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Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 61.

3, Fall 2015, 314-328

Teachers’ Reflective Practice in Lesson

Study: A Tool for Improving Instructional
Sally Baricaua Gutierez
University of the Philippines

In teacher education, a collection of research has established the importance of reflection in

professional development. Lesson study, a popular professional development in Japan,
incorporates reflection in one of its stages to enhance teachers’ capacity to look into their
enacted practices to improve their research lessons. However, there appear to be few studies
determining the types of reflective practice among teachers. In this study, the various stages of
lesson study process were documented and transcribed to analyze the teachers’ reflective
practices. Qualitative analyses yielded three types of reflective practice exemplified by the
teachers, namely: descriptive, analytical, and critical. The study highlighted the collaborative,
sustainable, and provisional environment which enabled the teachers to become practitioners
who are able to use their reflections to gain understanding of their instructional practices.
Findings also indicated that the context of professional development for teachers must be
tailored to their direct experiences for them to significantly use the outcomes.

La recherche en formation des enseignants a établi l’importance de la réflexion dans le

développement professionnel. L’étude de cours, qui constitue un élément important du
développement professionnel au Japon, intègre la réflexion et vise à augmenter la capacité chez
les enseignants de se pencher sur leurs pratiques pour améliorer leurs leçons. Toutefois, il
semble avoir peu d’études portant sur le type de pratique réflexive qu’entreprennent les
enseignants. La documentation et la transcription des différentes étapes du processus de l’étude
de cours ont permis d’analyser les pratiques réflexives chez les enseignants. Les analyses
qualitatives en ont révélé trois types : descriptives, analytiques et critiques. Cette étude met en
évidence le milieu collaboratif, provisoire mais durable, qui a permis aux enseignants de puiser
dans leurs réflexions pour mieux comprendre leurs pratiques pédagogiques. Les résultats ont
également indiqué que pour que les enseignants profitent de façon significative de leur
développement professionnel, le contexte doit être adapté à leurs expériences directes.

Initial and on-going professional development (PD) are important aspects to develop teaching
competence. Teachers’ initial PD is characterized by a discipline-based training, which builds
confidence among pre-service teachers while on-going professional development is learning
while in practice with the inclusion of reflection and exploration from actual teaching
experiences (Herbert & Rainford, 2014). In both methods, such PD increases the instructional
quality of teachers and would be translated into enhanced student learning. Pedder, Storey, and
Opfer (2008) suggested that continuing PD must be collaborative and sustainable to avoid

314 © 2015 The Governors of the University of Alberta

Teachers’ Reflective Practice in Lesson Study: A Tool for Improving Instructional Practice

