_____ _____ _____
présentée par
Le 8 Juillet 2002
Je veux tout d’abord saluer ici la mémoire de Moshé Flato qui avait
accepté la tâche ingrate de diriger cette recherche et auquel le destin
n’aura pas laissé le temps d’en connaître la fin. Ses anciens compagnons
d’amitié et de travail – les membres du laboratoire Gevrey de
Mathématique Physique et, en particulier, Daniel Sternheimer vers lequel
va aujourd’hui toute ma gratitude pour avoir accepté de reprendre cet
héritage – savent que sans ses encouragements constants et l’aide qu’il a
su m’apporter, ce travail n’aurait probablement pas existé en la forme.
Et c’est tout naturellement que je le lui dédie.
Les premières étapes de cette recherche sont liées à l’accueil qu’a bien voulu
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Enfin, je tiens à remercier les responsables qui ont permis la soutenance de
ce travail, parmi lesquels Jean-Claude Colson et Jean-Michel Guillaume,
du service de la Recherche et Etudes Doctorales de l’Université de
Bourgogne, ainsi que Béatrice Casas, du laboratoire Gevrey de
Mathématique Physique, qui m’a apporté son aide dans le cursus
administratif de cette soutenance.
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CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. 48
BIBLIOGRAPHIE ............................................................................................................ 51
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L'objectif de la présente recherche, dans le contexte de la supergravité N=2, consiste à proposer une
propre au modèle cosmologique standard. L'une des insuffisances (sans doute la plus préoccupante)
du modèle type "Big Bang" reste en effet son inaptitude à fournir une approche de l'origine singulière
de l'univers. Associée à l'échelle zéro de l'espace-temps, la Singularité Initiale ne peut être décrite par
la théorie physique (perturbative) en raison des divergences non renormalisables qui la caractérisent.
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En revanche, nous proposons ici, notamment dans l'article publié en réf[1] et ci-joint en annexe [A1],
l'existence d'une solution dans le cadre d'une théorie duale, non perturbative, relevant de la théorie
L'originalité de cette solution réside en ce qu'elle implique, en sus de l'état physique, l'existence
temps. Un tel état s'inscrit logiquement dans le cadre de la théorie Euclidienne des champs proposée
par J. Schwinger et appliquée il y a longtemps déjà par S.Hawking en cosmologie quantique (voir la
réf[3] pour les travaux typiques de ces deux auteurs). Toutefois, l'interprétation purement
"topologique" des contraintes propres à la gravité quantique résulte d'une série de résultats récents
obtenus par G.Bogdanoff [3] et indiquant l'existence probable de "fluctuations quantiques" (ou q-
superposition) de la signature de la métrique à l'échelle de Planck. En effet, il a été montré qu'à cette
échelle (i.e. échelle de supergravité N = ...) la signature Lorentzienne de la métrique (+++ ) ne
devrait plus être considérée comme fixe mais est très probablement soumise à des fluctuations
quantiques (+++±) jusqu'à la limite d'échelle zéro.En outre, il a été établi, toujours en réf [3], qu'en
raison de contraintes algébriques tout autant que physiques, il est également probable qu'une telle
Euclidienne (4,0), à l'exclusion de la forme ultra-hyperbolique (2,2) (sur ce point, voir les chaps. 1,
3, 4 de la réf[3]). La théorie de fluctuation de la signature de la métrique a été développée ou
conduisent dans tous les cas à des résultats sensiblement analogues à ceux de la réf.[3].
Du point de vue physique, cette notion de fluctuation quantique de la signature peut être vue comme
est très probablement soumis le système thermodynamique formé par l'espace-temps à l'échelle de
Planck. Cette approche a été établie pour la première fois en réf[3] et développée par nous dans la
réf[1, A1] déjà citée ainsi que, plus spécifiquement, dans les réf[6,7] ci-jointes en annexes [A2-A3].
Nos propositions formalisées dans les travaux cités indiquent en effet que, compte tenu des
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importants résultats de Dolan et Jackiw [8] puis de Weinberg [9] concernant le comportement
(pré)espace-temps se trouve en état d'équilibre thermique à l'échelle de Planck. Il est alors naturel
d'en déduire qu'en tant que système thermodynamique, ce même (pré)espace-temps est soumis à la
condition KMS à la même échelle. Sur la base de cette approche, nous établissons (notamment en
termes d'algèbres d'opérateurs) qu'à l'échelle zéro, la signature de la métrique doit donc être
considérée comme Euclidienne. Nous présentons nos principales propositions dans ce domaine en
section I. Celles-ci sont exposées pour l'essentiel dans les articles [1-A1] et [6-A2, 7-A3] annexés à
la présente thèse.
Par ailleurs, de manière évidente, la notion de fluctuation de signature de la métrique entre l'échelle de
Planck (limite infrarouge de la théorie de fluctuation) et l'échelle zéro (limite ultraviolette) apparaît
l'échelle quantique [10]. Dans un tel contexte a d'ailleurs été construit, en termes d'algèbres de Hopf
où Uq(so(4))op représente l'algèbre de Hopf (ou "groupe quantique") Euclidien et Uq(so(3,1)) le
groupe quantique Lorentzien, le symbole désignant un produit bicroisé et un 2-cocycle de
déformation (voir les réfs [11,12]) pour des développements plus précis). Le produit bicroisé (1)
suggère alors un genre inattendu d'"unification" entre les algèbres de Hopf Lorentzienne et
définit implicitement une transformation de (semi)dualité (au sens de Majid [12]) entre les groupes
quantiques Lorentzien et Euclidien (cf. equ.(27)). Nous revenons sur cet important résultat au
paragraphe (2.2).
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Du point de vue des groupes classiques, la fluctuation de la signature de la forme Lorentzienne vers la
forme Euclidienne peut être décrite par l'espace homogène symétrique construit en réf.[3 ]:
SO(3,1) SO(4)
h= (2)
SO(3) étant plongé diagonalement dans le produit SO(3, 1) SO(4). A partir de h, l'on peut
3, 1 4
construire l'espace topologique quotient top = , espace topologique séparé susceptible
l'espace de superposition .
Revenons à présent aux aspects physiques de la théorie de superposition. Comme nous l'indiquons au
§(5.1 ) de la réf [1-A1], il devrait exister, à l'échelle de Planck, une limite à la température - et à la
courbure - du (pré)espace-temps, limite postulée par Hagedorn, et précisée par Atick et Witten [14], au
delà de laquelle l'on devrait considérer un secteur purement topologique de l'espace-temps, décrit par
la théorie topologique des champs de Witten ou Donaldson. Le premier invariant de Donaldson est une
forme algébrique "Riemannienne" dont nous suggérons au §(2.3) l'isomorphisme avec l'invariant
topologique caractérisant, selon notre approche, la limite d'échelle 0 (cf. [1-A1]). A une telle échelle, la
théorie ne devrait donc plus être considérée comme singulière mais devrait plutôt être redéfinie sous
une nouvelle forme, Euclidienne et topologique. Cette approche repose sur deux idées essentielles :
((i) Conformément à certains résultats en théorie des (super)cordes, notamment ceux de E. Kiritsis et
C. Kounnas dans [15], nous considérons l'hypothèse selon laquelle, à très haute courbure (i.e. à
l'échelle de Planck T ~ MPlanck) la gravitation classique, décrite par l'approximation O(1/MPlanck)
n'est plus valable. Nous proposons donc d'introduire, dans le Lagrangien "quantique" de la théorie,
"cut off" des termes de dérivées plus hautes sur la limite R2, ce qui élimine les termes en R3+ ... +
Rn de la théorie des cordes). Les détails de cette construction peuvent être examinés dans la réf[3].
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(ii) Suite à nos résultats publiés en [1-A1] et [6-A2], nous conjecturons que ces termes peuvent
autoriser la superposition (3, 1) (4, 0) de la signature de la métrique dans le cadre d'une théorie
élargissant la gravitation classique de type Einstein. A partir des indications du §(5.1) de [1-A1] selon
lesquelles l'espace-temps à l'échelle de Planck devrait être vu comme soumis à la condition KMS,
nous reprenons l'approche établie en réf[3] concernant l'existence de deux potentiels gravitationnels
linéarisée de la métrique de Schwartzschild peut être considérée comme une solution locale exacte de
la théorie étendue. Nous rapprochons cette conjecture des résultats physiques obtenus en [3], selon
Au §(1) de la réf [1-A1], nous précisons le contenu du Lagrangien quadratique qui nous paraît le plus
Notons qu'au sens strict, la notion "inférieur à la longueur de Planck" n'a plus de signification en
termes de distance, en raison même de la perturbation portant sur la métrique Lorentzienne. Notre
1 2
Lsupergravité = ˆ R R RR* (3)
avec une composante physique Lorentzienne (le terme d'Einstein ˆ R ) et une composante
topologique Euclidienne (le terme topologique RR* ). L'interpolation entre ces deux composantes,
selon un mécanisme que nous suggérons ci-dessous, nous incite donc à considérer que Lsupergravité
décrit correctement les deux pôles (physique et topologique) d'une même théorie (la superposition)
Nous indiquons ainsi qu'à la limite d'échelle ß = 0, la théorie, de dimension D = 4, réduite à RR* ,
dominée par des instantons gravitationnels de dimension 0, peut être vue comme purement
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topologique. Dans ce secteur, la métrique est statique, définie positive Euclidienne (+ + + +). Le
domaine de validité de l'évolution Euclidienne s'étend jusqu'à l'échelle de Planck ß ~ lPlanck. Au
delà de l'échelle de Planck ( ß lPlanck), la théorie est de type Lorentzien et également de dimension
quantification du groupe de Lorentz, possède une dimension supplémentaire (D = 5), laquelle autorise
la superposition des deux classes Lorentzienne et Euclidienne (ce qui induit une phase de
"fluctuation" des signatures (3, 1) (4, 0). La dynamique du (pré)espace-temps pourrait alors
l'expansion cosmologique.
En fonction de ce qui précède, l'un des résultats les plus importants présentés en réf.[1-A1] est donc
qu'à l'échelle zéro, la signature du (pré)espace-temps peut à nouveau être considérée comme fixe,
mais sous une forme Euclidienne (++++). Ceci est important dans la mesure où la théorie Euclidienne
peut être interprétée comme la plus simple des théories topologiques des champs. Nous présentons en
section 2 nos résultats propres obtenus dans le cadre de la théorie topologique des champs. Ces
résultats sont détaillés dans l'article [1-A1] joint en annexe. Une autre application possible de la théorie
Nous suggérons alors ci-après que la Singularité Initiale de l'espace-temps correspond à un instanton
gravitationnel singulier de taille zéro, caractérisé par une configuration Riemannienne de la métrique
en dimension D=4. Dans cette perspective, le problème posé par la Singularité Initiale peut trouver une
solution dans le cadre de la théorie topologique des champs. Plus précisément, nous suggérons que
l'échelle singulière zéro peut être décrite en termes d'invariants topologiques (en particulier le premier
invariant de Donaldson ( 1)n i ). Nous introduisons ainsi un nouvel indice topologique, reliée à
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Z =Tr(-1)s (4)
ß 0
que nous appelons "Invariant de Singularité". Cette approche topologique de l'échelle zéro, fondée sur
la théorie des instantons gravitationnels, comporte plusieurs conséquences intéressantes. Parmi celles-
ci, il nous a paru pertinent de mettre en évidence l'existence possible, à l'échelle zéro de l'espace-
singulier de taille zéro). Nous en tirons une conjecture inattendue, selon laquelle l’interaction
inertielle, hors de portée de la théorie des champs, pourrait en revanche être correctement décrite dans
le cadre de la théorie topologique des champs. Nous développons cette conjecture publiée en réf. [16-
La présentation de notre recherche est organisée comme suit. En section I, nous rappelons nos
l'échelle de Planck, est soumis à la condition KMS. En section 2, nous résumons nos principales
démonstrations et exemples publiés principalement en [1-A1] et indiquant que la limite d'échelle zéro
du (pré)espace-temps (dans le contexte de la supergravité N=2) peut être décrite par la théorie
topologique des champs. Nous proposons alors une solution nouvelle au problème posé par la
Singularité initiale de l'espace-temps dans le cadre de la théorie topologique des champs. Enfin, en
section 3, nous présentons nos résultats publiés en réf[16], en particulier la conjecture (4.2) suggérant
Nous fondons notre approche du (pré)espace-temps à l’échelle quantique sur l’une des conditions
physiques les plus naturelles prédites par le Modèle Standard à l’échelle de Planck. En accord avec
[7,8], et en particulier avec les récents résultats de Kounnas et al [17,18], nous prétendons dans la
présente thèse qu’à l’échelle de Planck, le (pré)espace-temps, en tant que système thermodynamique,
est en état d’équilibre thermodynamique [3]. Nous introduisons ce point de vue au §(5.1) de notre
article publié en réf[1-A1]. Or selon des résultats plus spécifiques présentés en [6-A2, 7-A3],
Planck devrait donc être considéré comme soumis à la condition de Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS)
[5]. De manière inattendue, la théorie KMS et la théorie modulaire pourraient comporter des
conséquences spectaculaires sur la physique à l’échelle de Planck. Ceci en raison des “ effets KMS ”.
En effet, nous montrons dans les articles publiés en réf. [1-A1, 6-A2, 7-A3] qu’appliquées à l’espace-
temps quantique, les propriétés KMS sont telles qu’à l’intérieur des limites de la “ bande KMS (i.e.
entre l’échelle zéro ß = 0 et l’échelle de Planck ß = Planck ), la direction genre temps du système
devrait être considérée comme complexe : t tr iti . Dans ce cas, lorsque ß 0, la théorie est
projetée sur la limite purement imaginaire t iti de la bande KMS.Inversement, sur la limite
infrarouge ß Planck , la direction genre temps devient purement réelle t t r Ceci signifie qu’à
l’intérieur des limites de la bande KMS, les métriques Lorentzienne et Euclidienne devraient être
considérées en état de “ superposition quantique ” (ou couplées), ceci induisant une unification (ou
couplage) entre l’état physique (Lorentzien) et l’état topologique (Euclidien) du (pré)espace-temps à
l’échelle de Planck.
Commençons par rappeler les principaux résultats concernant le possible équilibre thermique du
Il est bien connu qu’à l’échelle de Planck, l’on doit s’attendre à une phase de transition
température (la température de Hagedorn) [14] et (ii) l’état d’équilibre thermodynamique caractérisant
Dans ce contexte, les investigations déjà citées de Dolan-Jackiw [8] et S. Weinberg [9] puis plus tard
de plusieurs autres (voir [3]) ont renouvelé l’idée de Hagedorn concernant l’existence, à très haute
récemment, J.J. Atik et E.Witten ont montré l’existence d’une limite de Hagedorn en théorie des
cordes [15]. La raison est que, comme rappelé par C. Kounnas en théorie des supercordes
N = 4 , à température finie, la fonction de partition Z(ß) et l’énergie moyenne U(ß) présentent des
ßE 1
Z( ß) dE (E)e ~
( ß b)(k 1)
U( ß) ln Z ~ (k 1)
ß b
température limite à laquelle le système (pré)espace-temps peut être considéré en état d’équilibre
thermodynamique, comme rappelé en réf. [3]. En fait, a(t) représentant le facteur d’échelle
a(t p )
T (t ) Tp (5)
a(t )
des cordes que, avant la phase d’inflation, le rapport entre le taux d’interactions ( ) des champs
initiaux et l’expansion (H) du (pré)espace-temps est << 1, de sorte que le système peut
raisonnablement être considéré à l’équilibre [3]. Ceci a été établi d’abord dans le cadre des travaux
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précurseurs déjà cités de Weinberg [9], Atick et Witten [14] et plusieurs autres. En théorie des cordes,
l’on se référera aux travaux récents de C. Kounnas et al [17].Nous développons certains des
Or, cette notion naturelle d’équilibre thermodynamique, lorsqu’elle est considérée comme une
physique à l’échelle de Planck. Parmi ces conséquences, la plus décisive, mise en évidence en réf. [3,
6-A2], est très probablement que le (pré)espace-temps à l’échelle de Planck devrait être considéré
comme soumis à la “ condition KMS ”. Rappelons dans le paragraphe ci-après ce que signifie la
condition KMS.
dans l’article publié en réf [6]. Rappelons brièvement la définition mathématique d’un état d’équilibre.
A )/ Tr(e
ßH ßH
(A) = Tr(e )
et satisfait la condition KMS.
Nous fournissons une définition plus technique dans l’article publié en réf[6]. La définition (1.2.1) a
été rappelée notamment dans la réf [10]. A présent, il est habituel (et naturel) d’opposer la notion
d’équilibre à celle d’évolution d’un système. En fait, la célèbre théorie modulaire de Tomita-Takesaki
a établi que la dynamique intrinsèque d’un système quantique correspond, d’une manière unique, au
groupe d’automorphismes à un paramètre fortement continu t d’une C* - algèbre de von
Neumann A [19] :
t (A) = ei Ht A e i Ht (6)
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l’algèbre de Heisenberg. Cependant, nous devons aussi tenir compte de la remarquable découverte de
Takesaki et Winnink, reliant le groupe d’évolution (A) du système (plus précisément le groupe
Tr(Ae ßH )
modulaire M = it M it) avec l’état d’équilibre (A) de ce même système [10]. La
Tr(e ßH )
condition KMS n’est autre que cette relation entre évolution t (A) et équilibre (A) d’un système.
Plus précisément, dans le cadre de la mécanique statistique quantique, la condition KMS fournit une
En effet, il a été établi [5] qu’un état sur une C* -algèbre A et le groupe d’automorphismes à un
paramètre t (A) à la température ß = 1 / k T vérifient la condition KMS si, pour tout couple A, B
de la * - sous-algèbre de A, il existe une fonction ƒ(tc) holomorphe dans la bande {tc = t + i ß ,
Im t c [ 0 , ß ] } telle que :
En outre, un état sur la C* -algèbre A est séparateur si la représentation algébrique donnée est une
algèbre de von Neumann W* munie d’un vecteur cyclique et séparateur. Les ensembles
Il = {A A (A * A ) = 0}
Ir = {A A : ( A A * ) = 0}
forment un idéal à gauche et à droite dans A. Pour tout état KMS, l’on a I l = I r.
La définition ci-dessus exprime la relation bijective entre état l’équilibre, état holomorphe des
A présent, comme nous le rappelons en [6-A2], si l’on admet qu’au voisinage de l’échelle de Planck
un état du système (pré)espace-temps satisfait la condition d’équilibre d’équilibre
([h, t (A)])dt 0, A U , alors, d’après [10], l’on est amené à admettre que ce système est
A partir de ce résultat établi pour la première fois en [3] et développé depuis (quoique dans une
contexte différent) par Derredinger et Lucchesi dans [20, 21], nous considérons à présent la possible
L’une des conséquences de la condition KMS est qu’elle induit de manière naturelle l’existence d’un
nouveau degré de liberté sur le signe de la direction genre temps g00 de la métrique. En effet, à
t = tr + i ti (8)
De même, la température (réelle) devrait également être considérée comme complexe à l’échelle de
Planck :
Tc = Tr + iTi (9)
Une telle transformation est liée au fait qu’étant donné un système quelconque soumis à la condition
KMS et considérant une algèbre de von Neumann M sur laquelle peut être déterminé un état (ainsi
que deux éléments A, B de M ), alors il existe une fonction ƒ(z) holomorphe dans la
bande z , im z 0, ß telle que :
Ici, t est le paramètre temporel du système, de même que le paramètre d’échelle ß kT . Ainsi dans
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notre cas, le système thermodynamique à l’équilibre étant l’espace-temps lui-même, à l’intérieur des
limites de la bande KMS, i.e. de l’échelle zéro (ß = 0) à l’échelle de Planck (ß = Planck ), la direction
Naturellement, selon la théorie modulaire de Tomita [10], la condition KMS, appliquée au système
Hßc Hßc
Mq ßc (Mq ) e M q e
La signature de est alors Lorentzienne (i.e. physique) pour =± et peut devenir Euclidienne
(topologique) pour = 0. Par conséquent, la signature KMS de la métrique est bien superposée, de la
forme (+++±). Il est intéressant de noter que dans le contexte différent des supercordes, J.J. Atick et
E. Witten ont été les premiers à proposer dès 1988 une telle extension de la température réelle vers le
domaine complexe [14]. Récemment, en théorie des cordes supersymmétriques N=4, I. Antoniadis,
J.P. Deredinger et C. Kounnas [17] ont également suggéré d’étendre la température réelle T vers les
valeurs imaginaires pures, cette extension résultant de l’identification de T avec l’inverse du rayon R
du cercle S1 représentant le temps Euclidien compactifié du système (R = 1 / 2 T). En conséquence,
l’on peut introduire une température complexe dans l’espace des modules thermique, la partie
imaginaire étant reliée au champ antisymétrique B sous dualités de cordes :
S / T/ U S / T/ U
IIA type IIB Hétérotique .
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Plus précisément, dans l’approche d’Antoniadis et al, le champ contrôlant la température provient du
produit des parties réelles de trois champs complexes : s= Re S, t= Re T and u= Re U. Dans notre
approche KMS, les parties imaginaires pures des modules S, T, U peuvent être interprétées en termes
de température Euclidienne.
A présent, il apparaît clairement que le groupe d’automorphismes de Tomita-Takesaki ßc (M q )
induit, dans le champ KMS, l’existence de deux flots duaux l’un de l’autre. Tiré de l’équ. (12), le
premier, de la forme :
eiHß i Mq e iHß i
t (Mq ) (13)
correspond à l’algèbre des observables du système et au flot Lorentzien en temps réel. Dans cette
perspective, ce courant représente un “ flot physique ”, que nous appelons P . Quant au deuxième
ß 0
flot possible, en partant à nouveau de l’equ. (12), il prend nécessairement la forme :
iHM iH
iß (Mq ) e q e (14)
donnant sur Mq le semi groupe d’opérateur non stellaire. Considérant la continuation analytique entre
les équations (13) et (14 représente un “ courant en temps imaginaire ” ou, de manière équivalente,
un courant topologique que nous appelons T . Nous considérons maintenant la condition KMS en
termes d’algèbres de von Neumann.
1.4 Etat KMS et facteurs. Dans les états KMS, les algèbres de von Neumann impliquées sont
ce que l’on appelle des “ facteurs ”, i.e. un type particulier d’algèbre de von Neumann, dont le centre
est réduit aux scalaires a . Il existe trois types de facteurs : le type I et le type II (en particulier ici
le II ) – naturellement non commutatifs mais munis d’une trace et que l’on peut donc interpréter
comme “ commutatifs sous la trace ”- et le type III, sans trace. Une trace sur un facteur M est une
forme linéaire telle que (AB) = (BA), A,B M . Lorsque la mesure sur M n’est pas définie (ce qui
est le cas du type III), la notion de trace disparaît et est remplacée par celle de “ poids ”, qui
représente une application linéaire de M+ sur + = [0, + ]. Les facteurs de type III sont importants ici
dans la mesure où ce sont les seuls facteurs intéressants dans le contexte des états KMS (les états
KMS liés aux types II et III étant triviaux, cette trivialité résultant de celle du groupe modulaire sous-
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jacent dans ces deux cas). Nous utilisons ici les facteurs de type “ III ”, 0, 1 , caractérisés par
l’invariant S(M) 0 . Pour des définitions plus précises, voir les réf [3] et [1-A1].A présent,
nous suggérons dans l’article publié en réf [6-A2] que la condition KMS appliquée au (pré)espace-
temps à l’échelle de Planck définit trois différentes échelles sur le cône de lumière, depuis l’échelle
zéro jusqu’à l’échelle de Planck. Ces trois domaines peuvent être décrits par trois différents types de
L’échelle topologique zéro (ß = 0, signature {++++}) : cette échelle initiale, que nous
de lumière, i.e. un instanton gravitationnel de taille zéro. Toutes les mesures réalisées sur la métrique
Euclidienne étant -équivalentes jusqu’à l’infini, le système est ergodique. Comme montré par A.
Connes, tout flot ergodique pour une mesure invariante dans la classe de mesure de Lebesgue donne
un unique facteur hyperfini de type type II [11]. Ceci suggère fortement que l’échelle singulière zéro
devrait être décrit par un facteur de type II , muni d’une trace hyperfinie notée Tr . Par hyperfinie,
nous entendons simplement que la trace du facteur II n’est pas finie. Nous appelons MTop un tel
facteur “ topologique ”, qui est un produit tensoriel infini d’algèbres de matrices (ITPFI) du type
d’Araki-Woods RO,1 [10]. D’après [3], l’état initial sur MTop , correspondant, dans l’ex. (2.1) de [1-
A1] aux valeurs divergentes du champ dilaton 2 , peut être donné par :
Tr (e ßH MTop
0,1 )
(MTop ) ßH (15)
Tr (e )
0,1 ßH 0 ,1
( MTop ) = Tr (e MTop e ßH ) (16)
où ( MTop ) représente un type de “ courant ” particulier, que nous proposons d’appeler “ courant
tracial ” T . Clairement, l’invariant hyperfiniT est une pure amplitude topologique [2, 22] et, en tant
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que telle, se “ propage ” en temps imaginaire de l’échelle zéro à l’infini. En ce sens, ( MTop ) peut
être vu comme un “ cycle topologique zéro ” représentant une “ pseudo dynamique Euclidienne ”
(ii) l’échelle quantique (0 < ß < Planck , signature {+++±}) : nous abordons le domaine KMS
[5]. Considérant les fluctuations quantiques de g , il n’existe plus de mesure invariante sur la
métrique non commutative Par conséquent, selon la théorie des algèbres de von Neumann, le “ bon
facteur ” adressant de telles contraintes est uniquement une algèbre non commutative sans trace, i.e.
un facteur de type III [10] (le seul type de facteur impliqué dans des états KMS non triviaux). Plus
précisément, il s’agît d’un type III que nous appelons Mq , muni de la période 0, 1 . Dans ce
cas, la notion de trace doit obligatoirement être remplacée par celle de poids de l’algèbre sous-jacente
(ce qui nous introduit de manière naturelle à la notion de flot des poids de l’algèbre A). Nous
considérons alors [1] que le seul objet pertinent pour décrire une possible “ évolution ” à l’échelle
quantique est le flot des poids de l’algèbre de type III caractérisant le système (pré)espace-temps à
cette échelle. Or, il a été démontré par A. Connes que tout facteur de type III peut être décomposé de
façon canonique selon le produit croisé suivant [10] :III II *+
C’est donc ainsi qu’apparaît obligatoirement dans notre construction le * + (dual of ) agissant de
La relation entre et ß est telle que , de sorte que lorsque ß , l’on obtient 0 (la
périodicité est supprimée). A présent, comme la théorie est définie sur l’espace de Hilbert
* *
L2 0,1
( )= ß , Mq devient :Mq = MTop L2 ß
Le facteur L2 ß , de type I , induit le flot modulaire (périodique) d’évolution du système.
