Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at The ESRF
Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at The ESRF
Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at The ESRF
Key words: total station, EDM calibration, angle calibration, laser tracker, ADM calibration,
standards, certification, ISO 9000
TS 24 Measurement 1/14
David Martin and Gilles Gatta
Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
TS 24 Measurement 2/14
David Martin and Gilles Gatta
Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
Many important questions in modern science and technology cannot be answered without a
profound knowledge of the intimate details of the structure of matter. To help in this quest,
scientists have developed ever more powerful instruments capable of resolving the structure
of matter down to the level of atoms and molecules. Synchrotron radiation sources, such as
the ESRF can be compared to super microscopes. They reveal invaluable information in
numerous fields of research.
The ESRF is a European cooperation in science where eighteen nations work together to use
the extremely bright beams of light produced by its high-performance storage ring to study a
remarkably wide range of materials, from biomolecules to nanomagnets, and ancient
Egyptian cosmetics to metallic foams.
For the ESRF accelerators and beamlines to work correctly, alignment is of critical
importance. Alignment tolerances are typically less than one millimetre and often in the order
of several micrometers over the 844m Storage Ring (SR) circumference.
The ALignment and GEodesy (ALGE) group is responsible for the installation, control and
periodic realignment of the ESRF accelerators and experiments. Typical distance and angle
residual standard deviations over the approximate 1 km accelerator network are in the order
of 0.1 mm and 0.5 arc-second respectively. Absolute error ellipses are inferior to 0.15 mm at
the 95% confidence level [1].
To help obtain these results, the ESRF has and continues to develop calibration techniques
for high precision Robotic Total Stations (RTS) equipped with Automatic Target Recognition
(ATR). This type of instrument is the workhorse for all precision work made at the ESRF.
Attention has been paid to both the angle and distance measuring components of these
The ESRF has a modern bench used for the calibration of electronic distance measuring
instruments (EDMs). Since February 2001, this bench has been accredited under the
ISO/CEI 17025 standard for the calibration of EDMs by COFRAC, (COmit FRanais pour
l'ACcrditation) the French National accreditation body. Presently calibrations can be made
between 1.9 and 50 m with an enlarged uncertainty of 0.09 mm + 0.75q; and from 1.9 to 113
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
2.1 Introduction
Few people question that their banking card works at every money machine in the world, but
this confidence could not be possible without standards. While driving we stop at hexagonal,
not round or square-shaped stop signs. These are just two of the thousands of standards that
impact on our everyday lives.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a global network that identifies what
International Standards are required by business, government and society, develops them in
partnership with the sectors that will put them to use, adopts them by transparent procedures
based on national input and delivers them to be implemented worldwide.[2]
The GIS/Geomatics profession is concerned by several series of ISO standards. There are the
ISO 12858 series concerning ancillary devices for geodetic instruments; the ISO 17123 series
field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments; and the ISO 191xx series
concerning geographic information. The FIG is very actively involved in standardization. For
a good review of the merits of standardization in the field of surveying refer to the FIG web
page dedicated to this subject ( [3].
Often one thinks that employing standards and quality assurance will lead to more work.
However, this is not the case at all. Standards and quality assurance management stripped
down to the core are a set of simple common sense rules. Moreover their correct
implementation is generally quite straightforward.
Typical goals in implementing a set of standards may be: to become more efficient and
profitable; to produce products and services that consistently meet customer requirements; to
achieve customer satisfaction; to maintain and/or increase market share; to improve
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
Most people tend to think of their professional activity as being unique and so can
legitimately ask: how does the ISO 9001:2000 standard accommodate the diversity of a small
family run business enterprise on the one hand, and multinational firms, public utilities, and
government administrations on the other? The answer lies in the fact that ISO 9001:2000 lays
down the requirements that a quality system must meet. However, it does not dictate how
they should be met in any particular organization. This leaves great scope and flexibility for
implementation in different business sectors and as well as business and national cultures.
In the modern world, there is and will continue to be pressure upon the GIS/Geomatics
community to standardize. These pressures come from within to increase productivity,
market share, etc...; and perhaps even more importantly from without, coming from
government and clients.
For example in France, Electricit de France (EDF), the French public electrical utilities
company insists upon ISO9000 certification for its contractors to perform topographic works
[4]. Furthermore they require a COFRAC or equivalent certificate (when possible) for all
instruments employed. Once again in France, a new law has been published concerning the
precision of all surveys made for French governmental agencies LOADT (loi 95-115
dorientation pour lamnagement et le dveloppement du territoire).[5] This law explicitly
forbids using a scaling factor on any measurements made. This is important insofar as the
only way to ensure the scale of a survey network is through correct distance measurements.