passive ways of learning. These forms of PD must include critical reflective teachers’ activities,
which are necessary for instructional development. Critical reflection of instructional practice is
essential in any teacher PD activity because it enables teachers to “reconstruct local knowledge
while working within a dynamic research community” (Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 1993, p. 68) to
become aware of their own pedagogical practices and empowered to critical instructional
improvements (Cheetham & Chivers, 2001; Levine & Marcus, 2010).
Researchers claim that personal reflection is the best method of capability building among
teachers (Darling-Hammond, Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2009; Reeves, 2010).
Moreover, by blending reflective practice into continuing PD, teachers develop self-knowledge
and self-challenge on their professional learning journey (Leitch & Day, 2000; Klein, 2008; Ng
& Tan, 2009). Effective PD for teachers goes beyond enhancing their knowledge and skills to
providing them with opportunities of self-reflection within a support group which establishes
sustainability and collaboration. Teacher inquiry groups (Crockett, 2002), peer coaching,
collaborative teacher consultation, teacher mentoring (Brownwell, Adams, Sindelar, Waldron &
Vanhover, 2006), lesson study (Lieberman, 2009), and collaborative professional learning
(Gutierez, 2015) are just few of the promising teacher professional development models at
present. According to Shriki and Movshovitz-Hadar (2011), through these PD activities, teachers
are able to acquire new knowledge and skills as they participate in a learning community that
centers on their teaching practices as their learning objects.
In the Philippine basic science education, the implementation of the Enhanced Basic
Education Curriculum (K to 12) in 2013 captured the attention of various education specialists
to initiate PD deemed to enhance teachers’ capabilities to implement inquiry-based teaching
and learning. For most, this PD is designed to create a participative learning community to
model inquiry among teachers to influence their instructional practices (Loucks-Horsley,
Hewson, Love & Stiles, 1998). The problem, however, is grounded on issues of proper
implementation with the newly acquired set of skills. Darling-Hammond and Richardson
(2009) promoted the “active learning” community—a PD model which is school-based,
sustainable, and collaborative in nature. Such PD activity builds sustainability of teacher
practice in drawing inquiry from local knowledge (Villegas-Reimers, 2003). Lesson study,
incorporates most of the promising features of a PD model where teachers work with colleagues
and experts to increase their opportunities to fine-tune their instructional practices. It is a
dynamic and a powerful approach to professional learning (Lewis, Perry, Friedkin, & Roth,
2012; Lim, Lee, Saito, & Haron, 2011) where teachers set long-term goals for their students,
improve their lessons, learn new and valuable teaching approaches, deepen their subject matter
knowledge, work collaboratively, and become self-reflective.
Many studies were conducted on the overall impact lesson study as a PD model for teacher
development, but only few studies looked into reflection and how it helps the development of
the individual and peer capacities of teachers to do assessment of their instructional methods.
Inspired by the promise of achieving a high-impact PD model for teachers in response to the
Philippine curriculum reform, this study attempts to present how lesson study became a venue
where teachers built a learning community that is reflective, constructive, and formative in
relation to their enhanced capabilities. It further aims to categorize the modes of reflection of
teachers from their constant and series of interactions by themselves and with the
knowledgeable others, which include mentors, university professors and school academic heads
who act as experts in either the subject matter, teaching pedagogy or both.

S. B. Gutierez

Lesson study as a teacher professional development

Lesson study is the direct translation of the term jugyokenkyu, which in Japanese, the word
jugyo means lesson and kenkyu means study or research. It involves a group of teachers
collaboratively working together with the goal of improving certain aspects of their instructional
practices. It involves the cyclical and systematic process of planning, observation, reflection, and
revision of research lessons (Sims & Walsh, 2009). As such, actual classrooms serve as the
object of learning as it has been proven to provide the powerful and evidence-based contexts of
evaluating instructional practices (Cordingley, Bell, Rundell, Evans, & Curtis, 2004; Dudley,
2013; Elmore, 2004; Guskey, 2002; Kazemi & Hubbard, 2008; Opfer & Pedder, 2011). In doing
this, the teaching process is critically examined and reflective thinking is developed while
professional learning community is valued among teachers.
Lesson study is grounded on the idea that professional learning happens during social
interaction among peers with similar goals (Kriewaldt, 2012). It captures the idea of enhanced
learning and intellectual functioning when a group collaboratively works together leading to the
development of personal expertise as a product of the constant interaction and deep reflection
(Hadar & Brody, 2010). This means that constant interaction is vital to the optimum
development of instructional practices. Moreover, the sustainable collaborative reflection of
one’s teaching routines not only evaluates the alignment of teaching practices to new and
existing paradigms but builds a community of practice where teachers become critical and
constructive with each other (Achinstein, 2002; Grossman, Wineburg, & Woolworth, 2001;
Little, 1990, 1999; Witziers, Sleegers, & Imants, 1999).
A group-directed and collegial learning among teachers is a potential venue for the
examination and gradual improvement of classroom practices highlighting diverse mental
models towards becoming open to the change process (Owen, 2015). In lesson study, a
collaboratively-designed research lesson is open for observation and evaluation (Verhoef,
Coenders, Pieters, van Smaalen, & Tall, 2015). Thus, lesson study is an excellent PD model
where collegiality and apprenticeship between the “knowledgeable others” and emerging
competent teachers serve as the foundation in the development of their instructional practices
(Verhoef, et al., 2015). It supports the claim of Middlewood, Parker, and Beere (2005) that a
professional learning is a process of self-development which leads to personal growth and
development of skills and knowledge.