Le facteur KMS Mq de type III connecte le facteur “ topologique ” de type II MTop avec le
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MPhys :Mq = MTop MPhys (17)
En termes de flots, l’ équ. (17) connecte le flot topologique des poids MTop et le flot modulaire
physique induit par L2 ß . Ceci fournit une bonne image de l’unification entre états
(iii) l’échelle physique (ß > Planck , signature {+++ }) : cette dernière échelle représente la partie
physique (relativiste) du cône de lumière. Par conséquent, la notion de mesure (de Lebesgue) est
pleinement définie. L’algèbre de von Neumann impliquée est donc munie d’une trace hyperfinie et est
donnée sur l’espace de Hilbert infini ( ), avec = L2®. Alors, (L2®) est un facteur de type I
indexé par le groupe réel , que nous appelons MPhys . Ainsi, (L2®) = MPhys et le flot induit par
MPhys est simplement le flot d’évolution en temps réel , donné par le groupe modulaire :
Dans ce cas, tous les automorphismes sont intérieurs. Nous appelons “ flot physique ” P ce flot
ß 0
d’évolution en temps réel. Naturellement, t (M Phys ) donne simplement l’algèbre des observables du
système [19].A partir de cette construction, détaillée dans les réfs [1-A1] et [6-A2], nous proposons
Proposition 1.4.1 A l’échelle KMS 0 < ß < lPlanck , les deux groupes d’automorphismes
0 ,1 0,1
t (M Phys ) et ß (MTop ) sont couplés au sein de l’unique facteur de type III de la forme Mq = MTop
L2 ß . Le groupe d’automorphismes étendu (complexe) associé décrivant l’évolution
Hßc Hßc
à l’échelle quantique est de la forme Mq ß (Mq ) e Mq e Mq correspond au couplage
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d’automorphismes donnant le flot topologique du système. Preuve Comme établi en [1] et rappelé ci-
dessus, l’état KMS du (pré)espace-temps peut être donné de manière canonique par l’unique facteur
III de la forme :
L2 0,1
Mq = MTop ß = MTop MPhys (18)
qui représente ce que nous proposons d’appeler l’ ”unification KMS ” de l’état topologique et de
l’état physique de la métrique du (pré)espace-temps à l’échelle de Planck. Or, les résultats généraux
obtenus dans la réf [3] permettent de considérer l’existence d’un poids opératoriel de Mq sur son sous-
0,1 0,1
groupe MTop , l’état d’équilibre sur Mq étant donné par l’état sur MTop . Nous exprimons alors l’état
ßH 0 ,1
(Mq-état ) = Tr (e MTop e ßH ) (19)
Ceci représente ce que nous proposons d’appeler le “ courant tracial ” engendré par le facteur
topologique MTop . Cependant, Connes-Takesaki ont montré [10] que le flot des poids sur un facteur
de type III est donné par le flot des poids sur le facteur de type II associé. Car il existe un
homomorphisme OUT III OUT II tel que la séquence (20) est exacte :
1 H1 (F) OUTM OUT , (N) 1 (20)
S 0,1 0,1
L’action multiplicative de : o S e , s on MTop translate la trace de MTop , ce qui
engendre le flot des poids sur MTop et Mq (cf.[10]). Ainsi, (Mq-état ) devient un automorphisme de
ßH 0 ,1
semi-groupe ß-dépendant : ß (Mq-état ) = e MTop e ßH
L’équ. (19) décrit donc le flot des poids de Mq. Mais comme souligné en [6], l’on peut également
interpréter l’équ.(19) comme un “ flot modulaire en temps imaginaire ” it, dual du flot modulaire
e iHt MPhys e iHt
usuel en temps réel donné par : t (Mq -evolution ) `= , t .
Une interprétation de ce type a également été proposée (quoique dans un contexte différent) par
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Derrendinger et Lucchesi en [13]. Finalement, le flot KMS connecte le flot des poids ß (M q- state ) au
0 ,1
ßc (M q flow ) ß (MTop ) t (M Phys )
( ß it)H
e( ß it) H
e Mq flow
e ßc H Mq ßc H
flow e
ce qui est indexé par la variable en temps complexe ßc. Encore une fois, un tel flot exprime l’unification
entre le flot physique t (Mq -evolution ) = t (M Phys ) et le flot topologique ß (M q- state ) = ß (M Top ) au
sein d’un flot KMS (ou flot quantique) unique Q donné par le groupe d’automorphismes Mq :
0 ß P
La bande KMS étalée de l’échelle zéro à l’échelle de Planck du (pré)espace-temps admet donc zéro
comme borne inférieure et l’échelle de Planck comme borne supérieure. Entre ces deux limites, le flot
topologique Euclidien et le flot physique Lorentzien sont donc unifiés de manière naturelle au sein du flot
“ quantique ” holomorphe
e ßc H Mq ßc H
Q ßc (M q flot) flote .
0 ß P
Une autre façon de vérifier le couplage de MPhys et MTop au sein de l’unique facteur de type III réside
: OUT M = (21)
(automorphismes de M quotientés par les automorphismes intérieurs, nécessairement présents dans le
cas non commutatif). Cet invariant de M représente un flot ergodique {W(M) , W } où W est un
groupe de transformations à un paramètre – i.e. un flot – qui admet une description en termes de
classes de poids et dont le paramètre naturel est *. Nous considérons à présent le facteur de type
III Mq de l’équ.(18). Partant de l’équ.(20), l’on peut construire l’extension Ext (notée T) de OUT
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avec {x,y} OUT Mq et {x’,y’} INTMq. Le groupe des automorphismes intérieurs INTMq est un
sous-groupe normal de AUT Mq . Considérant alors deux poids et de Mq, et appliquant le
t (x) ut t (x)ut
“ physique ” :
(x) = e iHt Mq e iHt
t INTmod Mq
ß (x) =e Mq e ßH OUT Mq
A l’intérieur du groupe général des extensions {Ext}, l’on obtient alors le sous-groupe holomorphe
trivial :
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( ß it )H Hßc Hßc
Mq e( ß it)H
ß it (Mq ) e = ßc (Mq ) e Mq e
qui correspond à l’état KMS et “ unifie ” au sein de la forme étendue unique ßC (Mq) le flot physique
t (x) et le courant topologique ß (x). Clairement, l’on obtient ßC (Mq) OUT Mq T INTmod Mq.
Il résulte de (1.4.1) ainsi que de plusieurs autres propositions publiées en référence (notamment le
§(5) de (1-A1)) l’un des principaux résultats de la présente recherche : l’échelle zéro de l’espace-
temps (ou du (pré)espace-temps) est de nature topologique. Nous apportons au§(2) de la réf[1]
Exemple 1.4.2 La limite d’échelle zéro du noyau de la chaleur du système thermique (pré)espace-
La démonstration de l’ex. (1.4.2) est donnée au §(2.1) de la réf [1]. De même, nous établissons la
Exemple 1.4.3 La limite d’échelle zéro de l’espace-temps de Minkowski, donnée en termes
La démonstration est fournie à l’exemple (2.2) de la réf[1-A1]. Ensuite, nous proposons un nouvel
exemple montrant que la limite d’échelle zéro ß 0 de la théorie supersymmétrique N=2 est
topologique. En effet, considérant la variété espace-temps M l’on peut montrer [23] que l’espace des
états d’énergie zéro décrits par l’Hamiltonien du système est donné par l’ensemble des formes
harmoniques sur M et est égal au nombre de Betti de M. L’on a ainsi pour ß 0:
Tr( 1)F = ( 1)k bi = (M)
k 0
limite d’échelle zéro, nous retrouvons l’indice topologique [2] correspondant à toute théorie
Pour finir, nous indiquons dans l’ex.(2.4) de [1] qu’il est possible d’obtenir un résultat analogue dans
le contexte de la supergravité N = 2.
Exemple 1.4.4 La limite d’échelle zéro du (pré)espace-temps en supergravité N=2 est topologique.
En fait, pour une variété spinorielle, l’on peut exprimer H en termes de l’opérateur de Dirac D .
Alors, en dimension D=4, nous avons montré que la limite ß 0 du système décrit par l’opérateur de
dim M 1
Ind(D ) Tr(R R) Tr(F F)
8 2 8 2
L’ensemble de ces résultats nous amène à présent à formaliser le deuxième résultat principal de notre
L'on définit habituellement, à partir de Witten [2], la théorie topologique des champs comme la
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quantification de zéro, le Lagrangien de la théorie étant (i) soit un mode 0, soit (ii) une classe
caractéristique cn (V ) d'un fibré vectoriel V M construit sur l'espace-temps. Nous proposons
alors au §(2.2) une nouvelle limite topologique de la théorie, non triviale, fondée non plus sur H = 0
mais sur ß = 0 et donc indépendante de H. La limite topologique ordinaire de la théorie quantique des
champs, décrite par l'invariant de Witten Z = Tr(-1)n [24] est donnée par la limite de la fonction de
Z = Tr(-1)n e ßH (24)
calculée sur le (3+1)- espace-temps Minkoskien pour les valeurs nulles (ou invariantes) de H. n
représente le nombre d'états d'énergie zéro de la théorie, par exemple le nombre fermionique dans les
théories supersymmétriques [23]. Alors, Z décrit tous les états d'énergie zéro pour les valeurs nulles
de l'Hamiltoniern H.
A présent, nous proposons ici une nouvelle limite topologique de la théorie quantique des champs,
limite non triviale (i.e. correspondant au minimum non trivial de l'action). Construite à partir du mode
zéro de l'échelle du système ß 0 et indépendante de H, cette limite inattendue (en dimension D=4)
est alors donnée par la limite de température (température de Hagedorn) du système physique
holographique"[24] selon laquelle les états de la gravité quantique en d dimensions ont une description
naturelle dans le cadre d'une théorie (d 1)- dimensionnelle.
Si, conformément aux résultats de [3] repris en réf[1-A1], nous admettons que l'espace-temps est
soumis à la condition KMS à l'échelle de Planck, alors dans ce cas, sur la limite d'échelle zéro
associée, dans la fonction de partition de l'équ.(24) à ß 0 , la théorie est projetée sur la limite
imaginaire pure t iti de la bande KMS. Ainsi, la fonction de partition (2) donne l'état
Z = Tr (-1)s (25)
ß 0
la première fois dans [3], isomorphe à l'invariant de Witten Z = Tr (-1)F, peut explicitement être
partition des états Z = Tr (-1)s e ßH . Nous proposons d'appeler "invariant de singularité" ce nouvel
invariant, associé à l'instanton gravitationnel singulier de taille 0. Cette intéressante relation avec la
théorie instanton suggère naturellement un lien, proposé pour la première fois dans la réf. [3], entre le
H2 (M) (k)
m : H2 (M ) mod
Il a été précisé en réf. [3] en quel sens l'image de la symétrie 0, décrite par le groupe de jauge non
brisé du type SU(2) SU(2), peut être donnée par le premier invariant de Donaldson, associé ici à
l'espace des modules des instantons est non nul, les invariants de Donaldson sont donnés par la
Or, notre résultat formel le plus surprenant est qu'à l'échelle ß = 0 associée à la limite des hautes
températures, l'espace des modules des instantons étant nul sur cette limite, la fonction de partition,
donnée par
s H
Z Tr(-1) e (27)
ß 0
I= ( 1)n i , (28)
invariant topologique non polynomial, réduit à un entier pour dim k = 0. Nous formalisons ceci
Z Tr(-1)s
ß 0
correspond à une symétrie généralisée de tous les états possibles de la métrique, tous les états
instantoniques de g , donnés par la charge topologique de l'instanton gravitationnel singulier, étant
équivalents à l'échelle 0. Nous appelons "symétrie 0" la symétrie généralisée caractérisant l'échelle
singulière 0.
A la suite des travaux de Witten [26], il a été montré par L. Alvarez-Gaumé [27] qu'étant donnée une
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théorie quantique des champs supersymétrique, l'on peut définir l'invariant topologique I = Tr (-1)f , f
étant le nombre fermionique. Nous suggérons d'étendre en supergravité ce résultat, afin qu'il soit
= Tr (-1) s
sont telles que l'indice supergravitationnel dépend seulement des modes 0 des états d'énergie - les
valeurs propres de l'Hamiltonien D2 paramétrant l'énergie - , les états d'énergie non nuls induisant
l'existence de paires monopôles - instantons. Tr (-1)S est invariant sous les déformations continues de
ßc H
avec ßc . Lorsque ßc = 0, la limite de la fonction de partition Z = Tr (-1) S e est réduite à :
Z0 = Tr (-1) S (30)
Witten a montré [26] que Tr (-1)n peut être compris comme l'indice d'un opérateur agissant sur
de Q* en regard de la norme de l'espace de Hilbert, l'on a Tr(-1) S = Ker Q - Ker Q* , de sorte qu'en
tant qu'indice topologique, Tr (-1)S est invariant sous les déformations continues des paramètres de la
Hamiltonien correspond au Laplacien sur les formes H = dd* +d*d et l'espace des états d'énergie 0 est
donné par l'ensemble des formes harmoniques paires sur Mn:
Tr (-1) S e - ßH = (M) = ( 1)k bk (31)
k 0
(E=0) - n m (E=0). est donc un invariant topologique. Montrons que cet invariant est isomorphe au
g'( ), étant le rayon de l'instanton. La limite ß = 0 implique donc = 0 et correspond au secteur des
instantons de taille 0. Or, sur la limite ß = 0, Dim M k = 0. Lorsque la dimension de l'espace des
modules des instantons est non nul, les invariants de Donaldson sont donnés par :
r r
Z( 1 ... r) DX e Wk 1 Wk i (Dim M k 0) (32)
i 1 i i 1 i
A présent, qu'en est-il de ces mêmes invariants lorsque l'espace des modules est de dimension 0? La
solution est dans la correspondance entre les invariants de Donaldson sur les variétés de dimension 4 et
les groupes d'homologie de A. Floer [28] sur les variétés de dimension 3. Coupons la 4 - variété M en
M = M+ h M (33)
où les bords de M+ et M sont des 3-sphères d'homologie. Soient S+ et S les sphères d'homologie
formant les bords de M+ et M . Considérons leur homologie de Floer HF * (M+) et HF * (M ). Pour
une charge topologique donnée k, nous considérons les instantons gravitationnels sur les 4-variétés
M+ et M . Les solutions des conditions aux bords permettant de définir la connexion sur les bords S
sont notées C . Dans ce cas, C.Nash a montré [29] que l'espace des modules des instantons sur la
variété fermée M devient C C = Mk . Les conditions au bord permettent de construire deux
cycles d'homologie. Or, d = 0 correspond à la dimension 0 de l'espace des modules. Dans ce cas,
comme montré dans [29], les invariants de Donaldson deviennent des entiers. En effet, l'évaluation de
l'invariant qd(M) implique d = dim M k /2. La charge topologique k doit donc satisfaire l'égalité de
Witten, soit dim M k = 8 p1 (E) - 2
( (M) + (M)), où p1 (E) est le premier nombre de Pontryagin du
l'évaluation de la fonction de partition Z, exprimée comme une somme algébrique alternée sur les
instantons :
Z= ( 1)n i (34)
topologique non polynomial, réduit à un entier. Nous retrouvons le même résultat à partir de
T Q, . La fonction de partition Z à la température ß-1 a la forme générale Zq = Tr (-1)S e-
ßH. Pour ß = 0, Zq devient Z = Tr (-1)S . Or, Tr (-1)S est isomorphe à ( 1)n i , s et ni donnant
ß= 0 i
dans les deux cas le nombre d'instantons de la théorie. Z = Tr (1)S redonne donc le premier invariant
ß= 0
de Donaldson, et projette la théorie physique Lorentzienne sur la limite topologique Euclidienne pour
dim Mk = 0. Une autre manière de parvenir à ce résultat consiste à poser :
<P>= DF exp [ S] P(F)
Z n
Pour S = 0, l'on obtient, d' après Donaldson [25] < P > = Pn . Or, lorsque dim Mk = 0, < P >
Z k
se réécrit :
<P>= ( 1)n i = k, de sorte que Z = ( 1)n i , comme requis.
Z i i
L'essentiel de la démonstration ci-dessus a été repris dans la prop. (3.2) de l'article [1-A1]. A la limite
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des hautes températures ß -1 = 0 paramétrant l' échelle 0 de la théorie, la fonction de partition Z donne
donc le premier invariant de Donaldson décrit par l'équ.(28), projetant la théorie physique Lorentzienne
Comme établi en réf.[3], ce qui précède suggère ainsi l'existence d'une profonde correspondance, -
une symétrie de dualité- (voir la réf. [30]), entre théorie physique et théorie topologique.En effet, la
théorie des champs considérée ici est une théorie thermique supersymmétrique [20,21] en dimension
D=4 [31]. Le contenu du supermultiplet thermique a été détaillé dans un autre travail [3]. Comme
précisé plus haut, la théorie appartient à la classe de supergravité N=2 [22], le Hamiltonien étant
donné par le carré de l'opérateur de Dirac D2 [11-29]. En tant que tel, le plus simple multiplet
bosonique se réduit à un champ vectoriel et à deux scalaires exhibant une géométrie Kählérienne
spéciale. En fait, la théorie N=2 est particulièrement intéressante dans notre contexte, pour deux
raisons :
(i) Les champs scalaires complexes de la théorie (par exemple le dilaton S [30] ou le champ T [27])
peuvent être vus comme des "signatures" de la condition KMS [3] à laquelle pourrait être soumise
l'espace-temps à l'échelle de Planck.De tels champs pourraient également être considérés comme l'une
des meilleures clés pour comprendre la possible dualité entre observables physiques (infrarouge) et
i dualité
Vide topologique (ß = 0, instanton ) Vide physique (ß = Planck, monopole )
Ceci est basé sur la dualité instantons / monopoles initialement suggérée en réf.[3] et récemment
prouvée dans le contexte des supercordes C.P. Bacchas, P. Bain et M.B. Green [32]. En outre,
toujours dans le contexte des supercordes a été conjecturée une symétrie du type U=S T [3] à partir
de laquelle l'on peut inférer la dualité ci-dessus entre observables (physique) et cycles (topologique)
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zéro), alors il est également naturel d'en déduire qu'entre l'échelle zéro et l'échelle de Planck, il devrait
exister une superposition (+++±) entre les structures métriques (et algébriques) Lorentzienne
Afin d'établir d'un point de vue algébrique les hypothèses de superposition et de dualité évoquées ci-
dessus, nous suggérons à présent d'adopter la démarche proposée en réf[3], consistant à considérer la
métrique d'espace-temps comme soumise à une q-déformation (i.e. déformation quantique au sens de
la réf[13]) à l'échelle de Planck. Cet état quantique de la métrique donne lieu à une nouvelle
description algébrique non plus en termes de groupes classiques mais de groupes quantiques. Dans ce
sens, nous utilisons ici une application du résultat général obtenu en [3] sous la forme du produit
bicroisé cocyclique :
M (H) = Hop H
où H est une algèbre de Hopf, un produit bicroisé (i.e. un type spécial de produit croisé, défini
en réf[12]) et un 2-cocycle ou"twist" au sens de Drinfeld [33]. Cette construction est inspirée par
l'idée d'unifier deux groupes quantiques différents au sein d'une structure algébrique unique. Le point
intéressant est que les deux groupes quantiques impliqués sont reliés dans l'équ.(35) par une relation
de dualité, plus exactement de "semidualité", en un sens expliqué dans la réf[3]. Pour mettre en
évidence cette propriété qui fournit un cadre algébrique à la dualité annoncée entre mode physique et
correspondant à
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La forme exacte de l'objet résultant A* H a été conjecturée dans [3] mais demeure non explicite à
certains égards, malgré les progrès effectués dans [34]. Alors, en rapportant les conditions ci-dessus
(h(1) x(1) ) y(1) (h(2) , x(2) ,y(2) ) (h(1) , x(1) , y(1) )h(2) (x(2) y(2) )
(h(1) x(1) ,y(1) , z(1) ) (h(2) ,x (2) , y(2) z(2) ) (h(1) ,x (1) , y(1) ) (h(2) , x(2) y(2 ) ,z(2) )
h 1 (h),1 1 x (x), (1, x, y) (x) (y)
(A) (h(1) ,x (1) , y(1) )h(2) (x (2) y(2) ) h(1) x(1) (h(2) x(2) ) y
(D) (hg, x, y) (h(1) , g(1) x(1) ,(g(2 ) x(2) ) y(1) ) (g(3) , x (3) , y(2) )
Remarque Il résulte de ces données l'existence d'un certain type de double produit croisé cocyclique
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de la forme
X H , dont la structure, d'abord conjecturée dans [3], a été précisée dans [34]. A partir de (ii), il
est clair qu'il s'agît d'une forme de quasi-algèbre de Hopf duale, où le produit serait associatif sous
conjugaison par une fonctionnelle construite à partir de .
Démonstration Pour réaliser la semidualisation, l'on suppose que A est de dimension finie. Soit
X = A* . Les conditions résultantes conservent leur signification pour tout X. Le fait que A soit un H-
module algébrique à droite implique que X est un H-module cogébrique à gauche, en accord avec
a h, x a,h x x A*
et l'on peut vérifier que H devient un X-module cogébrique à droite, comme annoncé. L'action de X
h x x,h( 1 ) h(2 ) h H
Finalement, l'on parvient à semidualiser les conditions de compatibilité (A) et (D). Concernant (B) et
(C), ils sont dualisés selon les formules de la réf [12] pour les produits bicroisés usuels (le cocycle
n'intervient pas). Pour (A), nous considérons x y pour obtenir
(h(1) ,x (1) , y(1) ) x (2) y(2) , a h(2) = x (1) , a(1) h(1) y, a(2) (h(2) x(2) )
(h(1) ,x (1) , y(1) ) h(2) (x(2) y(2 ) ), a h(1) x (1) ,a(1) (h(2) x(2) ) y, a(2)
pour tout a A, qui est la condition (A)- énoncée. De même pour (D).
prop(4.1) de la réf[1]) :
Proposition 2.4.2 Les algèbres de Hopf Euclidienne et Lorentzienne sont reliées par le produit
bicroisé cocyclique de la forme Uq(so(4)) op Uq(so(3, 1))
ainsi que l'algèbre "opposée" Hop = Uq(su(2))op Uq(su(2))op, tandis que la forme Lorentzienne est
A = H = Uq(su(2)) Uq(su(2)) Uq(so(3, 1)). Comme expliqué en [3], le cocycle de
où l'on retrouve la structure de produit tensoriel de l'action et de la coaction pour chaque copie
Uq(su(2)). D'autre part, la cocycle h,g Uq(su(2)) est :
(1) (1)
(h g) (h(1) g(1) )(1 )(Sh(4) Sg(4) )(1 )
(2) (2)
(h(2) g(2 ) )( 1)(Sh(3) Sg(3) )( 1)
Clairement, la prop.(2.4.1) prouve la possible "unification" (à l'échelle de Planck dans notre modèle)
Par ailleurs, le résultat ci-dessus suggère un certain type de dualité entre les groupes quantiques
Lorentzien et Euclidien. Pour mettre en évidence cette dualité, l'étape suivante consiste à montrer
l'existence d'une intéressante relation de "semidualité" (proposée dans le cas général par S. Majid
[12]) entre algèbres de Hopf Lorentzienne et Euclidienne. Mieux, une telle dualité fournit une
Uq (su(2)) op Uq (su(2)) est connecté par semidualité au groupe quantique Lorentzien Uq(su(2))
Il existe dans la réf. [3] une démonstration complète de la prop. (2.4.2), basée sur les propriétés du
"double de Drinfeld" (Uq(su(2))). Alors, utilisant la construction en termes de cocycle M (H), nous
obtenons la relation :
Uq(su(2)) Uq(su(2)) Uq(so(4)) Uq(su(2))* Uq(su(2)) ~ Uq(so(3,1))
Uq(so(4))op Uq(so(3, 1)) Uq(so(4)) SOq(3,1) Uq(so(4))op
Naturellement, l'on peut également semidualiser à partir des autres facteurs pour construire certains
types de quasi-algèbres de Hopf A H* , associé à H A. Cette fois, la coaction cocyclique
de A sur H est dualisée en une coaction cocyclique de A sur H* tandis que l'action de H sur A est
remplacée par une coaction de H* sur A. La construction devient alors générale, de la forme A Y
(où Y joue le rôle de H* ). L'on obtient ainsi des exemples du type Uq(su(2)) Uq(su(2)) * ,
Uq(so(3, 1)) SOq(4)cop etc., par semidualisation de cette forme. Ceux-ci sont duaux des
constructions précédentes.
A présent, une conséquence intéressante de ces résultats concerne les propriétés de dualité au niveau
l'on parvient à l'importante observation qui suit concernant la transition de la métrique q-Euclidienne à
la métrique q-Lorentzienne:
Corollaire 3.4.4 Pour q 1, la transition de la métrique q-Euclidienne à la métrique q-Lorentzienne
au rayon unité est une dualité de * -algèbre de Hopf Uq(su(2)) SUq(2).
Démonstration Selon une construction introduite par Majid [12,13] et appliquée dans la réf[3], l'on
décrit le q-espace-temps 3,1 par l'algèbre tressée BMq(2), Mq(2) ayant une * - structure unitaire
correspondant à SUq(2) (par * - structure, nous entendons "structures réelles", au sens précisé dans
la réf[12]). Ici, BMq(2) admet une description en tant que matrices hermitiennes tressées. L'on écrit
3, 1
alors q BMq(2). Par ailleurs, l'on note Mq (2) la structure algébrique résultat du twist (au sens
de la réf[13]) de Mq(2). Enfin, il a été montré [3] que la - structure de q = Mq (2) est donnée par
unitaire de Mq(2) sur l'identification des deux espaces vectoriels. Or, Uq(su(2)) B(Uq(su(2))) en
tant que * - algèbre sous transmutation [12]. Cette transformation, combinée avec l'auto-dualité de ces
groupes de tresse, donne l'isomorphisme de * - algèbre Uq(su(2)) BSUq(2) comme expliqué ci-
dessus. Il en résulte (cf. [3]) que les structures naturelles de l'espace q-Euclidien 4q et celle du q-
Lorentzien 3, 1
q , covariantes sous U q(so(4)) et U q(so(3, 1)) [32] sont reliées comme suit :
3, 1
BU q (su( 2)) BSUq (2) = / 1
autodualité de groupes - tressés q
et cette construction rend explicite le changement de signature comme équivalent à une dualité de * -
algèbre de Hopf.
