard in this task. The
Navy does have its own specialized navigational aids such as buoys and special sound
extent in pollution events. These specialized surveys of the littoral areas are critical to
their assessing if an event has taken place and to what extent has the pollution spread or
is likely to spread. These types of surveys which investigate the littoral zone and in
deeper water the bottom composition have military applications. This area is where the
two departments might collaborate and aid each other, if only the Navy had the ability to
do so. The Navy would gain in expertise that could then be applied in areas that the other
government departments are unwilling or unable to go. As a result, the RCN cannot
greatly aid the other government departments, but it could if it had a hydrographic
and real operational requirements. Hydrography would allow the navy to operate in areas
outside of Canada that could be potentially surveyed, thereby increasing operating areas,
but also possibly aiding the coastal state in building up its own infrastructure.
Oceanographers could benefit from better integration and overlapping efforts for a more
accurate depiction of the ocean floor which would then improve efficiency and
amphibious operations of all sizes would be enabled into areas where there is poor,
capability to both enhance the safety of navigation but also to improve its operational
requirements that commercial means do not meet. In addition, the specialized processing
required for the types of products that submarines require including detailed wreck, deep
water shoals and dense bathymetry contours. These military specific products would
enable the submarine to operate more effectively, but only if the survey and processing
has been completed. As result, naval hydrography supports the potential requirements
For a long period of time, the significant losses at sea resulted from grounding in
uncertain conditions. Naval admiralties became more concerned about the type of losses
that ship were sustaining and started to develop remedies to address some of these
both military and commercial tasks. Charting became increasing important as commercial
result of a need to improve commercial shipping infrastructure and military needs and
will be demonstrated by examining the Royal Navy’s demand for charting and the
demands for hydrography were to decrease the risks associated with the shipping. The
military demands were also to improve navigational ability and improve the freedom of
movement. The Navy required detailed coastal descriptions to enable landing for
invasion, and simple restoring of vital goods such as fresh water. Some of the by-
claims. All these historic requirements for hydrography ensured Canada developed its
weather conditions that seemly want to destroy or delay any mariner. The possibility of
floundering and drowning after a ship is splintered adds to the risk of seafaring. Any
mitigation of any of these risks would be a welcome improvement not only for insures of
any maritime venture, but also for the mariners themselves. Hydrography for
improvement of safety of navigation became a viable and lucrative occupation for any
improvement came from the East India Trading Company.4 Their wide ranging ships
would return with world-wide observations which would then be incorporated into their
charts. These charts became so valuable that the company was able to leverage them to
improve its competitive advantage and held them closely as company secrets.5 Other
commercial publishers of charts could become wealthy even with products of dubious
accuracy. Improvement to the safety of the ships was felt to be immeasurable and worth
the price. What resulted from the commercial ventures was a dramatic improvement both
in the number and quality of charts available but also improvement in hydrographic
science. Early periods of hydrography were dominated by commercial demands and led
to an improved products and processes, but those commercial secrets demanded that
The military uses of hydrography caused the Royal Navy to develop its own
and ships tasked with the tedious mission of collecting data. Hydrographic officers had
specialist training or learned on mission. They then would be assigned to a ship that
would be either exploring or transiting to an area of importance with minimal charts for
direct data collection. Eventually, the Admiralty would become more systematic in its
acquisition of data for portrayal and dissemination.6 Based on a priority list, the revisit
time for some areas of only minimal interest might never occur. It would be common for
Jerry Brotton, “Mapping the World: Possession and Plunder” directed by Annabel Hobley, aired 7
February 2011 (London: BBC, 2010), DVD.
William Glover. Charting Northern Waters: Essays for the Centenary of the Canadian Hydrographic
Service. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004): 53.
charts to have been created and used for many years. There are charts in Canada that have
not updated for almost 100 and some data originates from the original surveys.7 Since
oceans and rivers change, the data becomes increasingly suspect but amazingly most of
the data is of high quality. So as the Royal Navy deemed they were not able to rely on
commercial and existing charts there was a need to acquire the hydrographic data
The Royal Navy saw a military and strategic advantage to conduct hydrographic
surveys. The surveys enabled operations to occur more safely and to support operations
ashore. After crossing the ocean, accurate depictions allowed the ships to more accurately
determine their position. This ability helped the ships to better and more quickly arrive at
assigned destinations. Charting also improved the sea room that a ship could operate. It
enabled ship’s captains to exploit areas that other navies might think impassable. In
addition, the Royal Navy would also know where ships could not go and would therefore
not have to defend against. This advantage would also enable them to exploit shoals and
other known dangers to their advantage and potentially run enemy vessels aground.
Regardless of the possibilities of tactical advantage, the major positive strategic impact
was the lessening of the losses of vessels due to grounding on shoals. The clear safety
advantages that were gained also contributed to the other needs that a naval presence
would require.
The Royal Navy was able to use hydrography to enable operations supported by
the naval forces. There is often a requirement for navies to affect operations ashore.
These operations would include landings and shore bombardment. Accurate charts helped
Ibid, 63.
landing operations by enabling larger vessels to approach the shoreline before launching
their landing craft. The boats themselves are able to more safely proceed ashore. In
addition to having to land marines ashore, a more accurate chart allows ships to provide
better gun support to a battling force. The support would include bombarding shore
facilities where elevation and positioning would be vitally important. Finally, the Royal
navy used hydrography to aid the ships in gaining fresh water. An accurate survey plotted
all of the position of streams where a ship may potentially gather fresh water. Supplies
could often make the difference in how long a ship could maintain station near an enemy
coastline. Without the locations of the vitally important fresh water already charted ships
assumed higher risk as they sailed near the shoreline. The enemy would be able to locate
the ship and potentially cause harm from the sea. These historic reasons for hydrography
point to future uses of the capability. Modern naval hydrography may benefit from the
historic demands. These requirements forced the Royal Navy to develop their
The primary reason that the Royal Navy embarked on creating better charts led to
other effects. The Royal Navy was able to use hydrography to improve the territorial
claims and further assertion of sovereignty. Establishment of territorial claims was often
enforced but the accurate depiction reinforced those claims. Charting also allowed the
nation to exert their claim over an area. This ability was evident in the Northwest area of
the inner passage of Vancouver Island where the initial surveys were conducted by the
Spanish but the British were able to assert control after their own surveys.8 The second
effect was most surveys enabled the government to show the flag and establish a presence
William Glover. Charting Northern Waters: Essays for the Centenary of the Canadian Hydrographic
Service. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004): 54.
in areas that may have not been visited by government agents. The extended presence of
a government vessel conducting detailed coastal survey would show the local population
that the government was exerting control in the area and improving the maritime
infrastructure of the area. Although these events are secondary effects of the
Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS), to support shipping in the St. Lawrence. The
Royal Navy was the natural British government agency to carry out the surveys for
Britain; however the Canadian version was not created as a natural extension of naval
capabilities. The Department of Marine was created to ensure safe navigation of shipping
through rivers and internal water and around complex land forms into the major shipping
ports. As a result, a hydrographic service was created from the civilian agency associated
with the pilotage authority and not as an extension of the Navy.9 The service was
designed to regularly survey the dynamic river conditions. As the service gained
capability and experience the mandate was extended to the rest of the navigable waters of
Canada. Their main mission was to improve the safe navigation of Canadian waters for
commercial purposes. Neither a reason nor a mandate to produce products for military
purposes or to venture into international or foreign waters existed as their focus was on
internal waters. The hydrographic service in Canada was also not created as an extension
of the Navy because CHS predates the Royal Canadian Navy who was formed in 1910
and CHS was created in 1904.10 The minister of Marine and Fisheries, Hon. Raymond
Ibid, 74.