An ISO 9001:2000 certification is considered proof of a supplier's capability to design,
manufacture, and supply quality conforming products and services.
One common sense rule in the ISO 9001:2000 standard (chapter 7.6) concerns the control of
monitoring and measuring devices. Specifically it requires that whenever necessary to ensure
valid results, measuring equipment shall be calibrated or verified at specified intervals, or
prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national
measurement standards; where no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or
verification shall be recorded.[6]
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
This of course is entirely false. In fact within our COFRAC EDM calibration activity we have
found that somewhere between 2% to 4% of operationally employed field instruments sent to
the ESRF for calibration exhibit suspicious behaviour or do not work correctly and have been
found to give false measurements of up to several millimetres!
Many efforts have been made in the last few years concerning standards in surveying and in
particular the elaboration of the ISO standard 17123 parts 1 through 4. These standards are
largely derived from the Deustches Institut Fur Normung (DIN) 18723 norms parts 1 through
8. Instrument manufacturers when making reference to instrument precision often quote these
Each of the ISO 17123 standards prescribes measurement procedures aimed at qualifying an
instrument precision and performance. They also serve to verify if it is in correct operating
condition. It is noteworthy that these are field test procedures and not an instrument
calibration. The standard is entitled Optics and Optical Instruments - Field Procedures for
Testing Geodetic and Surveying Instruments. These tests should be made on a regular basis.
For example field tests can be made: at regular six month intervals; before and after a series
of precision measurements; after a long period of inactivity; and after transport.[7]
Field tests should not be confused with an instrument calibration. They only address a part of
the ISO 9001:2000 standard: namely the testing of instruments. Calibration links the
instrument directly to international standards. Calibration is the act of checking or adjusting
by comparison with a standard or reference the accuracy of a measuring instrument. A
standard or reference is an instrument or method that will measure more accurately and
precisely the desired quantity than the measuring instrument itself. For example a laser
interferometer measures more accurate distances (relative displacements) than an EDM.
Calibration is generally performed less often than field tests. Frequently calibrations are made
at one to two year intervals. There are many reasons to make a calibration. A calibration can
be made if one is suspicious of results issued from an instrument. It might also be made after
an instrument repair. An important reason to calibrate an instrument is to improve its
precision by employing a calibration model to its measurements. This is the main impetus
behind the development of the ESRF calibration bench activities.
A calibration is performed in an accredited laboratory. Laboratory accreditation is awarded
from an internationally recognized organization such as Frances COFRAC or the United
Kingdoms UKAS, Germanys DAR, Italys SINAL or Switzerlands SAS to mention a few
of the European national accreditation bodies. An accredited laboratory is required to follow
the ISO/CEI 17025 standard General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and
Calibration Laboratories.
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
The method employed at the ESRF to calibrate an EDM can be considered a de-facto
standard resembling closely the ISO 17123-4 standard. It is similar to methods employed at
similar laboratories such as the LNE (Laboratoire National de Mtrologie et d'Essais) and
ESGT (L'Ecole Suprieure des Gomtres et Topographes) in France; or CERN (Conseil
Europen pour la Recherche Nuclaire or the European Organization for Nuclear Research)
in Switzerland, and SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) in the United States, to
mention only a few.
3.1 Introduction
The ESRF Survey and Alignment group is equipped with a very modern calibration bench.
This bench was originally conceived to calibrate invar wires [8]. Quickly it was realised that
the bench could also be used for the calibration of EDM equipment. Since February 2001, the
ESRF has been accredited by COFRAC to make EDM calibrations. The ESRF is accredited
to make two types of calibrations under COFRAC accreditation number 2-1508. The first is
for calibrations between 2 and 50m and the second for calibrations between 2 and 113 m.
The ESRF calibration bench is used to determine the zero and cyclic errors of EDM
instrument/reflector pairs. The zero error, or the offset between the distance measured by the
instrument and the true distance, is first determined. The instrument prism is then moved
along the bench and distances are measured by the EDM. These distances are compared to
simultaneously measured interferometer distances. The results are a typical EDM calibration
curve are shown in Figure 1. A Fourier series (or other mathematical model) can be used to
model this calibration curve. Residuals with respect to a modeled curve are generally less
than 0.1 mm. This curve can then be used to correct measured distances and improve survey
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
The 50m calibration employs a direct line of sight comparison of measured EDM distances
with those measured by an AGILENT 5519A laser interferometer. The enlarged uncertainty
is 0.09 mm + 0.75q. Here q is the instrument resolution which is 0.1 mm in the case of the
total stations used at the ESRF. In other words the uncertainty in any distance measured
between 1.9 and 50 m with respect to the definition of the metre is 0.165 mm. Results for a
typical 50m calibration are identical to the first part of the curves shown for the 113m
calibration curve shown in Figure 1.