Embedding teachers’ reflection into professional development

Reflective practice in education is said to scaffold critical thinking (Conway, 2001) and promote
self-regulation (Boud, 2007; Singh, 2008) as teaching is a process that is open to examination
and deliberation (Elliot, 2001; Schön, 1983; Van Manen, 1995) for significant improvement in
the teachers’ instructional practices (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988). Various authors claim that
embedding reflective practice in a PD model for teachers enable them to be critical and mindful
in their own problems and later, would remain independent of outside knowledge (Cousin,
2002). Studies show that reflective writing supports pre-service teachers in becoming
practitioners who are able to identify particular incidents during their field experiences in order
to consider alternatives and future actions (Hume, 2009; Luk, 2008; Ryan, 2011). Larrivee
(2008) defines reflective practice as the contemplative act of self-evaluation of actual tasks
which involves decision-making and problem-solving. As such, reflective practice may be a

Teachers’ Reflective Practice in Lesson Study: A Tool for Improving Instructional Practice

potential component of PD programs as it catalyzes the process of building teachers’ capacities

to constantly learn and enhance student learning (Glickman, Gordon & Ross-Gordon, 2009;
Reeves, 2010).
Engaging in a reflective practice provides rigor in the shared repertoire of knowledge
development through constructive utterances of opinions and feedback. Through feedback
mechanisms, members of a group contribute to the critical consideration of renewing the
qualities of their actual practices (Daniel, Auhl, & Hastings, 2013). In the process, feedback
forms the basis of critical analysis in the sustainable evaluation of existing practices (Han, 1995;
Hatton & Smith, 1995). On-going feedback thus becomes a crucial component in a community of
reflective practitioners in response to the changing paradigms of professional engagement. In
fact, Loughran (2002) stressed the importance of establishing meaning to actual experiences so
that these may be valued “in ways that minimize the possibility that the problematic nature of
practice might simply become a routine” (p. 34). In light of the foregoing literature, reflective
practice brings implicit knowledge based on actual practice so that it can be recognized and
explored (Parra, Gutiérrez, & Aldana, 2015) and the objects of learning are from classroom

Impact of lesson study on teachers’ professional development

The essence of lesson study is to instil among teachers the idea of collaboration that helps them
form an enquiry lens from their research lessons. The enquiry lens however is a product of their
collaborative reflection after research implementations which are grounded on the effectiveness
of the lesson based on students’ responses. In the study conducted in the Philippines, lesson
study was used as a professional development model to form a classroom-based professional
learning community (Gutierez, 2016). In the process of constant collaboration, teachers were
able to improve the pedagogical practices from each other and from the knowledgeable others.
This supports the study of Cerbin and Kopp (2006) which applied lesson study in the U.S. and
yielded to common and shared ideas on certain research lessons over an extended period of
constant and collaborative interaction. Moreover, it affirms the claims of Bryk and Schneider
(2002) and Desimone (2002) which states that any PD activity which puts central emphasis on
the importance of teachers makes them more receptive and therefore gain positive outcomes.
Lesson study can also enhance the critical assessment of teachers on their lessons. In the
study conducted in Hong Kong (Lee, 2008), secondary English teachers developed subject
knowledge and became more attuned to students’ needs because of collaborative sharing and
became more cognizant to collaboratively develop teaching strategies aligned to students’
effective learning. In the study of Cheng and Yee (2011/2012), lesson study motivated and
became the platform for Singaporean mathematics teachers to reconstruct and use the models
of students’ thinking in their lesson planning practices after a series of constant, collaborative
and thorough examination of the lesson implementations. These results validate the findings of
Yarema (2010) which report that through lesson study, teachers were able to explicitly ponder
on how to enhance their pedagogies by exploring new tasks for effective teaching. Moreover,
Singapore schools reported that lesson study “holds tremendous potential in uncovering both
students’ and teachers’ conceptions of and approaches to learning” (Yoong, 2011, p. 4). In the
study of Rock and Wilson (2005), the sustainable nature of lesson study involving the processes
of researching, collaborating, active learning, observation, and focused reflection and
discussion, led to the improvement of mathematics’ teachers in terms of instructional

S. B. Gutierez

vocabulary, differentiated instruction, instruction using manipulatives, knowledge of

mathematical learning stages, and the establishment of high student expectations.