William Glover. Charting Northern Waters: Essays for the Centenary of the Canadian Hydrographic
Service. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004) 74.
Prefontaine, responsible for creation of the hydrographic service was ambitious and was
trying to use the service to create a standing Canadian navy, but his ambitions were never
realized.11 Whereas most hydrographic services were created as an extension of the navy,
the Canadian service was created out of civilian agency to support the economic
The hydrographic capability of the RCN was never developed as a result of initial
demand and support provided by allies. As a result of the initial development of the CHS,
the Canadian capability for hydrographic work was never developed in the RCN. The
demand for the service from the government was entirely domestic and the civilian
service was capable of meeting that demand. When the navy was created it had other
priorities and demands for its small numbers of ships and sailors with a large area to
cover and as such could not assume a mandate that was now entrenched in another
departmental prerogative and protected by statutes. So at its outset the RCN could not
The RCN throughout its history never generated the capability because the
demand was being filled by allies and domestic agencies. In the three major conflicts
Navy participated in, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, the allies were
result, the RCN found neither need nor priority to create its own capability. Furthermore,
the British Hydrographic Office was able to provide both commercial and military
products during non-conflict periods. The RCN did realize that a central agency was
required to distribute and maintain the hydrographic and navigational products for the
Ibid, 89.
Navy. As a result, Coastal Hydrographic Service Offices (HSOs) were created to meet
that need. The HSO solution of using commercial navigation products produced by the
Canadian Hydrographic Service for domestic use and United Kingdom and American
hydrographic offices met the RCN needs for world-wide coverage. Since the RCN
hydrographic demand was mostly met by commercial means and there is no articulated
demand for a hydrographic capability, one has not been created. Due to the creation of
the civilian hydrographic capability in Canada, and lack of military specific demand from
the RCN, naval hydrography was never properly developed but despite historic causes
the RCN requires naval hydrography to enable current and future operations.
Hydrographic capabilities have evolved from being a safety of navigation tool for
both commercial and military use. The Royal Navy used hydrography to improve naval
ability for freedom of action, and to enable some its missions. The UKHO evolved to
provide world-wide commercial support and at the same time provide military specific
products. The Canadian hydrographic capability has developed from a need to provide
support to shipping in the St Lawrence and has since provided hydrographic mandate to
chart and maintain the charts for navigation throughout Canada’s oceans, lakes and
rivers. The Royal Canadian Navy has not developed an expeditionary capability because
commercial solutions have been adequate for their needs. Events where commercial
requirements have not been sufficient have been covered off by the allied capability. The
result has been the RCN has not yet developed its own organic capability to acquire
hydrographic data and use it for military means because it has not yet needed it. The
and outside of Canada require more than civilian departments can deliver. Most nations
have not had this issue because historically the capability grew out of or was absorbed by
navies in other nations the CHS was created strictly for civilian reasons.
Hydrography has grown from a need to prevent groundings and losses of ships,
sailors, and cargo in order to improve the commerce of the nations. A Naval
Service (CHS) in data collection. Aiding the other government departments in their tasks
would help the Navy in the execution of their tasks. Environment Canada has the task of
monitoring and preventing pollution at sea and its effects on land. To enable this task,
Environment Canada requires an accurate depiction of the land and the maritime
environment, including the sea floor and the water-land interface. An implied task of
every agent of government is pollution monitoring, control and reporting, so the Navy
would be indirectly required to aid. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has two
directorates that are directly responsible for the safety of navigation and hydrography, the
Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS). The CCG
has responsibility to maintain the navigational routes and for maritime search and rescue.
The CHS has the responsibility of maintaining and improving navigational charts. These
tasks overlap with the tasks of the Navy. The RCN is directly tasked with the aid of
rescue at sea; they also routinely use the navigational passages and have a vested interest
in keeping Canadian ports open and safe. Both these tasks are predicated by the
requirement of good navigational charts. All these tasks could be aided by naval
The Navy has implied tasks that overlap with Environment Canada’s
responsibilities and as such is obliged to aid in their task. Although not directly
mentioned in the Canada Defense First Strategy, pollution control is every government
department’s responsibility to report and prevent.12 Part of the prevention plan is to have
an accurate depiction of the Canadian shoreline and the bottom composition of the sea
bed. In addition to having an accurate picture of the shoreline, having an accurate survey
of the littoral space would aid the Canadian Forces. They would be able to practice the
may argue that the RCN already has this ability in the Route Survey section its
inadequacy will be dealt with in another section. Naval hydrography could aid in creating
The Canadian Coast Guard requires accurate surveys in their tasks and these tasks
are similar to the Royal Canadian Navy. The CCG’s main roles are maritime search and
rescue and maintenance the navigational routes into Canada.13 In their search and rescue
role, they attempt to have ships positioned to be able to respond throughout the vast
Canadian waterways. Occasionally, the CCG have requested the aid of the RCN because
of the proximity of the ships involved or need for specialized naval capability. The
Navy’s response to the Swiss Air disaster augmented naval divers due to their large
numbers, specialized ability and proximity to a large naval base.14 However, search and
rescue events occasionally occur in waters that have not been surveyed, or inadequately
surveyed for ships to respond. The grounding of the Arctic Explorer grounding in largely
Department of Defence. Canada First Defence Strategy. (Ottawa: Canada Communication Group, 2005):
Department of Fisheries and Oceans. “Canadian Coast Guard: Mission,” last access on 27 March 2013,
Transport Safety Board of Canada. Aviation Investigation Report, In-Flight Fire Leading to Collision
with Water, Swissair Transport Limited, (Ottawa: Transportation Safety Board, 2001): 90.
unsurveyed waters demonstrated that even areas near communities and transited by local
contain dangerous shoals.15 Only small and expendable vessels would be able to get close
enough to a stricken vessel. This option might not even be infeasible if weather was the
cause of the event and the small vessels are unable to approach the vessel. In such a
situation, air rescue would also be risky. The other approach would be to conduct a
hydrographic survey while approaching the stricken vessel. This would be time
consuming difficult to conduct the survey in poor weather. The first two approaches are
not necessarily mutually exclusive as both rescue by small boats and surveying may be
coverage before an event occurs. This contemporary scenario highlights the risk that
ships engaging in search and rescue in unsurveyed waters of which Canada has large
area. The only method of mitigating this risk is to have an organic hydrographic
and Canada.