The 113m calibration employs mirrors to make the comparison of measured EDM distances
with those measured by the laser interferometer. First a standard 50m calibration is
performed. Second a first series of mirrors are employed which permit comparative
overlapping measurements between 32m and 80m. Third the first set of mirrors is moved out
of the way and measurements are made with a second set of mirrors located further along the
bench. This gives overlapping distance measurements between 65m and 113m. A schematic
of this set-up and process is shown in Figure 4 at the end of this paper. The enlarged
uncertainty for this calibration is 0.13 mm + 0.75q. The uncertainty in any distance measured
between 1.9 and 113 m with respect to the definition of the metre is 0.20 mm. Results for a
typical 113m calibration are shown in Figure 1.
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
Model error (mm)
20 40 60 80 100
Distance (m)
Figure 1 Typical 113m EDM calibration curve. The top graph shows results for the three sections of the
calibration: 2m to 50 m, 32m to 80m and 65m to 113m. The middle curve shows the calibration results and a
best model. The bottom curve shows residuals with respect to the model curve. The overall standard deviation
with respect to the model curve is 0.07 mm.
4.1 Introduction
The ESRF has an active program concerned with all aspects of survey instrument calibration.
The impetus behind these calibration activities is to improve instrument performance. If an
instrument has a systematic or repeatable error that can be modeled then the error can be
corrected and the measurement results improved. We see this type of model used with
EDMs in the middle graph of Figure 1. It is very important to note that this type of model is
applied to perfectly functional instruments operating entirely within their manufacturers
quoted precision and is used to improve upon the already excellent performance of these
Two examples of this type of work that has been carried out at the ESRF include RTS and
laser tracker angle calibration as a function of distance and Laser Tracker ADM calibration.
Several characteristic curves are presented below.
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
Results in the ESRF network determination indicated that there were small systematic angle
errors at short distances [1, 9]. These errors instigated an investigation into a systematic
dependence of angles on distance. The results of some of these tests are shown in Figure 2.
2 0.3
-2 0.1
-4 0
-6 -0.1
-8 -0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
3 0.35
Theodolite angle error SD (mm)
Theodolite angle error SD (sec)
2.5 0.3
0.5 0.05
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 2 Results of angle dependence on distance for three RTS instruments of the same model type. Each
instrument was calibrated 15 times. The top left graph shows the error with respect to the mean angle reading in
arc seconds. The top right graph shows the same but reduced to an offset distance (i.e. y = d sin ). The
bottom graphs show the standard deviations for the fifteen measurement series in arc seconds (left) and mm
Results of angle dependence on distance for three RTS instruments are shown in Figure 2. All
of the results are within the manufacturers quoted specifications. Nevertheless, there are very
clear systematic tendencies in these curves. Using a model developed for the instruments
shown in Figure 2 improves the overall results in the least squares network calculations.
Not shown in figure 2 are very similar results for a laser tracker angle dependence on
distance. Once again the systematic errors can be modelled and employed to improve overall
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
A second example of instrument calibration which recently started at the ESRF is the
calibration of laser tracker ADM instruments. This technique also permits the verification of
the laser tracker interferometer. It cannot serve as an interferometer calibration which is
typically done using a frequency comparison.
ADM error (mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Distance (m)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Distance (m)
SD Interferometer error (um)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Distance (m)
Figure 3 The top graph shows calibration results for a laser tracker ADM as between 1.9m and 20m. The
middle graph shows the standard deviation (i.e. repeatability) for the 4 calibration series of laser tracker ADM.
The overall standard deviation is 20 um.The bottom graph shows the standard deviation of the laser tracker IFM
(interferometer) between 1.9m and 50m for 4 calibration series with the same laser tracker. The overall standard
deviation is 2 um.
A development program concerning theodolite angle calibration against an angle standard has
been instigated at the ESRF. The aim of this program is to characterize theodolite angle errors
as close to their normal operational conditions and over the instruments full circle.
The cornerstone of this program is very precise rotation stage coined TMM for Theodolite
Measuring Machine. This instrument, in combination with several other instruments and
techniques comprises the angle standard and can be employed for the calibration of theodolite
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
To calibrate the Theodolite on the TMM; a target located at approximately 6m is sighted; the
TMM is turned through an angle; the theodolite is rotated back through the same angle; the
target is re-observed; and the results compared. One of the main advantages of this method is
that any angle displacement over 360 can be investigated.
