"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Friday, November 10, 2023

Farewell to For Everything a Season

I don't know if it's a sign of my age or why it is that I feel like every other day the weekend is here again! The thing is, I love weekends but they never used to come fast enough. It has made me ask, where did the missing days go? 

I lay awake one night, thinking of how I began my blog, expressing the epitome of being in the fall season of my life, a life full of the colors of the changes that had transpired as our kids had found their mates and grandchildren were coming along. And just as fall is a time of new beginnings, I was also basking in wonderful new beginnings and changes. 

When I began this writing journey fifteen years ago today, I had no idea how much of my life would be captured, here now for my own memory keepsake. An easy way to write a book, one day at a time. I am so grateful for the treasures I find here. Precious discussions with littles, trips across the ocean to be with some of them, seeing my mom fall in love again, to walking her through her experiences with Alzheimers, family vacations, cooking experiences, fashion ideas, friendships, homemaking, reflections, spiritual and otherwise. 

Looking at these years, I also see how much has changed once again! Missing days today saying something about no more weekly grandkids being dropped off, no more Mondays with Mom or planning activities around my H's work schedule, and no more recipes to publish. These changes speak of how one season merges into the next, purposely slowing us down as we enter another one. 

For the first time all of our children and grandchildren are settled near us.  Our retirement home is large enough to host family, enough yard work to keep my H happy and our home filled with fresh flowers. Life is good.  We have so much to be thankful for, much to look forward to! But by now, I feel like I've captured a good segment of life and it is time to close this book.  To call it done. 

As I've had this post in draft for some time, I've come back to it many times, seeing that it is not an easy one to publish, but I need to, because I want to say thank you to everyone who has visited and kept me motivated to keep writing. I want to thank all who have mentioned to me in person, at one time or another, that you read my blog. Also, thank you to all secret readers.  Those dots on the visitor map have surprised me over and over again. I really wish I could know more about you but also respect the fact that you could just come and go, hopefully laughed and cried because life has a way of connecting us. 

For my last wish I am reminded of the words in a song by Scott Wesley Brown. 

I could wish you joy and peace
To last a whole life long
I could wish you sunshine
Or a cheerful little song
Or wish you all the happiness
That this life could bring
But I wish you Jesus, more than anything

King Solomon, who wrote about there being a season for everything, came to the conclusion that God has planted eternity in the human heart. ( Ecclesiastes 3:11)  I love that! God has given us a deep awareness and desire for more. We can try all things this world has to offer, but in the end, it is a "more" that only our Creator can fill. Doesn't that make sense? My prayer and hope is this peace for you. Until we meet. 

Auf wiedersehen, farewell my friends. 🤍🤍🤍