Naval hydrography would also aid the CCG in the maintenance of navigational
aids. The CCG maintains navigational aids such as lighthouses, buoys, ranges and
markers which improves the navigational safety of all mariners.16 Currently the RCN
currently only aids the coast guard by occasionally reports of navigational aids that are
not functioning or out of position. The Navy has been forced to rely on other agencies,
when the navy conducts these tasks themselves because of lack of equipment and
expertise. The RCN would gain from placing hydrographically precise navigation
markers as a cost savings and the ability to place markers themselves in very remote
areas that they are operating in anyway. In the Arctic, navigation markers are few as the
cost of placement is high and the net benefit of placement for the betterment of
navigation is small. However, there are locations and areas that the navy is greatly
invested and would benefit from some navigation aids both domestically and
expeditionally. Also there are occasions and areas where civilian placement is impossible
due to the risk involved. Such areas include high threats to navigation, namely mine
swept channels where the risks of placing the navigation markers are large but also very
requiring hydrographically quantifiable precision. One of the ways to prepare for such
placement would be to practice in areas of lower risk with the aid of an expert agency, the
CCG. This practice would have the added benefit of aiding the maritime infrastructure of
CHS would gain the most from the Navy having a hydrographic capability. They
would gain from the new hydrographical data, they would gain in any specialized
processing that the RCN conducts for military purposes, and they would gain alternate
platforms that they could use for data collection. When the Navy creates a hydrographic
capability, any data in Canada should belong to CHS. The CHS is responsible for
Oceans Acts, R.S.C., c.31, s.43 (1996).
One argument against sharing the specialized data collected for military purposes is
potential operational security that may be required for such data but the agreements
respect each department’s special and sensitive needs for any data collected.19 Another
argument against sharing is the data demanded by the Navy is often of a higher quality
navigation.20 Regardless of data requirements, CHS would benefit from any type of data
by either party it may be in each other’s interest to obtain a standard that is beneficial to
both parties. It would also be useful to fill in any data gaps that may exist and may
require either party to slightly alter their survey plan. Any data collection conducted by a
CHS would also benefit from any processing the Navy conducted for their own
tasks. Although the products may be different and the processing conducted to another
standard, the production streams would likely have some overlap and therefore the
processed data would mutually benefit.21 Also hydrographic data storage paradigm has
shifted from product specific to generalized data from which multiple products can be
created. The multiple products from one source means that CHS, and the military, would
greatly benefit from any data processed to the correct format. CARIS systems used by
Department of Defence. Memorandum of Understanding between Department of Defence and
Department of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the Provision of Service. (Ottawa: Canada
Communication Group, 2011):6.
Ibid, Annex F Amendment 2, 2.
Ministry of Defence, Submarine Dived Navigation: Concept of Operations v 1.0. (London: Ministry of
Defence, 2011): 5.
Department of Defence. Memorandum of Understanding between Department of Defence and
Department of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the Provision of Service. (Ottawa: Canada
Communication Group, 2011):6.
both agencies are optimized for this processing.22 Unfortunately bringing data into the
CHS system does not obligate them to create new products. CHS creates products
dependent on a priority scheme that may not benefit the Navy. The data, however, would
be verified against existing data sets to ensure that there are not any great safety
discrepancies. Also since the data set would be in their data base, other users would be
able to use the data for other products not just navigation charts. Finally, CHS will
eventually incorporate the data set into the chart when a new edition of a product is
warranted. So CHS would be able to benefit from any data set collected to their standards
and any collector, including the Navy, would eventually benefit from CHS having the
collaboration with CHS domestically by leveraging their expertise in data collection, data
storage and data representation or chart creation. This collaboration would enable the
Navy to apply skills outside CHS’ mandate. CHS would also be able to impart valuable
for data collection. Hydrographers are very specialized in their skill set. Very few people
in Canada outside of CHS have the requisite qualifications because there are few
institutions in Canada deliver training to the level required for the IHO. Any individual or
foreign university or a foreign naval training plan. CHS is capable of providing advice on
CARIS, “Bathy DataBASE,” accessed on 27 Mar 2013,
training and they have an integrated on-the-job training program in their organization.23
The RCN would be able to leverage both their training plan and the program that CHS
individual as it often requires years of practice. One flaw in a standard training course is
that hydrographers are trained in data acquisition and cartographers are trained in data
portrayal and the Navy would require both to produce their own products. The advantage
of the CHS system is that they produce employees that can do both.24 CHS will be able to
provide the RCN valuable advice as what training would best fit.
hydrographic capability, it would need both expertise and equipment. It would be cost
prohibitive to experiment and conduct extensive testing for a naval equipment package.
What type of an equipment solution that fits the Navy needs is debatable; but, CHS is
capable of providing advice. They would be able to provide objective advice on what
systems would be able to better integrate with CHS systems. They would also be able to
ensure that whatever system the Navy procures would meet IHO standards and therefore
would generate navigationally legal data. There are two potential issues on having
another government agency procure equipment for the Navy. First, they might not
provide the most cost effective systems that meet the requirement, and advise purchasing
the best system available since it is not their budget. Second, they may advise the Navy to
procure an untried system and use the Navy to test a system that CHS is interested in
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, “Training Multi-Disciplinary Hydrographers at the Canadian
Hydrographic Service,” accessed on 8 March 2013, http://www.dfo-
procuring. The only way to protect the Navy from potential CHS abuse is to have its own
educated oversight and requirements cell to ensure that the Navy gets what it needs and
not what CHS wants. Regardless of potential CHS abuse, they still are the Canadian
experts and therefore best placed to provide advice on what the Navy should procure.
After data has been collected, CHS could advise the Navy on both data storage
and portrayal. Having a collection of data is useless to end users. The data must be
users. CHS has a robust process to clean, store and portray the data. There are several
options that the Navy could pursue and CHS could advise the Navy in how to setup an
appropriate system. First, the navy could process the data themselves, second CHS could
possibly process the data that the Navy has collected or third, data processing could be
conducted by a contractor. If CHS helps the Navy to create a process, then the Navy
would need more people. The number of people would depend on how much data was
being collected and the desired processing rate. Although CHS has excellent processing
capability, if CHS processed the data for the Navy, there are potential issues. First CHS
already has difficulty in processing the data that they already have so if more data is
being processed then CHS would want more resources. Second, CHS has its own priority
system and naval data may be in areas that have a lower priority for them. Third, CHS
may not want to store or process the data obtained outside Canadian waters. Fourth, the
Navy may collect data that is of a sensitive nature either due to the source or the area in
which it was collected meaning CHS would be incapable of processing. So CHS may not
be the solution for storage or processing. If the RCN used a contractor to process the data,
it would face a couple of issues as well. Contractors would have similar issues about the
sensitivity of data being processed; however, the overall cost may be effective. The
having a contractor process dependent on priority and data type. Regardless on method of
processing, CHS would be able to aid the Navy in creating a data flow for processing
hydrographic data. They would also advise on what type of work and what contractors
could be used. In creation of a naval hydrographic capability in the Navy, CHS would be
CHS would benefit from data sharing, but also increase the hydrographic capacity
in the Canadian Government as CHS is struggling to meet its stated objectives. There
would be a large amount of effort to have CHS experts help the RCN in training,
equipment, and experience. The Navy would be very reliant on CHS during the start-up
phases of introducing this new capability. The major payoff for CHS would be more
platforms collecting data in remote areas. The largest gain would be any data collection
that occurs in the Arctic which is an area that is very expensive to get private contractors
to provide platforms. This area lacks in modern data and is increasingly important to
naval operations.25 Lack of data in the Arctic severely limits potential patrol areas. So
although CHS has the domestic lead in hydrography, it would be mutually beneficial to
both departments to work together to improve the capability on Naval ships. Although it
would be outside of the mandate of the RCN to directly conduct surveys, collaborative
Department of National Defence, Leadmark: The Navy’s Strategy for 2020 (Ottawa: DND Canada,
2002), 2
Hydrographic capability allows the Navy to meet the requirements of the Canada
First Defense Strategy with enabling the defense of Canada and support to operations
ensuring sovereignty. If a nation can more accurately describe their own territory they
would be able to exert control over it. Surveying is also a method to demonstrate
ownership of remote and isolated regions. In addition, creating surveys of an area is the
Navy aided the other government department it would also be in direct support of its task
As the navy does not have the lead for domestic for hydrographic data collection
there are a number of departments that would benefit from a naval capability.
