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Dividend paying with Erc20Votes

I want to implement dividends in my platform working with an erc20votes token from Openzeppelin. The platform works with holders delegating their balance as votes to a representative. The elected ...
wolf dun's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why is it called “quadratic” voting?

What’s “quadratic” about it? Do the votes somehow exhibit “multiplicative” behavior, relative to one another (since each person must subdivide their votes, so the final tally is more like ratios or ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
2 votes
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Does each validator have equal voting right in a committee?

I am very new to Ethereum. I am wondering once validators are selected for a committee, does every validator have equal voting right? Or their voting rights are weighted by their deposit balances? ...
your_chinesemom's user avatar
1 vote
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"Migrations" hit an invalid opcode while deploying [duplicate]

I do not understand why this is happening, I have tried many solutions, but still without effect. Updating the truffle version did not help. truffle migrate --reset 1_initial_migration.js =============...
Vi S's user avatar
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What are the pros and cons of using OpenZeppelin ERC20Votes?

I want to use this extension for an ERC20 token. What are the pros and cons (if any) of adding this to it?
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Voting smart contract help highest voted function?

first, I apologize for this very simple question. I'm starting my studies on smart contract can someone explain highest voted function in this contract? // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ...
Mahmoud Ibrahim Mourad's user avatar
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ERC721 as DAO voting

I'm attempting to create ERC-721 with Dao voting power. Firstly, I want to make an ERC721 nft of different types like hero nft, legend nft, rare nft, uncommon nft, and common nft. Is it possible to ...
Nagori Mustakim's user avatar
2 votes
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What happens on curves VotingEscrow contract after 5 years?

I am studying the Voting Escrow contract and im looking to incorporate it in a project im building. In the _checkpoint function , there is this for loop: t_i: uint256 = (last_checkpoint / WEEK) * ...
cutedwannabe's user avatar
0 votes
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Getting "Unknown Proposal ID" when casting vote in DAO

I am having trouble voting in my DAO. I have created a ERC721 Token and a DAO, both using the OpenZeppelin Wizard // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.9; import "@openzeppelin/...
Niccola's user avatar
2 votes
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payable extension required?

I am writing a simple contract to replicate a voting session led by a president. The contract compiles correctly, however, I can't deploy it because of the following error: "Note: The called ...
Federico Gambassi's user avatar
4 votes
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Curve Voting Escrow Explanations

Curve Voting Escrow has gradually become the de facto approach for DeFi projects of gaining, decaying and consuming voting power through the functions on their smart contract. The original contract ...
Maxareo's user avatar
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OpenZeppelin Governor quorumNumerator question

I may have some misunderstanding of OZ's Governor contract's QuorumNumerator and how to determine if a member of the DAO's has enough tokens/voting power to reach quorum. Please help! Thanks. For ...
chrisb's user avatar
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DAO like functionality on Gnosis?

I am a Gnosis newbie. Want to set up a safe for an investor group. It seems like the safe has awesome functionality for that. As the group potentially expands beyond my small circle, may offer ...
Daniel Faber's user avatar
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"Election" hit an invalid opcode while deploying. truffle migrate

I'm just getting started with Solidity and ran into a problem that I can't solve. The error below displays when you try to migrate truffle migrate --reset 2_deploy_contracts.js ===================== ...
keron31's user avatar
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Contract too big

My contract size is too big. It's an erc20 token with RFI and a voting extension from Openzeppelin. ERC20 + RFI is fine. (21KB) ERC20 + Voting extension is fine too. (16KB) But ERC20 + RFI + Voting is ...
Alexandre Martens's user avatar
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Out of gas & Exceeds block gas limit, but contract size <24KB

I've 2 contracts I'm trying to deploy on mainnet-fork, but I keep getting this error: VirtualMachineError: out of gas When I try to increase the gas limit, I get this: ValueError: Exceeds block gas ...
Alexandre Martens's user avatar
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Smart Contract > 24kb

I've a smart contract that's already optimised but the bytecode is still 60kb. (~1.5k lines, comments excluded (I know lines does not matter but it's to give you a better idea)) It's an ERC20Token ...
Alexandre Martens's user avatar
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Voting without paying fees

I'm Alex and currently exploring the governance smart contracts. I would like to create an ERC20 token where holders are able to vote/sign multiple propositions made by the owners account. Is there a ...
Alexandre Martens's user avatar
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How to allow each voter to vote only once? [Very Simple Voting Contract]

first, I apologize for this very very very simple question. I'm starting my studies on smart contracts, and after many attempts, I have not been able to solve this problem. Objectively, this is a ...
Cris Grazina's user avatar
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Can a flash loan used to flash attack a smart contract?

I am new to flash loans. Let us say I have smart contract where people vote. Your voting power on this contract is based on how many token x you have. The votes are yes and no and the vote with more ...
YulePale's user avatar
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MakerDAO MKR Withdrawal. Continuous Approval Voting

When I want to vote on some proposals, I need to lock some MKR tokens. Does it mean that I withdraw my MKR tokens, then the result of voting may change even after it has finished? Does Continuous ...
Кирилл Волков's user avatar
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Accessing database in solidity

I am developing a voting application using blockchain (ganache). So basically i am registering the candidates by a web form and storing the data in phpmyadmin database. Now i want to access this data ...
Pari Deshpande's user avatar
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Block Chain Polling/Voting using Honest/Costly Signalling [Why is this wrong, can this system work?]

This Poll measures (Support for X) not (People who support X) You signal support for a candidate by forfeiting any amount of value to a candidate specific address in return you get... A public and ...
T. Thomas's user avatar
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How come Blockchain Voting is decentralised and secure if it's controlled by ethereum network?

