This past week, as I was decorating this house one more time,
I had the chance to reminisce ...
and look back at the years that have flown by.
We moved into this home 1987
Julene was nine, Kristal seven and Benji four years old.
(in the family room)
There were the years of trains, table hockey,
maple town and barbies.
Moments of pure anticipation ...
sparkly eyes and mittens.
Christmas was always a time for extra practices.
whether it meant playing an instrument, singing or page turning.
And this photo just makes me smile.
How the room has changed since 1994.
The teen years snuck up on us.
as well as the last Christmas before college days.
We welcomed Chris into the family in 2000.
I was so proud to set the table for my growing family of six!
It felt official.
Christmas break 2002 we welcomed Shaun,
and he and Kristal made their home in California

Christmas 2004 we celebrated early,
as Chris and Julene with two babies left for Indonesia
It now sounds easier than it was - 15 years ago.
Shaun and Kristal came home for Christmas 2005
with a wonderful precious cargo.
And Ben brought home a special girl ... Kari
The photo couch in 2005
with a message to our Indonesia family
The following year our Indonesia kids had a Christmas furlough
but we missed our California family.
The beginning of cousin times in 2010
Shaun and Kristal moved here and Chris and Julene took a break.
And so ... for a few years, all the cousins were home.
Hanging out in the family room that has seen some changes.
We initiated a gift opening chair,
so that the gift opener could have some space.
The kids' table
and the adult table
And back to one full table in 2014.
Christmas 2016, just days before Jack came along.
I left all of the tree decor in the box and decorated with blue bulbs.
Little concerts before opening gifts
have become tradition,
as well as cousin photos,
taking turns facetiming across the ocean
and we can't forget Papa's overflowing lap and stories.
How very blessed we have been in this home ...
it brings me to happy tears of joy and gratefulness
(For all) the special times
Times we'll remember
the precious times ... the tender times
we'll hold in our hearts forever...
These are the sweetest times
These times together
And through it all, one thing will always be true
The special times are the times I share with you,
(Celine Dion)