Environment Canada would benefit from an improved picture of the water depth in its
role for pollution control. The Navy would gain as a responsible department taking
reasonable steps to prevent and report pollution violations. The CCG would benefit by
having improved navigation charts for Search and Rescue and the ability for the Navy to
help with Navigational aids. The Navy would also gain from the improved charts for
search and rescue and they would learn how to precisely place their own navigational
aids. The greatest interdepartmental aid would be with CHS. They would gain from the
increased data that the Navy would obtain. CHS would obtain data in areas that are not
necessarily their priority, but would likely be in areas that they would need modern data.
Department of National Defence, Canada First Defence Strategy (Ottawa: DND Canada, 2006): 7.
The Navy would gain from the relationship in the expertise for hydrographic equipment
procurement. CHS would be able to provide advice on the data processing work flows
and data storage that would best enable sharing. The Navy would be able to gain from the
training systems that CHS has in place for both their hydrographers and for their
duplicating work, but the navy is the only department which can assume risk for domestic
operations and is the only department which regularly acts for the government outside of
Canada. The navy lacks the skills to conduct hydrographic operations and can most easily
achieve them by close cooperation with other governemental experts. Also when the
RCN gains this capability it would be prudent to practice and exercise this capability in a
manner that is useful to the rest of Canada. Other government departments would gain by
the Navy directly aids their tasks. Canada would benefit economically as improved
navigational charts are a major part of the infrastructure required for marine shipping and
resource extraction.
Supporting others in times of great need is among of the characteristics that define
a person or a nation. Naval hydrography is critical in aiding coastal nations that have
been afflicted by hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. The nature of the support is in the
immediate opening of ports and coastal approaches to ships bringing aid with the long
term goal being the re-establishment of the maritime infrastructure. Recent events over
the last decade have proven the need for a hydrographic capability. Events include
Hurricane Katrina which devastated the New Orleans region in 2005, the earthquake in
Haiti in 2009, and the Japanese earthquake and the tsunami of 2011 with each causing
widespread destruction along the coastlines. All these horrible situations caused
widespread human suffering with which the world struggled to help. Immediate response
was hampered by the lack of airports facilities or their limited availability. Despite the air
response that most nations were able to provide, longer and more substantial aid would
come via sea due to the amount of supply that ships can provide. In large affected areas
such as Haiti or in Japan, it becomes more difficult to support more remote areas as they
tend to be further away from the airports and roadways connecting the towns and villages
are often destroyed. For such reasons, world response becomes more efficient and
effective if substantial aid arrives by sea. The only way to verify the safety of the
seaborne routes is to have a hydrographic survey completed. Without the survey, ships
overwhelming local emergency response. Aid was slow in arriving and not focused on
the needy.27 Efforts were ineffective due to a lack of understanding on how much
suffering was occurring. Support was complicated due to the levees in the town failing
and large swaths of the city being flooded by the ocean and the Mississippi river. Thus
the scope of the aid required was underestimated. Due to the widespread destruction
leading into the city, the quickest response to the area was by tactical helicopters. The
best sustained effort was by ships that were able to approach the coastline, but within
limits. Harbour facilities were destroyed and any seaborne support would have to come
from ships anchored a significant distance and support would have to be brought by
landing craft and smaller boats.28 The type of support would then be limited to what
could be transported. One of the main advantages of ship support is the vast amount of
supplies that can be transported, but if the supplies cannot be brought directly to the
shore, then that advantage is partially negated. Ships were unable to dock and off load
supplies because the facilities were destroyed, and the approaches to the harbour were
Immediate hydrographic surveys of the New Orleans area helped mitigate the
length of the suffering. Since the hurricane caused the water levels to significantly rise,
large amounts of debris and silt deposited throughout the Mississippi delta. In addition to
the unknown amount of silt, the waterways were altered. Since the levees had been
breached in several areas, the flooded areas would not have been surveyed for water
Executive Office of the President of the United States Office of Homeland Security. The Federal
Response to Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned, (Washington, DC Government Printing Office,
2006) accessed on 13 February 2013 :48.
Ibid, 34.
Ibid, 34.
navigation.30 It is unlikely that larger vessels with significant drafts would be able to
enter flooded areas; even small craft would be susceptible to damage caused by
grounding on objects. All these events caused significant risks to navigating ships. A
hydrographic survey would allow larger ships to approach the city so that they may be
able to dock or at least shorten the distance that the landing craft would have to travel.
The disadvantage to rapid surveying of the affected areas is that as the water from the
hurricane recedes, the areas would have to be resurveyed to verify the accuracy of the
information. In the end, hydrography would enable to disaster relief ships to approach the
city to more effectively provide aid and the United States Navy provided support by
The American fleet survey teams provided support to the disaster relief effort.
The teams were able to provide rapid hydrographic surveys of the area so that ships could
safely operate in the areas.31 They were able to create corridors of safe transit zones and
then create a more detailed survey in support of the relief efforts. One of the main
reasons for the rapid support for this effort was the non-domestic fleet support teams are
based at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. As a result, the response to reopen the
port and the local anchorages was immediate and effective. Although any domestic
survey capability could have responded to the Hurricane, foreign aid into the area
proceeding by sea would have been hampered by the inability to proceed close to the
affected areas. Even though United States Navy hydrographic response was rapid and
effective, their priority may not have been the most effective in enabling non US support.
Ibid, 6
Debbie Ethridge. “NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson Aids Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts,” NOAA
Magazine, 15 October 2005.
