Showing posts with label words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label words. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

October Daily 11


Have you noticed the increased use of the word "curated?" It seems that nowadays one can have a meticulously curated closet, carefully curated music, and read a marvelously curated menu at a restaurant. Doing a little desultory research, I discovered that curated is relatively new to the English language, first used in print in 1990. 

Before 1990 the use of curate indicated a parish priest who was charged with the care of souls. A later form of the word is curator, indicating someone who "oversees or manages a place" such as a museum or a zoo. This is often the person who chooses the art or animals. 

The question arises, can one curate anything? According to this article by Merriam Webster, maybe so, maybe not. 

I could say that I carefully curated the fabrics for the quilt I finally completed today. However, I used a variety of scraps - pieces of Tim's dress shirts, remnants from sewing children's clothing, etc, so that can hardly be called curated. 

The use of the word is increasing and causing some discomfort to English purists. I know that I find it somewhat pretentious, and there is nothing wrong with just saying "chosen", as in, "She has a carefully chosen collection of dahlias." 

My own dahlia collection is eclectic and that little pompom dahlia at the top is a tiny one, just 1 1/2 inches across. It has been in a pot, and I find they do better in the ground, so that's where it will go next year. 

How shocked I was to look out my kitchen window and see the clematis (General Sikorski) blooming again! That has never happened before. I also noticed new buds forming on my (carefully curated) rosebushes. 

Have you noticed the increased use of 'curated'? Do you find it jarring or odd?

Friday, January 02, 2015

It's Just One Word

1. have the courage to do something 
synonyms: be brave enough, have the courage, venture, have the nerve, have the temerity, be so bold as, have the audacity, risk, hazard, take the liberty, stick one's neck out, go out on a limb

I'm pretty much a chicken. I like my comfortable routines. I've done a few brave things in my life, but I mostly settle for the easy. 
Over the past few weeks, I've returned again and again to look at the photos from the 4 year old birthday party. From these photos I've taken my word for 2015 - Dare.

There have been some hurts and hard things in the past few years that have caused me to draw into myself, to trust God less and worry more. Less laughter, more cynicism. 

Time to change that. To Dare.

Dare - to be myself

Dare - to trust God

Dare - to believe the best of others

Dare - to love without judging

Dare - to stretch myself

Dare - to dream and then work to form it into reality

Dare - to try new adventures

Dare. That's my word for 2015. 

I don't know what measure of joy or sadness will be poured out for me during this year. My intention is to live each day as God gives it to me, daring to be the person He wants me to be. 

At times I'll likely stick my neck out. Other times I'll dare to keep my mouth firmly shut. Both may prove difficult. 

How about you? Intentions? Goals? Any words or phrases to set the tone for this year? I'd love to hear them.  

Friday, August 10, 2012

Karma Cheese, or Words in a Family Lexicon

Date: December 26 (Boxing Day), probably 2004
Setting: 7 AM, on the ferry from Victoria to the mainland
Characters: One bright-eyed father, one dopey mother (DM), one newly daughter (DD1) and her husband, one university-age son, one university-age daughter.

DD1 (seated across the aisle from DM): Did you bring any karma cheese?

DM: Huh? What's karma cheese? Is it a Dutch thing?

DD1: No, you know, Mom - Karma Cheese

DM: Huh? (it was very early, the day after Christmas) I have no idea what Karma Cheese is. Is it good?

DD1: (patiently) Not cheese, Mom. C A R   M U N C H I E S - You know, food for the trip. I brought Banana Bread.

DM:  Oh. 

And thus, a new phrase was added to our family lexicon. Now, when heading out on a trip, someone is sure to ask about the Karma Cheese. 

Our bags are packed and we're ready to sail on whatever ferry we land on this afternoon. We have books to read if we have to wait, as is likely this time of year.

The bathrooms are scrubbed, the floors vacuumed, the plants watered, shirts are ironed. With time to spare I thought of Karma Cheese aka Car Munchies. I had some pastry shells in the freezer so I thought a few butter tarts might not come amiss. In the oven within 5 minutes. Easy.

What's your preferred Karma Cheese (car munchy)?

Arriving Home

  After a trip, be it long or short, how wonderful it is to walk through my own front door. All the rooms seem to welcome me, enfolding me i...