At present this is an ongoing project. Nevertheless, the TMM has been shown to be capable
of discriminating angular movements on its main rotation axis better than 0.05 arc-seconds. A
system of capacitive probes is used to correct for parasitic movements on the other 5 degrees
of freedom of the TMM. They have demonstrated that it is possible to make a simultaneous
determination of the three translation and two tilt motions of the TMM with uncertainties of
less than 50 nm and 0.1 arc-seconds for translational and rotational movements
No one can doubt the importance of standards in the modern world. It is remarked that
surveyors are becoming more and more involved in the standardization process. This is
clearly underpinned by importance standards have taken on in surveying profession and the
FIG today. One important aspect of standards is the periodic testing and calibration of survey
instruments. The ISO standard 17123 Optics and Optical Instruments - Field Procedures for
Testing Geodetic and Surveying Instruments is concerned with survey instrument testing.
However, it is important to not confuse instrument testing with calibration. The ESRF
calibration bench is accredited by COFRAC under the ISO/CEI 17025 standard to issue
calibration certificates for electronic distance measuring instruments in the range of 2 to 50 m
and 2 to 113m. The enlarged uncertainty for these calibrations is 0.09 mm + 0.75q for 2m to
50m; and 0.13 mm + 0.7q for 1.9m to 113 m. Here q is the instrument resolution. A system
is presently under development to extend these activities to laser tracker absolute distance
measuring instruments.
Systematic errors with angle residuals were observed in the least squares calculations issued
from the ESRF Storage Ring survey network. This has led us to investigate the possibility of
angle error dependence with distance. Several tests have been made on the ESRF calibration
bench which shows that there indeed exists such dependence with both theodolites and laser
trackers. Other tests of angle errors over the full theodolite circle with respect to a very high
precision standard are also under investigation.
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
1. Martin, D. Instrumentation and Survey Networks at the ESRF. in Eigth International Workshop
on Accelerator Alignment. 2004. CERN, Geneva Switzerland.
2. ISO, ISO in brief International Standards for a sustainable world, I.O.f. Standardization,
Editor. 2005, International Organization for Standardization.
3. Greenway, I., FIG Guide on Standardisation. 2006, FIG Task Force on Standards.
4. Laroche, G., Prsentation de lAssurance Qualit dEDF et des Activi des Grands Acheteurs.
XYZ Revue de l'Association Franais de Topographie, 1994. 60(3).
5. Kasser, M., Les Nouveaux Textes Rglementaires Franais en Matire de Prcision des Levers.
XYZ Revue de l'Association Franais de Topographie, 2003. 96(3): p. 31-34.
6. ISO, Quality management systems Requirements. 2000: International Organization for
7. Staiger, R., Le Contrle des Instruments Godsiques. XYZ Revue de l'Association Franais de
Topographie, 2004. 99(2): p. 39-46.
8. Martin, D., G. Gatta, and J.D. Maillefaud. ESRF Calibration Bench Activities. in FIG Working
Week 2003. 2003. Ecole National de Sciences Gographiques (ENSG) and IGN, Marne la Valle, Paris, France.
9. Martin, D. Instrumentation and Calibration at the ESRF. in Seventh International Workshop on
Accelerator Alignment. 2002. SPRING-8, Japan.
10. Martin, D. The Analysis of Parasitic Movements on a High Precision Rotation Table. in MEDSI
2006. 2006. Himeji Japan.
David Martin is head of the ESRF Alignment and Geodesy Group. He received a MSc in
Surveying from the Department of Geomatic Engineering, University College London,
England. He spent two years at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research),
followed by a short time at TRIUMF (Tri-universities Meson Facility) at University of
British Columbia, Canada. He has worked for the last sixteen years at the ESRF. He has
published a number of papers concerning accelerator alignment, survey instrument
calibration and hydrostatic levelling systems.
Gilles Gatta is employed at the ESRF. He received his degree in Applied and Industrial
Mathematics from the Universit Joseph Fourier, Grenoble France in 1998. He is an active
member in the calibration bench accreditation and research program.
David Martin
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
6, rue Jules Horowitz
BP 220
F-38043 Grenoble Cedex 09
Tel. + 33 4 76 88 22 45
Fax + 33 4 76 88 23 13
Email: [email protected]
Web site:
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David Martin and Gilles Gatta
Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF
From 2 m to 50 m
From 32 m to 80 m
From 65 m t 113 m
Figure 4 Schematic view of the 1.9m to 50m and 1.9m to 113m EDM calibration technique. For the 113m
calibration, first a 50m calibration is performed. Second two mirrors (M1) are used for comparative overlapping
measurements between 32m and 80m. Third mirrors M1 are move out of the way and measurements are made
between 65m and 113m using mirrors M2.
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Calibration of Total Stations Instruments at the ESRF