Regardless, the RCN could have enabled its own support of the response if it was able to
survey for its own ends. Canadians are infrequently affected by hurricanes and the
destruction caused rarely requires hydrographic responses, but Canada can be expected to
critical to that aid. The widespread coastal damage would also have meant that if aid was
required away from the major centers then any seaborne support would have to have its
own survey. American response to the disaster shows that a hydrographic capability
struggling country. The country suffered a 7.0 level quake centered near the capitol of
Port au Prince.32 The immediate destruction of most of buildings left many trapped by the
rubble. The situation was further exacerbated by the total immolation of most of the basic
services including sewage, water and shelter. There was already an international mission
on the island run by United Nations who was supporting the local government, but the
main headquarters was destroyed killing the head of the mission.33 Immediate response
was centered on the capitol and supported by the airport. Most of the islands road
airlift into the capitol and then distributed.34 The lack of aid delivered to communities
CNN, “Try to prevent the ‘Absolute Catastrophic’ Situation in Haiti” CNN World, 10 January 2010,
accessed on 13 Feb 2013,
United Nations, “Earthquake in Haiti: Facts and Figures,: accessed on March 8, 2013,
Ned Potter. “Haiti’s Earthquake Relief Begins: Thousands Feared Dead,” ABC News 13 Jan 2010,
accessed on 8 March 2013,
without airfields demonstrates some concerns about relying on airlift only to provide
support. The only methods would be to try to repair some of the road network or find
Aid to the equally devastated country side could only be delivered by methods
other than airlift into the capitol city. The methods would include transporting aid from
the neighboring country, Dominican Republic who was also dealing with the effects of
the earthquake. Helicopters could provide support into the country and support could be
provided to the coastal communities by sea. The coastal communities had most of their
ships impossible. In addition, it would be unsafe for vessels of any size to approach a
shoreline affected by an earthquake until another survey was completed or the ships
would in in risk of grounding. Also major support would have to arrive into the capitol
city by sea as the airlift could not support the requirements of the population. An
earthquake would not cause debris to litter the navigational passages but shifts in the
seafloor could have occurred and could have drastically altered the waterway. Support to
disaster relief would require a new survey before meaningful aid could be delivered by
Support to the relief effort included deployment of the American Fleet Survey
Teams. Their aim was to open corridors to ports and areas where support would be
delivered by sea. Their priority was the capitol region as that was the location of both the
widest devastation and largest populations needing aid. Their ships included a mobile
hydrographic capacity and a salvage ship to remove any debris. They then proceeded to
other areas to support the efforts of other nations providing aid. Haiti still requires its own
hydrographic capability to enable their economy but the emergency work that the United
States Navy provided mitigated the disaster. Earthquakes outside of Canada cause
damage that may require a hydrographic response. Canada can learn and replicate the US
response to this disaster in the methods and capability that they provided. With a
hydrographic capability, Canada could contribute in similar ways. Their efforts enabled
support groups to provide much needed aid and certainly reduced the suffering of the
Haitian people.35
The Japanese 9.03 earthquake and the resulting tsunami in 2011 also caused
widespread destruction along mostly remote northern towns. The tsunami was at its
height 40m and traveled up to 10km inland in some areas.36 The tsunami resulted in more
damage and casualties than the actual earthquake. There were numerous buildings
destroyed and damaged, and the road and rail infrastructure linking these communities
was severely disabled.37 The human and economic toll was one of the worst in recorded
human history. There were many complicating events including nuclear meltdowns at the
local power plant. Numerous commercial and fishing ports were damaged and closed
following the tsunami.38 The domestic and international humanitarian response was rapid
but the widespread nature of the event meant that aid was uneven in distribution. Since
Brian Connan. “Hydrographic Response to Haiti Earthquake” http://www.hydro- 13
Feb 2013.
Roland Burke. “Japan earthquake: Tsunami hits North East.” BBC World News 11March 2011.
John Ydstie. “Japan’s Fishing Industry Crushed by Tsunami.” NPR 29 March 2011.
this was a coastal disaster the easiest method of providing massive aid to the affected
debris, silting, and the seafloor shifting. Japan has a robust hydrographic capability to
service its own coastline to improve navigational routing. Their hydrographic teams
worked diligently to open the coastal communities as rapidly and as safely as possible.39
They focused on creating a route into the port and not on surveying the entire waterfront.
They had the ability to open their own ports and did not require foreign assistance was a
fortunate circumstance because their own vessels were not destroyed in the tsunami. The
Organization that in the event of a disaster affecting a coastal community then the
International Community would be obliged to aid.40 Their proposal recognized the need
for timely hydrographic surveys to reopen the communities safely to the marine traffic.
providing effective long term aid. Earthquakes and tsunamis are a significant threat to the
to those in Japan and the Japanese response is a valuable lesson for other coastal nations.
The Japanese hydrographic organization was able to reduce suffering by enabling aid to
capability. The RCN requires the capability to support the foreign and domestic relief
Arata Sengoku and Jun Saegusa. “Hydrography after Huge Earthquakes.”Hydro-International 15, no. 5
(September October 2011):
International Hydrographic Organization. IHO Response to Disasters. (Monaco: IHO, 2005).
efforts in coastal communities. Domestically the capability would enable the Navy to
support the efforts of the CHS in the event that they would be overwhelmed by the need
or they are unable to proceed to the affected areas. Expeditionally, the RCN would be the
that CHS could support an operation but currently there is no mechanism or facility for
them to participate. Part of the mandate defined in the Canada First Defense Act is to
government has focused on the Americas region and operations in that region would
likely require disaster support in the future from either hurricane or earthquakes. It is
likely that the government will demand that the Canadian Forces support disaster relief
operation. In order to enable that support, the RCN requires a hydrographic capability to
safely open the affected areas to marine traffic. The navy requires the capability to
Natural disasters will continue to affect populations along the coastal regions in
devastating ways. As populations get denser along the coastal areas the impact of those
disasters will become greater. The USN supported the relief to gulf region affected by
Hurricane Katarina and the earthquake in Haiti by having ships and mobile teams deploy
to the region and safely to allow access to the ports and the affected regions. The
Japanese were able to open their own communities from their own national capabilities
after the earthquake and resulting tsunami. All these events affected a large region and
adversely affected the land communication systems. Loss of the communication network
Department of Defence. Canada First Defence Strategy. (Ottawa: Canada Communication Group, 2005):
meant that immediate relief and support could only arrive via the air or via the sea. Air
relief would only be able to support the immediate area surrounding viable airfields and
the amount of supplies and equipment that could arrive is limited to the type of aircraft
available. Relief from sea would be more substantial but require safely opening the port.
operations. The RCN requires the capability to open marine access to affected areas as an
expedient to providing aid. Without hydrography the RCN would be unable to safely
bring substantial aid ashore. Without the organic hydrographic support the RCN would
have to rely on other agencies. The RCN is the best government department to provide
Hydrographic capabilities over time have evolved for safe surface navigation.
Military hydrographic requirements require greater precision than that which is required
assessment of the environment for operations, and to fulfill the unique requirements
to Canadian Allies there is equipment, processing and training deficiency in the RCN.
Hydrography enables operations in both scope and freedom of maneouvre for when the
RCN goes inshore, it needs some ability to exploit the sea space and interface with the
land environment. The more command understands about the water space, the more he is
able to exploit the limits without taking excessive risk. Hydrography adds to the
information superiority by enabling operations the enemy cannot respond to. Current
capabilities in the RCN include a route survey and oceanography section. Hydrography
and data that both users can exploit. Route survey is concerned with identifying sea
mines and establishing a safe passage though the infected water spaces. Future operations
such as amphibious submarine operations require detailed knowledge of the littoral water
There is a deficiency between what capability the RCN has and what it needs to
complete its tasks requiring the development of a hydrographic capability. The RCN
hydrographic capability includes side scan sonars, and echo sounders recording devices.
The side scan sonars are operated by the Route Survey sections. They were developed to
provide a method for naval ships, MCDVs, to accurately depict the ocean floor in an
attempt to discover sea and ground mines. The systems were designed as a critical angle
tow fish which flies within close proximity of the ocean floor.42 This system is
susceptible to seafloor collisions when there is a rapid decrease in the depth of water. The
preferred operating area of these devices is in well surveyed waters so that seafloor
elevation changes are predictable to the operators. The images captured by these devices
are very fine as they were designed to detect mine like objects placed on the seafloor. The
operators can then compare the previous images to determine if new objects have been
placed.43 Side scan survey equipment, unless it is a hybrid device, does not give accurate
positional or depth data and is therefore of negligible use to hydrography. The tow fish is
pulled by a cable at a difficult to ascertain angle and cannot verify its position relative to
a survey quality GPS on ship. As a result the horizontal and vertical data is not within
tolerances for hydrographic work.44 Therefore, the side scan sonars operated by the RCN
The other piece of equipment that navies operate with potential use for
hydrography is the ship echo sounder. For centuries hydrographic ships used a line
weighted by lead to determine the depth and obtained spot soundings with reliability. An
echo sounder is used for similar purposes. To be effective, RCN echo sounders would
have to be modified to be able to log data. To be accurate enough for survey quality, the
Department of Defence. “Canada Invests in Sonar Technology for the Royal Canadian Navy.” news
release, 2 November 2012,
Department of Defence. CFCD 126: Standard Operating Procedures for Mine Countermeasures and
Underwater System Payloads and Equipment. (Ottawa: Canada Communication Group, 2006): 4-1.