Context of this study

The purpose of this qualitative study was to survey, document, and categorize the reflective
practices of 3 groups of public school elementary science teachers from their year-long PD
through lesson study which was composed of two phases. Phase I was a seminar-workshop on
inquiry-based teaching and learning through lesson study. The seminar-workshop included
collaborative goal setting and lesson plan development, constructive critiquing and revising of
lesson plans. Outputs included the formulation of a lesson study goal and the collaborative
design of an inquiry-based science lesson plan which served as the research lesson in each grade
level (Grades 1-6). The research lessons were presented, constructively critiqued, and
collaboratively revised by each of the lesson study groups in preparation for the implementation.
Phase II was the implementation phase of the research lessons which corresponded to the
following procedure: 1) try-out of the research lesson; 2) revision of the research lesson based on
the results of the try-out; 3) first research lesson implementation; 4) conduct of a post-lesson
reflection and discussion (first PRD); 5) revision of the research lesson based on the first PRD;
6) re-implementation of the revised version of the lesson plan; 7) another post-lesson reflection
and discussion (second PRD); and 8) writing the final version of the research lesson. Each grade
level was assigned an implementation date (with a maximum of a five-day interval between the
first and second implementation for each grade level) so that the total implementations were
spread across the school year. At least two science education experts were present in all of the
research lesson implementations.


The participants of this study were 15 public school elementary science teachers who are
teaching grade levels 2, 3, and 6, respectively who participated in a PD activity through lesson
study initiated by a group of science education experts. Initially, these teacher groups were part
of the 30 public school elementary science teachers who attended a PD activity and were
purposively chosen by their school head depending on their availability during the summer
break. Five teachers from each level (Grades 1-6) composed a one lesson study team and
represented the school so that a total of 6 lesson study groups were formed. As part of the
training team, the author was assigned to Grades 2, 3, and 6 in both Phases for monitoring. As
such, all forms of documentation were gathered from these three lesson study groups ranging
from daily reflective logs, field notes, survey forms, audio, and videotaped recordings of all the
teachers’ interactions. The participants had an average of 9.47 years in the teaching service with
2 months as the minimum and 35 years as the maximum. All of the teachers have been teaching
in the public school system in the Philippines since they started.

Research design and data collection

The study employed a qualitative research design. A survey was conducted to obtain the

Teachers’ Reflective Practice in Lesson Study: A Tool for Improving Instructional Practice

reflections of the teachers regarding lesson study. Moreover, daily reflective logs were gathered
from the participants during the seminar-workshop. In the Phase II, audio- and video-taped
recording of interactions were transcribed to track all of the teachers’ reflections during the
PRDs from the two lesson implementations of each group (Grades 2, 3, and 6).
On average, each lesson implementation and PRD lasted for one hour, respectively. Since
data were mostly gathered from the PRD, non-structured questions were asked but were usually
focused on teachers’ reflections on their lesson planning practices. The dynamics of the PRD
involved the reflective analysis of the implementing teacher followed by the rest of the lesson
study team, the invited science education researcher, the science coordinator (if present), and
finally, the author. All reflections and suggestions to improve the lesson were summarized by
one member of the lesson study team and counterchecked by the author. This served as a guide
for the revision of the research lesson. All these data were supplemented through a written and
open-ended questionnaire at the end of every second lesson implementation at the end of the
school year.

Data analysis and interpretation

The analysis of data was done qualitatively. First, all transcripts were encoded in Microsoft
Excel, and using the Find tool, keywords were identified. Using the constant comparison method
(Strauss & Corbin, 1990), patterns were noted, established, and coded initially and six
categorization units were generated by the author. This was followed by a request for coding
from outside experts. Initial validity and reliability analyses yielded a mismatch on the
categorization units and failed to meet the acceptable value for the Cohen’s kappa inter-rater
analysis. To establish a consensus, merging of categorization units was done and re-coding
resulted in three categorization units with an acceptable .845 kappa value. To further establish
uniformity of codes, all disagreements were identified and re-categorized by the author and the
other raters.