4 3, 1
L'on remarquera que nous obtenons une relation de dualité entre les q-espaces q et q comme une
sorte de T-dualité [27]. Cette interprétation est possible seulement lorsque q 1 - i.e. à l'échelle de
Planck -. L'on peut étendre ces résultats, obtenus à partir des groupes quantiques Lorentzien et
3, 1
Uq (so (3 , 1)) (41)
En revenant sur la remarque précédente, la dualité d'algèbre de Hopf a été récemment reliée à la T-
dualité en théorie des supercordes par C.Klimcik et P.Sevara [36]. De telles dualités en termes de
De manière intéressante, les résultats ci-dessus fournissent ainsi certaines indications sur l'origine
dualité. Une remarque importante est que certains des isomorphismes ci-dessus sont valides seulement
lorsque q 1, i.e. en théorie non classique. Notons également que la dualité d'algèbres de Hopf au
niveau semi-classique est une dualité de bigèbres de Lie et a été comprise physiquement comme une T-
dualité non abélienne pour des modèles sur G, G* [36], de sorte que la dualité mise en évidence ici
A présent, appliquons les résultats algébriques obtenus précédemment dans un contexte plus
physique. En effet, la dualité entre les groupes quantiques Lorentzien et Euclidien peut être étendue à
une dualité entre secteur "physique" (Lorentzien) et secteur "topologique" (Euclidien) de la théorie.
Proposition 2.4.4 Il existe, à l'échelle de Planck, une symétrie de dualité entre l'anneau de
Ainsi, partant de la forme générique des groupes de cohomologie BRST(cf. réf. [22]), soit
BRST = (43)
imQ(g 1)
nous montrons à la prop. (4.3) de (1-A1) que la théorie topologique réalise l'injection d'anneaux :
Uk dk
HgBRST (k) (i) (k)
HBRST g 0 H mod i 0H mod (44)
l'équ. (44) fournissant un chemin injectif du mode physique dans le mode topologique. En termes
d'observables O i et de cycles d'homologie Hi M mod dans l'espace des modules M mod des
où le secteur physique de la théorie est décrit par les observables O i et le secteur dual, de type
topologique, par les cycles d'homologie Hi M mod . L'oscillation de signature entre secteur
physique et secteur topologique est alors induite par la divergence Uk j d 4 x du courant-
fantôme j [22]. Lorsque U = 0, comme il n'existe pas d'espace de plongement pour l'espace des
modules, nous suggérons que la théorie est alors projetée dans la branche de Coulomb, à l'origine
de M mod , sur un instanton singulier de taille 0 [37] que nous identifions à l'espace-temps à l'échelle
Nous concluons cette section par une question importante : comment peut-on expliquer, d'un point de
suggérons une approche dans le cadre de la théorie KMS dans le § (5.2) de l'article [1-A1]. Cette
Conjecture 2.5.1 A l'échelle infrarouge ß Planck , la brisure de l'état KMS du (pré)espace-
Rappelons que nous avons montré en [1-A1] que l'état KMS du (pré)espace-temps à l'échelle de
Planck induit de manière naturelle le couplage entre l'état physique et l'état topologique de la métrique.
Par conséquent, l'hypothèse nouvelle développée en [1-A1] est que la transition entre état topologique
(à l'échelle zéro) et état physique de l'espace-temps (au delà de l'échelle de Planck) peut être décrite en
termes de brisure de l'état KMS. Une telle approche est d'ailleurs renforcée par le fait que la brisure
d'état KMS au delà de l'échelle de Planck pourrait elle-même être liée à la brisure de supersymétrie
attendue à la même échelle. Cette importante relation est d'ailleurs annoncée par les intéressants
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résultats de Deredinger et Luchiesi dans la réf [20], résultats que nous détaillons au §(5.2.1) de [1-
En fait, Derrendinger et Lucchesi ont clairement confirmé l'existence d'une étroite relation entre la
supersymétrie thermique et la condition KMS. Cette relation est réalisée au niveau des coordonnées de
Grassman thermiques, en raison d'une condition d'(anti)périodicité décrite par les équations (45) et
(46) :
ˆ ˙ (t ˆ ˙ (t)
iß) (46)
Les auteurs ont prouvé de manière convaincante qu'en l'absence de la corrélation supersymétrie/état
passe-t-il au delà de l'échelle de Planck, lorsque l'état KMS est brisé? Dans ce cas, un point X du
X (x , , )
Cette condition est équivalente à la supersymétrie à température nulle, pour laquelle les paramètres de
transformation (i.e. les Grassmanniennes and ) sont des constantes. Or précisément, le résultat
principal des réfs [20,21] établit qu'à température finie, il est impossible d'utiliser des paramètres
doivent être des variables dépendant du temps, (anti)périodiques en temps imaginaire. Ainsi, d'une
manière naturelle, les coordonnées thermiques Grassmanniennes Xˆ (x , ˆ (t), ˆ (t)) doivent être
[1-A1], l'application de ces conditions implique que globalement, le système espace-temps doit être
soumis à la condition KMS à l'échelle de Planck. Cet important résultat peut être considéré comme
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Nous avons suggéré en [1-A1] que la Singularité Initiale de l'espace-temps, non réductible dans le
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cadre habituel de la théorie quantique des champs, peut être décrite dans le cadre de la théorie
topologique des champs (voir section 2). De ce point de vue, l'échelle zéro de l'espace-temps peut
être identifiée à un instanton gravitationnel singulier de taille zéro [3, 37]. Nous poussons ici l'une
Nos principaux résultats publiés en [16-A4] suggèrent que la géométrie de l'instanton peut être
identifiée à celle de la boule B4 dont le bord est la sphère S3. L'on peut alors montrer (voir encore
[16-A4]) que le bord de l'espace-temps peut être identifié au bord S3 de l'instanton gravitationnel
singulier B4. Dans un tel contexte, l'échelle zéro de l'espace-temps (i.e. la Singularité Initiale) peut
être entièrement caractérisée par la charge topologique Qs de l'instanton gravitationnel singulier B4,
QS d 4 x R R˜ (47)
Par construction, Qs est un invariant topologique, indépendant de la taille de l'instanton et qui reste
Euclidienne au sens fixé en ([16]) de la singularité initiale est induite par l'existence de l'amplitude
topologique associée à Qs, détectable sur le bord S3 de l'instanton gravitationnel muni de la topologie
B4. Les pseudo-observables sont ici interprétées comme cocycles sur l'espace des modules des
instantons et sont associées aux cycles i de la 4-variété B4 (application de Donaldson). Considérant
OS 3 . O X # (S 3 , X) (48)
# (S 3 , X) est nulle si le point X est situé hors de la sphère S3 et vaut 1 si X est à l'intérieur de S3 (i.e.
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A titre d'application nous conjecturons une approche nouvelle, selon laquelle l’interaction inertielle
pourrait être correctement décrite dans le cadre de la théorie topologique des champs, proposée par
Edward Witten en 1988 [2]. Plus précisément, nous suggérons en réf. [16-A4] que le caractère non
local de la charge topologique Qs peut être relié à la nature non locale de l'interaction inertielle. Nous
conjecturons alors que cette propriété observable ne peut être expliquée en théorie quantique des
champs mais pourrait trouver une solution dans le cadre de la théorie topologique des champs. En
effet, l’évaluation de la contribution inertielle (ou potentiel inertiel) totale résultant de la somme des
Uinertiel total = 2 1 (49)
univers c r
s’avère être un invariant pour chaque masse locale. Or, la charge topologique de l’instanton
Q 2 d 4 x R R˜ =1 (50)
représente également un invariant de type topologique. L’égalité entre la masse inertielle et la masse
sphère S3(voir, par exemple la réf. [38] pour rappel). Conf (S3) peut être décrit par le groupe de
Proposition 3.2.1 Pour toute similitude h Sim ( 3), l'application générale définissant la
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L'on poursuit en suggérant dans la prop. (3.2.2) que Möb(3) est le groupe conforme Conf (S3) de
S3. Posons que Conf (S3) décrit l'invariance d'échelle (i.e. invariance conforme) de la sphère
identifiée ici, suivant l'inclusion S3 SL(2, C), à l' espace physique, compactifié de 3.
Proposition 3.2.2 Soit Möb± (3) = Conf ± (S3). le rayon r 0 de S 3 engendrant S3r 0, et
bijection de S 3 vérifiant cette propriété appartient à Möb (3) . Le groupe Möb (3) présente un
isomorphisme naturel avec PO( ) de la quadrique d' équation q x2 x 25 .
i 1
La prop.(3.2.2) a été établie en réf[3]. Dans un tel cadre, la principale conjecture de l'article ci-joint
en annexe A4 est alors que le fondement sur lequel repose le "principe de Mach" [39] (tout comme
l'interaction inertielle) ne doit pas être considérée comme classiquement "physique" mais relève de la
théorie topologique des champs. Nous tirons de notre approche cf. [16-A4], l'existence d'un
Conjecture 3.2.3 Les amplitudes topologiques associées à la propagation de la charge topologique
qui ne peut trouver d'explication satisfaisante en mécanique classique ou relativiste [40]. Rappelons
"principe de Mach topologique" énonce que l'interaction entre et l'espace-temps global E au sens
de Mach est de type topologique - ce qui pourrait expliquer les propriétés d'invariance globale du
Finalement, les perspectives conjecturales introduites dans la réf [16-A4], confèrent une certaine
topologique du problème de la singularité initiale. L'on peut espérer que cette approche préliminaire
permettra d'ouvrir des perspectives nouvelles sur l'origine de l'espace temps ainsi que sur plusieurs
autres questions non résolues (notamment celles concernant la nature de l'interaction inertielle).
Nos principaux résultats, à travers notamment la théorie des groupes quantiques [12], les algèbres
d'opérateurs et la géométrie non commutative [10] et, enfin, la théorie topologique des champs [2]
depuis l'échelle topologique zéro jusqu'à l'échelle physique (au delà de l'échelle dent Planck). Ces
résultats font suite à ceux obtenus par G.Bogdanoff dans [3] concernant la fluctuation attendue de la
(i) la métrique de l'espace-temps à l'échelle zéro peut être considérée comme Euclidienne (++++) i.e.
topologique ;
(ii) la singularité initiale de l'espace-temps pourrait être décrite par identification à un instanton
(iii) à partir de (i) et (ii), nous suggérons l'existence d'une symétrie de dualité (que nous appelons i -
dualité), entre état physique (échelle de Planck) et état topologique (échelle zéro) de l'espace-temps.
Une telle symétrie découle directement de la condition KMS à laquelle l'espace-temps devrait être
Alors, la résolution possible de la Singularité Initiale dans le cadre de la théorie topologique nous
amène à envisager l'existence, avant l'échelle de Planck, d'une première phase d'expansion purement
= e - ß H MTop
0,1 0,1
ß ( MTop ) eßH
Ainsi, la chaîne d'évènements susceptibles d'expliquer la transition depuis la phase topologique zéro
jusqu'à la phase physique de l'espace-temps (au delà de l'échelle de Planck) pourrait prendre la forme
suivante :
de Planck a été établie dans la réf.[3]. Les conclusions de [3] sont d'ailleurs renforcées par les
approches récentes de compactification 4D 3D de l'espace-temps à l'échelle quantique (sur ce
point, voir par exemple la réf[41]. En effet, il est généralement admis qu'à haute température
(température de Planck) une théorie dynamique (i.e. la théorie des champs) perd un degré de liberté
par réduction dimensionnelle de la direction genre temps. Dans ce nouveau contexte, il convient par
exemple de relever que la théorie physique de Yang et Mills est transformée en une théorie de Jauge à
trois dimensions. Le point intéressant est alors que le terme de Chern-Simon, introduit par Deser,
Templeton et Jackiw [42], devient naturellement relevant à l'échelle correspondant au couplage entre
théorie topologique à quatre dimensions et théorie physique. Or, le terme de Chern-Simon étant, à
l'échelle de Planck, associé à une 3-surface genre espace, sa présence dans la théorie apparaît ici
direction genre espace. Ceci simplement parce que le système devenant indépendant de la quatrième
coordonnée, celle-ci peut être indifféremment considérée comme genre temps et/ou genre espace sans
Dans un travail ultérieur, nous proposons de développer l'idée selon laquelle à l'échelle zéro, la
dynamique Lorentzienne devrait être remplacée par une "dynamique Euclidienne" (ou pseudo-
"croissance spectrale" du diamètre de l'espace des états d( ) en temps Euclidien (dual de l'espace
des observables en temps Lorentzien). Cette pseudo-dynamique, liée aux automorphismes de semi-
groupe ß ( MTop ) peut être décrite de manière naturelle par le flot des poids (dans le sens de Connes-
Takesaki [43]) de l'algèbre Mq. Ceci achève de relier, à l'échelle zéro de l'espace-temps, le contenu
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Note : Les tirés à part des articles originaux ont été annexés au manuscrit de la
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tel-00001503, version 1 - 24 Jul 2002
Topological field theory of the initial singularity of spacetime
We suggest here a new solution of the initial space-time singularity. In this approach the initial singularity of space-
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time corresponds to a zero size singular gravitational instanton characterized by a Riemannian metric configuration
(++++) in dimension D = 4. Connected with some unexpected topological datas corresponding to the zero scale of space-
time, the initial singularity is thus not considered in terms of divergences of physical fields but can be resolved in the
frame of topological field theory. Then it is suggested that the "zero scale singularity" can be understood in terms of
topological invariants (in particular the first Donaldson invariant ( 1)n i ). In this perspective we here introduce a
new topological index, connected with 0 scale, of the form Z = Tr (-1)s, which we call "singularity invariant".
ß 0
Interestingly, this invariant corresponds also to the invariant topological current yield by the hyperfinite II von
Neumann algebra describing the zero scale of space-time. Then we suggest that the (pre)space-time is in
thermodynamical equilibrium at the Planck scale state and is threrefore subject to the KMS condition. This might
correspond to a unification phase between "physical state" (Planck scale) and "topological state" (zero scale). Then we
conjecture that the transition from the topological phase of the space-time (around the scale zero) to the physical phase
observed beyond the Planck scale should be deeply connected to the supersymmetry breaking of the N=2 supergravity.
One of the limits of the standard space-time model remains its inability to provide a description of the
singular origin of space-time. Here we suggest, in the context of N=2 supergravity, that the initial
singularity, associated with zero scale of space-time, cannot be described by (perturbative) physical
theory but might be resolved by a (non-perturbative) dual theory of topological type. Such an
approach is based on our recent results [6-7] concerning the quantum fluctuations (or q-
superposition) of the signature of the metric at the Planck scale. We have suggested that the signature
of the space-time metric (+++ ) is not anymore frozen at the Planck scale p and presents quantum
fluctuations (+++±) until zero scale where it becomes Euclidean (++++). Such a suggestion appears
as a natural consequence of the non-commutativity of the space-time geometry at the Planck scale
[11]. In this non-commutative setting, we have constructed (cf. 4.1) the "cocyle bicrossproduct" [6] :
where Uq(so(4)op and Uq(so(3,1)) are Hopf algebras (or "quantum groups"[16]), the symbol a
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(bi)crossproduct and a 2-cocycle of deformation (for more specific definitions, see ref[29]). The
bicrossproduct (1) suggests an unexpected kind of "unification" between the Lorentzian and the
Euclidean Hopf algebras at the Planck scale and yields the possibility of a "q-deformation" of the
signature from the Lorentzian (physical) mode to the Euclidean (topological) mode [6-30]. Moreover
equ.(1) defines implicitly a (semi)duality transformation between Lorentzian and Euclidean quantum
groups (see equ.(42)). This is important insofar we consider that the Euclidean theory is the simplest
In other respect, it has been stated in string theory [25] that the behavior of string amplitudes at very
high temperature (Hagedorn limit) reveals the existence of a possible phase transition and the
restoration of large-scale symmetries of the system. In the context of this "unbroken phase", generally
expected at the Planck scale, the theory is characterized by a general covariance preserving the exact
symmetry of the system. The metric g is developed around zero and there exists at this level neither
light cone, wave propagation, nor movement. The exploration of this unbroken (and non-physical)
phase of the system is accessible only in the framework of a new kind of field theory proposed by E.
Topological field theory is usually defined as the quantization of zero, the Lagrangian of the theory
being either (i) a zero mode or (ii) a characteristic class cn (V ) of a vectorial bundle V M built
on space-time [31]. Starting from the Bianchi identity TrR R* = 30
TrF F* , our approach of 4D
supergravity leads us to describe the energy content of the pre-space-time system by the curvature R.
We therefore put ~ R R*. The value of the topological action Scl ass class c n (V ) k is
then either zero or corresponds to an integer. The topological limit of quantum field theory, described
in particular by the Witten invariant Z = Tr (-1)n [36] is then given by the usual quantum statistical
Z = Tr (-1)n e ßH (2)
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with ß = and n being the zero energy states number of the theory, for example the fermion number
in supersymmetric theories [1]. Then Z describes all zero energy states for null values of the
Hamiltonian H.
Now, we propose here (§(1.2)) a new topological limit of quantum field theory, non-trivial (i.e.
corresponding to the non-trivial minimum of the action). Built from scale ß 0 and independent of
H, this unexpected topological limit (in 4D dimensions) is then given by the temperature limit
(Hagedorn temperature) of the physical system (3+1)D. In a way this can be derived from the
"holographic conjecture" [42] following which the states of quantum gravity in d dimensions have a
natural description in terms of a (d 1)-dimensional theory. In agreement with [4-34-39] and, in
particular, the recent results of C. Kounnas and al [3-27], we argue in §(5.1.1) that on the hereabove
limit (i.e. at the Planck scale), the "space-time system" is in a thermodynamical equilibrium state [34]
and, therefore, is subject to the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition [24]. A similar point of
view has also been successfully developed in the context of thermal supersymmetry by Derendinger
and Lucchesi in [13-28]. Surprisingly, the KMS and modular theories [11] might have dramatic
consequences onto Planck scale physics. Indeed, when applied to quantum space-time, the KMS
properties are such that the time-like direction of the system, within the limits of the "KMS strip" (i.e.
between the zero scale and the Planck scale) should be considered as complex : t tr iti . In this
case, on the ß 0 limit, the theory is projected onto the pure imaginary boundary t iti of the
KMS strip. Then the partition function (2) gives the pure topological state connected with the zero
Z = Tr (-1)s (3)
ß 0
where s represents the instantonic number. This new "singularity invariant" [6-7]), isomorphic to the
Witten index Z = Tr (-1)F, can be connected with the initial singularity of space-time, reached for ß =
0 in the partition function Z = Tr (-1)s e ßH . According to sec. 3, when ß 0, the partition function
I= ( 1)n i (4)
( k) ( k)
a non-polynomial topological invariant, reduced to an integer for dim mod = 0 (dim mod being the
dimension of the instanton moduli space). This suggests that the (topological) origin of space-time
might be successfully represented by a singular zero size gravitational instanton [41]. A good image of
this euclidean point-like object is the "transitive point", whose orbits under the action of are dense
everywhere from zero to infinity. Then at zero scale, the observables O i should be replaced by the
( k)
homology cycles Hi mod in the moduli space of gravitational instantons. We get then a deep
correspondence -a symmetry of duality- [2-19-32], between physical theory and topological theory.
More precisely, it may exist, at the Planck scale, a duality transformation (which we call
"i-duality"[6]) between the BRST cohomology ring (physical mode) and the cohomology ring of
instanton moduli space (topological mode) [19]. In the context of quantum groups [16-17], we have
shown that transition from q-Euclidean to q-Lorentzian spaces [30-35] can also be viewed as a Hopf
algebra duality [29]. Interestingly, the Hopf algebra duality has been recently connected to
The present article is organized as follows. In section 1 we define the topological field theory and
suggest that there exists at the scale limit ß 0 a non-trivial topological limit of quantum field theory,
dual to the topological limit associated with ß . In section 2 we evidence that the ß 0 limit of
some standard theories is topological. We give several examples of such a topological limit. In section
3, we show that the high temperature limit of quantum field theory corresponding to ß 0 should
give the first Donaldson invariant. The signature of the metric of the underlying 4-dimensional
manifold is therefore expected to be Euclidean (++++) at the scale zero. In section 4, we emphasize,
in the quantum groups context, the existence of a symmetry of duality between the Planck scale
(physical sector of the theory) and zero scale (topological sector). In section 5, we discuss in the
framework of KMS state and von Neumann C* - algebras a way to understand the transition from the
1.1 Preliminaries
The field theory considered here is thermal supersymmetric [13-28] and in the context of D4 manifolds
[40]. We have detailed the content of the (thermal) supermultiplet in a previous work [6]. The theory
belongs to the class of N=2 supergravities [19], the Hamiltonian being given by the squared Dirac
operator D2 [11-31]. As such, the simplest bosonic multiplet reduces to a vector field plus two scalars
exhibiting a special Kähler geometry. Rightly, N=2 is here of a particular interest, for two main
reasons :
(i) the complex scalar fields of the theory (for example the dilaton S-field [32] or the T-field [2]) can
be seen as "signatures" of the KMS condition [11-25] to which the space-time might be subject at the
Planck scale. They might also be one of the best keys to understand the possible duality between
i dualité
Topological vacuum (ß = 0, instanton ) Physical vacuum (ß = Planck, monopole )
This is based on the instantons / monopoles duality initially suggested by us in [6] and recently
proved in the superstrings context by C.P. Bacchas, P. Bain and M.B. Green [5]. Moreover, in
string theory again, has been conjectured a U=S T-symmetry [25] from which we can infer the
U duality
O1O 2 ... O n ( 1, 2 ,..., n)
Then the main contribution of the present article would be to emphasize that, as for conifolds cycles,
a zero topological cycle might control the blow up of the space-time Initial Singularity.
(ii) From another point of view, the S/T fields are closely related to the existence, in the Lagrangian,
of non-linear terms. As recalled by A. Gregori, C. Kounnas and P. M. Petropoulos [23], in the frame
of N=2 supergravity, the theory is generally inducing some non perturbative corrections and a BPS-
saturated coupling with higher derivative terms R2 + ... As our model is proposed in 4D dimensions,
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the development of higher derivative terms can be limited in a natural way to the R2 term. Then the
L= d4 x g l2 ( R R R 2) R + LM (5)
from which we pull the simplified Lagrangian density that we use here :
ˆR 1 2
L supergravité = R RR* (6)
This type of Lagrangian density is coupling the physical component (the Einstein term ˆ R) with the
topological term RR* . This is of crucial interest since, as observed in ex.(2.1), when ß 0, we are
only left with the topological term RR* (decoupled, on this limit, of the axion field ).
Now, let's begin with a brief reminder of topological field theory as originally introduced by E. Witten
in 1988 [37] :
Definition 1.1 Topological field theory is defined by a cohomological field such that a correlation
function of n physical observables O1 O2 ...... On can be interpreted as the number of intersections
O1 O 2 O n #(H1 H2 Hn )
( k) ( k)
of n cycles of homology Hi mod , in moduli space mod of configurations of the instanton type
The content of "cohomological fields" (for which the general covariance is exact) is given by the field
variations (which induce a Fadeev-Popov ghost contribution and gauge fixing part). The point,
however, is that the total gauge fixed action is a BRST commutator and the energy-momentum tensor
is BRST invariant [19-37]. In other words, the correlation functions of cohomological fields are
independent of the metric. Now, the topological field theory (for D = 4) is established when the
Hamiltonian (or the Lagrangian) of the system is H=0, such as the theory is independent of the
underlying metric. We propose to extend this definition, stating that a theory can also be topological if
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it does not depend on the Hamiltonian H (or the Lagrangian L ) of the system.
Definition 1.2 A theory is topological if (the Lagrangian L being non-trivial) it does not depend
on L.
Def (1.2) means that L is a topological invariant of the form L = R R . Based on this definition,
we suggest that there exists a second topological limit of the theory, dual to that given by H = 0. In
this case, we can have H 0, but the theory is taken at the limit of scale zero associated with ß 0.
Then the minimum of the action is not zero (as it is in the trivial case) but has a non-trivial (invariant)
We consider the possible existence of such a "topological field " at the high temperature limit of the
Proposition 1.3 There exists at the scale ß 0 a non-trivial topological limit of the theory, dual to
the topological limit corresponding to ß .
Proof The (thermo)dynamical content of the quantum field theory can be described by the partition
function :
Z = Tr (-1)n e ßH (7)
where n is the "metric number" of the theory. When ß 0, the theory is no longer dependent on H.
On this limit, such that the temperature T THag(Hagedorn limit), equ.(7) becomes Z0 = Tr(-1)n, H
vanishing from the metric states partition function. ß plays the role of a coupling constant, such that it
exists an infinite number of states not interacting with each other and independent of H. The point is
that for ß = 0, the action S is projected onto a non trivial minimum, corresponding to the self-duality
condition R = ± R * . But in this case, the field configuration is necessarily Euclidean and defines a
gravitational instanton, i.e. a topological configuration [6]. We are therefore confronted to a 4D pure
I = ( 1)n i
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ni being the instanton number. The limit ß = 0 is here dual (in a sense precised in §(4)) to the usual
topological limit ß given by H = 0. The density operator of the (pre)space-time system is written
as :
H 0
0 being (classically) a factor of re-normalization of the system. When ß = 0, the density operator is
thus reduced to =e , which is independent of H 0, characteristic of a second topological limit of
the theory.
Now we propose to show, through some very simple examples, that interesting contacts with
topological field theory can be made in taking the ß 0 limit of some established standard results. To
To warm up, we first consider the ß 0 topological limit of the standard (quantum) thermal field
Example 2.1 The topological 0-scale limit of the heat kernel
(i) One famous mathematical proof of the Atiyah-Singer theorem (given, for example, by E.Getzler
[20]) lies in the heat equation [21-22]. Considering the heat operator e ßH acting on the differential
forms on a closed, oriented manifold X, the ß 0 limit of this operator corresponds to the local
Let's consider a (quantum) thermal field theory on a system defined by the first order elliptic
differential operator P and it's adjoint P*. We put the laplacian = PP* et ' = P*P. For any ß > 0,
we can evaluate the partition function K = Tr e giving the states of the metric of the system.