International Hydrographic Organization. Manual of Hydrography. (Monaco: IHO, 2005): 10.
data logging device would have to have same time sampling of the pitch and roll of the
ship in addition to a GPS stamp for horizontal positioning. So although ships could
currently log the positional and depth, it would not achieve the requirements for actual
survey work.45 Also the echo sounders equipped on naval ships are optimized for surface
navigation and missing the automatic features essential for accurate depth. One could
have an operator constantly adjust the echo sounder in order to obtain good data, that
method is inefficient and prone to human error. Finally, use of echo sounders as
hydrographic devices would be ad hoc, ineffective and not meet the IHO standards for
surface navigation. Also echo sounder use would also not meet the military requirement
of an IHO special order survey.46 Therefore the data would be of limited use and it would
also require the ship to survey on strict lines to achieve any area coverage. What is being
attempted for naval operations is the use of a data logging device called OLYX which is
useful in areas where there is moderate traffic but poor coverage, such as areas
frequented by fishing vessels. Each vessel would contribute to the survey over time. This
crowd sourcing method is a cost effective for improving the navigation picture that might
prove effective in the Arctic. The issue with it is that the vessels would not be following
any survey plan and improvements in the survey could be exasperatingly slow and not
methodical. The RCN hull mounted echo sounder is inefficient and ineffective as a
hydrographic tool.
Ibid: 10.
Ibid: 10.
Department of Defence. Memorandum of Understanding between Department of Defence and
Department of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the Provision of Service. (Ottawa: Canada
Communication Group, 2011): Annex F Amendment 2 page 1.
The Navy has two methods of obtaining hydrographic data, but these methods are
insufficient for the requirements of allies. The NATO Rapid Environmental Assessment,
REA, asks nations to state what type of data is available in a given operational area in the
event that a NATO Naval operation could take place.48 If there is insufficient data and
operation still needs to occur, then the nations are expected to provide methods of
obtaining the required data. Canada would be unable to meet either of these requirements.
The RCN has no method to obtain data in an expeditionary realm and in addition to this it
has no foreign data that it could contribute to the alliance. Although the point of the
alliance is to share capability, Canada has nothing to offer. As a result, during any
expeditionary operation Canadian naval units are at the mercy of how much data other
nations are willing to share. If Canada either joins a non-NATO mission or conducts
operations for national reasons then there is a significant gap in products available. The
RCN has a capability deficiency between what it can contribute to NATO operations and
what would be expected meaning that the RCN may be denied military specific product
CHS is willing to share most data in Canada, there are often large gaps in the data types
that are available. These data gaps affect both training and operations. Since CHS works
on a priority system for data acquisition focusing on major shipping areas these are often
not the areas that are of interest to the RCN. These areas are typically practice areas and
littoral zones that are near the practice zones. The Navy often tries to choose areas that
Brian G Whitehouse, and Paris Vachon, Andrew Thomas, Robert Quinn, Wayne Renaud. “Rapid
Environmental Survey of the Maritime Battlespace,” Canadian Military Journal, (Spring 2006):
are near bases but away from high traffic areas and these areas are rarely CHS priority
areas. The Navy could pay for the areas that are of interest to them, but these areas would
be excellent hydrographic practice areas to hone skills prior to obtaining data outside the
domestic context. The Navy does not have the ability to contribute hydrographic data or
products to NATO as required by the REA. The Navy has no direct ability to improve the
products in areas where they practice. The result is that the Navy requires a hydrographic
capability to support military operations and improve both the ability to produce military
In addition to lacking the ability to aid allies in producing data and products for
catered operations, demand for military specific products has different data demands
from civilian surface navigation. The prime applications for naval hydrography are for
oceanography and littoral and submarine operations. Oceanography is the branch of Earth
science that studies the ocean. It covers a wide range of topics, including marine
organisms and ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves, and geophysical fluid
dynamics; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor; and fluxes of various chemical
substances and physical properties within the ocean and across its boundaries. The
ships operate. A critical part of effective understanding of how the ocean operates is the
physical depiction of the sea floor. Hydrographic processing techniques can also
determine the bottom type. As a result, hydrography builds the general oceanographic
picture. Oceanographers require more data to complete the picture and aid the military
After the support requirements, naval hydrography would also be able to support
surface navigation. In areas of the world where surveys are poor, there will still be a
requirement to operate. Currently operations are occurring in the Caribbean where ships
are tracking and boarding vessels suspected of running drugs.49 There are areas where the
operational commander would like ships to operate but since surveys in the area are poor
would entail unreasonable risk. These areas can include waterways outside of the
territorial waters which would make it legal to survey without infringing on the
sovereignty of the coastal nation. In addition to the aiding surface navigation operations,
hydrographic surveys would be one area where the navy could help a coastal nation with
port to open. An open port would be able to aid the harbour city in becoming more
Without an organic capability of obtaining hydrographic data, the navy would not be able
to contribute to opening areas of operation and the navy would not be able to help a
coastal nation in improving the potential economic viability. As a result, the navy
requires hydrographic capability to accomplish any of these potential tasks. After helping
improve the operating area of the naval forces, hydrography would directly aid in military
Canada does not have the capability to conduct amphibious operations on a large scale,
the RCN can conduct small boat operations for basic insertion and extraction. The RCN
Paul Forget. “Law Enforcement Detachments and the Canadian Navy: A New Counter-Drug Capability”
Canadian Naval Review 7, no. 2 (Summer 2011): 4.
International Hydrographic Organization. The Need for Hydrographic Services. (Monaco: IHO, 2011):
could also use this capability to support amphibious operations if the capability was ever
acquired. Naval hydrography is critical to support these operations because knowing the
depths of water in the littoral space of enemy waters is crucial in both the planning and
execution of an assault. The presence of shoals and slope data of the beaches or landing
sites would be able to prevent the boats from grounding away from the objective beaches.
Having the ability to survey the area prior to an insertion or extraction would aid in
minimizing that risk. Often the countries where the amphibious operations occur have
poor littoral surface charts and the risk of insertion would be increased and compounded
by the presence of sea mines. Also if ship’s boats are being used to conduct the operation,
only a limited number of boats are available meaning that loss of a single boat could
seriously affect the mission and operational capability of the ship. This situation means
that the risk due to grounding will be higher than a normal amphibious operation. Naval
hydrography would be used to help minimize the risk and support further operations.