This study explored the types of reflective practice the teachers had in the various stages of the
lesson study process. Given the robust number of interactions between the teachers themselves
and the knowledgeable others, reflections were evident in nearly all of their conversations. Three
types of reflective practice were noted and identified across the data: descriptive, analytical, and

Table 1
Reflection coding used in the study
Reflective statements Explanation for the use of the codes
Descriptive Reflection A teacher views classroom events as random experiences and states
(IF Code: DesRef) perspectives not based from theory or any related prior experience
A teacher thinks how his/her teaching procedures affect students’
learning and thus shares possible ways to improve instructional practice
(IF Code: AnaRef)
in answer to students’ learning capacities
A teacher shares the importance of understanding the philosophical and
Critical Reflection ethical basis of teaching in the constant examination of emerging
(IF Code: CritRef) instructional practices and relates this to the diverse learning styles of

S. B. Gutierez

critical reflection. The lesson study process, therefore, provided an opportunity for the teachers
to be able to provide insightful reflections on their instructional practices.
Results of the overall analyses on the transcripts show that there exist reflections across the
stages of the lesson study process, but these were hardly noticed during normal conversations.
As presented in Table 2, the team mostly used descriptive reflection (42.99%), and this occurred
mostly during the planning and goal setting stage (47.37%) in the presence of the knowledgeable
others. Analytical reflection significantly increased during the PRD in the presence of the
knowledgeable others. Data revealed the major role of the knowledgeable others in the
development of the reflective practices of the teachers by prompting the teachers to engage in
critical dialogue and making attempts to self-evaluate. In this study, critical reflection is
considered as the highest form of reflective practice, and it is interesting to observe that the
26.24% times of attempting this reflection is indicative of teachers’ potential to become
reflective practitioners given enough opportunities.
Analysis shows that the participatory, collegial, and collaborative nature of lesson study were
the enabling factors in the open sharing of information and achievement with consensual and
mutual understanding (Cooper, 2014) between and among the teachers and the knowledgeable
others. This supports the claims of Healy (2009) who said that a collective and reflective
approach to evaluation of professional practice supports the development of a shared
professional identity. It further supports the claim of Marcos, Sanchez, and Tillema (2011) that
reflective practice among teachers helps them to deliberate and solve instructional problems
critically. In this study, three levels of reflective practice were exemplified by the teachers in a
conversational type of interaction to arrive at an authentic understanding of their instructional

Descriptive Reflection

In this type of reflection, the teachers mainly focused on the analysis of their teaching practices
to underlying assumptions about teaching and learning. Most of their reflective thoughts were
focused on isolated events not anticipating future connections for broader understanding.
Classroom interactions were viewed as plain pupils’ perspectives without due consideration to
the possible consequences of their enacted practices. As such, most of their reflections were
inclined to just narrate instructional actions rather than exploring possible alternatives and
plausible explanations while connecting them to previous classroom events.

Teacher Glenn: The pupils enjoyed what they were doing. Some pupils were very eager for their turn
to do their tasks.

Teacher Rowie: The pupils started late because they did not understand the instructions written in
their activity sheets.

Teacher Nida: It seems that the pupils did not respond well because they belong to the lower section
of the Grade level.

Most of the time, teachers shared how to adjust their current teaching practices without
considering pupils’ diversity of learning styles or long-term results. It is however interesting to
note that the teachers engaged in reflective thinking that led them to move forward in their view

Teachers’ Reflective Practice in Lesson Study: A Tool for Improving Instructional Practice

