Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University
Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü
《象天法地——阿房宫遗址公园规划设计中的想象力》 Written in Chinese, the ideology of "similizing the heaven and following the earth and the unity of heaven and human beings " as well as the ultra-scale planning are reflected and perfected in the urban planning... more
《炽热的背影——古波斯帝国阿契美尼德王都遗址》 Written in Chinese, focused on the two famous world cultural heritages, Pasargadae and Persepolis in Iran. The two archaeological sites witnessed the rise and fall of the ancient Persian Empire who ruled vast... more
Written in Chinese, Three poetic story of historical and present Istanbul: Istanbul form Cats' view, Dreams and Smokes from Ottoman, Ramadan and Kına Night of Turkish wedding, Published in Hui Literature, Xinjiang 2016 (2), p. 94-102... more
Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi El Yazma Kütüphanesinde yer alan H. 2153 ve H. 2160 numaralı iki nadide albüm ile Saray Albümleri (TSMK H. 2152, H. 2153, H. 2154, H. 2160 ve SBB Diez Albümü) arasında önemli iki sanat koleksiyonun içeriklerinin çoğu... more
作为世界三大天启性的一神教之一,伊斯兰教对偶像崇拜的严格禁止,引发了与宗教文化关系紧密的造型美术在宗教教义和逊尼教法限制下的生存危机。但是人性的瑕疵、追求美的本能和欲望,不可能仅因几行教条戒律的限制就会被有效抑制甚至消失的。反观宗教自身,在创始之后也并不是一成不变的,而是不断地在冲突和争论中自我修正、逐步完善发展起来的。本文针对伊斯兰教的绘画艺术是如何在宗教的发展历程中被限制和禁止,又是如何找到教义的合法性而存活发展下来的这一问题进行了探讨,并试图梳理出细密画发展初期其背后所... more
With the development of Chinese chapter novel and popularization of printing technology, sums of line illustrations adopted in the editions of Ming and Qing period. The earliest known portrait of Zheng He originated from the illustration... more
- by Chuanyi Lei
With the development of Chinese chapter novel and the popularization of printing technology, sums of line illustrations were adopted in the editions of Ming and Qing periods. The earliest known portrait of Zheng He originated from the... more
随着章回小说的发展和印刷术的普及,明清时代的刻本书籍中涌现了大量白描插图。郑和的形象历史上没有过多可信的图像记载,现已知最早的郑和绣像源于明万历26年(1598)刻本《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》第21回插图。20世纪80年代在影视媒体到来之前,连环画在中国大陆迎来了第二次繁荣,这一时期诞生了多部以郑和为题材的连环画作品,丰富了郑和的形象表达。这一时期诞生的郑和绣像形象深入人心,直到21世纪初中国穆斯林画家阿里雷公用其开创的中国伊斯兰细密画风格重绘了“和平使者郑和”,让郑和的形象... more
赛尔柱时期的绘画艺术深受摩尼教的影响,并将波斯文学作品作为绘画创作的主要对象。现藏于伊斯坦布尔托普卡帕宫图书馆的第841号珍宝《瓦尔卡与古尔莎的爱情叙事诗》(Varka ve Gülşah... more
现藏于土耳其伊斯坦布尔托普卡珀宫图书馆的波斯册页是15-16世纪中西文化艺术在伊斯兰文化圈所汇集交流的结晶。册页中的作品内容、风格多样,且创作的时代跨度长和地域分布广,极具学术研究价值;册页在战争中多次易主,不断加入不同宫廷的收藏品,也有大量散乱的残页散页,这些作品最终在奥斯曼帝国的宫廷画院完成了整合工作。主要以细密画、书法、草稿和装饰图案为主的几本波斯册页中夹杂着的纸本、绢本的中国画摹本,在上世纪七八十年代引起了众多艺术史学者的关注。本文从图像和技法的角度梳理了受中国画影响... more
2016年盛夏时节,第40届世界遗产大会在土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布尔如期开幕.正当各国与会专家开始进入状态探讨正式议题时,战斗机的低空呼啸和博斯普鲁斯大桥上的枪声让这座历史文化名城再次陷入了军事政变(未遂)中. 在... more
Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda 16. yüzyılda yaygınlaşan topografik İstanbul tasvirlerinin Pîrî Reis’in denizcilik haritalarından Matrakçı Nasuh’un menzilnâmesi ve saray şehnameleri minyatürlerine kadar Türk sanat tarihinde ayrı bir yer vardır.... more
This paper describes a study to examine how a social situation can be simulated in a virtual environment, and how to provoke the same behavioral response as in a real life social situation. The aim is to create new Virtual Reality worlds... more