Now, to get the asymptotic ß 0 limit, we take the symbol of Tr e (which can be expressed in
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ß ß
Tr e Tr (e )dxdk (8)
For ß 0, K degenerates on the Dirac mass and the right-hand side of (8) has an asymptotic
ß i n
Tr e t 2B
and as a result, we get the well known ß-independent topological index (in the Atiyah-Singer
sense [22]) :
Ind(P) Bn [ ] Bn [ ']
With this index we see in a simple way that the ß 0 limit of thermal field theory is topological.
Another important argument lies in the fact that at Planck , the (pre)space-time might enter a phase of
condition [24]. As evidenced in §(5.1.3) and in the ex.(5.2.1), this implies the holomorphicity of the
time-like direction, the real time-like and the real space-like directions given by g44 being
compactified on the two circles S1t like and S1s like [6]. But one can easily see that this configuration is
equivalent to the dimensional reduction of the 4D Lorentzian theory onto a 3D theory. This type of
reduction has been described by Seiberg and Witten [33]. We then are left with three-manifold
invariants, in particular the Floer invariant of a supersymmetric non linear -model [18]. In this case,
the three dimensional pseudo-gravity (3) is coupled to the S,T complex scalar fields :
(1) S = ± i. i (axion) with S and S
Those scalar fields are propagating. Then the coupling of the S/T-fields with the 3D pseudo-gravity
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SL(2, ) SL(2, )
= S O(3) (9)
SO(2) SO(1,1)
SL(2, ) SL(2, )
As the theory is independent of g44 , the 2D field in the Lorentzian case and in the
SO(1,1) SO(2)
Euclidean case can be viewed as equivalent. Thus the corresponding "superposition state" of the
SO(3,1) SO(4)
h =
SO(3) being diagonally embedded in SO(3, 1) SO(4). Next step, as suggested in [6], a
scale. Instantons and monopoles are here connected by a S-field. The form of the 5D metric induced
by the -model (9) and constructed in [6] is :
dw 2
ds2 a(w)2 d 2
(3) dt 2 (10)
where the axion term is a = ƒ(w , t), the 3-geometry being d 2(3) (x, y, z). Clearly the expected
values of the running coupling constant (dilaton) are giving the two 4D limits of the 5D metric
dw 2
of equ.(10). Thus we get: - Infrared : ß . In this strong coupling sector we have 0 and
becomes 4D Lorentzian :
ds2 a(w)2 d 2
(3) dt 2 (11)
1 2
L supergravité = ˆ R R RR* , and, as R = R *, the topological term RR* is also suppressed.
So, we get L = ˆ R .
Let's see now what happens on the (dual) ultraviolet limit, when ß 0.
coupling constant sector of the coupled theory and we get divergent values for the real dilaton field
. Then naïvely, we can apply one of the results of [23] saying that the axion field is decoupled
of the theory on this limit and we are left with the divergent dilaton field only. So, we have for the
metric on 5 the new Euclidean form :
dw 2
ds2 a(w)2 d 2
(3) (13)
Therefore, in the ultraviolet, the -model (9) is reduced to the four-dimensional target space :
SL(2, ) ß(g) 0
S O(3) SO(3) SO(3) = SO(4) (14)
and on this small coupling limit, the reduced theory becomes Euclidean, i.e. topological.. Again, it
appears reasonable to conclude that the ß 0 limit has a pure topological content. Incidentally, this
result could as well be understood in the frame of the isodimensional instanton-monopole duality
proposed by us in [6] and proved in the string context by Bacchas and al [5]. Indeed, we have shown
that the q-deformed 5D theory is dominated by the (3+1)D monopoles in the infrared (ß Planck )
and by the 4D instantons in the ultraviolet ( ß 0) [6]. In this sense, the Euclidean signature (++++)
can be seen as i-dual to the Lorentzian one (+++ ). Likewise, the topological limit ß 0 should be
viewed as i-dual to the physical limit ß Planck . This might be an unexpected application of the
At present, let's explore the ultraviolet limit of another standard result, i.e. the Feynmann Path integral
Example 2.2 The topological 0-scale limit of the Feynmann (3+1) path-integral approach
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(i) It's well known that in quantized Minkowski space-time, the amplitude (g2 , 2 , 2 g1 , 1 , 1 ) is
given by :
(g2 , 2 , 2 g1 , 1 , 1 ) = D[ ] exp [i S( )]
To include the point-like (0-modes) configurations of g , we put Tr(-1)n in the integral and we get :
So, the trivial {t=ß 0, S=0} Lorentzian vacuum is distinct of the "topological vacuum" connected
8 2
to the minimum of the Euclidean action SE = 2 . But it has been shown [15-37] that the zero modes
in the expansion about the minima of S are tangent to the instanton moduli space Mk, so the
topological vacuum should be viewed as the "true vacuum" of the theory. Then equ.(15) becomes for
ß 0:
To define I0 , one can assume that at zero scale, the measure D[ 0 ] is concentrated on one unique point
and becomes a pure state, i.e. a positive trace class operator with unit trace. Concerning the field
content can be given by the non linear term R 2 , so that the ß-dependant typical form of the Lagrangian
1 2
L supergravité ˆR R RR* (17)
Now, for g= ß 0, the Einstein term R is cancelled and as R =R* , the only remaining term in
equ.(17) is the topological invariant RR*(itself decoupled from the axion field ). So, equ.(15) takes
Tr(R(A)2 ) 2
8 k(E)
(M) 2 abcd ab R Rcd (19)
32 X
Therefore, the ß 0 limit of the Feynmann path integral is giving the Euler Characteristic, i.e. the
"true vaccum" mentioned hereabove and corresponding to the topological pole of the theory.
Next, we provide a new example showing that the ß 0 limit of the N=2 supersymmetric theory is
Example 2.3 The topological 0-scale limit of the (supersymmetric) quantum field theory
We apply here a well known quantum mechanical account of Morse theory due to Witten [40]. First,
we start from the standard supersymmetry algebra Qi ,Qj Qi Qj Qj Qi 0. Next, we express this
superalgebra in terms of data provided only by the space-time manifold M. To do so, let's define a set
of coboundary operators, the conjugation of d by e ßH being parametrised by ß = :
d e ßH d e ßH
d *ß e ßH d* e ßH
for a Morse function H(x). Then the spectrum of the ß-dependant Hamiltonian is:
Hß d ß d *ß d*ß d ß (21)
Now, let's send ß onto zero. We get for the Hamiltonian the invariant value :
H0 = dd* + d* d = p (22)
p 0
But this invariant is nothing else than the Betti numbers of M, given by bp dim ker p , which is a
discrete function, independent of ß. Consequently, the space of zero energy states of H is given by the
set of even (odd) harmonic forms on M and equals the Betti number of M. So we have, for ß 0:
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Tr( 1)F = ( 1)k bi = (M) (24)
k 0
where bi is the ith Betti number and (M) the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of M. Finally, on the zero
scale limit, we recover the topological index [37] corresponding to any standard topological field
To finish, we obtain in the last following example some analog results in the frame of full (N=2)
As a matter of fact, for a spin manifold, we can express H in terms of the Dirac operator D . Then in
dimension D=4, we can calculate on the ß 0 limit the index of the squared Dirac operator :
Ind( D +) = lim Str e =
ß 0
2 1 1
R , (R R) , B
1 2 16
n Str e dx d
(2 )
T *M
By the Mehler formula, we find the Dirac index in function of the Dirac genus Â( M):
ind ( D + ) = ch(B)Â( M) (25)
ch being the Chern character, B the curvature and Â( M) the Dirac genus of the auxillary fiber bundle.
Since the spinors are interacting with Yang-Mills fields, the Â( M) term is coming from the
gravitational part whereas the rest of equ.(25) comes from the gauge part. As Ch(B) = Tr e 2i ,
we get :
k xj / 2
Â( M) = (26)
j = 1sinh (x j / 2)
and we can express the complete Yang-Mills + gravity index through the following invariant :
dim M 1
Ind(D ) Tr(R R) Tr(F F) (27)
8 2 8 2
Finally, in Yang-Mills + gravity context, we obtain again a topological invariant on the ß 0 limit.
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Now, to go further, the next step consists to detect, on the ß 0 limit, the nature of the topological
invariant involved . We shall discover that Donaldson invariants are playing a very important role on
this boundary.
From a topological point of view, Donaldson invariants are obtained from characteristic classes of an
infinite dimensional bundle on the manifold equally infinite and canonically associated with a
4-dimensional manifold :
H2 (M) (k)
m : H2 (M ) mod
Now, we suggest that on the ß 0 limit, the 4D field theory is projected onto the first Donaldson
Proposition 3.2 The high temperature limit of quantum field theory corresponding to ß 0 in the
partition function Z = Tr (-1) s e ßH gives the first Donaldson invariant. The signature of the metric
Proof Let the partition function Z = Tr(-1)s e ßH connected with a set described by the density
matrix :
Q = (-1) s e ßH (28)
It has been shown [1-36] that given a supersymmetric QFT, one can define the invariant I = Tr (-1)f,
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f being the fermionic number. We propose to extend equ.(29) to supergravity and to define the
topological invariant
= Tr (-1) S (30)
where S is the instanton number. So, the regularization of the trace (30) gives the index of the Dirac
operator :
dt L
ßc D2 ßc D2
= Tr e = Tr (-1) S e = [Dx] [D ] e 0
ßc H
with ßc . Then for ßc = 0, the value of the partition function Z = Tr (-1) S e is :
Z0 = Tr (-1) S (32)
and Tr (-1)S can be seen as the index of an operator acting on the Hilbert space . Dividing in
monopole and instanton sub-spaces = + i and Q being a generator of supersymmetry, we
get :
Q = 0 , Q* =0 (33)
So Tr (-1)S = Ker Q - Ker Q* such that as topological index, Tr (-1)S is invariant under continuous
deformations of parameters which do not modify the asymptotic behavior of the Hamiltonian H at high
energy. H is given by H = dd* +d*d, the space of zero energy states corresponding to the set of even
harmonic forms on Mn:
Tr (-1)S e ßH = (M) = ( 1)k bk (34)
k 0
= Tr (-1)S is independent of ß, the sole contributions to coming from the topological sector of zero
= niE 0
nmE 0.
On formal basis, niE 0
nmE 0
energy : can be seen as the trace of the operator (-
1)S . Then is a topological invariant, i.e. the first Donaldson invariant. The coupling constant g being
dimensional, the limit ß = 0 implies = 0 and corresponds to the sector of zero size instantons [41].
( k) ( k)
So, Dim mod = 0. When Dim mod 0, the Donaldson invariants are given by :
r r
S ( k)
Z( 1 ... r) DX e Wk 1 Wk i (Dim mod 0) (35)
i 1 i 1
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i i
What happens then ? The solution is in the correspondence between the Donaldson invariants on 4D
manifolds and the Floer homology groups [18] on 3D manifolds. Indeed, Donaldson invariants
amount to the calculus of the partition function Z, expressed as an algebraic sum over the instantons
Z Z = ( 1)n i (36)
mod 0 i
i indicating the i th instanton and ni = 0 or 1 determining the sign of its contribution to Z. Donaldson
has shown on topological grounds [14] that when dim (mod k)
= 0, then ( 1)n i is a non-polynomial
topological invariant, reduced to an integer. We find the same result starting from T Q, .
In fact, the partition function of the system at temperature ß-1 has the general form Zq = Tr (-1)S e ßH
. For ß = 0, Zq becomes Z = Tr(-1)S , which is isomorphic to ( 1)n i , s and ni giving in both
ß= 0 i
This result strongly suggests that on the high temperature limit ß 0 parameterizing the 0 scale of the
theory, the partition function Z projects the Lorentzian physical theory onto the Euclidean
mod 0
topological limit.
Now, starting from hereabove, we suggest the existence of a deep correspondence, of the duality
symmetry type, between physical sector ( Planck scale) and topological sector (0 scale) of the
Ideally, the duality we are looking for (which we call "i-duality" t [5], of the type i = S T)
should exchange real time in strong coupling / large radius with imaginary time in weak coupling /
small radius. In this sense, Planck (physical) scale should be i-dual to zero (topological) scale.
Let's first outline a few formal aspects of Lorentzian/Euclidean duality in terms of Hopf algebras.
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Considering the non commutative constraints at the Planck scale, it appears interesting to adopt an
approach in terms of "quantum groups" at this scale. So we have shown that in D=4, it should exist a
superposition (+++±) between Lorentzian (physical) and Euclidean (topological) algebraic structures.
Then we have constructed, in the enveloping algebras setting, the q-deformation of the cocyle
bicrossproduct [6]:
M (H) = Hop H
where H is a Hopf algebra, a bicrossproduct (i.e. a special type of crossproduct, defined in [29])
and a 2-cocycle or"twist" in the Drinfeld sense [16-17]. This is inspired by the idea to unify two
different quantum groups within a unique algebraic structure. So, we propose the following :
Proposition 4.1 The Euclidean and the Lorentzian Hopf algebras are related by the cocycle
Proof Starting, in the setting of enveloping algebras, from the Euclidean Hopf algebra H =
Uq(so(4)), we have the well known decomposition H = Uq(su(2)) Uq(su(2)) and the "opposite"
Hop = Uq(su(2))op Uq(su(2))op, whereas the Lorentzian form is A = H = Uq(su(2))
Uq(su(2)) Uq(so(3, 1)). As explained in [6], the cocycle of deformation is = 23 . Then the action
where we find the structure of tensor product of the action and the coaction for each Uq(su(2)) copy.
On the other hand, the cocycle for h,g Uq(su(2)) is :
(1) (1)
(h g) (h(1) g(1) )(1 )(Sh(4) Sg(4) )(1 )
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(2) (2)
(h(2) g(2 ) )( 1)(Sh(3) Sg(3) )( 1)
Clearly, prop.(4.1) proves the possible "unification" between the q-Lorentzian and the q-Euclidean
Hopf algebras at the Planck scale.We give a detailed demonstration of this proposition in [6]. But
also, the hereabove result suggests a certain type of "duality" between Lorentzian (physical) and
Euclidean (topological) quantum groups. To see this, the next step consists in showing the existence
of a very interesting "semidualisation" (proposed in the general case by S. Majid [29]) between
Lorentzian and Euclidean Hopf algebras. Better still, such a duality allows a description of the
We have given in [6] a complete demonstration of prop. (4.2), based on the properties of the Drinfeld
double (Uq(su(2))). Then, using our general cocycle construction M (H), we get the interesting
relation :
Uq(su(2)) Uq(su(2)) Uq(so(4)) Uq(su(2))* Uq(su(2)) ~ Uq(so(3, 1))
transformation and induces the existence of a 2-cocycle of deformation. Likewise, the cocycle
Uq(so(4))op Uq(so(3, 1)) Uq(so(4)) SOq(3,1) Uq(so(4))op
where is constructed from this one being derived from the quasitriangular structure of
Uq(su(2)) [5].
Now, an interesting consequence of those results concerns some duality characteristics at the level of
q-deformation of space-time itself. We have shown [6] that the natural structures of the q-Euclidean
space 4q and of the q-Lorentzian space 3, 1
, covariant under U q(so(4)) and U q(so(3, 1)) [8] are
connected as follows :
3, 1
BU q (su(2)) BSU q (2) = / 1
- braided groups autoduality q
4 3, 1
where we get a duality relation between q and q as a kind of T-duality [2]. This interpretation is
possible only when q 1 - i.e. at the Planck scale -. We can extend those results to q-Poincaré
3, 1
Uq (so (3 , 1)) (43)
Interestingly, the Hopf algebra duality has been recently related to superstrings T-duality by
C.Klimcik and P.Sevara [26]. Such dualities in terms of quantum groups have also been proposed by
S. Majid [29].
Now, we apply the hereabove results into a more physical context. So, we propose the following :
Proposition 4.3 There exists, at the Planck scale, a symmetry of duality between the BRST
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cohomology ring (physical sector of the theory) and the cohomology ring of instanton moduli space
(topological sector).
Proof Let be, at the Planck scale, BRST cohomology groups, of which the generic form, reviewed
in [37], is :
(g) ker QBRST
H BRST = (45)
(g 1)
where QBRST is the BRST charge acting on operators of the ghost number g. From the theory of
constructed by de Rham :
where d (i) represents the external derivative acting on the differential forms of degree i on ( k)
mod .
Uk g (k ) dk (i ) (k)
H BRST g 0
HBRST H mod i 0
H mod (47)
and which, according to conditions given in [19], becomes a ring isomorphism. There exists therefore
an injective path from the physical mode to the topological mode. Now let O i be the physical
observables considered, such that a correlation function of n observables is the number given by the
matrix of intersections Hi :
( k)
number associated with n cycles of homology Hi M mod , in moduli space mod of configurations
of the gravitational instanton type [ (x)], on the gravitational fields of the theory. The physical
sector of the theory is described by the left hand side of equation (48) and the topological sector by the
right hand side. One observes that O1O 2 ... O n 0, i.e. the theory has a physical content if
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Uk j d 4 x , with j being the "ghost flow" of degree k, U its integral anomaly and
(k )
dk dim mod (49)
is the dimension of moduli space of degree k. Following the theorem of Atiyah-Singer [21], one can
show that Uk = dk . From this point of view, the correlation functions of a set of local observables
amounts to the integral over moduli space of the number of cohomology classes of space. The
associated BRST charge Q is of the form Q = (-1)n . When the divergence of the ghost flow is non-
zero, i.e. jM 0, then the theory oscillates between ( O i ) and (Hi) - i.e. between the Coulomb
branch and the Higgs branch in metric superposition space - . For the 0 mode of the scale, j M = 0,
( k)
which suggests that on this limit, dim mod = 0. In fact, after functional integration over the empty
degrees of liberty of the theory, the physical observables are reduced to closed forms i of degree di,
which signifies :
( k)
U = dim mod
and when U = 0, there exists no embedding space for moduli space and the theory is projected into
( k)
the Coulomb branch, at the origin of mod , on a singular instanton of zero size, identified to space-
time at zero scale. The corresponding signature in this sector of the theory is therefore Euclidean
(+ + + +). qed
This result suggests once more that at zero scale, the theory is no longer physical but purely
Now, here is a critical question raised by this paper : how do we go from the topological state of the
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(pre)space-time around the origin to the usual physical state ? In the last section, we shall try to answer
this question.
Considering all the preceding developments, it's of crucial interest to worry about how the initial
(generally covariant) topological phase possibly characterizing the (pre)space-time at the vicinity of the
Initial Singularity does break down to the universe we observe to day. We then propose some
(hopefully) stimulant tracks able to be worked out within some further researches.
On general basis, we claim hereafter that the transition Topological phase Physical phase might be
deeply related to the breaking of the N = 2 supergravity at the Planck scale. In other words,
characterized by the loss of the thermodynamical equilibrium of the system. To sum up, the D-
effects. For this reason, supersymmetry breaking might bring about the decoupling of the topological
and the physical states of the (pre)space-time system. How is it so ? To see it, according to [4-27],
let's recall that at the Planck scale, the (pre)space-time is generally characterized by two fundamental
properties : (i) the thermodynamical equilibrium state [34] and (ii) the non-commutativity of the
underlying geometry [11]. Those two properties are very often considered, together or separately.
However, it is critical to realize that for any system, properties (i) and (ii) are inducing the famous
likely, space-time, as a thermodynamical system, is subject to the KMS condition at the Planck scale
[6]. Consequently, in the interior of the "KMS strip", i.e. from ß = 0 to ß = Planck, the fourth
coordinate g44 should be considered as complex, the two real poles being ß =0 (topological pole) and
ß= Planck (physical pole). This is a direct (and standard) consequence of the KMS condition. So, we
suggest [6] that within the KMS strip, the Lorentzian and the Euclidean metric are in a "quantum
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superposition state" (or coupled), this entailing a "unification" (or coupling) between the topological
(Euclidean) and the physical (Lorentzian) states of space-time. Conversely, the transition from the
topological state to the physical state of the space-time can be seen in terms of "KMS breaking" (cf.
conj. (5.2.5)).
Now, let's begin with the hypothesis of global thermodynamical equilibrium at the Planck scale.
5.1 Thermodynamical equilibrium and KMS state of the space-time at the Planck
represents the upper limit of the physical temperature of the system. Indeed, it is currently admitted
that, before the inflationary phase, the ratio between the interaction rate ( ) of the initial fields and
the (pre)space-time expansion (H) is >> 1, so that the system can reasonably be considered in
equilibrium state. This has been established a long time ago within some precursor works of S.
Weinberg [34], E. Witten [4] and several others. It has recently been shown by C. Kounnas and al in
the superstrings context [27]. However, this natural notion of equilibrium, when viewed as a global
gauge condition, has dramatic consequences regarding physics at the Planck scale. Which kind of
consequences? To answer, let's see on formal basis what an equilibrium state is.
Definition 5.1 H being an autoadjoint operator and the Hilbert space of a finite system, the
Tr (e ßH A)
equilibrium state of this system is described by the Gibbs condition (A) and
Tr (e ßH )
satisfies the KMS condition.
Here, Tr is the usual trace, ß is the inverse of the temperature, H the Hamiltonian, i.e. the
generator of the one parameter group of the system. Of course, A is a von Neumann C* - algebra
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(see §(5.1.4) for definitions). The equilibrium state implies that ß must be seen as a periodic
(imaginary) time interval [0, ß = Planck ]. Now, the famous Tomita-Takesaki modular theory [10-11]
has established that to each state (A) of the system corresponds, in a unique manner, the strongly
continuous one parameter * - automorphisms group t :
t (A) = ei Ht A e i Ht (52)
with t . This one parameter group describes the time evolution of the observables and
corresponds to the well known Heisenberg algebra. At this stage, we are brought to find the
remarkable discovery of Takesaki and Winnink, connecting (i) the evolution group t (A) of a
Tr(Ae ßH )
system (i.e. the modular group M = it A it) with (ii) its equilibrium state (A)
Tr(e ßH )
[11]. The famous "KMS condition" [24] is nothing else than this relation between t (A) and (A),
the content of this relation being precised in (i) and (ii) of §(5.1).
Then we claim in a natural way that the space-time, in equilibrium state at the Planck scale, is therefore
5.1.2 The (pre)space-time in KMS state at the Planck scale
When viewed as a hyperfinite system at the Planck scale, the (pre)space-time may be described by a
sequence of finite dimensional sub-agebras). Now, let's see the essence of the KMS condition, given
by the Haag-Hugenholtz-Winnink theorem [23] : a state on the C* -algebra A and the continuous
one parameter automorphisms group of A at the temperature ß = 1 / k T verify the KMS condition if,
for any pair A, B of the * - sub-algebras of A, it exists a ƒ(tc) function holomorphic in the strip
Then we observe with (i) and (ii), the two crucial properties of the KMS condition : the holomorphicity
of the KMS strip and of course, due to the cyclicity of the trace, the non commutativity (( t A)B) =
(B( t +i ßA)) characterizing any "KMS space" (in fact, the two boundaries of the strip do not
Now, if we admit that around Planck , the hyperfinite (pre)space-time system is in a thermal
equilibrium state, then according to [24], we are also bound to admit that this system is in a KMS
state. Incidentally, another good reason to apply the KMS condition to the space-time at Planck is that
at such a scale, the notion of commutative geometry vanishes and should be replaced by non
commutative geometry [11]. In this new framework, the notion of "point" in the usual space collapses
and is replaced by the "algebra of functions" defined on a non commutative manifold. Non
commutative geometry and quantum groups theory [16-29] are addressing such non-commutative
constraints. But the non-commutativity induced by the KMS state is in natural correspondence with the
Next, let's push forwards the consequences raised by the holomorphicity of the KMS strip.
5.1.3 Holomorphic time flow at the Planck scale
As a consequence of the application of the KMS condition to space-time itself, we are induced to
consider that the time-like coordinate g00 becomes holomorphic within the limits of the KMS strip. So
as showed in [6]. In the same way, the physical (real) temperature becomes also complex at the Planck
scale :
T Tc = Tr + iTi (55)
as proposed by Atick and Witten in another context [4]. So, the KMS condition suggests the existence
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at the Planck scale, of an effective one loop potential coupled, in N = 2 supergravity, to the complex
dilaton + axion field = 2 i and yielding the following dynamical form of the metric
diag(1 , 1 , 1 , e ) (56)
The signature of (56) is Lorentzian (physical) for =± and can become Euclidean (topological) for
= 0. This unexpected effect is simply due to the fact that, within the boundaries of the analytic KMS
field -i.e. from the scale zero up to the Planck scale- the "time-like" direction is extended to the
complex variable tc = tr + i ti , Im t c [i ti , tr] , the function ƒ(t) being analytic within the limits
of the KMS field and continuous on the boundaries. What happens on the ß = 0 limit ? Applying the
KMS properties, we find that the time like direction t becomes pure imaginary so that the signature is
Euclidean (++++). Conversely, t is pure real for ß Planck (+++ ). So, according to Tomita's
modular theory [11], the KMS condition, when applied to the space-time, induces, within the KMS
Hßc Hßc
Mq ßc (Mq ) e M q e
with the ß parameter being formally complex and able to be interpreted as a complex time t and / or
temperature T. It is interesting to remark that in the totally different context of superstrings, J.J.
Atick and E. Witten were the first to propose such an extension of the real temperature towards a
complex domain [4]. Recently, in N=4 supersymmetric string theory, I. Antoniadis, J.P. Deredinger
and C. Kounnas [3] have also suggested to shift the real temperature to imaginary one by
identification with the inverse radius of a compactified Euclidean time on S1, with R = 1 / 2 T.
Consequently, one can introduce a complex temperature in the thermal moduli space, the imaginary
S / T/ U
part coming from the B antisymmetric field under type IIA type IIB
S / T/ U
Heterotic string-string dualities. More precisely, in Antoniadis and al approach, the field
controlling the temperature comes from the product of the real parts of three complex fields :
s= Re S, t= Re T and u= Re U. Within our KMS approach, the imaginary parts of the moduli S, T,
U can be interpreted in term of Euclidean temperature. Indeed, from our point of view, a good reason
to consider the temperature as complex at the Planck scale is that a system in thermodynamical
Now, let's step forward a more algebraic comprehension of KMS state, in terms of von Neumann
The von Neumann algebras are, naïvely speaking, the non commutative analogs of measure theory.