Table 2
Type of reflective practice of the teachers based from the transcripts
Areas of reflection in the lesson study process
Planning and goal setting Post-lesson reflection and discussion (PRD)
Between the Between the
Type of
Between and teachers and the Between and teachers and the
reflective Total %
among teachers knowledgeable among teachers knowledgeable
others Total % others Total %
Number of Number of Number of Number of
reflective % reflective % reflective % reflective %
interactions interactions interactions interactions
16 43.24 18 47.37 34 45.33 26 39.39 35 43.75 61 41.78 95 42.99
12 32.43 10 26.32 22 29.33 19 28.79 27 33.75 46 31.51 68 30.77
9 24.32 10 26.32 19 25.33 21 31.82 18 22.50 39 26.71 58 26.24
37 38 75 66 80 146
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 221 100
(64.74) (17.19) (33.94) (29.84) (36.20) (66.06)

Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 61.3, Fall 2015, 322-328

of the professional practice in relation to their beliefs and individual capacities. Two teachers
share the following as reflections during one of the PRDs:

Teacher Nika: I should have read the instructions one a time [sic] in order for the pupils to better
understand what they are going to do…because the leader was not able to explain well to his group

Analytical Reflection

In this type of reflective practice, the teachers were able to recognize the complexity of
classroom dynamics in determining patterns, relationships, and connections to deepen their
understanding of their instructional practices. They valued adjusting their teaching practices to
pupils’ relative performance and took responsibility for the result of their lesson
implementations. In most cases, their insights considered the diversity of task structures such as
cooperative learning groups and peer learning among the pupils as essentials in achieving
success in the teaching and learning process. They were also able to share a constructive
criticism among themselves which made the other members of the team recognize the existing
gaps of what was accomplished and what needs to be done in future lesson implementations.

Teacher Karen: As an implementer, I learned some teaching strategies that helped the pupils develop
their skills through inquiry-based activity by giving them hands-on activities. Some activities must
contain thought-provoking questions that will lead the pupils to critically think. As a participant in
critiquing and improving the lesson plan, the activities given must fit the pupils' capacity to cater their
[sic] mind by supplying HOTS [higher order thinking skills] questions and most of all, activities
should be applicable in real life situations.

Teacher Con: I learned that collaborative planning made us become more effective teachers because
we learn from our ideas. It allowed us to divide the tasks at hand and made our classroom activities
more manageable. We even extended this method to our classroom dynamics such as group learning
or peer learning because we acknowledged its benefits to our pupils.

Critical Reflection

In this type of reflection, the teachers shared insights that their individual approaches to
teaching can either contribute to or hinder the success of lesson implementations. As such, they
view their practices as a factor in the social outcome of their pedagogical actions. This prompts
them to put commonly-held beliefs into question and opens them to the knowledgeable others
for appropriate verifications which either suspend or forego sudden judgements to consider
other options. Most of the time, their analysis of their individual teaching practices yielded
consideration not only to pupils’ needs but also on the effectiveness of the lesson itself and the
cognitive activity involved in the lesson planning stages.

Teacher Sam: Strategy wise, I learned that inquiry-based teaching is much better than any other
strategies we have used especially when tasks require group activity. Through inquiry, the teacher acts
as facilitator of learning while pupils’ are doing their tasks. In fact, inquiry-based lessons are effective
since embedded questions prompts pupils to critically think and reflect.

322 © 2015 The Governors of the University of Alberta

Teachers’ Reflective Practice in Lesson Study: A Tool for Improving Instructional Practice

Teacher Melinda: I learned that a lesson that is planned collaboratively turns out to be one which
suits to different level [sic] of learners (individual differences) for a fact that during the lesson
planning, possible pupils’ difficulties were already identified and teachers already figured out possible
solutions to those difficulties/problems.

Based on the foregoing results, reflection was evident in the implementation stages where
teachers already used their knowledge of reflective protocol from the planning and goal setting
stages in their professional learning conversations. Most of their insights constituted a shared
commitment and motivation in the accomplishment of their lesson study goals. As a result of the
active participation, the teachers were able to see the relevance of collaborative learning as a
professional development model.


