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Écrit par Victor Hugo

Raconté par Bidou

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À propos de ce livre audio

Quatrevingt-treize de Victor Hugo est un récit historique captivant sur la Révolution française qui suit trois hommes: un noble, un prêtre et un paysan, dont les destins se croisent sur le champ de bataille. Le roman offre une réflexion profonde sur l'humanité, la guerre et la justice. Plongez-vous dans ce chef-d'œuvre intemporel rempli d'action, de suspense et de réflexion.
Date de sortie24 juin 2023

Victor Hugo

Victor-Marie Hugo (1802 1885), sometimes nicknamed the Ocean Man, was a French Romantic writer and politician. During a literary career that spanned more than sixty years, he wrote in a variety of genres and forms. He is considered to be one of the greatest writers of all time.His most famous works are the novels The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831) and Les Misérables (1862). In France, Hugo is renowned for his poetry collections, such as Les Contemplations (The Contemplations) and La Légende des siècles (The Legend of the Ages). Hugo was at the forefront of the Romantic literary movement with his play Cromwell and drama Hernani. Many of his works have inspired music, both during his lifetime and after his death, including the opera Rigoletto and the musicals Les Misérables and Notre-Dame de Paris. He produced more than 4,000 drawings in his lifetime, and campaigned for social causes such as the abolition of capital punishment and slavery.Although he was a committed royalist when young, Hugo's views changed as the decades passed, and he became a passionate supporter of republicanism, serving in politics as both deputy and senator. His work touched upon most of the political and social issues and the artistic trends of his time. His opposition to absolutism, and his literary stature, established him as a national hero. Hugo died on 22 May 1885, aged 83. He was given a state funeral in the Panthéon of Paris, which was attended by over 2 million people, the largest in French history.

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