They have a critical importance in our understanding of non commutativity of space-time around the
Planck scale.
In the KMS state, the only von Neumann algebras involved are what is called "factors", i.e. a special
type of von Neumann algebra, whose the center is reduced to the scalars a . There exists three
types of factors : the type I and type II (in particular here II ) -which are commutative and endowed
with a trace- and the type III, non commutative and traceless. A trace on a factor M is a linear form
such that (AB) = (BA), A,B M . In this case, any measure on M is invariant. When the measure
on M is ill defined (which is the case of type III), the notion of trace vanishes and is replaced by the
one of "weight", which is a linear map from M+ to + = [0, + ]. The type III factors have no definite
trace. They are very important hereafter as far as they are the only one involved in KMS states. We
work here with "III " factors, 0, 1 , characterized by the invariant S(M) 0 .
Rightly, the KMS condition, when applied to the (pre)space-time at the Planck scale, cuts up three
different scales on the (pre)light cone, which can be described by three different types of von
5.1.5 From the topological scale to the physical scale of the space-time
(i) the topological scale (ß = 0, signature {++++}) : this initial "topological" scale correspond to
the imaginary vertex of the light cone, i.e. a zero-size gravitational instanton. All the measures
performed on the Euclidean metric being -equivalent up to infinity, the system is ergodic. As shown
by A. Connes, any ergodic flow for an invariant measure in the Lebesgue measure class gives a
unique type II hyperfinite factor [11]. This strongly suggests that the singular 0-scale should be
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described by a type II factor, endowed with a hyperfinite trace noted Tr . By hyperfinite, we simply
mean that the trace of the II factor is not finite. We call MTop such a "topological" factor, which is an
infinite tensor product of matrices algebra (ITPFI) of the RO,1 Araki-Woods type [11]. Now, the
0,1 1
initial state on MTop , corresponding in ex. (2.1) to the divergent values of the dilaton field 2 , is
given by :
Tr (e ßH MTop
0,1 )
(MTop ) (58)
Tr (e ßH )
0,1 ßH 0 ,1
( MTop ) = Tr (e MTop e ßH ) (59)
where ( MTop ) represents a very special type of "current", that we propose to call 'trace current" T .
Clearly, the invariant hyperfinite II trace current T is a pure topological amplitude [19-37] and, as
such, "propagates" in imaginary time from zero to infinity. In this sense, ( MTop ) can be seen as a
"zero topological cycle" which represents an intrinsic "Euclidean dynamic" controlling the blow up
(ii) the quantum scale (0 < ß < Planck , signature {+++±}) : we reach the KMS domain [24].
Considering the quantum fluctuations of g , there is no more invariant measure on the non
commutative metric Therefore, according to von Neumann algebra theory, the "good factor"
addressing those constraints is uniquely a non commutative traceless algebra, i.e. a type III factor [9]
(the only one able to be involved in KMS state). More precisely, it is a type III that we call Mq , with
the period 0, 1 . Important, it has been demonstrated that any type III factor can be
periodicity is suppressed). Now, the theory being given on the infinite Hilbert space ( ) =
L2 ß , Mq becomes :
Mq = MTop L2 ß (62)
The type I factor L2 ß yields the modular flow of (periodic) evolution of the system. So,
the KMS type III factor Mq connects the "topological" type II factor MTop with the "physical"
(iii) the physical scale (ß > Planck , signature {+++ }) : this last scale represents the physical part
of the light cone and, consequently, the notion of (Lebesgue) measure is fully defined. Therefore, the
(commutative) algebra involved is endowed with a hyperfinite trace and is given on the infinite Hilbert
space ( ), with = L2( ). Then (L2( )) is a type I factor, indexed by the real group , which
we call MPhys . So, (L2( )) = MPhys and the flow raised by MPhys is simply the (real) time
In this case (type I factor) all the automorphisms are inner automorphisms. We call "physical flow"
P this evolution flow in real time. Of course, t (M Phys ) is simply giving the usual algebra of
ß 0
observables [12].
At present, we shall evidence that the KMS state "unifies" the physical flow and the topological
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Proposition 5.2 At the KMS scale 0 < ß < lPlanck , the two automorphisms groups t (M Phys ) and
0 ,1 0,1
ß (MTop ) are coupled up to Planck scale within a unique III factor of the form Mq = MTop
L2 ß . The corresponding extended one (complex) automorphisms group describing the
quantum evolution is
Hßc Hßc
Mq ß (Mq ) e Mq e
Mq corresponds to the coupling between the one parameter automorphisms group giving the physical
flow and the automorphisms semi-group giving the topological flow of the system.
Proof The KMS state of the (pre)space-time is yield by the unique III factor given by equ. (60) :
L2 0,1
Mq = MTop ß = MTop MPhys (65)
which represents the KMS "unification" of the topological state and the physical state of the
(pre)space-time at the Planck scale. Now, since it exists an operatorial weight of Mq on its sub-group
0,1 0,1
MTop , the equilibrium state on Mq is given by the state on MTop . We express the state under the
ßH 0 ,1
(Mq -state ) = Tr (e MTop e ßH )
This represents what we have called in (5.1.5) the "trace current" of the "topological factor" MTop .
However, Connes-Takesaki have shown [10] that the flow of weights on a factor is given by the flow
of weights on the associated II factor. For it exists an homomorphism OUT III OUT II such
automorphism (semi)group :
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ßH 0 ,1
ß (Mq- state ) = e MTop e ßH (67)
Equ. (67) describes the flow of weights [10] of the type III factor Mq. But as pointed in [6], we can
also interpret equ.(67) as a " modular flow in imaginary time" it, dual to the modular flow in real time
given by :
e iHt MPhys e iHt
t (Mq -evolution ) `= , t .
An interpretation of this type has also been proposed (in a different context, however) by Derendinger
and Lucchesi in [13]. Finally, the KMS flow connects the flow of weights ß (M q- state ) to the modular
0 ,1
ßc (M q flow ) ß (MTop ) t (M Phys )
( ß it)H
e( ß it) H
e Mq flow
e ßc H Mq ßc H
flow e
which is indexed by the complex time variable ßc. Again, this flow is expressing the unification
between the physical flow t (Mq -evolution ) = t (M Phys ) and the topological flow ß (M q- state ) =
ß (M Top ) within the unique KMS (or quantum) flow Q given by the automorphisms group of
0 ß P
Mq :
The (pre)space-time KMS strip has zero as infimum and the Planck scale as supremum. So between
those bounds, the Euclidean topological flow and the Lorentzian physical flow are unified in a natural
way within the holomorphic "quantum flow" Q ßc (M q flow ) e ßc H Mq flowe ßc H .
0 ß P
Another way to verify the coupling of MPhys and MTop in the unique type III factor lies in the
Conne's invariant
: OUT M = (68)
(automorphisms of M quotiented by the inner automorphisms, necessarily present in the non
commutative case). This M invariant represents an ergodic flow {W(M) , W } where W is a one
parameter group of transformations - i.e. a flow - which admits a description in terms of class of
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weights and whose the natural parameter is *. We consider now the type III factor Mq of equ.(61).
Starting from equ. (68), we can construct the extension Ext (noted T) of OUT Mq by INT Mq in AUT
Mq :
with {x,y} OUT Mq and {x',y'} INTMq. The inner automorphisms group INTMq is a normal
sub-group of AUT Mq . Considering two weights et of Mq, and applying the Radon-Nikodym
theorem [10], it exists a unitary of Mq such that t (x) ut t (x)ut , with ut (D ; D )t and
t (x) INT Mq for a certain class of modular automorphisms. Considering the fact that under the
0,1 *+ all the modular
trace of the factor II involved in the crossproduct Mq = MTop
automorphisms are inner automorphisms, we restrict INTMq to the sub-group of the modular
automorphisms, which we call INTmod Mq. Then we look for the image of the inner modular group in
OUTMq. Within a certain cohomology class {K}, the group t (x) is given by INTmodMq, whereas
the non-unitary transformations ß (x) are given by OUT Mq. We get then for the "physical" flow :
and the extension AUT Mq OUT Mq T INTmod Mq yields :
Within the general group of extensions {Ext}, we get the trivial holomorphic sub-group :
( ß it )H Hßc Hßc
Mq e( ß it)H
ß it (Mq ) e = ßc (Mq ) e Mq e or
which corresponds to the KMS state and"unifies" within the unique extended form ßC (Mq) the
physical flow t (x) and the topological current ß (x). Clearly, we get ßC (Mq) OUT Mq T
INTmod Mq. Again we find : ßc (M q flow ) = ß (M q- state ) t (Mq -evolution ) qed
Now, let's get over the last step. Our aim is to explain the transition from the topological state to the
physical state (TP transition) of the space-time. We shall cope with this problem following two
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different ways :
(i) we conjecture that such a transition could be related to the N=2 supergravity breaking beyond
Planck ;
(ii) likewise, TP transition could be explained in terms of "decoupling", beyond the Planck scale,
between the (Euclidean) "topological current" (raised by MTop ) and the (Lorentzian) physical flow
(yield by MPhys ).
First of all, let's put in evidence the link between KMS state and supersymmetry. To do this, we
propose hereafter a relevant example able to be seen as a good toy model expliciting the deep
correspondence between thermal states, supersymmetry and extended space-time (i.e. extension of the
In the following, we shall focus on some important results recently obtained by J.P. Derendinger and
C. Lucchesi [13]. Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that thermal supersymmetry (as opposed to
T=0 supersymmetry) must be considered in the context of thermal (i.e. KMS) superspace. We remark
here that the authors apply the KMS condition to the thermal superspace (i.e. the thermal
supersymmetric space) in a general setting. In our own approach, as suggested in ref. 6 and in the
present paper as well, we apply the KMS condition to the thermal (pre) space-time at the Planck scale.
Considering that in the standard “hot big-bang” theory the (pre) space-time is generally viewed as
supersymmetric, such an identification is natural. Namely, the authors have established that the
thermal supersymmetry parameters must be both time dependant and (anti)periodic in imaginary time
on the interval [0, ß], where ß = 1/T. In other words, focusing on field representations of the thermal
super-Poincaré algebra and on chiral supermultiplet, one can straightfully see that thermal superfields
are characterized by their time/ temperature periodicity properties. To explicit this, let's simply recall
translations", including Grassmann variables that are translated by the supersymmetry generators.
X (x , , ) (73)
where and are the usual Grassmannian objets. Since at zero temperature the parameters of
supersymmetry transformations are constant, the zero-temperature superspace coordinates are also
space-time constants. In fact, at T=0, the (anticommuting) Grassmann coordinates simply turn
bosonic commutation relations into fermionic anticommutators and conversely. Now, what happens at
finite temperature (i.e. the case of primordial universe investigated here)? As a matter of fact, the
situation is not so simple, because fermion and boson statistics involve, in addition, the appropriate
statistical weight in field theory Green's functions. In such a context, as pointed in refs [13] and [28],
it is natural to require that the variables which are translated by the effect of thermal supersymmetry
transformation express the same properties as the thermal supersymmetry parameters. Therefore, the
construction of thermal supersymmetry requires that the Grassmann variables get promoted to be time-
dependant and (anti)periodic in imaginary time. To see this, let's precise that the thermal average ... ß
1 ßH
O ß Tr e O (74)
Z( ß)
with the lowest energy state being E0 0 , so that we have on the zero temperature limit :
O ß 0O 0
Now, at finite temperature, the Green's functions are necessarily subject to periodicity constraints in
imaginary time. However, as showed in [6], those constraints are exactly defining the KMS
condition. To verify this important point, we now review those conditions for bosonic and fermionic
fields. Let's first begin with a free scalar (i.e. bosonic) field at x = (t, x) whose evolution is such
that :
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where the time coordinate t is allowed to be complex. Then the n-point thermal Green's function GnC
of the system is :
TC being the path-ordering operator and ... the canonical thermal average. Then the thermal path-
ordered propagator takes the form ( Dc being the thermal propagator of the theory) :
where c is the path Heaviside function. Then the thermal bosonic two-point functions DC , DC are
defined as :
At this stage, as proposed in [6], the Boltzman weight e can be seen as an evolution operator in
Euclidean time, so that after a translation in imaginary time we get the formula (79) :
e (t, x)e ßH (t iß,x) (79)
which is exactly the KMS condition formulated in equ. (53). Then DC (x1, x 2 ) in equ.(78) becomes :
1 ßH
DC (x1, x 2 ) Tr e (x1 ) (x 2 ) (80)
Z ( ß)
Likewise for DC (x1, x 2 ) . So using the cyclicity of the thermal trace and the notion of evolution in
Euclidean time it, one can construct the "bosonic KMS condition" [13-28]. Interestingly, such a
condition relates DC and DC by a translation in Euclidean (imaginary) time :
Of course the same construction holds for fermions. Indeed, defining the fermionic two-point function
SCab and SCab , (with a,b = 1 ...4 for Dirac four-components spinors) as
and as in the bosonic case, the fermionic KMS condition takes the form :
which differs from the bosonic condition only by a relative sign. From the structure of equ.(81) and
equ.(83), we deduce that when the temperature of the supersymmetric system (here the (pre)space-
time) is not zero, then bosonic fields are periodic in imaginary time whereas fermionic fields are
antiperiodic. Let's remark that supersymmetry algebra is not sensible to this periodicity-antiperiodicity
distinction. If (as pointed in [13-28]) it is true that the supersymmetry breaking is "encoded" in this
difference, the breaking becomes effective only when the KMS state is cancelled. For this reason, as
demonstrated in the hereabove refs., the KMS condition must be applied to the superfields of the
theory. In [13-28], the superfields are superspace expansions which contain as components the
bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom of supermultiplets. Such superfields are usually formulated
using two-component Weyl spinors and , related to Dirac spinors through a ˙ . Then
the KMS condition for Dirac spinors can be extended to Weyl spinors and, in the same way, to
Majorana spinors. The fermionic KMS condition for majorana spinors takes the form :
˙ ˙
SC (x1 , x2 ) (x1 ) (x2 )
˙ ˙
SC (x1 , x2 ) (x 2 ) (x1 )
Now, one can realize that imposing the KMS condition to superfields components implies that one
must also allow Grassmann parameters to depend on imaginary time. In fact, in the context of
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supersymmetry, the main question is the following : under thermal constraints, how do we
successfully achieve the transformation of periodic bosons into antiperiodic fermions and vice-versa?
The answer, developed in [13-28], consists in constructing the thermal superspace, i.e. in introducing
time dependant and antiperiodic space-time coordinates. Henceforth, a point in thermal superspace
Xˆ (x , ˆ (t), ˆ (t))
where the symbol "^" denotes the thermal quantities and ˆ (t), ˆ (t) are subject to the antiperiodicity
ˆ (t ˆ (t) , ˆ ˙ (t ˆ ˙ (t)
iß) iß) (86)
KMS condition must be applied to the space-time metric itself, as formulated in §(5.1.2). Among the
consequences, we are therefore induced to consider that the time-like direction must be extended in the
Now, what does these results mean in the context of our research? As a matter of fact, Derendinger
and Lucchesi have clearly confirmed that there exists a deep relation between (thermal)
supersymmetry and KMS condition. This relation is implemented at the level of thermal Grasmann
coordinates, because of the (anti)periodicity conditions given by equ.(86). Indeed, it has been proved
by the authors that the only way to preserve supersymmetry in the thermal context is to consider that
the space-time metric itself must be subject to the KMS condition. Otherwise, the periodic bosons and
antiperiodic fermions could not be related by supersymmetry. Now, let's put this simple question :
what happens when the KMS state collapses? The analysis of the "KMS Grassmann coordinates", in
particular the equ.(86), clearly show that supersymmetry cannot be implemented without applying the
KMS condition to space-time coordinates. The reason of this is that when the space-time system is not
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subject to the KMS state (e.g. non-equilibrium state), a point X of superspace is endowed again with
X (x , , )
This is equivalent to T=0 supersymmetry, for which the parameters of transformation (i.e. the
Grassmannians and ) are space-time constants. But rightly, the main result of refs [13-28]
establishes without ambiguity that at finite temperature, one cannot make use of constant parameters in
variables, (anti)periodic in imaginary time. So, in a natural way, the thermal Grassmann coordinates
Xˆ (x , ˆ (t), ˆ (t)) must be "translated" in imaginary time and are consequently subject to the
antiperiodicity conditions ˆ (t iß) ˆ (t) and ˆ ˙ (t iß) ˆ ˙ (t) of equ.(86). Obviously, the
only way to implement such a condition is to consider that globally, the space-time system is in KMS
state at a given scale (i.e. in our case between the scale zero and the Planck scale). Incidentally, the
hereabove approach can be seen as a confirmation that the ß 0 limit is topological. As a matter of
fact, the ß 0 limit of equ.(79) is given by the scalar field (x), which, by construction, is a
topological configuration marking the origin of the imaginary time direction of the theory.
From hereabove we can now conclude that (thermal) supersymmetry and KMS states are linked in
such a manner that the breaking of the KMS state beyond the Planck scale should induce the breaking
of supersymmetry at the same scale. Let's go further in the exploration of such a breaking. In a very
stimulating way, Derendinger and Lucchesi have emphasized the fact that the thermal field boundary
conditions characterizing KMS state carry information that is of global nature in space-time. By
construction, the supersymmetry algebra being a local structure is insensitive to this global
information. What is the nature of this "global information"? Indeed, the translation of Grassmannians
variables into imaginary (topological) time clearly indicates that the natural state of such a global
information is a topological state, correctly described by topological field theory (which is precisely a
non local theory). More exactly, the boundary conditions characterizing the euclidean time dependence
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In a famous precursor paper [36], and in some others, E. Witten has clearly put in evidence that if we
want supersymmetry breaking to occur, the various four-manifolds invariants (such that the
Donaldson invariant, the Euler number, the Witten index etc..) must necessarily vanish. The outline of
the argument is that the canceling of the supersymmetry index Tr(-1)F is canceling the zero energy
modes, which consequently breaks the Bose-Fermi pairs [1]. At this stage, if we agree with
supersymmetry theory, a reasonable conclusion is that (N=2) supergravity breaking could be viewed
as related to the canceling of topological configurations. Let's now go further : can supersymmetry
breaking explain the Topological Physical transition? In a certain sense, the answer might be yes.
In fact, since the context of the theory is supergravity N= 2, we may precise the conditions of
Conjecture 5.2.3 On a D = 4 Riemannian (pre)space-time manifold, the N = 2 supergravity
breaking at the Planck scale is related to the canceling of the Euler characteristic and of the topological
Let M be the four dimensional Riemannian N=2 supersymmetric (pre)space-time. The Euler
characteristic of M is
(M) R R
32 M
We have shown in prop. (3.2) that this invariant is given by Tr( 1)S . Now, according toWitten's
results [36], a discontinuous change of Tr( 1)S is possible, due to the asymptotic behavior of the
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manifold, allowing, for large field strengths, some energy states to "move in from infinity". For
One can easily observe that arbitrarily small g 0 induces the existence of extra low-energy states at
~ m g which have no counterpart for the pure g = 0 value. Therefore, Tr( 1)F will change
discontinuously from g = 0 to g 0. The same result can be extended toTr( 1)S , when coupling the
instanton radius to g. In this case, we meet again the conclusions of (ii) in example (2.1) (i.e. the
Next, we have seen (5.1.2) that the (pre)space-time should be in KMS state at Planck , so that the time
like direction t becomes holomorphic within the KMS strip. The metric configuration is described by
SO(3,1) SO(4)
h = (87)
SO(3) being diagonally embedded in SO(3, 1) SO(4) [6]. To h corresponds, at the level of the
3, 1 4
underlying spaces involved, the topological quotient space top = from which, assuming
that the compact part of the 3-geometry is a sphere S3 , the topology of the five dimensional
3, 1 4
the time-like direction, out of the orbit of the action of SO(3) on ). We then meet again
the equivalent form S3 of the five dimensional manifold described in (2.1). The point is
that allows us to define the boundary conditions of the (pre)space-time 5-geometry 5. Therefore,
2 2 2 d 2
ds a( ) d (3) dt 2 (88)
where the axion term is a = ƒ( , t), the 3-geometry d (3) (x, y, z). Then, as showed in (2.1), on
the (infrared) strong coupling bound (i.e. the Planck scale, in respect of the (ultraviolet) zero scale),
condition (i) imply 2 0 and the direction of 5 is cancelled. So, we get a dimensional reduction
(D=4 D=3) of the compact Riemannian 4-geometry embedded in the five dimensional (pre)space-
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Obviously, the boundary condition ß gives rise to the asymptotic cancellation of the 4 Euler
(M) R R = Tr( 1)F = 0 (89)
32 M
Likewise, the asymptotic flatness condition [6] for ß gives R R 0, which implies that
the dimension D of the asymptotic manifold must be odd, so that, again, we get = 0 for the (3+1)
usual space-time. Therefore, according to ref. [36], the supersymmetry is broken. Simultaneously, the
topological state, given by even values of the Euler number vanishes, implying the "TP transition" :
TP transition
Topological mode Physical mode .
To finish, we meet a novel problem : could TP transition be, in some way, related to the breaking of
the KMS state described in (5.1)? This question is discussed in the last paragraph.
5.2.4 TP transition and decoupling between topological flow and physical flow
In answer to the hereabove question, we now conjecture that for ß Planck , i.e. at the (semi-classical)
scale where supersymmetry is being broken, the topological flow (evolution in imaginary time)
corresponding to the zero topological pole of the theory is decoupled from the physical flow
According to most of the models, supergravity is considered as broken for scales greater than the
Planck scale [25]. But thermal supersymmetry breaking is also closely connected to the cancellation of
the thermodynamical equilibrium state [27-28]. Indeed, as already pointed in this paper, I. Antoniadis
thermal effects [3]. In a similar way, Derendinger and Lucchiesi have outlined the fact that thermal
supersymmetry is a global (i.e. topological) property of the space-time in KMS state [13-28]. In this
context, the cancellation of the thermodynamical equilibrium state necessarily cancels the KMS state
and, consequently, breaks the supersymmetry [6]. This scenario is typically the one characterizing our
setting. As a matter of fact, the five dimensional supersymmetric theory evoked hereabove correponds
to the five dimensional supersymmetric (pre)space-time in KMS state. Then the (thermal)
supersymmetry breaking is characterized in Kounnas approach, by a D=5 D=4 dimensional
reduction, which corresponds exactly, in our case, to the decoupling between imaginary time and real
So, supersymmetry breaking, KMS breaking and topological physical transition appear as deeply
connected. To see this, let's come back to the KMS state. We call "KMS breaking" the end of the
KMS state beyond the Planck's scale. The observed cancellation of the thermodynamical equilibrium
beyond the Planck scale (which gives the inflationary phase and the beginning of the cosmological
expansion) is inducing KMS breaking (see ex. (5.2.1)). Such a breaking must be seen as the inverse
of the KMS coupling between equilibrium state and physical evolution of the system. And logically,
such a breaking should bring about the transition from the pure (non perturbative) topological phase
around the Initial Singularity to the physical phase of the universe we can observe to day.
Conjecture 5.2.5 In the infrared ß Planck scale, KMS breaking is inducing the decoupling
between the topological flow and the physical flow of the theory.
Considering the KMS state of space-time at the Planck scale, the KMS flow, as shown in prop.
(5.2), is :
= e ßc H Mqe ßc H
ßc (M q ) = ß (M q- state ) t (Mq -evolution ) (90)
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( ß it )H
Mq e ( ß it) H
ßc (M q ) =e (91)
L2 0,1
Now, starting from Mq = MTop ß = MTop [L2 (ßS1 )], we can say that ß >
Planck is equivalent to ß , with respect to the scale zero. So, when ß > Planck , the period of the
system is so large that we can consider it as supressed from equ.(62), whereas the circle S1 is
decompactified on the straight line R. Moreover, this limit corresponds to 0. So, on this
* *
limit * +. But the suppression of the period is equivalent to the cancellation of the
ß ß
equilibrium state and therefore induces the breaking of the KMS state. To see this, we can write the
= e ßc H [ MTop
0,1 * +]e ßc H ( ß it )H 0,1 * +] e ( ß it) H
ßc (M q ) =e [ MTop (92)
But, according to Connes-Takesaki [10], the infinite dominant weight on Mq is dual to the hyperfinite
trace on MTop . Therefore, the image of the "flow of infinite weights" on Mq becomes, under the
ergodic action of *+ :
ßH 0 ,1
(Mq- state ) = Tr (e MTop e ßH ) (93)
where we meet again the topological "trace current" T of MTop , independent of ß. But the
independence of T with respect to ß implies in the same way that T is also independent of * + on
* + must be decoupled of MTop
this limit. So, , which means that the modular evolution group
it it
t (M Phys) MPhys is itself decoupled from the crossed product (65). Moreover, since the
hyperfinite trace (93) is independent of ß, we are left with the "topological" state :
(Mq- state ) Tr ( MTop )
which is equivalent to say that the only value of ß contributing to equ. (79) is ß = 0. So, on this
boundary, (see equ.(64)), ßc (M q ) is reduced to the real pole, so that :
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But of course, in this case Mq, as type III algebra, is also suppressed. This is simply because, on the
0,1 0,1
infinite limit of the action of on MTop , the infinite trace Tr on MTop , dual to the dominant weight
on Mq, is left invariant. Applying a result of [11] on infinite weights, one can find that the infinite
weight on Mq is invariant under the inner automorphisms of Mq. Therefore, is a trace, which
is a sufficient condition to cancel Mq as a III factor. But this is equivalent to say that on this limit, the
action of is decoupled of MTop . Therefore, the crossed product (65) is broken into its two
subgroups MTop and (L2( * +)). This is as it should be, since beyond the Planck scale, i.e. at the
classical scale, the KMS state is broken and the measure space on the metric is again well defined, so
that the underlying algebra must be endowed with a trace. Consequently, it cannot be Mq anymore.
So, the new algebra involved should be a type I sub-algebra of Mq. Considering the decomposition
MTop (L2( * +)), this sub-algebra is necessarily (L2( * +)) = MPhys . Then t (Mq -evolution )
becomes simply :
This corresponds to the usual modular group giving the physical evolution of the space-time. So the
product MTop MPhys shrinks onto MPhys so that we finally get Mq = MPhys in the infrared.
ß Planck
In the same way, applying the result of prop. 5.2, we see that the breaking of KMS state implies
reduces to the well known case of a factor I, where all the automorphisms of the algebra are inner
So obviously, this transition causes the decoupling between OUTMq and INTmod Mq , i.e. between
the topological current ß (x) and the physical flow t (x) .