Based on the findings of this study, the PRD phase in lesson study was used to frame, re-frame,
analyze, and evaluate classroom scenarios as they slowly unfold (Cavanagh & Prescott, 2010).
Through the PRD, the implementing teachers shared their lessons from their own teaching
experiences while the teacher-observers and the knowledgeable others shared what they learned
from observing the lesson implementation. As the knowledgeable others facilitated the analysis
of the outcome of the lesson implementation, the team came to a consensus on how their lessons
would be improved. Their combined experience from pre-service and in-service teaching
provided the benchmark of evidence-based evaluation of enacted practices. As such, the
collaborative reflection in lesson study provided the teachers with different ways to view and
analyze classroom outcomes aside from providing them with ways to become more conscious
and critical about their own instructional strategies. The products of the reflective practices in
lesson study therefore served as a venue to modify as well as improve teaching practices of the
teachers involved in this study.
In the PRD process, the teachers were assisted by knowledgeable others in their
conversational reflection which focused on the factors that need to be considered in their future
lesson implementations. This provided them the opportunities to look back and review
classroom events related to pupils’ responses on the lesson. This supports the claim of Marcos,
Sanchez, and Tillema (2011) that a conversational reflection builds a shared repertoire of
strategies among teachers and other educators. Moreover, during the conduct of the PRD, the
teachers and the knowledgeable others not only pointed out the areas of improvement of the
lesson implementation but also affirmed areas which are effective and worth mentioning. The
appreciative lens supported the teachers to develop their confidence and recognize the value of
their actions from lesson preparation to its implementation. Because of the presence of the
knowledgeable others from the planning to the lesson implementations and PRDs, the teachers
were able to appreciate their sense of self and collegial professional development which bridged
their feeling of isolation and exhaustion from work. The knowledgeable others became not only
sources of new ideas but as inspiring individuals for the teachers to value their teaching
Using reflection in lesson study with the goal of improving teachers’ practices through
analysis of lesson outcomes led the teacher study groups to redefine their beliefs and practices
(Hung & Yeh, 2013) along with the emerging trends of science education. Moreover, it affirms
Ermeling’s (2010) features of teacher intervention program which include: “identifying

S. B. Gutierez

important instructional problems, connecting theory to action, utilizing evidence to drive

reflection, and persistently working toward detectable improvements” (p. 379). Combining these
features in a teacher PD would gradually create a teacher self-initiative to make sense of the
outcomes of their teaching practices. It is therefore important that PD be focused on
understanding and analyzing the dynamics of teaching and improving social competence to
identify students’ problems and how to deal with them professionally. While mentoring has
established a positive impact on individual teaching practices (Kadji-Beltran, Zachariou,
Liarakou, & Flogaitis, 2014), collaborative reflection with the knowledgeable others in lesson
study enhanced the teachers’ journey of growth towards enhanced instructional capability.
In the study of Parra, Gutiérrez, and Aldana (2014), becoming reflective practitioners
increases teachers’ awareness of the different social and political contexts of education. On this
basis, the role of the knowledgeable others as facilitators in the different lesson study phases led
the team towards a meaningful learning environment for teachers amidst the gravity of work
and the challenges they face. Moreover, since critical reflection is a social activity which requires
a group of professionals with similar goals, lesson study served as an appropriate platform to
facilitate the transformative learning of teachers. It is in this sense that this paper acknowledges
the idea of Hickson (2011) that university support of teacher reflection is necessary in a
meaningful critical reflection.


Drawing on the findings, this study concludes that professional development such as lesson
study, which focuses on drawing practical lessons from actual classroom settings, provides a
promising platform for teachers to develop a culture of reflection. The study also shows the
value of building partnerships between university-based teacher educators who act as
facilitators of the learning process in the adult learning environment. In consideration of the
context of the study, reflective practice is operationalized as the process where the teachers look
back on their previous classroom outcomes and treats these as benchmark information in the
improvement of their instructional practices. This study therefore urges more teacher educators
to embrace the formation of teacher study groups such as lesson study to upcoming professional


National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development/Collaborative Lesson

Research and Development Project


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Sally Baricaua Gutierez is a Science Education Associate at the University of the Philippines National
Institute for Science Education Development (UP NISMED). Currently she is a Ph.D. student at Seoul
National University in South Korea under the Ph.D. in Biology of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences.
Her research interests include lesson study, professional development, inquiry-based teaching, bioethics
education, and science education.


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