"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Monday, December 30, 2019

Happy Birthday Jack


Before the year ends, there is one more birthday to celebrate -
 already a few days late.
But we are not going to miss it!

Dear Jack Benjamin -
youngest and dearly loved -
the day has come,
I wish time to stand still -
to treasure these fleeting days -
pre-school days and all that they hold 
... one last time.

Your love and hugs so freely given,
conversations with no distractions,
anticipation of simple joys -
wishes we can still fulfill.
Building, driving - dreams of boys
yet a heart filled with tenderness
 ... there to bless.

Pancakes with sugar,
eyes that twinkle,
wiggles and jigs that make us laugh.
So many stories yet to read,
tractors to ride, songs yet to sing
and cuddles to fit in,
even - and especially - when you are three!

Happy Birthday, 
with love and gratefulness for you!

Papa and Mimi


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Christmas Day - On Both Sides of the World

Christmas has come and gone once more ...
and these posts begin to have a familiarity about them.

One change that we really appreciate
is the ease of face time on What's App.
We watched our far away family open gifts
on our Christmas Eve - their Christmas.
Most gifts were a surprise even to us,
as it's been so long since I packed them.
Tradition says that Christmas afternoon begins with appies.
Papa reads a Christmas story.
Oops ... this time there was no concert from the kids.
They said we had watched them at school. ... and at the cabin.
True, but not sure if we'll let them get off so easy next time.

Then ... from youngest to oldest ...
the kids open their gifts.
We all love to watch.
As soon as everyone is done ...
or maybe even before ...
some sneak off to play with their  new toys ...

Pretty much the same as always ...
but the last time in this house.

I took a photo of the kids' around the table.
They ate and scooted downstairs, 
while we (adults) had our own dinner
and dragged out our gift opening.

My favorite night of the year ...
When everyone with their belongings
 had to be gathered for the homegoing ...
this was the scene we came upon in the family room.
And that about sums up how we all felt.
Blissfully content and ready for a good sleep.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Santa comes to the Lakehouse

Our Janzen gathering was held at the lake again
as has become tradition.
We had no snow on the ground, but the view across the lake was amazing!

We got there early to set up extra tables in the garage.
As our family grows, we find ways to make room.
Monika had the turkey cooking and we enjoyed the quiet,
peeling potatoes and enjoying the anticipation of every one's arrival.

Dinner was a wonderful time to catch up ...
It was the first time I met my twin great-nieces from Seattle.
After dinner the kids shut themselves in the upstairs rec-room
and told us not to come in, as they practiced a play.
Out of the mouths of babes ...
we saw the familiar story acted out ...
Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus,
the angels, the shepherds and the wise men.

This was followed by a story and some carol singing
and then Santa showed up!
What a surprise! 
Kristal sent me a video that I, for some reason, cannot load ..
but there's me, laughing/giggling all the way. 
Santa's voice sounded so familiar! 
Fourteen out of Oma's twenty-five great-grandchildren were there.
We missed a few local ones (including Jack) most due to sickness
and the seven overseas ... in Victoria and Indonesia.

This is a time when we make a conscious decision to
keep meeting, even when Oma and Opa cannot be there anymore.
I visited my mom the following day and had her listen to the songs.
She does not focus well on photos, but she can hear well.
I told her that we will keep meeting 
and she communicated with a look of joy in her eyes.
A picture that speaks volumes. 

Wishing you and yours,
this peace and joy that only Christ can give. 

Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 23, 2019

Walking Through Walls

It's the season for miracles and 
much anticipation! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Special Day

Today Mom is 85!
She used to apologize that we had to fuss about her birthday
so close to Christmas ...
never being one to expect anything.

I think back over the years we celebrated -
my favorite being the times when Monika and I took her shopping -
she'd be giddy with excitement about trying on clothes
and we could tell when she felt beautiful in something new. 

Five years ago the grandchildren surprised her 
with a Perishky baking party -
nothing that she would have enjoyed more
than showing them how.
It was, I think, if we could ask her, 
one of her favorite birthdays
and one of her last times fully there, 
before the fog settled in.