As a result of prop.(5.2.5), we finally can conclude that the breaking of the KMS state beyond the
e iHt MPhys e iHt
Planck scale induces the decoupling between the physical flow t (M Phys ) and the
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= Tr (e - ß H MTop
0,1 0,1
ß ( MTop ) eßH ):
e ßH )
Tr (e MTop
KMS breaking
= e ßc H MTop
0,1 ßc H
ßc (M q ) e (95)
iHt iHt
e MPhyse
At the level of the von Neumann algebras, starting from the KMS algebra Mq = MTop MPhys ,
the KMS breaking can be seen as the decoupling between MTop and MPhys . This decoupling
describes the transition from the topological phase (zero scale) to the physical phase ( beyond the
Planck scale).
Even though certain of the hereabove results might seem mysterious, their interest is to outline,
through quantum groups theory and non commutative geometry, a possible phase transition from the
topological zero scale to the physical Planck scale. We describe with more details in a forthcoming
paper the unexpected "algebraic blow up" of the topological initial singularity. At this stage, we
(i) the metric, onto the zero scale, might be considered as Euclidean (++++) i.e. topological ;
(ii) the Initial Singularity of space-time could be understood as a 0-size singular gravitational
(iii) From (i) and (ii), we suggest the existence of a deep symmetry, of the duality type (i - duality),
between physical state (Planck scale) and topological state (zero scale).
Then the possible resolution of the initial singularity in the framework of topological theory allows us
to envisage the existence, before the Planck scale, of a purely topological first phase of expansion of
space-time, parameterized by the growth of the dimension of moduli space dimM and described by
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= e - ß H MTop
0,1 0,1
ß ( MTop ) eßH
So, the chain of events able to explain the transition from the zero topological phase to the physical
In a forthcoming article, we push forward the idea following which, that at 0 scale, the Lorentzian
dynamic is replaced by an intrinsic "Euclidean dynamic". A first path to follow would be to investigate
the zero limit of the The Euclidean dynamic engendered by the non-stellar automorphisms of the
algebra MTop implies, following the results of [6], a "spectral increase" in the diameters of the space
of states d( ) in Euclidean time (dual to the space of observables in Lorentzian time). This
Euclidean pseudo-dynamic, linked with semi-group automorphisms ß ( MTop ) is described in a natural
way by the flow of weights (in the Connes-Takesaki [9] sense) of algebra Mq ; we suggest equally
(ii) that the Euclidean modular flow representing the evolution of a system in imaginary time can be
associated with an increase in the spectral distance separating the states of the system. Finally, it has
been proposed by one of us [7] that the Euclidean dynamic raised above results from the existence of
the topological amplitude yield by the topological charge Q = d 4 x Tr R R of the zero size
Acknowledgements It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and encouragement received during many discussions
with S.Majid , of the Mathematics Laboratory of the Queen Mary and Westfield College, C. Kounnas, of the Theoretical
Physics Department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, F.Combes, of the Mathematics Departement of the University of
Orleans, C.M. Marle, of the Mathematics Department of the University of Paris VI and M. Enock, of the Mathematics
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Annals of Physics 296 90-97 (2002)
Considering the expected thermal equilibrium chcaracterising the physices at the Planck scale, it is here stated, for the
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first time, that, as a global system, the space-time at the Planck scale must be considered as subject to the Kubo-
Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition. Consequently, in the interior of the KMS strip, i.e. from the scale ß = 0 to the
scale ß = Planck, the fourth coordinate g44 must be considered as complex, the two real poles being ß = 0 and ß =
Planck. This means that within the limits of the KMS strip, the Lorentzian and the Euclidean metric are in a
"quantum superposition state" (or coupled), this entailing a "unification" (or coupling) between the topological
Many descriptions have been recently proposed in the literature regarding the physical state of the
universe at the vicinity of the Planck scale. Non commutative geometry, string theory, supergravity
or quantum gravity have contributed, independently of each others, to establish on solid basis the data
of a "transition phase" in the physical content and the geometric structures of the (pre)spacetime at
such a scale. But what is the nature of this dramatic change? In the present paper, we propose a novel
approach, based on one of the most natural and realistic physical condition predicted by the Standard
Model for the (pre)universe. In agreement with some well-established results [1-2-3] (recalled in [4] )
and, more recently, the approach of C. Kounnas and al [5-6], we argue that at the Planck scale, the
"spacetime system" is in a thermodynamical equilibrium state [2]. This notion of equilibrium state at
the Planck scale has been recently stated with some new interesting arguments in [7-8-9]. As a
consequence, according to [10], we suggest hereafter that the (pre)universe should be considered as
subject to the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition [11] at such a scale. Surprisingly, the well
known KMS and modular theories [12] have never been applied to the study of the metric properties
in the context of quantum cosmology ; however, the KMS condition might have dramatic
consequences onto Planck scale physics. For which reasons? Because, when applied to quantum
spacetime, the KMS statistics are such that , within the limits of the "KMS strip" (i.e. between the
scale zero and the Planck scale), the time like direction of the system should be considered as
complex : t tc tr iti . G.Bogdanoff has showed in [10] that at the scale zero, the theory is
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projected onto the pure imaginary boundary t tc iti of the KMS strip. Namely, there exists,
around ß 0, a non-trivial topological limit of quantum field theory, dual to the usual topological
limit associated with ß in the partition function (2). Such a topological state of the (pre)spacetime
Z = Tr (-1)s (1)
ß 0
given by the ß 0 limit of the partition function (2). S is here the instanton number of the theory. It
has been demonstrated [10] that this topological index is isomorphic to the first Donaldson Invariant
[13]. This suggests that at zero scale, the observables O i must be replaced by the homology cycles
( k)
Hi mod in the moduli space of gravitational instantons [14]. We get then a deep correspondence
-a symmetry of duality- [15-16], between physical theory and topological field theory. Conversely,
on the (classical) infrared limit ß Planck , the imaginary component cancels and the time like
direction becomes pure real t tc t r So, within the limits of the KMS strip (i.e. for 0 < ß <
Planck ), the Lorentzian and the Euclidean metric are in a "quantum superposition state" (or coupled).
Such a superposition state, described in detail in [10], is entailing a "unification" (or coupling)
between the topological (Euclidean) and the physical (Lorentzian) states of spacetime. The
(Lorentzian / Euclidean) states of the metric g are given by the partition function
Z = Tr (-1)s e ßH (2)
with ß = as usual and n being the "metric number" of the theory. To avoid any difficulty of
interpretation, let's remark that the scale parameter ß admits two possible intepretations : (i) either
ß kT can be seen as a real time parameter of a Lorentzian (3+1)-dimensional theory [17] or (ii)
ß = it can be interpreted as the fourth space-like direction of a Riemannian 4-dimensional Euclidean
theory (e.g. ß Planck ) [18]. In the second case, ß is a periodic imaginary time interval [5-6].
Considering the hypothesis of holomorphicity formulated in section 4, we use here the two
interpretations. In such a context, the KMS state of the (pre)spacetime may be considered as a
transition phase from the Euclidean topological phase (ß = 0) to the Lorentzian physical phase,
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The present article is organized as follows. In section 2 we recall that at the Planck scale, the
"spacetime system" should most likely be considered as being in a thermodynamical equilibrium state.
In section 3, we show that, as a natural consequence of this equilibrium state, the spacetime must be
considered as subject to the KMS condition. In section 4, we suggest that, considering the KMS
properties, the time-like direction g44 of the metric should be seen as complex tc = tr + i ti within the
limits of the KMS strip. In section 5, we discuss briefly the transition from imaginary time ti to real
It is well known that at the Planck scale, one must expect a thermodynamical "phase transition",
closely related to (i) the existence of an upper limit in the temperature growth -the Hagedorn
temperature [1]- and (ii) the equilibrium state characterizing, most likely, the (pre)spacetime at such a
scale. In such a context the seminal investigations of K. Huang and S. Weinberg [2], Dolan and R.
Jackiw [3] , then later of several others, have renewed the initial idea of Hagedorn concerning the
existence, at very high temperature, of a limit restricting the growth of states excitation. Already some
time ago, J.J. Atik and E.Witten have shown the existence of a Hagedorn limit around the Planck
scale in string theory [1]. The reason is that, as recently recalled by C. Kounnas [6] in the context of
N = 4 superstrings, at finite temperature, the partition function Z(ß) and the mean energy U(ß)
develop some power pole singularities in ß T since the density of states of a system grows
ßE 1
Z( ß) dE (E)e ~
( ß b)(k 1)
U( ß) ln Z ~ (k 1) (3)
ß b
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Clearly, equ.(3) exhibits the existence, around the Planck scale, of a critical temperature TH b 1,
where the (pre)spacetime system must be viewed as in a thermodynamical equilibrium state. Indeed,
a(t) being the cosmological scale factor, the global temperature T follows the well-known law :
a(t p )
T (t ) Tp
a(t )
Ep C5 2
and around the Planck time, T is reaching the critical limit T p kB 1 1,4.1032 K . In
kB G
fact, it is currently admitted in string theory that, before the inflationary phase, the ratio between the
interaction rate ( ) of the initial fields and the (pre)spacetime expansion (H) is << 1, so that the
system can reasonably be considered in equilibrium state. This has been established a long time ago
within some precursor works already quoted in ref. [1,2,3]. Recently the same approach has been
successfully considered by C. Kounnas et al in the superstrings context [5]. However, this natural
notion of equilibrium, when viewed as a global gauge condition, has dramatic consequences regarding
physics at the Planck scale. Among those consequences, unquestionably the most important is that the
(pre)spacetime at the Planck scale must be considered as subject to the famous "KMS condition", a
very special and interesting physical state that we are now going to describe.
Definition H being an autoadjoint operator and the Hilbert space of a finite system, the
Tr (e ßH A)
equilibrium state of this system is described by the Gibbs condition ( A) and
Tr (e ßH )
satisfy the KMS condition.
This well-known definition has been proposed for the first time in [11]. Now, it is usual (and
natural) to oppose the notion of equilibrium to the one of evolution of a system. In fact, the famous
Tomita-Takesaki modular theory has established that the "intrinsic" dynamic of a quantum system
tel-00001503, version 1 - 24 Jul 2002
corresponds, in a unique manner, to the strongly continuous one parameter * - automorphism group
t (A) = ei Ht A e i Ht (4)
This one parameter group describes the time evolution of the observables of the system and
corresponds to the well-known Heisenberg algebra. Nothing mysterious at this stage. However, we
are here brought to find the remarkable discovery of Takesaki and Winnink, connecting the evolution
group t (A) of a system (more precisely the modular group M = it M it) with the equilibrium
Tr(Ae )
state (A) of this system [11-20]. With this more or less unexpected relation between
Tr(e ßH )
evolution t (A) and equilibrium (A), we now meet the famous "KMS condition". More exactly, in
the frame of quantum statistical mechanic, the KMS condition provides a rigorous mathematical
formulation about the coexistence of different possible equilibrium states at the same given
temperature T.
Let's recall now how such a relation between equilibrium state and evolution of a system is realized
by the KMS condition. It has been clearly established [11] that a state on the C* -algebra A and the
continuous one parameter automorphism group of A at the temperature ß = 1 / k T verify the KMS
condition if, for any pair A, B of the * - sub-algebra of A, t - invariant and of dense norm, it exists
Moreover, a state on the C* -algebra A is separator if the given algebraic representation is a von
Neumann algebra W* endowed with a separator and cyclic vector. The sets
Il = {A A (A * A ) = 0}
tel-00001503, version 1 - 24 Jul 2002
Ir = {A A : (AA*) =0}
are forming a left and right ideal in A. For any KMS state, we have I l = I r.
The above definition expresses the bijective relation between equilibrium state, holomorphic state of
Now, considering the general properties raised by the KMS condition, if we admit that around the
Planck scale, the (pre)spacetime system is in a thermal equilibrium state, then we are also bound to
admit that this system is in a KMS state. Indeed, it has been shown a long time ago [11] that if a state
the KMS condition. So, there is a biunivoque relation between equilibrium state and KMS state. So,
if we admit that around Planck , the (pre)spacetime system is in a thermal equilibrium state, then
according to [11], we are also bound to admit that this system is in a KMS state.
Next, let's push forwards the consequences raised by the holomorphicity of the KMS strip.
As a critical consequence of the KMS condition, we are induced to consider that the time-like
coordinate g00 becomes holomorphic within the limits of the KMS strip. Indeed, as demonstrated in
In the same way, the physical (real) temperature should also be considered as complex at the Planck
scale :
T Tc = Tr + iTi (7)
as proposed by Atick and Witten in another context [1]. This unexpected effect is simply due to the
fact that, given a von Neumann algebra W* and two elements A, B of W* , then there exists a
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Here, t is the usual time parameter of the 3D theory, like ß kT . So in our case, within the limits
of the KMS strip, i.e. from the scale zero (ß = 0) to the Planck scale (ß = Planck ), the "time-like"
Of course, the holomorphicity of the time like direction of the spacetime is induced in a natural manner
by the fact that in our approach, the thermodynamical system is the spacetime itself. Such a situation
has been investigated in details in [10] in the context of "quantum groups" and non-commutative
Indeed, according to Tomita's modular theory [20], the KMS condition, when applied to the
spacetime as a system, allows, within the KMS strip, the existence of an "extended" (holomorphic)
automorphism "group of evolution", which depends, in the classification of factors [12], on a "type
III factor" Mq (a factor is a special type of von Neumann algebra, whose the center is reduced to the
Hßc Hßc
Mq ßc (Mq ) e M q e
with the ßc = ßr +i ßi parameter being formally complex and able to be interpreted as a complex time
t and / or temperature T Tc = Tr + iTi . So, the KMS condition suggests the existence at the Planck
scale, of an effective one loop potential coupled, in N = 2 supergravity, to the complex dilaton + axion
1 i
field = 2 i and yielding the dynamical form diag(1 , 1 , 1 , e ) for the metric. The
signature of is Lorentziann (i.e. physical) for =± and can become Euclidean (topological)
for = 0. Consequently, the "KMS signature" of the metric is (+++±). This is as it should be since,
considering the quantum fluctuations of g , there is no more invariant measure on the non
commutative metric Therefore, according to von Neumann algebra theory, the "good factor"
addressing those constraints is uniquely a non commutative traceless algebra, i.e. the type III factor
tel-00001503, version 1 - 24 Jul 2002
0,1 0,1
MTop being a type II factor and ß the group acting periodically on MTop . The relation between
the periods and ß is such that , so that when ß , we get 0 (the periodicity is
At the Lie group level, this "superposition state" can simply be given by the symmetric homogeneous
SO(3 , 1) SO (4)
h= (12)
SO (3)
to which corresponds, at the level of the underlying metric spaces involved, the topological quotient
space :
3, 1 4
top = (13)
In the non commutative context, G. Bogdanoff has constructed, again in [10], the "cocyle
bicrossproduct" :
where Uq(so(4)op and Uq(so(3, 1)) are Hopf algebras (or "quantum groups"[21]) and a 2-cocycle of
q-deformation. The bicrossproduct (7) suggests an unexpected kind of "unification" between the
Lorentzian and the Euclidean Hopf algebras at the Planck scale and yields the possibility of a
"q-deformation" of the signature from the Lorentzian (physical) mode to the Euclidean (topological)
mode [10-19].
Now, starting from equ. (10), it appears clearly that the Tomita-Takesaki modular automorphisms
group ßc (M q ) corresponds to the "unification" given by equ.(14) and induces, within the KMS
(i) On the boundary ßi Planck , the first possible flow, of the form
tel-00001503, version 1 - 24 Jul 2002
eiH Mq e iH
t (Mq ) (15)
corresponds to the algebra of observables of the system and to the Lorentzian flow in real time. In this
perspective, this flow is a "physical flow", that we call P . This scale represents the physical part of
ß 0
the light cone and, consequently, the notion of (Lebesgue) measure is fully defined. Therefore, the
(commutative) algebra involved at such a scale is endowed with a hyperfinite trace and is given on the
infinite Hilbert space ( ), with = L2( ). Then, (L2( )) is a type I factor, indexed by the real
group , which we call MPhys . Of course, at this scale, the theory is Lorentzian, controlled by SO(3,
(ii) On the "zero scale" ß i = 0 limit, the second flow takes necessarily the non unitary form :
r r
iß (Mq ) e Mq e (16)
giving on Mq the semi-group of unbounded and non-stellar operators. This initial «topological» scale
corresponds to the imaginary vertex of the light cone, i.e. a zero-size gravitational instanton [19]. All
the measures performed on the Euclidean metric being -equivalent up to infinity, the system is
ergodic. As shown by A. Connes, any ergodic flow for an invariant measure in the Lebesgue measure
class gives a unique type II hyperfinite factor [12]. This strongly suggests that the singular 0-scale
should be described by a type II factor, endowed with a hyperfinite trace noted Tr . We have called
MTop such a "topological" factor, which is an infinite tensor product of matrices algebra (ITPFI)
of the RO,1 Araki-Woods type [22]. Since Mq = MTop ß S1 , on the ß i = 0 limit, we get
Mq MTop .With respect to the analytic continuation between () and (), iß (Mq ) represents a "current
in imaginary time". We have stated in [19] that this current is another way to interpret the "flow of
weights" of the algebra Mq [23]. Clearly, according to [23], the flow of weights of Mq is an ergodic
flow, which represents an invariant of Mq . Then, iß (Mq ) yields a pure topological amplitude [24]
and, as such, "propagates" in imaginary time from zero to infinity. iß (Mq )is not defined on the
whole algebra Mq but on an ideal { of Mq. One can demonstrate that in this case, the theory is
Riemannian, the isometries of the metric being given by SO(4). As showed in [10, 19] this zero scale
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corresponds to the first Donaldson invariant I = ( 1)n i and can be described by the topological
To finish, let's observe that the topological flow does not commute with the physical flow. Again,
It is interesting to remark that in the totally different context of superstrings, J.J. Atick and E. Witten
were the first to propose such an extension of the real temperature towards a complex domain [1].
Recently, in N=4 supersymmetric string theory, I. Antoniadis, J.P. Deredinger and C. Kounnas [5]
have also suggested to shift the real temperature to imaginary one by identification with the inverse
radius of a compactified Euclidean time on S1, with R = 1 / 2 T. Consequently, one can introduce a
complex temperature in the thermal moduli space, the imaginary part coming from the B
S / T/ U S / T/ U
antisymmetric field under type IIA type IIB Heterotic string-string dualities.
More precisely, in Antoniadis and al approach, the field controlling the temperature comes from the
product of the real parts of three complex fields : s= Re S, t= Re T and u= Re U. Within our KMS
approach, the imaginary parts of the moduli S, T, U can be interpreted in term of Euclidean
temperature. Indeed, from our point of view, a good reason to consider the temperature as complex at
the Planck scale is that a system in thermodynamical equilibrium state must be considered as subject
(ii) On the other hand, according to most of the models, supergravity is considered as broken for
scales greater than the Planck scale. But supersymmetry breaking is also closely connected to the
cancellation of the thermodynamic equilibrium state. C. Kounnas has recently demonstrated that a
supersymmetry is spontaneously broken by finite thermal effects [6]. This scenario may be applied to
our setting. As a matter of fact, the end of the thermal equilibrium phase at the Planck scale might
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bring about the breaking of KMS state and of supersymmetry N = 4. This corresponds exactly, in our
To sum up, the chain of events able to explain the transition from the topological phase to the
thermodynamical equilibrium breaking KMS state breaking imaginary time / real time decoupling
topological state / physical state decoupling Supersymmetry breaking
We have given a detailed description of such a transition in [19]. Likewise, the supersymmetry is
broken in [5-6] by the finite temperature, which corresponds in our view to the decoupling between
real and imaginary (topological) temperature (the topological temperature being identified, in Kounnas
model, with the inverse radius of a compactified Euclidean time on S1 : 2 T 1 R ). Applying this
representation, the partition function in our case is given by the (super)trace over the thermal spectrum
of the theory in 4 dimensions. According to this, supersymmetry breaking and transition from
Acknowledgements. This work has benefited of the encouragement from François Combes, of the Mathematics
Department of the University of Orleans, Daniel Sternheimer, from the University of Bourgogne and Jac Verbaarschot, of
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Considering the expected thermal equilibrium characterizing the physics at the Planck scale it is here stated, for the first
time, that as a system the spacetime at the Planck scale must be considered as subject to the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger
(KMS) condition. Consequently in the interior of the KMS strip, i.e. from the scale ß = 0 to the scale ß = Planck, the
fourth coordinate g44 must be considered as complex, the two real poles being ß = 0 and ß = Planck. This means that
within the limits of the KMS strip the Lorentzian and the Euclidean metric are in a "quantum superposition state" (or
coupled), this entailing a "unification" (or coupling) between the topological (Euclidean) and the physical (Lorentzian)
states of spacetime.
Much have been recently said regarding the physical state of the universe at the vicinity of the Planck
scale. String theory, non commutative geometry, supergravity or quantum gravity have contributed,
independently of each others, to establish on solid basis the data of a "transition phase" in the physical
content and the geometric structures of the (pre)spacetime at such a scale. But what is the nature of
this dramatic change? In the present paper, we propose a novel approach, based on one of the most
natural and realistic physical condition predicted by the Standard Model for the (pre)universe. In
agreement with some well-established results [1-2-3] (recalled in [4] ) and, more recently, the
approach of C. Kounnas and al [5-6], we argue that at the Planck scale, the "spacetime system" is in a
thermodynamical equilibrium state [2]. This notion of equilibrium state at the Planck scale has been
recently stated with some new interesting arguments in [7-8-9]. As a consequence, according to [10],
we suggest hereafter that the (pre)universe should be considered as subject to the Kubo-Martin-
Schwinger (KMS) condition [11] at such a scale. Surprisingly, the well known KMS and modular
theories [12] have never been applied to the study of the metric properties in the context of quantum
cosmology ; however, the KMS condition might have dramatic consequences onto Planck scale
physics. For which reasons? Because, when applied to quantum spacetime, the KMS statistics are
such that , within the limits of the "KMS strip" (i.e. between the scale zero and the Planck scale), the
time like direction of the system should be considered as complex : t tc tr iti . G.Bogdanoff has
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showed in [10] that at the scale zero, the theory is projected onto the pure imaginary boundary
t tc iti of the KMS strip. Namely, there exists, around ß 0, a non-trivial topological limit of
quantum field theory, dual to the usual topological limit associated with ß in the partition
function (2). Such a topological state of the (pre)spacetime can be described by the topological
Z = Tr (-1)s (1)
ß 0
given by the ß 0 limit of the partition function (2). S is here the instanton number of the theory. It
has been demonstrated [10] that this topological index is isomorphic to the first Donaldson Invariant
[13]. This suggests that at zero scale, the observables O i must be replaced by the homology cycles
( k)
Hi mod in the moduli space of gravitational instantons [14]. We get then a deep correspondence
-a symmetry of duality- [15-16], between physical theory and topological field theory. Conversely,
on the (classical) infrared limit ß Planck , the imaginary component cancels and the time like
direction becomes pure real t tc t r So, within the limits of the KMS strip (i.e. for 0 < ß <
Planck ), the Lorentzian and the Euclidean metric are in a "quantum superposition state" (or coupled).
Such a superposition state, described in detail in [10], is entailing a "unification" (or coupling)
between the topological (Euclidean) and the physical (Lorentzian) states of spacetime. The
(Lorentzian / Euclidean) states of the metric g are given by the partition function
Z = Tr (-1)s e ßH (2)
with ß = as usual and n being the "metric number" of the theory. To avoid any difficulty of
interpretation, let's remark that the scale parameter ß admits two possible intepretations : (i) either
ß kT can be seen as a real time parameter of a Lorentzian (3+1)-dimensional theory [17] or (ii)
ß = it can be interpreted as the fourth space-like direction of a Riemannian 4-dimensional Euclidean
theory (e.g. ß Planck ) [18]. In the second case, ß is a periodic imaginary time interval [5-6].
Considering the hypothesis of holomorphicity formulated in section 4, we use here the two
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interpretations. In such a context, the KMS state of the (pre)spacetime may be considered as a
transition phase from the Euclidean topological phase (ß = 0) to the Lorentzian physical phase,
The present article is organized as follows. In section 2 we recall that at the Planck scale, the
"spacetime system" should most likely be considered as being in a thermodynamical equilibrium state.
In section 3, we show that, as a natural consequence of this equilibrium state, the spacetime must be
considered as subject to the KMS condition. In section 4, we suggest that, considering the KMS
properties, the time-like direction g44 of the metric should be seen as complex tc = tr + i ti within the
limits of the KMS strip. In section 5, we discuss briefly the transition from imaginary time ti to real
It is well known that at the Planck scale, one must expect a thermodynamical "phase transition",
closely related to (i) the existence of an upper limit in the temperature growth -the Hagedorn
temperature [1]- and (ii) the equilibrium state characterizing, most likely, the (pre)spacetime at such a
scale. In such a context the seminal investigations of K. Huang and S. Weinberg [2], Dolan and R.
Jackiw [3] , then later of several others, have renewed the initial idea of Hagedorn concerning the
existence, at very high temperature, of a limit restricting the growth of states excitation. Already some
time ago, J.J. Atik and E.Witten have shown the existence of a Hagedorn limit around the Planck
scale in string theory [1]. The reason is that, as recently recalled by C. Kounnas [6] in the context of
N = 4 superstrings, at finite temperature, the partition function Z(ß) and the mean energy U(ß)
develop some power pole singularities in ß T since the density of states of a system grows
ßE 1
Z( ß) dE (E)e ~
( ß b)(k 1)
U( ß) ln Z ~ (k 1) (3)
ß b
Clearly, equ.(3) exhibits the existence, around the Planck scale, of a critical temperature TH b 1,
where the (pre)spacetime system must be viewed as in a thermodynamical equilibrium state. Indeed,
a(t) being the cosmological scale factor, the global temperature T follows the well-known law :
thermodynamical equilibrium breaking KMS state breaking imaginary time / real time decoupling
topological state / physical state decoupling Supersymmetry breaking
Ep C5 2
and around the Planck time, T is reaching the critical limit T p kB 1 1,4.1032 K . In
kB G
fact, it is currently admitted in string theory that, before the inflationary phase, the ratio between the
interaction rate ( ) of the initial fields and the (pre)spacetime expansion (H) is << 1, so that the
system can reasonably be considered in equilibrium state. This has been established a long time ago
within some precursor works already quoted in ref. [1,2,3]. Recently the same approach has been
successfully considered by C. Kounnas et al in the superstrings context [5]. However, this natural
notion of equilibrium, when viewed as a global gauge condition, has dramatic consequences regarding
physics at the Planck scale. Among those consequences, unquestionably the most important is that the
(pre)spacetime at the Planck scale must be considered as subject to the famous "KMS condition", a
very special and interesting physical state that we are now going to describe.