The greatest need for naval hydrography comes from the submarine community.
underwater their positional accuracy degrades overtime because of the lack of precise
updated positional information from any source including GPS. As a result a submarine
generates an expanding area of probability where it could exist based on their last known
position and their movement. In littoral areas this area becomes rapidly dangerous as it
begins to include shoaling areas. In June 2011, HMCS CORNERBROOK ran aground in
Nootka Sound while conducting littoral operations. While the Board of Inquiry found the
human error to be the cause, it highlights that navigating underwater in confined waters is
dangerous.51 To mitigate and the risk, this area of probability can be reduced by several
methods. The most accurate method for a submarine to re-establish its position would be
to surface and obtain an exact GPS position. The next couple of methods of reducing the
area of probability is either to visually sight a known object and get its true bearing, or
determine the distance based on its height.52 All these methods expose the submarine to
detection as they would need to have a mast above the surface in addition to being near
the surface and in a water column known to the submarine hunting units. In the open
ocean a submarine position is less critical as there are often less navigational dangers
which may affect the submarine but there is never any certainty until an accurate survey
is completed. In littoral waters near the coast, having a precise position is critical for safe
navigation. The most effective method of reducing the expanding positional error without
Bottom contour charts allow the submarine to remain underwater and still reduce
the expanding positional area and minimize the risk of grounding. By knowing the total
depth of water column and comparing that depth against a chart, a submarine will be able
to eliminate depth areas where there is no match. This awareness can only be
accomplished if there is sufficient hydrographic data and the data has been processed for
submarine operations. The difference between surface navigational charts and submarine
Royal Canadian Navy, “HMCS CORNER BROOK Grounding Incident: Board of Inquiry Complete,“
accessed on 6 April 2013,
prepared charts is the number and frequency of contours displayed. The IHO has
minimum standards for the number and type of contours required to be displayed on
charts but they become less frequent after 20m.53 A surface navigational chart may also
have a 50m and a 100m contour. However, the type of data collected becomes less
precise after 20m even with the most accurate type of survey methods.54 This is not an
navigation with ship of draughts less than 20m. An underwater submarine routinely
navigates in in water where their draught can be assumed to be more than 50m. This
disparity creates specific hydrographic requirements for submarines that exceed that of
surface navigation. As a result, the data and the processing focused on surface navigation
Naval hydrography would therefore bridge the gap from what is required for
surface navigation and what a submariner requires to safely navigate. Naval hydrography
would be required to obtain similar data as that which is required for surface ships to a
much greater depth. Although the technology exists to obtain this type of data, new
required to be processed to a different standard. The chart would likely have to have a
depth contour every 2m. In addition, the existence of these charts in littoral water would
be an indicator that submarines operate in the area, so charts would have to be classified
especially if the charts are outside of Canadian territorial waters. The main use of
specialized charts inside of Canada would be to train the submarine crews both in the use
International Hydrographic Organization. Regulations of the IHO for International Charts and Chart
Specifications of the IHO. (Monaco: IHO, 2012): Annex B, 3.
International Hydrographic Organization. Manual of Hydrography. (Monaco: IHO, 2005): 10.
United Kingdom. Ministry of Defence, Submarine Dived Navigation: Concept of Operations v 1.0.
(London: Ministry of Defence, 2011): 25.
of the charts and in bottom contour navigation. Hydrographic Service Offices have
already created a small set of these charts both to fill a need demanded by the submarine
community and as proof that the office could create the product. The main issue on
creating more products is lack of adequate data in the areas demanded by the submarine
community. As soon as the submarines start to deploy away from Canada, they will start
demanding better charts. The only way to acquire the data that they would require would
be if the RCN acquired it themselves. The best way to support their needs would be if the
assuming higher risk navigating especially outside of Canadian waters. As a result the
Naval hydrography would fill the deficiency between what data and products are
available for commercial consumption and specific uses demanded by the military. The
gaps in what is available and what is required include data for oceanographers, ability to
improve the surface navigational picture, aid to coastal nations, and support to
amphibious operations and submarine operations. To fill this deficiency, the RCN has a
very limited and deficient ability to collect the data and produce the products that are
required for the consumption of the navy. The RCN’s ability is limited by lack of
equipment and the lack of expertise in acquiring data. The HSOs have some expertise in
preparing and processing the data but its capacity is limited. In addition to being unable
to acquire data for Canadian use, the RCN will be unable to share in any of the data that
our allies acquire as we will have nothing to offer them in support. The allies may be able
to aid in providing expertise, but having the data to share is the critical in the exchange.
With a lack of data to share, the RCN may not be able to participate in data sharing
during critical operations or operations that may be important to only Canada, but not our
allies. Having a naval hydrographic capability would enable support data requirements
amphibious operations that may be required even if the operation is small, such as
required for a ship’s boat, or on a larger scale as demanded from a more robust assault.
The main beneficiary of naval hydrography would be the submarine community. They
would be able to vastly improve their capability by improving the areas that they could
operate and do so more safely. Naval hydrography would be the only method of
providing the data and the processing to the submarine force because of the unique data
littoral areas that submarines would be operating would only be able to be filled by a
naval hydrographic capability. The security required based on of where the submarine
could operate could only be assured by having the military control the entire process. The
requirement to support the submarine is real and immediate and it would greatly reduce
the risk to the boats for navigation and would at the same time improve their operational
Most coastal nations have naval hydrographic capabilities. The RCN requires its
own hydrographic capability in order to conduct current operations and to meet future
requirements. By comparing what capabilities that allies have will show a similar
capacity and capability that the RCN should acquire to meet this need. The United States
navy (USN) and the Royal Navy (RN), have a robust capability to meet their national
requirements especially for their nuclear submarine operations. The Royal Australian
Navy (RAN) is responsible for the national hydrographic requirements and also fills the
military operational requirements. They also have a submarine fleet which requires
specialty products. The Royal New Zealand Navy does not have a submarine fleet to
support, but their navy has retained a hydrographic capability to support specific naval
The USN is responsible for all hydrographic demands for their deployed forces.
They have significant capability to acquire data and provide the charts in a variety of user
demanded formats. They have hydrographic ships capable of both deep water and inshore
surveys.56 They hydrographic ships carry launches which allow them to multiply the area
that a single ship can cover in a single day. The US Forces also have Light Detection and
They also have “fly away” kits which allow for a portable multi-beam system to be
mounted on virtually any small boat. The kits allow for a very rapid survey to be
completed almost anywhere in the world. This system was employed in Haiti after the
Delgado R.R. “Fleet Survey Team: Providing Operational Hydrography to the U.S. Forces” Feb 12
earthquake to attempt to rapidly open the capitol city.57 They conduct surveys of waters
as part of the nation building, to enable future amphibious operations, and to allow their
submarine fleet to safely navigate under water. All of this capability does not include any
of the federal resources that maintain the domestic navigable waters. The USN has a very
robust hydrographic capability to enable and sustain their maritime fleet that would be
The Royal Navy has historically conducted the majority of the initial surveys
throughout the world and as such continues to maintain a fleet. They have a maritime
nation whose wealth depended on the safe movement of trade between nations. The
UKHO and the RN, provide data for products that service their operational needs
including amphibious landing charts and specialize navigational products. On the civilian
side, their current focuses have been to chart waters of coastal nations whom they some
governance responsibility. They also survey places that require some capacity building to
improve the overall navigational safety. As a result the UKHO services the worldwide
demands the RN has hydrographic ships including an ice class vessel. The RN and the
UKHO demands are greater than the demands of the RCN and therefore the RCN would
The Royal Australian Navy is responsible for the both the domestic hydrographic
demands and to support the military demands of their navy. The RAN has hydrographic
vessels to meet their domestic and expeditionary requirements. The RAN is a regional
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, “Admiralty Vector Chart Service Overview” accessed on 8
March 2013,
building that the RAN does for hydrographic improvements of nations in the region. The
Australians use their hydrographic service in ways similar to the other nations in terms of
how the navy is supported. All the previous three nations have submarines which require
hydrography different than what is required for surface vessels. Submarine operations are
enabled by charting of different level of accuracy. Thus the Australian model is sufficient
to meet both their domestic and expeditionary demands but is not appropriate for the
RCN to model.
