This paper reviews GRETL, a software package for econometrics. Mainly it discusses GRETL's merits as an aid in teaching undergraduate econometrics. This discussion is in two parts. First one author, an instructor, reviews the teaching of... more
The analytical focus in this paper is to determine the tenability of two theoretical concepts of environmental economics in the Slovak Republic: the hypothesis of the environmental Kuznets curve and the hypothesis of Slovakia as a... more
Globalization of the world economy enables companies and individuals to move across borders and seek new opportunities and business options in other countries. To do so persons may need to transfer residency or shift assets of permanent... more
Scientific literature has proposed a number of indicators that are successful in predicted future of company's default. Our study is focused to enrich of the literature by presenting data on the potential tax liability as a warning sign... more
This paper main question is whether decisions of Slovak companies about cross-border financial restructuring are affected by taxes. Using a questionnaire survey we investigated the opinions of Slovak companies' managers on the selected... more
There are two main ways of international tax cooperation: unification of tax provisions and exchange of information for tax purposes. Even if the last one is hardly acceptable, still it seems to be more tolerable than the former one.... more
There are various potential determinants of foreign direct investment inflows, income tax being one of them. However, empirical investigations into the determinants of foreign direct investment inflows have delivered heterogeneous... more
Currently, businesses or companies apply various tools of financial engineering on improvement of their performance. One of such tools refers to acquisitions through which companies can profit from synergic effects, reduce operating cost... more
Na Slovensku sa človek zaujímajúci sa o liberalizmus stretáva predovšetkým s libertarianizmom a anarchokapitalizmom rakúskej školy čo je často na škodu, lebo ide o pomerne zúžený pohľad na filozofiu liberalizmu. O to, aby sa vyrovnal... more
Finančný trh nesmeruje k rovnováhe, dokáže však vlastné výkyvy krátkodobo korigovať. Jednotlivec často zlyháva pri rozhodovaní o efektívnom využití vzácnych zdrojov, no v priemere je toto zlyhávanie najvýraznejšie vtedy, ak sa dá... more
Publikácia Slovensko 2010. Správa o stave spoločnosti a demokracie a o trendoch na rok 2011 je modifikovaným pokračovaním série analytických ročeniek vydávaných Inštitútom pre verejné otázky. V tohtoročnej publikácii sme sa väčšmi... more
Rozvoj fungujúcej spoločnosti si vyžaduje dodržiavanie zákonov ako stanovených pravidiel hry. Ak sú vnímané ako spravodlivé a prospešné, pomáhajú k upevneniu presvedčenia, že čestný život sa oplatí. Pokiaľ toto presvedčenie neexistuje,... more
Situácia s ktorou bola v oblasti verejných financií konfrontovaná novonastupujúca vláda koncom júla 2010 bola skutočne nezávideniahodná. Dva posledné roky vlády Roberta Fica znamenali pre Slovensko enormné deficity atakujúce hranicu... more
Cieľom tejto štúdie je analýza rozpočtovej legislatívy a poskytnutie prehľadu ako aj komplexného pohľadu na jednotlivé jej časti. Najdôležitejšou súčasťou rozpočtového práva v SR je predovšetkým zákon o rozpočtových pravidlách verejnej... more
The Open Budget Survey uses internationally accepted criteria developed by multilateral organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the International... more
The main objective of this study is to analyze the current tax system in Moldova, identify its gaps and propose modifications leading to its revision, setting a foundation for a new tax policy in Moldova. On the other hand, the crisis... more
At the beginning of March 2020, Slovakia found itself in a situation unparalleled in its modern history. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a wave of uncertainty into regular live of people. This uncertainty has affected every aspect of... more