I've been thinking about what it would be like
if we could have "her" back for a day ...
sneak up on her in her kitchen,
singing as she works.
How would I plan out the day with her?
What would we do? 
What would I ask her?

I try again and again, to come up with the perfect day ...
to have her roll out one more dough with me,
to share her favorite muffin and coffee,
to listen to her stories.
To have her ask questions about the family,
 to tell her about what the kids are doing -
what is happening in our lives,
the hard things and the sweet things.

... and I realize a day would not suffice.
We have all these wonderful memories that 
take up decades of time.
That is our gift.
And one day we will have eternity -
to catch up on these few missing years.

I love you, Mom


Friday, December 13, 2019

'Tis the Season

 As I title this post, I can't help but think of the name of this blog ...
for everything a season.
So why ... "Tis the Season"
Maybe because for always this one stands out ...
drawing us, because God has set eternity in our hearts.
I've been listening to Noel
the story of amazing love ... truly one of my favorites,
sung by Lauren Daigle ...

 Last week we had our staff party with Calvin and Heather Dyck as guest musicians.
 We also had our annual MGCC party, hosted by Julie and her hubby in their clubhouse.
For more details you may want to see Ellen's beautiful pictures.

Of course, there's been some good aromas coming from the kitchen.
 We've listened to children who have practiced hard ...
 beautiful music, 
inviting us into the celebration of the Light of the World,
the gift given to us.

I've been wrapping and hiding our own gifts,
while even the house, we keep going back to,
has had it's own wrapping. 

So much going on ... I keep saying it.
If I really think about it all at once,
I'm overwhelmed.
Yet, I want to focus on keeping the main thing 
the main thing. 
"Tis the season ... reminding us of
Hope, Joy, Love and Peace -
not only for the season.


Saturday, November 30, 2019

These Were the Special Times

This past week, as I was decorating this house one more time,
I had the chance to reminisce ...
and look back at the years that have flown by.
 We moved into this home 1987
Julene was nine, Kristal seven and Benji four years old.
(in the family room)

There were the years of trains, table hockey,
maple town and barbies.

Moments of pure anticipation ...
sparkly eyes and mittens.

Christmas was always a time for extra practices.
whether it meant playing an instrument, singing or page turning.

And this photo just makes me smile. 
How the room has changed since 1994.

 The teen years snuck up on us.

as well as the last Christmas before college days.

We welcomed Chris into the family in 2000.

I was so proud to set the table for my growing family of six!
It felt official.

Christmas break 2002 we welcomed Shaun,
and he and Kristal made their home in California

 Christmas 2004 we celebrated early,
as Chris and Julene with two babies left for Indonesia
It now sounds easier than it was -  15 years ago.
Shaun and Kristal came home for Christmas 2005
with a wonderful precious cargo.

 And Ben brought home a special girl ... Kari

 The photo couch in 2005 
with a message to our Indonesia family

The following year our Indonesia kids had a Christmas furlough
  but we missed our California family.
 The beginning of cousin times in 2010

Shaun and Kristal moved here and Chris and Julene took a break.
And so ... for a few years, all the cousins were home.

Hanging out in the family room that has seen some changes.
We initiated a gift opening chair, 
so that the gift opener could have some space.

 The kids' table
and the adult table

And back to one full table in 2014.

Christmas 2016, just days before Jack came along.
I left all of the tree decor in the box and decorated with blue bulbs.

Little concerts before opening gifts
have become tradition,
as well as cousin photos,
 taking turns facetiming across the ocean

and we can't forget Papa's overflowing lap and stories.
How very blessed we have been in this home ...
it brings me to happy tears of joy and gratefulness

(For all) the special times
Times we'll remember
the precious times ... the tender times
we'll hold in our hearts forever...

These are the sweetest times
These times together
And through it all, one thing will always be true
The special times are the times I share with you,
(Celine Dion)