I'm building a voting Dapp using ethereum blockchain but I have a doubt. The best thing about blockchain is that it's decentralized, transparent and secure i.e. no middleman or centralized server ...
minsuga's user avatar
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Offchain voting

Are there any voting based approaches where voting would happen off chain, via signed messages, but then the result could be indepedently verified or even stored on chain? Voting rights are based on ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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Is it possible to do vote and participate in crowd-sale using Forwarder address?

Currently, I am using Metamask (Ropsten TestNet). And I want to implement one voting cum crowd-sale process, the scenario is given below: Want to make the voting process in this if Voter is voted to ...
Rudrika's user avatar
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Token based voting approach [closed]

I want to implement a voting approach and already watched some tutorials. My question is: Is it possible to send out voting tokens to voters that also gather data about the voters? Like for example ...
Meowzen's user avatar
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How does Casper record votes efficiently?

I keep reading about Casper doling out rewards and punishments for voters based on how they're voting. If I am understanding this correctly, it seems that Casper punishes nodes that submit votes to ...
reedvoid's user avatar
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How to build a blind voting contract in Solidity

Can we build a smart contract where it is not possible to see the actual vote until the voting period ends? One idea is to use hashing. Voters can send a hashed version of a vote. The problem with ...
sflow's user avatar
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Delegate function really needed while loop(Voting example)?

I'm learning Solidity, and referring given example of Voting in a doc. But I'm not able to understand one thing about delegate function. Here is the Delegate method: /// Delegate your vote to the ...
Hina's user avatar
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Validating voting keys

Say eligible voters are sent voting keys they need to use to vote. A contract would have a list of the hashes of these voting keys for verification. A voter would call a function passing in their ...
iH8WorkingWith.NetGraphics's user avatar
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where ethereum application store data

I run one simple voting application in ethereum.... i want to know where they store the data(no of votes).. what is the mechanism for storing data.. or where data persist in ethereum i am ...
BHAWIN's user avatar
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Using Multiple Accounts from a single physical machine

Hey all, I was wondering something. I am planning to create a simple Voting Dapp for a closed election, where a number of accounts will be set up ahead of time and pre-authorised to vote. The Voting ...
Eoin Moloney's user avatar
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How many nodes can confirm the correctness of the hash value by miner?

After mining the hash value for the new block, How many nodes can confirm the correctness of the hash value by miner? In one of blockchain paper, all other nodes must mutually confirm the correctness ...
JongH's user avatar
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Has an exchange ever voted with a users tokens?

If a token allows tokenholders to vote on some issue/proposal/action or whatever, it is conceivable that a token-exchange that holds its customers' tokens could covertly, or perhaps openly, vote on ...
Thomas Brian's user avatar
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Keep data secret until a specific date

Context: Ethereum based voting system Let's say a user a user can cast a vote. The user has to choose 1 item out of 10. I believe it is possible to create a smart contract supporting such an election....
Gijs's user avatar
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Can anyone explain solidity voting application?

So I saw this example on solidity documentation site, I understand how code is working but my issue is that I am unable to understand the problem statement. The idea is to create one contract per ...
Anam Nizami's user avatar
2 votes
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Electronic Voting

Is this possible to create online election/voting system on ethereum? Is anyone working on it? How you would insure that people wouldn't create second account and vote second time? Is this possible to ...
Piliponful's user avatar
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An online voting system using blockchain technology [closed]

i gotta develop an online voting system for the student elections using blockchain technology for my university project. following are the basic requirements for my system: 1. students should be able ...
Yubi Khadka's user avatar
6 votes
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Can Ethereum based tokens be used to represent a voting share in a private company?

If tokens are issued to represent votes for a private company are they considered securities by the SEC? I want to create a legal entity, like a trust, that will appoint board members who oversee a ...
Anon's user avatar
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13 votes
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Secret ballot voting

Is it possible to organize a secret ballot voting in a smart contract One knows the number of votes casted and who have voted You know the total results of the voting However, one doesn't know who ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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Why should we use different versions of Ethereum Wallet?

In a recent Griff Green article you can read to use either version 0.6.2 or 0.7.4 of Ethereum Wallet to vote and to create a proposal. It's very confusing... From the blog post: [...]create a ...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I list The DAO proposals and vote from the command line?

Are there any command line tools to vote on The DAO proposals? I would like to: List the open proposals Check whether I have already voted on these proposals Check my voting history Vote on the ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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Where to find the documents matching the dao proposals hash?

In each proposals of the DAO there is a hash that I guess is here for us to check the proposal document matches the submission. But where to find these documents? Any official link where links to each ...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I view The DAO proposals including the current voting status?

The website provides a page for The DAO proposals. This page does not provide the current voting status. How can I view The DAO proposals including the current voting status?
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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How to force one person to only vote once?

Using DAOs, today we have The DAO that aims to be an autonomous company management system. It's ruled by the fact that the more parts of the company you own, the more voting power you own. As this is ...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
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Is The DAO voting right proportional to the account tokens balance?

Will I have more power on decisions if my token balance is high, or do I always have one vote whatever my balance is?
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I move some DAO token to another account to vote twice?

If I split my DAO tokens to 2 accounts before voting, will I be able to vote twice? Thanks.
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
8 votes
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Passive DAO participation vs. Active DAO Participation

If being part of "The DAO" is similar to being a shareholder in a company, how is the passive DAO Token holder affected by decisions made by the active participants. If for example, the ...
Absconds's user avatar
29 votes
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How many transactions can the network handle?

The voting on ethereum analysis by Dominik Schiener calculated that it would take 40 days to hold the UK general elections on the ethereum blockchain due to the transaction and gas limits. I redid ...
q9f's user avatar
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