Definition H being an autoadjoint operator and the Hilbert space of a finite system, the
Tr (e ßH A)
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This well-known definition has been proposed for the first time in [11]. Now, it is usual (and
natural) to oppose the notion of equilibrium to the one of evolution of a system. In fact, the famous
Tomita-Takesaki modular theory has established that the "intrinsic" dynamic of a quantum system
corresponds, in a unique manner, to the strongly continuous one parameter * - automorphism group
t (A) = ei Ht A e i Ht (4)
This one parameter group describes the time evolution of the observables of the system and
corresponds to the well-known Heisenberg algebra. Nothing mysterious at this stage. However, we
are here brought to find the remarkable discovery of Takesaki and Winnink, connecting the evolution
group t (A) of a system (more precisely the modular group M = it M it) with the equilibrium
Tr(Ae ßH )
state (A) of this system [11-20]. With this more or less unexpected relation between
Tr(e ßH )
evolution t (A) and equilibrium (A), we now meet the famous "KMS condition". More exactly, in
the frame of quantum statistical mechanic, the KMS condition provides a rigorous mathematical
formulation about the coexistence of different possible equilibrium states at the same given
temperature T.
Let's recall now how such a relation between equilibrium state and evolution of a system is realized
by the KMS condition. It has been clearly established [11] that a state on the C* -algebra A and the
continuous one parameter automorphism group of A at the temperature ß = 1 / k T verify the KMS
condition if, for any pair A, B of the * - sub-algebra of A, t - invariant and of dense norm, it exists
Moreover, a state on the C* -algebra A is separator if the given algebraic representation is a von
Neumann algebra W* endowed with a separator and cyclic vector. The sets
Il = {A A (A * A ) = 0}
Ir = {A A : (AA*) =0}
are forming a left and right ideal in A. For any KMS state, we have I l = I r.
The above definition expresses the bijective relation between equilibrium state, holomorphic state of
Now, considering the general properties raised by the KMS condition, if we admit that around the
Planck scale, the (pre)spacetime system is in a thermal equilibrium state, then we are also bound to
admit that this system is in a KMS state. Indeed, it has been shown a long time ago [11] that if a state
the KMS condition. So, there is a biunivoque relation between equilibrium state and KMS state. So,
if we admit that around Planck , the (pre)spacetime system is in a thermal equilibrium state, then
according to [11], we are also bound to admit that this system is in a KMS state.
Next, let's push forwards the consequences raised by the holomorphicity of the KMS strip.
As a critical consequence of the KMS condition, we are induced to consider that the time-like
coordinate g00 becomes holomorphic within the limits of the KMS strip. Indeed, as demonstrated in
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In the same way, the physical (real) temperature should also be considered as complex at the Planck
scale :
T Tc = Tr + iTi (7)
as proposed by Atick and Witten in another context [1]. This unexpected effect is simply due to the
fact that, given a von Neumann algebra W* and two elements A, B of W* , then there exists a
function ƒ(tc) holomorphic in the strip tc , im tc 0, ß such that :
Here, t is the usual time parameter of the 3D theory, like ß kT . So in our case, within the limits
of the KMS strip, i.e. from the scale zero (ß = 0) to the Planck scale (ß = Planck ), the "time-like"
Of course, the holomorphicity of the time like direction of the spacetime is induced in a natural manner
by the fact that in our approach, the thermodynamical system is the spacetime itself. Such a situation
has been investigated in details in [10] in the context of "quantum groups" and non-commutative
Indeed, according to Tomita's modular theory [20], the KMS condition, when applied to the
spacetime as a system, allows, within the KMS strip, the existence of an "extended" (holomorphic)
automorphism "group of evolution", which depends, in the classification of factors [12], on a "type
III factor" Mq (a factor is a special type of von Neumann algebra, whose the center is reduced to the
Hßc Hßc
Mq ßc (Mq ) e M q e
with the ßc = ßr +i ßi parameter being formally complex and able to be interpreted as a complex time
t and / or temperature T Tc = Tr + iTi . So, the KMS condition suggests the existence at the Planck
scale, of an effective one loop potential coupled, in N = 2 supergravity, to the complex dilaton + axion
1 i
field = 2 i and yielding the dynamical form diag(1 , 1 , 1 , e ) for the metric. The
tel-00001503, version 1 - 24 Jul 2002
signature of is Lorentziann (i.e. physical) for =± and can become Euclidean (topological)
for = 0. Consequently, the "KMS signature" of the metric is (+++±). This is as it should be since,
considering the quantum fluctuations of g , there is no more invariant measure on the non
commutative metric Therefore, according to von Neumann algebra theory, the "good factor"
addressing those constraints is uniquely a non commutative traceless algebra, i.e. the type III factor
0,1 0,1
MTop being a type II factor and ß the group acting periodically on MTop . The relation between
the periods and ß is such that , so that when ß , we get 0 (the periodicity is
At the Lie group level, this "superposition state" can simply be given by the symmetric homogeneous
SO(3 , 1) SO (4)
h= (12)
SO (3)
to which corresponds, at the level of the underlying metric spaces involved, the topological quotient
space :
3, 1 4
top = (13)
In the non commutative context, G. Bogdanoff has constructed, again in [10], the "cocyle
bicrossproduct" :
where Uq(so(4)op and Uq(so(3, 1)) are Hopf algebras (or "quantum groups"[21]) and a 2-cocycle of
q-deformation. The bicrossproduct (7) suggests an unexpected kind of "unification" between the
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Lorentzian and the Euclidean Hopf algebras at the Planck scale and yields the possibility of a
"q-deformation" of the signature from the Lorentzian (physical) mode to the Euclidean (topological)
mode [10-19].
Now, starting from equ. (10), it appears clearly that the Tomita-Takesaki modular automorphisms
group ßc (M q ) corresponds to the "unification" given by equ.(14) and induces, within the KMS
(i) On the boundary ßi Planck , the first possible flow, of the form
eiH Mq e iH
t (Mq ) (15)
corresponds to the algebra of observables of the system and to the Lorentzian flow in real time. In this
perspective, this flow is a "physical flow", that we call P . This scale represents the physical part of
ß 0
the light cone and, consequently, the notion of (Lebesgue) measure is fully defined. Therefore, the
(commutative) algebra involved at such a scale is endowed with a hyperfinite trace and is given on the
infinite Hilbert space ( ), with = L2( ). Then, (L2( )) is a type I factor, indexed by the real
group , which we call MPhys . Of course, at this scale, the theory is Lorentzian, controlled by SO(3,
(ii) On the "zero scale" ß i = 0 limit, the second flow takes necessarily the non unitary form :
r r
iß (Mq ) e Mq e (16)
giving on Mq the semi-group of unbounded and non-stellar operators. This initial «topological» scale
corresponds to the imaginary vertex of the light cone, i.e. a zero-size gravitational instanton [19]. All
the measures performed on the Euclidean metric being -equivalent up to infinity, the system is
ergodic. As shown by A. Connes, any ergodic flow for an invariant measure in the Lebesgue measure
class gives a unique type II hyperfinite factor [12]. This strongly suggests that the singular 0-scale
should be described by a type II factor, endowed with a hyperfinite trace noted Tr . We have called
MTop such a "topological" factor, which is an infinite tensor product of matrices algebra (ITPFI)
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of the RO,1 Araki-Woods type [22]. Since Mq = MTop ß S1 , on the ß i = 0 limit, we get
Mq MTop .With respect to the analytic continuation between () and (), iß (Mq ) represents a "current
in imaginary time". We have stated in [19] that this current is another way to interpret the "flow of
weights" of the algebra Mq [23]. Clearly, according to [23], the flow of weights of Mq is an ergodic
flow, which represents an invariant of Mq . Then, iß (Mq ) yields a pure topological amplitude [24]
and, as such, "propagates" in imaginary time from zero to infinity. iß (Mq )is not defined on the
whole algebra Mq but on an ideal { of Mq. One can demonstrate that in this case, the theory is
Riemannian, the isometries of the metric being given by SO(4). As showed in [10, 19] this zero scale
corresponds to the first Donaldson invariant I = ( 1)n i and can be described by the topological
To finish, let's observe that the topological flow does not commute with the physical flow. Again,
It is interesting to remark that in the totally different context of superstrings, J.J. Atick and E. Witten
were the first to propose such an extension of the real temperature towards a complex domain [1].
Recently, in N=4 supersymmetric string theory, I. Antoniadis, J.P. Deredinger and C. Kounnas [5]
have also suggested to shift the real temperature to imaginary one by identification with the inverse
radius of a compactified Euclidean time on S1, with R = 1 / 2 T. Consequently, one can introduce a
complex temperature in the thermal moduli space, the imaginary part coming from the B
S / T/ U S / T/ U
antisymmetric field under type IIA type IIB Heterotic string-string dualities.
More precisely, in Antoniadis and al approach, the field controlling the temperature comes from the
product of the real parts of three complex fields : s= Re S, t= Re T and u= Re U. Within our KMS
approach, the imaginary parts of the moduli S, T, U can be interpreted in term of Euclidean
temperature. Indeed, from our point of view, a good reason to consider the temperature as complex at
the Planck scale is that a system in thermodynamical equilibrium state must be considered as subject
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(ii) On the other hand, according to most of the models, supergravity is considered as broken for
scales greater than the Planck scale. But supersymmetry breaking is also closely connected to the
cancellation of the thermodynamic equilibrium state. C. Kounnas has recently demonstrated that a
supersymmetry is spontaneously broken by finite thermal effects [6]. This scenario may be applied to
our setting. As a matter of fact, the end of the thermal equilibrium phase at the Planck scale might
bring about the breaking of KMS state and of supersymmetry N = 4. This corresponds exactly, in our
To sum up, the chain of events able to explain the transition from the topological phase to the
thermodynamical equilibrium breaking KMS state breaking imaginary time / real time decoupling
topological state / physical state decoupling Supersymmetry breaking
We have given a detailed description of such a transition in [19]. Likewise, the supersymmetry is
broken in [5-6] by the finite temperature, which corresponds in our view to the decoupling between
real and imaginary (topological) temperature (the topological temperature being identified, in Kounnas
model, with the inverse radius of a compactified Euclidean time on S1 : 2 T 1 R ). Applying this
representation, the partition function in our case is given by the (super)trace over the thermal spectrum
of the theory in 4 dimensions. According to this, supersymmetry breaking and transition from
Acknowledgements. This work has benefited of the encouragement from François Combes, of the Mathematics
Department of the University of Orleans, Daniel Sternheimer, from the University of Bourgogne and Jac Verbaarshot, of
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Volume 51, 2001 Number 11 pp 1153-1236
The purpose of the present article, following "Mach's principle" (the main elements of which have contributed to
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the foundations of general relativity) is to propose a new (non-local) interpretation of the inertial interaction. We
then suggest that the inertial interaction can be correctly described by the topological field theory proposed by
Witten in 1988. In such a context, the instantaneous propagation and the infinite range of the inertial interaction
might be explained in terms of the topological amplitude connected with the singular zero size gravitational
instanton corresponding to the Initial Singularity of space-time.
The phenomenon of inertia - or "pseudo-force" according to E. Mach [1] - has recently been
presented by J.P. Vigier [2] as one of the "unsolved mysteries of modern physics". Indeed, our
point of view is that this important question, which is well formulated in the context of Mach's
principle, cannot be resolved or even understood in the framework of conventional field theory.
Here we suggest a novel approach, a direct outcome of the topological field theory proposed by
Edward Witten in 1988 [3]. According to this approach, beyond the interpretation proposed by
Mach, we consider inertia as a topological field, linked to the topological charge Q = 1 of the
"singular zero size gravitational instanton" [4] which, according to [5], can be identified with the
initial singularity of space-time in the standard model.
Evaluation of the total inertial (or inertial potential) contribution, resulting from the sum of the
masses in the universe may be given by:
Uinertial total = 2 1 (1)
univers c r
which turns out to be an invariant for each local mass. On the other hand, the topological charge
of the singular gravitational instanton, of the form
Q 2 d 4 x R R˜ =1 (2)
is also an invariant equal to unity, just as the total inertial contribution. Unexpectedly, the
equivalence between the inertial mass and the gravitational mass might be explained here in terms
of the quantization of the topological charge of the singular gravitational instanton [6].
We therefore claim that the topological charge of the singular gravitational instanton of zero size
represents the (non-local) source of the inertial interaction. Like the topological charge, the
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inertial interaction is also invariant and propagates itself "instantaneously" from one point to
another in space-time. Such a property is not explicable within the framework of field theory but
may find a solution in topological field theory. In this new context, the initial singularity can be
viewed as the source of a "topological amplitude" [3] corresponding to the charge of the singular
zero size gravitational instanton, i.e. Q d 4 x R R˜ . This amplitude can be detected at the
boundary S3 of the singular gravitational instanton, which, according to [5], might have the
topology of the 4-dimensional Euclidean ball B4 bounded by the sphere S3. So, the pseudo-
observables of Riemannian space-time in the vicinity of the origin are here interpreted as co-
cycles on instanton moduli space and are associated with i cycles on the B4 four-dimensional
manifold (Donaldson mapping [7]). Considering a point X in B4, the topological amplitude
inducing the propagation of the instantonic charge can take the general form :
OS 3 . O X # (S 3 , X)
Starting from this, the pseudo-observables of the left member are giving the topological
amplitudes of the theory whereas the right member designates the number of intersections of i
B4. The function # (S 3 , X) is zero if the point X B4 and is equal to one if X B4 (the
case for which there exists topological amplitude).
The present article is organized as follows. In paragraph 2, we briefly recall the context in which
the problem of inertia is formulated (in classical mechanics) [2]. Likewise, we recall the
canonical formulation of Mach's principle, which suggests a non-local approach of the inertial
interaction [1]. In paragraph 3, we consider the " topological Mach's principle", a new
formulation of Mach's principle in the context of topological field theory [3]. In paragraph 4, we
suggest that the propagation of the "causal signal" connected with the Initial Singularity of space-
time [5] can conveniently be described by the topological amplitude related to a singular
gravitational instanton of size zero [4]. We complete this approach by showing, from another
point of view, that if the "topological signal" at the origin has a Dirac mass (a distribution with a
support reduced to zero), then this signal is sent to infinity - i.e. onto the sphere S3 representing
the co-boundary of the space-time E4 and of the singular gravitational instanton B4 [5]. Last, we
discuss these diverse results and conjectures in paragraph 6.
ƒi = ma
a being the acceleration of the system itself. According the Newtonian point of view, - and, to
some extent, in special relativity - , this reflects an inherent property of matter, which does not
conflict with the conception of absolute space and time.
On the contrary, according to general relativity, although independent of the observer, the
intrinsic properties of space-time and its geometry are described by a metric configuration
inseparable from the distribution of the matter. This relationship has been defined on axiomatic
basis in the "equivalence principle" between inertia and gravitational mass. However, how can
one explain the instantaneous propagation (i.e. non-physical in the strict sense) of the inertial
interaction ? How does this interaction propagate itself at "infinite speed" from one point to
another in space-time ?
The first attempt to provide a global response was qualitatively formulated by E. Mach [1] for
whom, on the basis of the relativity of all motion, the origin of inertia is the "interconnection" of
all matter in the universe. We take from this the generic expression of Mach's principle as
initially formulated :
Definition 2.1. (E. Mach) : the inertial reference point defined by local physics coincides with
the reference point in which distant objects are at rest, where it results that the most distant
masses distributed in the universe determine the inertial behavior of local masses.
Numerous other variants of Mach's principle still exist, developed notably by Brans-Dicke [8],
Bondi-Samuel [9] or Brill [10] and some others. However, none of these approaches appears
able to explain, in a framework compatible with relativistic principles, the nature of the inertial
interaction as well as its mode of propagation.
We now propose hereafter to renew the approach of Mach's principle in the context of
topological field theory.
Our main suggestion within this paper is that the foundation on which Mach's principle lies (as
the notion of inertia) is not "physical" but falls within topological field theory, defined by Witten
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In [5] the existence of a zero scale limit in pre- space-time was suggested, such a limit
concentrating the energy density of the "whole universe", in the Mach sense. We begin by
showing that within such an approach, the zero scale configuration has no physical content
(there exists no stable physical length lower than the Planck length) but is a topological
configuration, corresponding to a singular gravitational instanton of zero size.
As Weinberg first stated [11], one can reasonably consider that space-time at the Planck scale
Tr (e A)
(A) ßH
Tr (e )
On the other hand, in the context of the Tomita-Takesaki modular theory, the famous Kubo-Martin-
Schwinger "(KMS) condition" [12] has established that each state (A) of the system can be
connected, in a unique manner, to the strongly continuous one parameter * - automorphisms group t
giving the time evolution of the observables and corresponding to the well known Heisenberg algebra
t (A) = ei Ht A e i Ht
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Now, starting from the expected equilibrium state of the universe around the Planck scale, it has
been shown in [5] that (pre)space-time at the Planck scale can be seen as subject to the KMS
condition [12]. Therefore, within the holomorphic KMS strip (i.e. between the scale zero (ß = 0)
and the Planck scale (ß = Planck ), it is therefore natural to consider the timelike direction of the
as showed in [5]. In the same way, the physical (real) temperature should also be viewed as
T Tc = Tr + iTi
as proposed by Atick and Witten in another context [13]. Recently, in N=4 supersymmetric
string theory, I. Antoniadis, J.P. Deredinger and C. Kounnas [14] have also introduced at the
Planck scale a complex temperature in the thermal moduli space, the imaginary part coming from
the B antisymmetric field under type IIA type IIB Heterotic string-
string dualities. So, the KMS condition suggests the existence at the Planck scale of an effective
one loop potential coupled, in N = 2 supergravity, to the complex dilaton + axion field =
i and yielding the following dynamical form of the metric
i i
diag(1 , 1 , 1 , e ) diag(1 , 1 , 1 , e ) (3)
The signature of the metric (3), endowed with a supplementary degree of freedom in the g44
component, is Lorentzian for = ± and can become Euclidean for = 0. The modular theory
of Tomita [15] suggests then the "dualisation" of the signature given by the generalized
automorphisms of the "quantum von Neumann algebra" Mq, which can be written :
Hßc Hßc
Mq ß (Mq ) e Mq e (4)
The temporal flow associated with (4) is formally holomorphic in the variable ßc = ßr+ ißi .
The group of modular automorphisms ß generates two dual flows. The first one, of the form
e iHt Mq e iHt
t (M q )`= , t . (5)
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corresponds to the algebra of observables and to the Lorentzian flow in real time. On the other
hand, the dual current, is :
(Mq ) = e Mq e ßH (6)
giving on the topological von Neumann algebra Mq a semi-group of non-bounded and non-
stellar operators. The flow of Mq is defined not throughout the whole of Mq but on an
ideal { of Mq and coupled to the topological flow in pure ß = i t imaginary time. In the
model constructed in [5], the algebra of observables described by (5) is replaced at the scale zero
of space-time by an "algebra of states", dual to the algebra of Heisenberg in the form (6). Of
course, at the singular ß = 0 scale, it is no longer possible to conserve the notion of physical
observables; instead, we consider homology cycles in moduli space of (zero size) gravitational
instantons. This latter conclusion remains true, in pure imaginary time, for all real ß > 0. Such an
approach allows us to distinguish three different domains in the "cosmological light cone", each
of these domains being described by a specific von Neumann algebra called a "factor" [16]. If
we call MTop = R F the factor R0,1 of type II corresponding to the singular zero scale, as all
ergodic transformations starting from MTop (flows associated with zero scale) are weakly
equivalent, therefore MTop is a hyperfinite factor of the Araki-Woods type [17]. The factor
MTop is then canonical. More generally, there exist thus three scales (corresponding to the three
regions of the cosmological light cone) and described by three different "factors" :
(i) the classical scale (ß > Planck), described by the tracial factor MPhys of type I ;
(ii) the quantum superposition scale (0 < ß < Planck) described by the traceless type
* + Then, we write Mq = MTop *+ ;
III factor such that III = II
(iii) the topological scale (zero scale associated with ß = 0) described by the tracial type II
factor MTop .
To finish, we note that the algebraic "flow of weights" [18] associated with the factor MTop of
type II at zero scale of space-time is an invariant of MTop . Thus, it has also been shown, again
in [5], that the initial space-time singularity, can be approached not in terms of divergences of
physical fields but in terms of topological field symmetries and associated invariants (such as the
first Donaldson invariant [7-19]) :
I= ( 1)n i
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ni being defined by Donaldson as the instanton number of the theory [7]. i is indicating the i th
instanton and ni = 0 or 1 determines the sign of its contribution to Z. The contribution of the ith
instanton to Z is ( 1) ni . The index ( 1)n i is a non-polynomial topological invariant,
( k)
reduced to an integer when the dimension of the instanton moduli space dim mod = 0 [19].
Then, a possible resolution of the Initial Singularity consists in considering that the singular zero
scale, which cannot be described by the (perturbative) physical theory, should be described by
the (non-perturbative) dual theory, of the topological type.
Starting from Witten [3], one normally defines topological field theory as the quantization of
zero, the Lagrangian of the theory being either (i) a zero mode, or (ii) a characteristic class c n (V )
a vectorial bundle V M built on space-time. A new topological limit of the theory has
therefore been defined [5], which is both non-trivial and no longer based on H = 0 but on ß = 0
and hence independent of H. ß plays the role of a coupling constant, such that it exists an infinite
number of states not interacting with each other and independent of H. The point is that for ß =
0, the action S is projected onto a non trivial minimum, corresponding to the self-duality
condition R = ± R * . Then, the minimum of the action is not zero (as it is in the trivial case) but
has a non-trivial (invariant) value. But in this case, the field configuration is necessarily
Let's recall that the ordinary topological limit of quantum field theory is described by the
Witten invariant
Zn = Tr(-1)n (7)
n being the zero energy states of the theory, for example the fermion number in supersymmetric
theories [20]. Equ. 7 is given by the limit of the partition function Z = Tr(-1)n e -ßH for zero (or
invariant) values of H. Here, Zn Tr( 1) n e ßH is simply the partition function at temperature
connected with a set described by the density matrix Q = (-1) n e ßH .
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Now, we propose to extend Witten's results into the context of N=2 supergravity [21]. In such a
context, we analyze the zero mode of the space-time scale (i.e. the ß 0 limit). Hence, as
observed hereabove and according to the results of [5], at the Planck scale, the space-time, in
thermodynamical equilibrium, can be considered as submitted to the "KMS condition" [12].
Therefore, within the limits of the KMS strip - i.e. between the scale zero (ß = 0) and the Planck
scale (ß = Planck )- the time like direction of the metric might be viewed as holomorphic. The
corresponding quantum fluctuation of the signature of the metric from the Lorentzian form to the
Euclidean one and conversely has been exhibited in [5] and can be described by the symmetric
homogeneous space
SO(3,1) SO(4)
h =
SO(3) being diagonally embedded in SO(3, 1) SO(4). In terms of metric field, to such a
superposition state might correspond a "monopoles+instantons" configuration, the action of the
superposed theory being of the general form :
1 ~ g 2( ) 2
d4 x R d 4 x Tr R 2
m+i 2 R R R D
g ( ) 2
According to the results of E. Kiritsis et C. Kounnas on a class of heterotic ground states in 4D [5],
N = 4). Such Lagrangians contain a scalar potential representing the kinetic terms and a Kähler
potential [21]. This type of action results typically from the Instanton-Monopole symmetry of duality
found in [5] and recently verified by C.P. Bacchas, P. Bain and M.B. Green in the context of string
theory [22]. Namely, 4-instantons (Euclidean metric) and (3+1)-monopôles (Lorentzian metric) are
connected by a complex dilaton field (or S-field) [21] of the form i playing the role of
coupling constant of the superposed theory. So, on the infrared limit (ß Planck ) corresponding to g
g 2( )
, the instanton contribution to the functional integral, given by e is suppressed. This
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is a well-known result, demonstrated a long time ago [7]. On the contrary, it has been pointed in [5]
that the monopole configuration is well defined on this limit. So, the "superposed action" is reduced
to :
g 2( ) 2 2
i+m m = R D
corresponding to a 4D Lorentzian configuration of the metric on the infrared limit. Conversely, on the
ultraviolet limit ß 0, it has been showed, again in [5], that monopole contribution is suppressed
from the functional integral, just like the perturbative part of the instantonic action (tunneling effect).
However, one can easily observe that the topological charge Q = d 4 x Tr R R is conserved in
m+i , so that on the ß 0 limit, the theory contains only a Riemannian topological contribution
coming from zero size instantons [5]. Of course, for 0 < ß < Planck , the action takes the general
"superposed" form m+i mixing Lorentzian and Euclidean states of the metric field.
Now, we shall consider the partition function Zs describing this generalized symmetry of all
possible states (Lorentzian or Euclidean) of the metric beyond Planck :
Zs = Tr(-1)s e ßc H (8)
with ßc and s representing the number of instantons of the theory. According to N=2
supergravity properties, H can be adequately described by the square of the Dirac operator D 2 .