The Royal New Zealand Navy has a more modest hydrographic service that still
meets their demands. They have hydrographic ships in their navy which meets the
demands of their surface fleet.60 Their naval hydrographer’s expertise is not focused but
defused throughout their navy with the most senior officer acting as the national
authority. As a result their navy can maintain both the capability and the expertise with
having to focus any of their scant human resources on the problem. Their navy also does
not have submarines which mean that their demands will be less intensive than the other
nations. Regardless, The Royal New Zealand Navy is able to meet the demand of their
becomes starker. Although a dedicated hydrographic department complete with ships and
Australia, Department of Defence. ”Australian Hydrographic Office: Roles and Responsibilities.” Last
accessed on 5 February 2013,
Hannah, John and Peter Knight. “Hydrography in New Zealand: A New Economic Approach,”
Hydrographic Society of New Zealand, accessed on 8 Parch 2013,
a robust training program would fill the requirement, it would far exceed the demand
from the RCN. A more modest capability, similar to what RNZN has, would likely fill
the requirement. With allies to model the level of capability required and used to enable
operations, the RCN can better understand the level of service that it might require to
support current and future operations. With this capability, the RCN would also be able to
Canada is a large coastal state with vast maritime interests and hydrography is a
recognized part of sea power. Royal Canadian Navy requires naval hydrography to
enable and complete their missions; a modest capability is required to meet these needs.
An examination of what other allies have to achieve their missions. Although the Royal
Navy and United States Navy have significantly larger forces and a historic precedence
demands their hydrographic capability is similarly larger. In a similar sized ally, Australia
has a robust capability and even a smaller nation such as New Zealand has a reasonable
The RCN requires a hydrographic capability which can be broken into three parts:
an equipment requirement to obtain the data, an expertise requirement to verify the data
and a portrayal requirement to utilize the data that is obtained. Although most nations
have hydrographic ships that are focused on that mission, the RCN demand does not need
dedicated ships. The equipment demands of the RCN merely require that data can obtain
requirements of the surface fleet in disaster response and data requirements for submarine
navigation. As a result, the minimum demand envisions installing the capability on the
ship that was deploying or responding to the crisis. The easiest method to obtain this
capability requirement could be met by either having specialty launches, small boats with
a multi-beam sonar installed in the hull, or to have a pole mounted sonar system mounted
to a ship. The advantages of the small boat would be that it could be flown in to a ship in
an emergency or it could sail with the ship from its home port. If it came as a self-
contained module then the set-up requirements would be minimal and it could operate on
its own allowing the mother ship to carry on with other missions. The main disadvantages
would be that most RCN ships have limited boat carrying capacities and having a
dedicated launch would mean that it would not be suited to other tasks like landing
operations. Having a pole mounted multi-beam sonar system would be more portable but
would require more set-up on a ship including testing. The ship would then also be
limited in operations when conducting a survey which may not be the most effective use
of that resource. After the equipment is obtained, the RCN still requires trained personnel
The RCN requires hydrographic expertise when collecting and assessing any data
collected. Most navies have dedicated specialists of hydrographic officers who are trained
and employed solely in the task of data acquisition. They also form the nucleus of an
expertise of officers who can prioritize the hydrographic survey demands to fulfill the
requirements of their navies. In addition, these officers can assess equipment and
resource demands for navies. The RCN currently has very few officers who have either
the training or the expertise to even attempt becoming a hydrographer. There is no career
path nor are there many positions that a hydrographer could fill. In order to train
hydrographers the training varies between a master’s program and technical course. Both
are strenuous technical programs which enable candidates to fulfill the requirements of a
hydrographer. Most hydrographers will need to consolidate their skill set with either
executing a survey or assisting another hydrographer. It would likely be best if the RCN
allowed navigators to become hydrographers and post them to roles where they could
complete education. Afterward, they would become standby officers, able to fill the role
in the event of a crisis or a mission where a survey is required to enable a mission. This is
very similar to how the RNZN, another small navy, operates its hydrographic capability.
After the data has been acquired and verified, RCN requires a process to display,
portray and access the data. The coastal Hydrographic Service Organizations do an
admirable job with limited resources to process what data is available to them. The HSOs
have no authority to create a safe navigation product and if new data comes from the
RCN they will quickly become swamped. To support the operations, a reach back
capability for analysis and processing would be required to send the partially processed
data for portrayal and inclusion in military products. The data would be useless unless an
operator can make use of it in the future and dependent on the crisis may require a very
quick response time. Most of the allies operate with a similar system where agencies have
an ability to produce products for the navy on newly procured data. Regardless, the RCN
process to happen.
where the sailors were not the local expert. The early casualties for this preventable
situation became deplorable and expensive. After the science started producing charts,
navies and governments soon realized the use and power of the product. Hydrographic
products were then used to enable a variety of operations and at the same time enforce
and improve the sovereignty of nations. The Canadian Hydrographic Service has evolved
out of a demand for domestic safety of navigation and as a result the RCN has not
If the RCN had a hydrographic capability it could aid the other government
in their understanding of the physical world and their demand for pollution protection.
The Canadian Coast Guard would be aided in how they maintain the navigational aids in
the water. The real advantage would be to the Canadian Hydrographic Service who has
the mandate to maintain the navigable waters for shipping and transit. They would benefit
from having platforms that are collecting data, and from any processing from the data for
military means. The naval hydrographic capability would gain in expertise from
conducting the hydrographic surveys. The navy would gain from the long expertise that
each department has garnered over the recent past. The economy of Canada would
disaster support. The support would enable maritime relief in devastated coastal regions.
Nations have been affected by hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. The maritime and
land infrastructure have been damaged to the extent that the best sustained support arrives
from the ocean. To enable that support new surveys must be completed to ensure that the
shipping is safe to enter the area. Both American and Japanese surveys were critical in
the support to the affected areas. In addition to requiring the surveys for disaster relief the
surveys are critical in re-establishing the affect economic infrastructure. Both of these
deficiencies in current and for future operations. Oceanographers would benefit from the
data by improving knowledge of the ocean and thereby improve both their analytic
capability and predictive power for military operations. Future amphibious operations
require the capability. The greatest current needs are to enable patrols in the Arctic in
sovereignty defence and support to the submarine community. The Arctic has poor and
safely achieve their missions. The need for naval hydrographic capability to provide the
data in military priority areas, the sensitivity of the data obtained and to obtain data
expeditionary. Without the capability future naval operations would be risky, impossible
or unsustainable.
Although many nations have fulfilled their naval hydrographic needs in different
methods, Canada solution may unique. The equipment, training and personal package
requirements are an area for further study. The capability is required or the RCN will find
itself unnecessarily impotent in the exploitation of the water space. It will not be able to
effectively conduct operations and the RCN will be unable to contribute to allies. Without
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