Now, let's consider the scale ß = 0. Equ.(8) becomes :
Zs = Tr(-1)S
This new index, isomorphic to the Witten invariant Z = Tr(-1)n, can be explicitly associated
with the initial singularity of the pre-space-time, reached for the value ß = 0 (zero mode of the
scale) of the metric states partition function. One can therefore extend the iso-dimensional
monopole / instanton duality by suggesting that such a duality symmetry links the BRST
cohomology ring (physical sector of the theory) and the cohomology ring of the instanton moduli
space (topological sector). The BRST cohomology groups [21] having the generic form
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(g) ker QBRST
H BRST = (g 1) (9)
we then consider that the topological field theory allows the injection of rings :
Uk dk
HgBRST (k) (i) (k)
HBRST g 0 H mod i 0H mod (10)
which provides an injective path of the physical mode into the topological mode. In terms of
(k ) ( k)
observables and homology cycles Hi
Oi mod in moduli space mod of configurations of the
gravitational instanton type [ (x)] on the gravitational fields of the theory, we bring out the
equivalence :
where the physical sector of the theory is described by the observables and the dual sector, of
(k )
the topological type, by the homology cyclesHi mod . The oscillation of the signature of the
metric between physical and topological sectors is then induced by the
divergence Uk j d 4 x of the ghost flow [16][15] . When U = 0, as there exists no
embedding space for moduli space, we suggest that the theory is then projected in the Coulomb
( k)
branch, at the origin of mod , on a singular instanton of zero size [4] which we identify to
space-time at zero scale. The theory is ramified on the purely topological sector , the Hi
From this viewpoint, the image of Euclidean zero symmetry, described by the non-broken gauge
group of type SU(2) SU(2), is given by the first Donaldson invariant [7] associated with the
( k)
existence of a "topological amplitude" characterizing the theory. When dim mod 0, the
Donaldson invariants are given by the correlation function of the theory :
r r
S ( k)
Z( 1 ... r) DXe Wki Wki (Dim mod 0)
i 1 i 1
( k)
Now, what happens when dim mod = 0 ? The solution is in the correspondence between the
Donaldson invariants on 4D manifolds and the Floer homology groups on 3D manifolds [23]. In
fact, Donaldson invariants amount to the calculus of the partition function Z, expressed as an
Z Z = ( 1)n i
mod 0 i
( k)
Donaldson has shown on topological grounds [7] that when dim mod = 0, then ( 1)n i is a
non-polynomial topological invariant, reduced to an integer. We find the same result starting
from T Q, .
Now, let's go further into the understanding of the zero scale limit of space-time. We claim that,
even if this limit is singular within the context of (perturbative) quantum field theory, it can be
resolved in the (non-perturbative) dual theory, i.e., the topological field theory. As noticed
previously, when ß 0, the partition function
Zs = Tr(-1)S e ßc H (13)
describing the symmetry of all the (Lorentzian + Euclidean) states of the metric is reduced to
Z = Tr(-1)S (14)
ß= 0
What is here the meaning of Tr (-1)S ? In fact , at least in the context of supersymmetric theories
[20], it can be seen as the index of an operator acting on the Hilbert space . Dividing in
monopole and instanton sub-spaces = + i and Q being a generator of supersymmetry,
it follows from (21) that Q = 0 and Q* = 0. Then Tr (-1)S = Ker Q - Ker Q* so that
not modify the asymptotic behavior of the Hamiltonian H at high energy. At the scale ß = 0, H is
given by H = dd* +d*d, the space of zero energy states corresponding to the set of even
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Tr (-1)S = (M) = ( 1)k bk (15)
k 0
where bi is the ith Betti number and (M) the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of M. Obviously,
= Tr (-1)S is independent of ß, the sole contributions to coming from the topological sector of
zero energy. Consequently, is a topological invariant, i.e. the first Donaldson invariant. The
coupling constant g being dimensional, the limit ß = 0 implies = 0 and corresponds to the
sector of zero size instantons. Therefore, (15) is a topological index, corresponding to the
accumulation point of the zero size instantons of the theory. Let's note that all instantonic (i.e.
Euclidean) states of g , given by the topological charge of the singular gravitational instanton
are equivalent at zero scale. We call "symmetry zero" the generalized symmetry characterizing the
singular zero scale.
To conclude this part, we suggest as a geometric model of the instanton the ball B4 bounded by
the sphere S3. The so-called "propagation" of the solution depends then on the support of the
gravitational instanton : in the region of zero limit, there exists an accumulation of topological
charge above the singular point S0 such that the topological charge density RR* ; in the
dual situation, corresponding to the fundamental state, the support of the instanton is extended to
infinity and RR* 0. The "transition" from zero to infinity is then described by the
conformal transformations of the sphere (see in § 4 the Möbius group action (4.5)).
From this point of view, the Machian interaction evidenced between the pendulum and the
global universe could be exactly described by the interaction between and the zero size
instanton - almost like a renormalisation transformation. We therefore propose a new formulation
of the Mach's principle in the context of topological field theory :
3.3 Topological Mach's principle. The topological amplitudes associated with the
propagation of the topological charge of the singular zero size gravitational instanton
corresponding to the Initial Singularity of space-time determines the inertial behavior of local
topological amplitude associated with the S0 singular zero size gravitational instanton.
The principal argument demonstrating the existence of an interaction between and the charge Q
of S0 lies in the fact that the topological charge of the instanton is entirely determined by the
asymptotic behavior of the gauge field (A in the Yang et Mills case and g in N = 2
supergravity). The field F, non-zero in E4 = 4 instanton space, cancels at the boundary E4 =
S3, the gauge potential becoming a pure gauge on the boundary. Hence, we suggest that E4 =
S3 represents the curved and compact three-dimensional physical space 3 within which the
rotation plane is inscribed. We draw from this a relation of topological type between the
topological charge defined by E4 and the fixed orientation of the oscillation plane 2 of ,
also defined by E4 = S3.
Demonstration The Lagrangian of the Yang and Mills theory in Euclidean space-time has the
form :
L= 2 d 4 xF F (16)
with being the structure constants of the gauge group SU(2) :
Fa abc b
A A A Ac (17)
1 8 2
F˜ a
4 a 2
S 2 d x (F ) Q (18)
8g g2
with F˜ a Fa ,
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Q= 2 d 4 x F a F˜ a (19)
As the action of the configuration must be finite, on spheres at infinity of radius r , the field
Fa must fall to 0 more rapidly than r -3 :
Fa ( x r) 0 (20)
T a being the generators of the gauge group, i.e. in the case of the fundamental representation
1 a
with Pauli matrices a , T a = for SU(2). The element U SU(2). Considering the
charge Q, it is possible to represent it by an integral over the total derivative :
Q= 2 d 4x K (22)
Q= 2 K dS (23)
32 x r
(A a Aa abc
K =2 A a Ab Ac ) (24)
From equ. (24) we conclude that the topological charge Q is thus entirely determined by the
asymptotic behavior of the field A a . As established in [21], Q depends solely on the global
properties of the function A a ( x r) . Indeed, at infinity we have :
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F 0
but this is not (necessarily) the case for the gauge potential A a which becomes a pure gauge :
A(x) U (x) U 1 (x) (25)
U = A i B, A 2 B2 1 (26)
and U( x) represents :
U: S3 SU(2) S3 (27)
where we find the applications of the sphere S 3 representing the compact physical space E3,
boundary of the space E4, on the isotopic space of SU(2), equally isomorphic to S 3 . We draw
the identification of S3, boundary of the 4-dimensional instanton solution to physical space, of
the double embedding of SU(2) in SL(2, C) - the universal convening of the Lorentz group -
and in SU(2) SU(2), the convening of SO(4). As SU(2) S3, we therefore propose to
interpret S3 both (i) as the 3-dimensional boundary of the 4-dimensional instanton
Euclidean solution B and (ii) as the 3-dimensional boundary of space-time . From this
S is designated by 3(S 3 ) and is such that :
identification, the application S
3(S ) = (28)
such that the applications S 3 S3 are classified according to the homotopy classes characterized
by integers, in our case n = 1. Thus, the 2-dimensional plane of oscillation 2 of Foucault's
pendulum is embedded in the 3-dimensional physical space corresponding precisely to S 3 . As
the topological charge Q of the instanton is determined by the behavior of the gauge field on S 3 ,
it follows from this that 2 is determined by Q, as required. qed
We have established the relation between Q and 2 in the case of Yang and Mills instantons.
One can extend this result to supergravity, insofar as, in the context of non-linear curvature
theories, the field R is, like F, asymptotically free. The action of the gravitational instanton
becomes :
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1 ~
S= 2 d4 x R R d 4 x Tr R R (29)
g ( )
Q= d 4 x Tr R R (30)
In this case, the surface term K, associated with the Chern-Simons topological flow, becomes :
Q30 ( , R) ~ tr 3
Q30 ( , R) ~ tr 3
d (31)
representing the Christophel symbols, the spinorial connections and R the curvature of the
4-manifold. In putting R = d or R = d , we therefore find again the result of the
first part of (4.1.) in supergravity. Concerning the Chern-Simons form, we recall that Witten has
shown [24] that general relativity in dimension (2+1) is equivalent to Chern-Simons topological
theory in dimension 3. The Chern-Simons Lagrangian is :
h( A) Tr(A dA) A A A) (32)
Hence, the action of the theory of gravity in dimension (2+1) has the form :
abc ijk a bc
L ei R jk ( )
Rbc bc be ec
jk j k j k (j k)
Analysis of the two Lagrangians (32) and (33) shows the equivalence between gravity (2+1) and
the Chern-Simon theory at the limit of zero scale associated with zero energy modes. In
dimension 4, we find then that at the limit of zero scale, Lorentzian (3+1) field theory must be
replaced by Donaldson topological field theory (4,0) [7].
One can therefore consider that the propagation of the initial singularity is induced by the
existence of a topological amplitude – the charge of the zero size gravitational instanton, i.e.
Q d 4 x R R˜ , - detectable at the boundary S3 of the singular gravitational instanton
provided with the topology of the B4 Euclidean ball of dimension D=4. As noticed in (1), the
pseudo-observables in 4D Euclidean space are connected with cycles i of the B4 4-manifold
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(Donaldson application).
Now, we return to the inertial interaction. In the following conjecture, we suggest that the source
of inertia is not, strictly speaking, physical but has a topological content, linked to the
topological charge Q=1 of the singular gravitational instanton.
Elements of demonstration. We have shown that the total inertial force likely to contribute
in the case where the entire Universe would be submitted to an acceleration a in respect to a
given object, could be obtained by summing the forces F12 on masses other than m itself :
Finertielle ma
c 2r (34)
If M represents the totality of the mass of the Universe, a good approximation of
gives us :
c 2r
Ftotale 2 1 (35)
univers c r
The total inertial interaction Ftotale is therefore of the order of unity and represents a topological
invariant -i.e. invariant of gravitational gauge and scale invariant -. In all points of space, the
contribution of Ftotale of is identical. Hence, we suggest that the total inertia Ftotale has its
origin in the topological charge Q :
1 4 ˜ = 1 (36)
Q 2 d xR R
Indeed, we have seen that the topological charge Q of the instanton is entirely determined by the
asymptotic behavior of the gauge field at the boundary E 4 represented by the three-dimensional
sphere S3 where the gauge potential becomes a pure gauge. We show then that at the zero scale
limit, Ftotale is isomorphic to Q :
Ftotale Q
At the zero scale limit, 2 is identifiable to the Schwartzshild radius lS of space-time
univers c r
quotiented by the radius r of the configuration in region of zero scale, i.e. :
2 = (37)
univers c r univers r
We therefore draw from (37) that represents the Gaussian curvature of the manifold, which
c2 r
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gives :
= Kr (38)
c2 r
Kr being the Gaussian curvature of the geodesic surface (r, ). Hence, at the Planck scale, we
must extend Einstein's gravitational term R towards an asymptotically free non-linear theory.
Our approach is that the presence of terms in R2 in the Lagrangian is the result of a superposition
of two scales of quantum gravity : (i) the gravitational scale - i.e. macroscopic scale -
characterized by the presence of an interaction in R and (ii) the quantum scale - i.e. microscopic
scale - characterized by the presence of dual gravity terms, in R* = iR. The curvature term Kr
takes then the new form in supergravity :
Kr (Planck) R R
such that is identifiable to
univers r
= d 4x R R (39)
= d 4 x R R˜ (40)
From the hereabove results, we can conclude that the inertial interaction might admit the
topological charge of the zero size gravitational instanton as source. The topological nature of
the inertial interaction could explains (i) its global invariance properties and (ii) its instantaneous
propagation between two points in space-time .
We complete the conjecture (4.2) in specifying why the plane of oscillation 2 should be static.
Corollary 4.3. The static behavior of the plane of oscillation 2 of the pendulum should
be induced by the structure of topological invariant of Q :
invariant. Indeed, the invariance of the topological charge implies the invariance of the
topological structure of S3, i.e. of the three-dimensional physical space in the course of
temporal evolution. It results from this that 2 S3 is itself invariant - i.e. static -.
Furthermore, the static character of 2 implies that the underlying symmetry is Euclidean and
can be described by the action of the group :
G S being, precisely, the symmetry group describing the instanton configuration characterized
by the topological charge Q, as required. qed
We now show that a good model of the propagation of the topological interaction Int top can be
given by the conformal transformations Conf (S3) of the sphere S3.
We propose to describe the transformations Conf (S3) by the Möbius group [25], defined from
the inversion of S3. Recalling that the pole inversion c, of strength a * is the application
Definition 4.5 An inversion of S 3 is meaning all restriction to S 3 of an inversion of R 4
conserving S 3. The Möbius group Möb(3) of S 3 is the sub-group of the S 3 bijection group
induced by inversions of S 3.
At this point, we can establish a link between the application defining the topological charge of
the instanton and the similitudes of 4. We recall first that the group GL(n k) operates on M(n,
k) by similitude :
The equivariant canonical bijection associated with the matrix M is then a diffeomorphism,
representing the similitude class of M :
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which leads us to the important definition, taken from the reduction of endomorphisms [22] :
Definition 4.6 The application : M (n, ) O (M) describing the similitude class of M is
given by :
X exp(X).M.exp(-X) (44)
From this definition, we establish in the two following propositions that the application defining
the topological charge of the instanton belongs to the conformal group of S3.
Proposition 4.7 For all similitude h Sim ( 3), the application defining the topological
charge of the instanton, i.e. ƒ : S 3 S 3 , defined by ƒ(n) = n and ƒ = g-1 o h o g on S 3 n
belongs to Möb (3) ).
Demonstration Let n be the north pole and s the south pole of the sphere S3. We can then
show that g-1 o h o g, conveniently extended to the whole of S3 , is in Möb(3) if h is an inversion
or a hyperplane symmetry. Yet, the h induce the existence of the group of similitudes Sim ( 3).
Indeed, considering , it has been shown [25] that if the kernel
Ker ( Id X ) 0 (45)
then ƒ admits a unique fixed point corresponding to its center. Moreover, ƒ Sim (X) Is (X),
there exists a unique X such that ƒ( ) = . The point is the center of the similitude ƒ
and one can write :
h g = g h, h H , et g Is (X ) (46)
The above assumes convenient extensions, the most immediate consisting of attaching a point at
infinity on 3 and extending g to S3 3 by g(n) = . Thus, following [25], it exists in Möb
(3) the applications
g H0, g e H 0, e (47)
associated with vectorial homothetias of 3. If > 1, the application ƒ admits the north pole
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as an attractor and the south pole as a repeller, i.e. the iterates (n ) making all points of
S3 s converge towards n. The only point of S3 out of the attraction of n is the south pole s.
We show now that Möb(3) is the conformal group Conf(S3) of S3. Letting Conf (S3) describe
the scale invariance (i.e. the conformal invariance) of the sphere identified here (following the
inclusion S3 SL(2, C)) to physical space 3 compactification.
Proposition 4.8 Let Möb± (3) = Conf ± (S3). the radius r 0 of S 3 engendering S3r 0 ,
and ƒ Möb(3), then S3r 0 belongs to the bundle (S3) of spheres S 3. Reciprocally, a
bijection of S 3 verifying this property necessarily belongs to Möb(3) . The group Möb(3)
presents a natural isomorphism with PO( ) of the quadric of equation
q x2 x 25 .
i 1
g g Conf ( 3) (48)
g g Sim ( 3) ƒ Möb(3) (49)
It follows from the inversion properties [25] that ƒ( ) conserves the structure of the sphere S3
when the radius r 0. Reciprocally, on putting ƒ(n) = n, g g 1 transforms the 3 (half)
lines into (half) lines, such that S3r 0 belongs to the bundle (S3) of spheres S3.
We now conjecture that the plane of oscillation of F conserves the initial singularity S for
inertial reference point, whatever the orientation of this plane in physical space R3
Conjecture 4.9 Whatever the orientation in physical space R3 of the plane of oscillation 2 of
the pendulum F, this 2-dimensional plane necessarily intersects the initial singularity S, i.e. 2
is always aligned on S .
S3 3
such that the three-dimensional information coming from physical 3-geometry is concentrated on
the 3-surface S3 but is not detectable in the interior of the sphere. Thus, the conformal
invariance of S3 implies that the temporal direction x4 is necessarily orthogonal to the tangent
space in a point of S3. Putting this point as the south pole s of S3, we have shown above that
there exists in Möb (3) the applications
g H0, g e H 0, e (50)
associated with the vectorial homothetias of 3. If > 1, the application ƒ admits the north
pole as attractor and the south pole as repeller, i.e. the iterations n (n ) make all points in
S3 s converge towards n. The only point in S3 escaping the attraction of n is the south pole
s. The north pole n of the 3-sphere is therefore the fixed point of the conformal transformation
Conf(S3) and the temporal direction x4, orthogonal to the tangential plane of the sphere in s,
intersects necessarily the center O of S3 as well as the north pole n. Since, by construction, the
plane of oscillation 2 contains x4 , then :
x4 2
it follows that the plane of oscillation 2 is orthogonal to the tangential plane of the sphere at the
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south pole s and meets therefore necessarily the center O of S3 as well as the north pole n, the
singular attractor point of S3. qed
The above conjecture suggests therefore that the symmetry of rotation in 3 (exhibited by the
plane of oscillation of Foucault's pendulum) is explicitly linked to the symmetry of the zero
instanton configuration, SU(2) S3 being a sub-group of both SU(2) SU(2) and SL(2, C).
Once the identification Initial Singularity / instanton zero is admitted, the above approach
allows us reasonably to consider that, whatever the orientation of the plane of the pendulum in
physical space, this plane remains necessarily aligned with the singular origin of space-time,
identified here to the singular origin n of the sphere S3, n being the north pole of the 3-sphère,
the unique fixed point of the system. Indeed all possible orientations in physical space of the
plane of oscillation of the pendulum are given by all possible orthogonal directions to the tangent
plane at S3. We obtain the different orientations of 2 in 3 by making the south pole s "turn"
on the 3-surface S3, this rotation conserving the alignment between s, O and n in the same plane
We draw from the above that whatever the orientation, the plane of oscillation of Foucault's
pendulum is necessarily aligned with the initial singularity marking the origin of physical space
S3, that of Euclidean space E4 (described by the family of instantons I of whatever radius ß)
and, finally, that of Lorentzian space-time M4.
The angular invariance of 2 comes therefore in fine from the fact that the direction x4
represents equally the fourth direction (in ß = i t imaginary time) of the Euclidean configuration
of the type instanton E4 bounded by S3, such that at each point s of S3, 2 cuts O and the
origin of E4 represented by the north pole n. We suggest then that this interpretation of x4 as
imaginary time explains in a non-trivial way the nature of the inertial force as well as its
instantaneous propagation from one point to another in space-time .
In effect, the initial singularity can be interpreted as a causal signal giving rise to, at instant zero,
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a shock at the origin corresponding to a Dirac signal [26]. The shock at the origin, or Imp(t),
distributed at the zero scale of space-time, must satisfy :
(i) t R, (t) 0
0 si t 0
(ii) Imp(t) =
si t 0 (51)
The unity signal at the singular origin can then be considered as an ideal signal, of causal type.
Proposition 5.1 The initial singularity, distribution of zero support, can be interpreted as a
Dirac signal. It follows from this that the Fourier transform is a function that can be extended in
the complex plane under the form of a holomorphic entire function, or bilateral Laplace
Proof It has been shown in [5] that the initial singularity can be interpreted as a singular zero
size gravitational instanton, configuration built by E. Witten in [3]. The support of all associated
distributions is therefore reduced to the singular point . The function associated with the
curvature is therefore a Dirac distribution, such that, as established in [26], its Fourier transform
is holomorphic and given by :
2i 2i
ƒ[ ]= (x) , e [e ] 0 (52)
or, when the scale ß (or the time t ) of the theory is zero :
ƒ[ ] = 1 (53)
becomes a real and even distribution which, insofar as ƒ[1] = must satisfy :
ƒ[ ] = [ ]=1 (54)
The holomorphic function resulting from the Fourier transform of the function of zero support
can equally be written in the form of a bilateral Laplace transform ƒ(ß) :
ßc H
ƒ(ßc) = (H)e dH (55)
where ß is a complex variable. By decomposing ß into real and imaginary parts, i.e. ßc = ßr +
ißi , we observe that, for ßr = 0 :
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ƒ(ißi ) (H)e dH (56)
which, up to the change of variable, is the Fourier transform of ƒ(H). For a fixed ßr, we have:
ßH ißH
ƒ(ßr + ißi ) = e (H ) e dH (57)
which is the FT of ƒ(H) e . Deriving under the sum the expression for ƒ(ßc) :
ßc H
d/dßc ƒ(ßc) = ßc (H) e dH
or, in general :
(H )m ( H)e ßc H
dm/d(ßc)m ƒ(ßc) = dH (59)
and the summability abscissae of (H)m (H) are the same as those of ƒ(H), such that ƒ(ßc) is
indefinitely derivable for all values of ßc where ƒ(ßc) exists. ƒ(ßr + ißi ) is therefore holomorphic
in all the band of summability, i.e. for all values situated to the right of 0 in the complex plane
formed by ßr > 0 and ßi > 0. The function ßc is therefore analytic in this domain of the
complex plane. As the Dirac signal at the origin has for support the point , its FT describes
therefore an impulsional response non-decreasing at infinity. qed
To understand the necessarily non-compact character of the impulsional response giving the
evolution of the system, we complete the above proposition by the following corollary :
Corollary 5.2 The Fourier transform of the singular distribution s of punctual support
describing the impulsional response of the space-time system cannot be of compact support.
The above results suggest in fact that the (topological) interaction here considered is ergodic. As
the Dirac signal at the origin has for support the point , its FT describes therefore an impulsion
response non-decreasing at infinity. Indeed, (i) the behavior of 2 is scale invariant and (ii) the
zero size singular gravitational instanton characterizing, according to [4], the initial singularity,
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represents a critical point S0 in the system formed by the pre- space-time manifold and , such
that the correlation length of the system . From this viewpoint, the interaction Int top is
subject to the action of a renormalisation group Gn assuring the scale invariance of the system.
In this paper, taking the example of Foucault's experiment, we have suggested a new approach
concerning two open problems :
(i) the problem of the invariance of the inertial interaction onto all points in space-time ;
(ii) the problem of the "instantaneous propagation" of inertia from one point to another in space-
time - i.e. the Machian principle according to which the inertial reference frame defined by local
physics coincides with the reference frame in which distant objects are at rest. It follows that the
masses distributed most distantly in the universe determine the inertial behavior of local masses.
As a result of the hereabove research, our point of view is that the problem of inertia, well
formulated in the context of Mach's principle, cannot be resolved by ordinary field theory.
Indeed, as suggested in [5], beyond the Planck scale, quantum field theory must be analytically
extended towards topological field theory. In such a context, the initial singularity can be viewed
as a singular zero size gravitational instanton. This point like solution, endowed with an
3, 1 4
Euclidean metric, corresponds to the origin of the topological quotient space top=
describing the q-deformation (quantum {Lorentzian Euclidean} superposition) of the metric
of the (pre)space-time between the scale zero and the Planck scale [5].
Our conclusion is then that onto zero scale, the topological charge Q = 1 of the singular zero
size instanton might represent the source of the global topological inertial interaction. This could
be tested by the angular invariance of the plane of oscillation of Foucault's pendulum or by the
Thirring- Lense effect.
In a subsequent paper, we will consider that this result can be reinforced by the hypothesis of a
correlation between the singular scale (t0, x0) and the macroscopic scale (t, x). We begin from
the observation of the cosmological radiation at 2.7 ° K and draw from this the existence of a
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thermal Green function - or Euclidean Green function GE - describing the correlation between
the zero scale (ß = 0) and the macroscopic scale of space-time . Such an approach suggests
the topological nature of the interaction between zero and macroscopic scales. Indeed, the
correlation described by
is such that all points P of space-time are correlated - by an Euclidean path - to the singular
point S0. Insofar as the path between S0 and P is Euclidean - which is the case since the space-
time system, considered at the non-zero temperature T = 2.7° K is the concern of statistical
mechanics - the interaction between S0 and P depends only on the boundary conditions and is
thus purely topological. Following this, we specify in this paper to come the notion of
"Euclidean propagation" of inertia, according to the flow of weights of the algebra of states
describing space-time in the region of the initial singularity. Starting from the von Neumann
algebra describing the zero size instantonic state, we conjecture, according to [16] that the
sole data from the algebra implies the existence of a "pseudo-dynamic" associated with and
characterized by the flow of weights of . Such a flow assures the propagation of the
topological charge Q of the zero instanton. In agreement with the results of Connes [16], the
homomorphism defining the canonical dynamic is such that : Out
= , this invariant having an intrinsic description in terms of flow of weights of . We
suggest then that this "intrinsic dynamic" is based on the semi-group of automorphisms :
2 2
(M) = e -ß D M e ß D (61)
corresponding to the evolution in imaginary time i t of the state M - i.e. to the expansion of the
space of states . This expansion of is indexed by increasing values of ß, the radius of . As
stated in [5], equ. (61) describes the flow of weights of the system and this flow being ergodic,
ß is necessarily increasing in the interval [0, ].
Then, we claim that a satisfactory test of the topological nature of the interaction existing between
the zero size singular gravitational instanton and local systems should be provided by the angular
invariance of the plane of oscillation of Foucault's pendulum. We have shown that Möb(3) is the
conformal group Conf (S3) of S3. Conf(S3) describes the scale invariance (i.e. conformal
invariance) of the sphere identified here, following the inclusion S3 SL(2, C), to physical
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space compactification. We have then suggested that the flow of weights of the algebra M
giving the modular flow t (M) on S3 belongs to the class of similitude S3.
ß / ß0
n, m n m e (62)
where the distance ß depends on the number of points on the lattice between n et m. At zero
scale, the correlation length becomes, considering the coupling g0 :
ß0 (g0 ) (63)
The correlation length is infinite, so that at zero scale, there exists an instantaneous interaction
between the point S0 representing the initial singularity of space-time and the boundary at
infinity of the 4-manifold, representing the 3-dimensional physical space.
Finally, all the hereabove results seem to confer a certain relevance (i) to the formulation of the
so-called "topological Mach's Principle" and, more generally (ii) to the "Singularity Principle".
Hopefully, this preliminary approach might open some new and interesting perspectives on the
origin of space-time and on some other open questions.
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